August 2014 (2) Candygrams

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Saturday, August 30, 2014---Happy Birthday Dr. Bartner and USC vs. Fresno State

Trojan Marching Band BBQTrojan Candy arrived at the USC Trojan Marching Band's Barbecue at noon. It was already incredibly hot!

1st row, April Nakama, Steve Nakama, Garret Nakama, Janice Watanabe, John Madden and Mike Madden; 2nd row, Pat and Dudley Poon and Patti MaddenThroughout the day, I met "new" friends and saw "old" friends. "New" friends sat at my table at the barbecue---April, Steve, and Garret Nakama; Janice Watanabe; and John, Mike, and Patti Madden. A few interesting facts about my "new" friends. I have seen April and Steve Nakama at many USC sporting event over the years, and finally met them today. April works on campus. Mike Madden, a USC alumnus, is an instructor in the USC Dental School. Both his wife Patti and son John played in the Spirit of Troy. FIGHT ON, Mike! FIGHT ON, Patti! FIGHT ON, John!

Christine Ofiesh and Sandy JohnstonWhile getting my food, Trojan Candy saw two fellow Trojan Guild of Los Angeles friends. They were serving the delicious lunch. Christine Ofiesh (9/2/2010) and Sandy Johnston.

Arthur BartnerDr. Bartner arrived at the barbecue around 1:00 p.m. Everyone in attendance sang "Happy 74th Birthday!" to him and enjoyed his birthday cake and ice cream. Yum! FIGHT ON, Dr. Bartner!

After enjoying the Spirit of Troy Pep Band, I met my husband Jim and walked over to the Coliseum along with Pat and Dudley to go to the State Farm Fan Fest.

Jim Yee, Pat and Dudley Poon, and Valerie SimpsonAlong the way, we saw friend and USC alumna Valerie Simpson. FIGHT ON, Valerie!

Then we saw friend and alumna Nancy Rosenberg. FIGHT ON, Nancy!

USC CamaroAt the Fan Fest I signed up to win this USC car. However, there was no Carl's Jr. booth. What a disappointment!

Believe me, it was sweltering by now in the hot sun.

So Jim, friend Gail Nagaoka, and I left the Fan Fest and walked over to the Coliseum.

Janice and Bill Bau
On the way I saw friend Bill Bau and his friend Janice.
Victor Gutierrez and his two grandsons
Then, right inside the stadium, there were friend Victor Gutierrez and his two grandsons.
Stands for Spirit of Troy
The individual chairs for the band have been removed or replaced with benches. The peristyle end of the Coliseum looked different. The stand behind the end zone was reconfigured. It looks like the front two-thirds has been replace by new concessions. The Spirit of Troy will sit in the elevated stands above and behind the new concession stands.
Ann and Bob Kubota
Before the game started, Trojan Candy saw more "old" friends. Fellow USC alumni Ann and Bob Kubota (8/14/2009) stopped by to visit on their way to their seats in our section.
Richard, Teresa, and Marciano Flores
Alumnus Richard Flores also came to see us. It turns out that Richard's mom Teresa and dad Marciano just moved to seats on our row. Perfect! Even more Trojan friends to see at the games.
Now, it was finally time for the game. USC warmed up.
Fresno State
Fresno State warmed up.
Spirit of Troy
The Spirit of Troy performed before the game!
Louie Zamperini
Then, there was a moment of silence for one of the greatest Trojans of all time. Reverent silence followed by loud cheers for Louie Zamperini (5/12/2011). FIGHT ON FOREVER, Louie!
Traveler galloped out to Conquest.
Kickoff return
Let the game begin.
Our team lined up to receive the kick-off.
USC Offense
Our offense lined up for our first play from scrimmage.
First quarter score
From that first play, our team went on to score three touchdowns in the first quarter!
Tony Boselli
In the second quarter, Tony Boselli, who played at USC in 1991-1994, was honored for being elected to the 2014 College Football Hall of Fame.

Happy Birthday, Dr. BartnerChristine Ofiesh honored Dr. Bartner with this message on the Coliseum video board.

