April 2014 (3) Candygrams

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Friday, April 18, 2014---Men's Tennis Senior Salute

My husband Jim and I caught a 6:00 a.m. flight out of San Francisco in order to get home in time to attend the men's tennis match against UCLA. We made it just in time for the 10:30 a.m. Doubles competition. Phew! My sister Pat saved us our favorite seats on the back row between courts 1 and 2. The stadium was packed with Trojans and some Bruins! Why? If we win, we stay undefeated in the Pac-12, and we win the Pac-12 regular season championship. The Pac-12 Networks was televising this match live, and their production crew set up a tent in the walkway at Court 1 that blocked all traffic. So, Trojan Candy was not able to take many pictures of the match.

Ray Sarmiento and Yannick Hanfmann
The Doubles team on Court 1 was Ray Sarmiento (3/11/2011) and Yannick Hanfmann.
Nick Crystal and Roberto Quiroz
On Court 2 was Nick Crystal and Roberto Quiroz.
Max deVroome and Eric Johnson
On Court 3 was Max deVroome and Eric Johnson.

Unfortunately, we lost the Doubles point. So, we went into the Singles with UCLA leading 1-0. Between the Doubles and Singles, there was a Senior Salute.


Coach Peter Smith was so nice to allow yours truly to walk onto the court to take pictures of the Senior Salute. I walked out with Ray Sarmiento's parents.

The team formed two lines for our two Seniors and also Team Captains to walk through with their parents to the court.
Michael Grant
Senior Michael Grant walked out first.
Michael, his parents and Peter Smith
Michael, his parents and Coach Smith.
Ray Sarmiento
Senior Ray Sarmiento was next.
Ray, his parents, and Peter Smith.
Ray with his parents and Coach Smith.
Both Seniors, their parents, and Peter Smith
Both Seniors, their parents and Coach Smith. FIGHT ON, Michael! FIGHT ON, Ray!
Ray and his parents
Trojan Candy took another picture of Ray and his parents.

Now, it was time for the Singles. Eric Johnson won easily on Court 5, 6-1 and 7-5. Then, Yannick Hanfmann beat the Bruin's #1 ranked Clay Thompson in dramatic come-from-behind fashion on Court 1 by 6-4, 7-5. Now, we were ahead 2-1 over the Bruins.

Yannick Hanfmann and Clay Thompson
Yannick Hanfmann beat Clay Thompson

At this time, a friend stood next to Trojan Candy. It was alumnus Steve Johnson! Steve said, "Hello," and said he tries to come back to his alma mater every time he is in town. What a day to come and be in town!! FIGHT ON, Steve!

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson (4/26/2012)
Max deVroome
Our lead stretched to 3-2 when Max deVroome won on Court 4 by 6-3, 4-6, 6-3.
Then, the team watched and cheered Roberto Quiroz on Court 3 who had split the first two sets by 6-3 and 4-6!
When Roberto won the third set by 6-3 to clinch the match at 4-2, the team "dogpiled" on him. Yes, Roberto is somewhere at the bottom of that dogpile!
Our Trojans finished the Pac-12 season undefeated! We are the regular season champs!
Our victory huddle!

FIGHT ON, USC Men's Tennis!

Saturday, April 12, 2014---USC Coaches Clinic

Trojan Candy attended the USC Coaches Clinic, thinking that it would be similar to Football 101. It wasn't. The Coaches Clinic was very detailed and technical. Only four women were in attendance, among more than one hundred high school football coaches. Pretty good odds. One of the ladies was a high school coach, while the other three were my sister Pat, friend Doris Hughes and yours truly.

Every USC football coach presented to the coaches. The highlight of the day was that we were able to walk onto the field for football practice.

The next highlight of the day for Trojan Candy was sitting on the patio outside of the little Galen Center where lunch was to be served. Why was it a highlight? Eleven football friends walked into little Galen for lunch, and Trojan Candy took pictures of each one of them!

