August 2014 (1) Candygrams

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Thursday, August 14, 2014---USC Football Team Pictures

My husband Jim and I arrived at the John McKay Center at 10:30 a.m. today. We saw the stands set up on Brittingham Intramural Field in front of the John McKay statue, but it was quiet. The only people we saw outside in the alcove behind the McKay statue were four photographers. To Trojan Candy's delight, the photographers were set up to take individual football player pictures. At 11:00 am, Head Coach Steve Sarkisian came out the alcove door quickly, smiled at me, said, "Hello," with a big, warm smile, and then was off to Heritage Hall. FIGHT ON, Coach Sarkisian!

Activities were ongoing inside the John McKay Center, but Trojan Candy was not allowed inside. Good friend, USC photographer Dan Avila was taking individual pictures of the Freshmen. Dan told me that each Freshman wore a coat and tie. NICE! The players were signing footballs for Ron Orr.

Around 11:15 am, the players started coming out to the alcove, one by one, dressed in their uniforms for their pictures. Trojan Candy was so excited to see her friends again! We are not allowed to volunteer anymore in Heritage Hall, so I miss seeing my football friends weekly at the desk and interviewing new friends.

Luckily, as players came out individually to take their picture, some of my friends stepped out to say "Hello" and give yours truly a big hug. Naturally, I took their picture and was thrilled to find out how they have been doing. Trojan Candy was also able to meet new football friends who stepped out to meet me. I'm sure that some of my friends told their teammates to also take a picture for my blog. Thanks, guys!

Here are pictures of my "old and treasured friends" as well as my "new and welcomed friends." CLICK HERE to view more pictures in my Google Plus album. FIGHT ON, all of Trojan Candy's "new" and "old" friends!

Peter McBride
Peter McBride (2/25/2011)
Cody Temple
Cody Temple (5/3/2012)
Cody Temple and Aundrey Walker
Cody Temple and Aundrey Walker (8/4/2011)
Max Browne and Randall Telfer
Max Browne and Randall Telfer
Don Hill
Freshman Don Hill
Lamont Simmons
Freshman Lamont Simmons
Zach Smith and Pat Hart
New Friends Zach Smith and Pat Hart
Lamar Dawson
Lamar Dawson (7/14/2011)
Reid Budrovich
Freshman Reid Budrovich
Victor Blackwell
Victor Blackwell (9/8/2011)
Ryan Dillard
Ryan Dillard
Greg Townsend, Jr.
Greg Townsend, Jr. (4/26/2012)
Leonard Williams
Leonard Williams
Tre' Madden
Tre' Madden (8/4/2011)
Andre Heidari
Andre Heidari (9/8/2011)
Kenny Bigelow
Kenny Bigelow
Nelson Agholor
Nelson Agholor
Robby Kolanz
Robby Kolanz
Leon McQuay III
Leon McQuay III
Jalen Greene
Freshman Jalen Greene
Anthony Brown
Anthony Brown (9/23/2010)
D.J. Morgan
D.J. Morgan (8/12/2010)
Anthony Brown and D.J. Morgan
Anthony Brown and D.J. Morgan
Adoree' Jackson
Freshman Adoree' Jackson
Soma Vainuku
Soma Vainuku (1/21/2011)
Cody Kessler
Cody Kessler (9/8/2011)
Bryce Dixon
Freshman Bryce Dixon
Uchenna Nwosu
Freshman Uchenna Nwosu
Jalen Cope-Fitzpatrick
Jalen Cope-Fitzpatrick
Anthony Neyer and Jalen Cope-Fitzpatrick
Anthony Neyer (10/28/2011) and Jalen Cope-Fitzpatrick

Nelson Agholor and J.C. PhillipsWhile we were standing outside the alcove by the John McKay statue, this nice, smiling man came to talk to my husband and me. His name is Jim Phillips, and he is a USC alum, just like Jim and I are. Turns out that Jim majored in Electrical Engineering at USC and took some Material Science classes also. My husband Jim received his Ph.D. at USC in Material Science. I told Jim that I have been writing a blog for eight years and gave him my Trojan Candy card. New friend Jim said that he was visiting from Minnesota and told us that his three sons are avid Trojan fans. Just then, a familiar face walked up again to visit. As I was talking to Nelson Agholor, Jim asked if he could have a picture taken with Nelson. (Now here's a person after my own heart and brashness....we'll do anything for a picture!) Nelson smiled and posed for this picture with Jim! Thank you and FIGHT ON, Nelson! FIGHT ON, Jim!