Olympic torchBefore the start of the 4th quarter, the Olympic torch was lit.

Our Trojans played tremendously well and Coach Sarkisian played every team member. We won 52-13!

FIGHT ON, my USC Football Team to another VICTORY!

Friday, August 29, 2014---The First USC Football Rally of the Season

My husband Jim, good friend photographer Dan Avila and I arrived early at the Loker Track Stadium to take pictures of the first rally the afternoon before the USC/Fresno State football game.

Spirit of Troy
The Spirit of Troy was diligently practicing on the field. It was hot in the stands and on the field! Then, we found out that the rally was changed to the west patio of Heritage Hall. Dan and I hurried to the new location.

Song Girls
Trojan Candy took this picture of some Song Girls who were already at the patio.
Spirit of Troy
Here comes the Spirit of Troy! Jim followed the band as they marched over.
Football team
Soon after, the team arrived! Click picture for video.
Clay Helton
Offensive Coach Clay Helton addressed the team first. Click picture for video.
Leonard Williams
Then the intensity level rose when Team Captain Leonard Williams climbed the ladder to speak to the team in this video.
Art Bartner
Dr. Bartner hyped the team up even more.
Leonard Williams
Now it was time to find out which player would hold the sword during Conquest. Leonard Williams was the Honoree in this video. Well deserved! FIGHT ON, Leonard!
Football team
Trojan Candy stepped down from the cement ledge and walked around to the staircase that the team took to enter the locker room. Another video.

Art BartnerFinally, I was able to take this picture of the USC Pep Squad. They're ready for the game tomorrow. So is Trojan Candy!

FIGHT ON, my beloved USC Football Team! FIGHT ON, to VICTORY!

August 23, 2014---Heritage Hall Reception and Salute to Troy

Trojan Candy was not able to attend the Salute to Troy football kickoff BBQ because I was in Northern California at my Grandson Kane's fifth birthday party. While I was having fun, my fellow Trojans in Los Angeles were also having fun!

Thanks to four tremendous friends---Sandy Johnston, Hal Keimi, Pierson Clair, and new friend Shane Foley---I am able to post an article with many pictures from the Salute to Troy event.

Good friend Sandy starts my article off with her email:

SALUTE TO TROY - August 23, 2014; USC Campus By TGLA member Sandy Johnston, wife of Trojan Footballer Rex Johnston




I loved that Trojan Candy asked if I could take some photos for her famous archival Trojan blog/website which captures intimate moments of Trojan athletics, spirit and friendship. Since my husband Rex played football in the 50's and was President of Trojan Football Alumni Club (TFAC) in the 70's, and we had both been involved with Salute to Troy and the anniversary teams for years, it was fun to get the guys together for some quick shots.

As people checked in at Heritage Hall, some individuals like Susan McKeever took the opportunity on this special kickoff day to go on self-guided tours of both Heritage Hall and the John McKay Center. Susan especially liked getting her daughter Michelle and granddaughter Tatum to see their famous dad/granddad's plaques in the McKay Center which is not open to the public on most occasions. We had former ballplayers joining our group for dinner including, but not limited to, alphabet player and Trojan Hall of Famer, former 49er CR Roberts (and his wife Yvonne, son Craig, and a table of grandkids); smasher of the Notre Dame streak and USC-ND scholarship lunch chairman Sam Tsagalakis (his son and nephew); NFL player Lou Byrd; sports broadcaster and QB Shane Foley; and many TFAC members.

People check in about 4 pm. Former ballplayers were invited by Dino Dennis, Salute to Troy Chairman of Football Anniversary teams, to meet at the Bashor lounge for a private reception at 3 pm. Since Candy asked for photos, we made sure to get them.... It did not occur to us that we would see Dr. Chuck Arrobio, DDS, who played in the Shrine EAST-WEST game after USC or the SHRINE ALL STAR game after high school. His son was an Annapolis grad and jet fighter pilot. We saw Gary Hill, another TFAC past president who played in the NFL. Jim Walker was a Junior College transfer and a terrific role model as a Probation Officer. Former players with Dino in Heritage Hall included John Mazur, who is a great speaker at Trojan Clubs, Ed Rogers - a former Marine, whose son was a Marine and flew Marine One with the US President, Kevin McPartland who has been very strategic in getting younger guys involved with the club.