Peter McBride
Peter McBride (2/25/2011) walked up to our table to visit.
Nelson Agholor
He was followed by Nelson Agholor.
Jordan Simmons and Randall Telfer
Two more friends walked up. Trojan Candy told Randall Telfer that I am so glad that he stayed. Both Jordan Simmons (7/13/2012) and Randall gave me a big smile.
Leonard Williams
Trojan Candy can recognize his hair anywhere! Friend Leonard Williams showed his Trojan spirit in this picture.
Tre' Madden
It was so nice to see Tre' Madden (8/4/2011). He said that he is healthy again. That is good news!
Anthony Sarao
Friend Anthony Sarao (7/14/2011) has much longer hair now than when Trojan Candy first met him in 2011. It looks good, Anthony!
Cody Kessler and Hayes Pullard
They came together, two close friends. And Trojan Candy's friends, too! Cody Kessler (9/8/2011) always gives me a big hug and a smile. Hayes Pullard (8/19/2010) always has a big smile, too.
Scott Starr
Friend Scott Starr (9/27/2012) came to the table next. Trojan Candy should have asked him what his newest favorite action movie is. Next time.
Josh Shaw
My final football friend walked out of Heritage Hall and was speaking with some friends. I'm a friend, too! Trojan Candy walked over to Josh Shaw (1/13/2012) and asked him how his father is doing. Josh said that he is fine. With that good news, I took his picture.

FIGHT ON, my football friends!

Our lockerIn the afternoon session, all the coaches were allowed to use the facilities in the Football Locker Room. That gave Trojan Candy an opportunity to check out my locker that I donated. Unfortunately, there was no name over my locker. There was a note for "Jack." I heard that position players will not be located together. Coach Sarkisian will mix up the locker assignments. Trojan Candy can't wait to see who will be in my locker in the fall. Stay tuned!

The Coaches Clinic ended with a reception at John McKay's. Coach Clay Helton told Trojan Candy that Coach Sarkisian will have a Football 101 for the Ladies too.

What a busy, informative and memorable day!

Friday, April 11, 2014---Women of Troy Tennis Seniors Day

It is so fortunate that Trojan Candy came early to the Women of Troy match versus ASU.

Brynn Boren and Kaitlyn ChristianSeniorsI saw the scoreboard flashing, "congratulation seniors!" I had thought that our two Seniors would be honored tomorrow, since that would be the final home match of the regular season. But, Coach Gallien had to change the ceremony to a day earlier. Trojan Candy grabbed her camera, went downstairs with Brynn Boren's parents and walked onto the court with them. Luckily, Coach Gallien, whom I used to see every week when I volunteered at Heritage Hall, smiled at me and let me join the ceremony. Thanks, Coach Gallien!

Brynn Boren and Richard Gallien
Brynn Boren was honored first and posed with Coach Gallien.
Kaitlyn Christian and Richard Gallien
Then Kaitlyn Christian (11/11/2010) was honored.
Jean, Brynn, and Barry Boren
Brynn then posed with her parents Jean and Barry.
Rose, Kaitlyn, and Dane Christian
Then, Kaitlyn posed with her parents Rose and Dane.
Jean, Brynn, and Barry Boren and Kaitlyn, Rose, and Dane Christian
The last picture is of both Seniors and their parents.
Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Brynn! Congratulations and FIGHT ON, K.K.!

Later, my husband Jim and I spoke with Brynn's mom Jean since they sat in the row in front of us. Jean told us that Brynn's dad Barry was a professional tennis player! So glad that Brynn is a Trojan!

Sabrina SantamariaTrojan Candy was determined to interview our injured player, Junior Sabrina Santamaria. She was sitting with friend SID Darcy Couch, but I didn't want to disturb them or any other spectators. As I was seated in the stands, I saw Sabrina walking behind me. I caught up with her and asked if I could interview her. With a big, beautiful smile, she said, "Yes." Sabrina is majoring in International Relations. She intends to enroll in summer school and hopes that she will be awarded a red-shirt year because of her injury (I do too!). Luckily, her pain has subsided. On a more personal level, Sabrina loves to play golf on the weekends (wonder if Coach Andrea Gaston knows this?). She loves Mexican, Greek and Italian food. Sabrina's favorite movie is "Clueless." Scoreboard She likes to listen to Rap and Hip Hop music. Playing both singles and doubles in tennis tournaments, Sabrina has traveled to eleven countries in Europe. After graduating from USC, Trojan Candy is sure that she will travel even more when she plays on the pro circuit! FIGHT ON, Sabrina!

Our Women of Troy Tennis Team prevailed over the Sun Devils 4-2.

Good luck in the NCAA's!

FIGHT ON, USC Women's Tennis Team!