Trojan Candy and Lenny VandermadeNext, a really good friend Lenny Vandermade (6/24/2010) walked out to visit with my husband and me. Trojan Candy is so glad that Lenny is back. Thank you, Coach Sarkisian, for bringing our good friend back to us. I asked Lenny if he would pose for a picture, but he insisted that I had to be in the picture. FIGHT ON, Lenny!

More "old" friends came out to visit.

Josh Shaw
Josh Shaw (1/13/2012)
Kevon Seymour
Kevon Seymour (8/16/2012)
J.R. Tavai
J.R. Tavai (8/26/2011)
George Farmer
George Farmer (6/23/2011)

FIGHT ON, Josh, Kevon, J.R. and George!

After I took the picture of George, the entire team, that was lined up numerically, came out the door at once. They walked to the erected stands.

Clay Helton
As they were being seated for the team picture, Trojan Candy saw Coach Clay Helton. We spoke for awhile. He is very excited about our team, and so is yours truly! FIGHT ON, Coach Helton!
2014 USC Football Team, Coaches and Staff
It took several takes, but here is the 2014 USC Football Team, Coaches and Staff!
Malia Cravens
After the team picture, Trojan Candy walked around the field. I say a familiar face...Malia Cravens (9/20/2012)! She told me that she was taking pictures for the team photographer. Look at that camera lens! By the way, Malia is Su'a Cravens older sister. Another USC Family! FIGHT ON, Malia!
2014 Coaches
After taking this picture of all the Coaches, Trojan Candy walked among the players.
Anthony Sarao
I saw Anthony Sarao (7/14/2011).

I asked Anthony if he knew where Freshman JuJu Smith was. Right then, Anthony pointed to JuJu who just happened to be standing nearby. R.S. Junior, an upper classman, called out to JuJu and motioned to him to come over to me and take a picture. JuJu came over immediately and smiled for me. Thank you and FIGHT ON, Anthony!

JuJu Smith
I told JuJu about what happened at the Signing Day banquet in the Galen Center. During the dinner when Coach Sarkisian announced that JuJu had finally faxed in his letter, the entire place erupted with cheers! Too bad that JuJu wasn't there to hear it! He will soon hear the cheers in the Coliseum! Thank you for being a Trojan and FIGHT ON, JuJu!

Also, FIGHT ON, to all of our new Freshman Class!

Walking around, Trojan Candy took more pictures of "new" and "old" friends.

Luis Nevarez
Graduate Assistant Luis Nevarez (9/8/2011)
Bryce Dixon and Luis Nevarez
Bryce Dixon and Luis Nevarez
Luis Nevarez and Jaron Fairman
Luis Nevarez and Jaron Fairman
Zach Banner
Zach Banner (10/11/2012)
Jabari Ruffin
Jabari Ruffin (7/13/2012)
Tim Ojeda, Grant Stein, and Mark Phillip
Tim Ojeda, Grant Stein, and Mark Phillip
Defensive Line
Defensive Line
Su'a Cravens
I caught up with Su'a Cravens.

I told Su'a that I had interviewed his sister Malia in 2012. Then, I gave him my card but didn't have an opportunity to interview him. Next time! FIGHT ON, Su'a!

Finally, since many of the team members had already gone back into the locker room to change, Trojan Candy took pictures of lingering "new" and "old" friends.

Hayes Pullard
Hayes Pullard (8/19/2010)
Friends by John McKay statue
More Friends
More Friends
Gio di Poalo
Gio di Poalo (8/24/2012)
Zenon Babraj and Ligita Kaviere
As Jim and I walked to Heritage Hall, we saw two more good friends. Women of Troy Rowing Coaches, Zenon Babraj and Ligita Kaviere (11/20/2009) stopped to visit. We spoke about all of their new recruits with two more to come. FIGHT ON, Women of Troy Rowing!

What an exhilarating, but HOT, day!

Trojan Candy will not be able to attend the upcoming Salute to Troy, but I will post some pictures from my brother Charles Chan, who will be attending. If any of my readers, who will attend, have any pictures that you would like to share, please email them to me.

Thanks, and FIGHT ON!