My wonderful camera help included Gaston Escamilla, Jen Noriega, Linda Ward, Dino Dennis, Kevin McPartland and Rex Johnston - thank you to these people who helped facilitate our photos for Trojan Candy's website/blog.

Thank you, Sandy!

Here are some pictures that Sandy Johnston took at the Heritage Hall Reception.

Jerry Ensom, Kevin McPartland, Sandy Johnston, and Tim Lavin
Jerry Ensom, Kevin McPartland (12/3/2009), Sandy Johnston, and Tim Lavin
Brad Leggett, Aaron Emanuel, and Brent Parkinson
Brad Leggett, Aaron Emanuel, and Brent Parkinson
Richard Calvert, Rex Johnston, and Jack Pharris
Richard Calvert, Rex Johnston, and Jack Pharris
Craig Gibson, Steve Sarkisian, Mike Salmon, and Tim Lavin
Craig Gibson, Coach Sarkisian, Mike Salmon, and Tim Lavin
John Jackson, Dino Dennis, Tim Lavin, Mike Salmon, Steve Sarkisian, Todd Marinovich, Matt Willig, Pat Harlow and Craig Gibson
John Jackson, Dino Dennis, Tim Lavin, Mike Salmon, Coach Sarkisian, Todd Marinovich, Matt Willig, Pat Harlow and Craig Gibson

Here are two pictures of the 1964 and 1989 Football teams taken by Shane Foley.

1964 Football Team
1964 Football players ?, Philip, Dr. Chuck Arrobio, Fred Hill, ?, Bill Blecksmith, Jim Walker, and Gary Hill
1989 Football Team
1989 Football players Brent Parkinson, Brad Leggett, Grant Runnerstrom, Craig Gibson, Matt Willig, Duane Garner, Pat Harlow, Tim Lavin, Aaron Emmanuel, and Leroy Holt with Pete Arbogast (8/4/2011).

More of Sandy's pictures are in a Google Plus album. CLICK HERE to access the album.

After the Heritage Hall Reception, Sandy, Shane and Hal took pictures at the Salute to Troy BBQ.

Gerald BowmanI had made a special request of Hal Keimi to take a picture of the player who inhabits my Trojan Candy locker in the football locker room. The player is Gerald Bowman (10/25/2012). Gerald was born in Bryn Mawr, PA, which is a suburb of Philadelphia. My Trojan daughter Steffany was also born in Bryn Mawr! Thanks, Hal and FIGHT ON, Gerald!

Spirit Squad
The Spirit Squad was ready!
Spirit of Troy
The Spirit of Troy was ready!

Both pictures were taken by Sandy Johnston.

During the program two NCAA Championship Teams were introduced.

2014 Championship Tennis Team
Sandy took this picture of our 2014 Championship Men's Tennis Team.
2013 Championship Water Polo Team
Hal took this picture of our Sixth straight 2013 Championship Men's Water Polo Team.

FIGHT ON, Men's Tennis!

FIGHT ON, Men's Water Polo!

Next on the stage were the 50th Reunion Team and the 25th Reunion Team.

Hal took these two pictures of these honored players.

50th Reunion Team
1964 50th Reunion Team
25th Reunion Team
1989 25th Reunion Team

My good friend Pierson Clair (8/28/2013), who was the official USC photographer at the Salute to Troy, came to the rescue again! He let me post his nine pictures of the football team by position. Check out Pierson's website at

Defensive backs
Defensive backs
Defensive line
Defensive line
Tight ends
Tight ends
Offensive line
Offensive line
Kicking specialists
Kicking specialists
Running backs
Running backs
Wide receivers
Wide receivers

To read Shane's "Foley Report," go to

The entire evening ended with a bang....fireworks!

FIGHT ON, my beloved USC Football!

Thank you again and FIGHT ON, Sandy! FIGHT ON, Hal! FIGHT ON, Shane! FIGHT ON, Pierson!