November 2013 (1) Candygrams

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013---Heritage Hall Preview Tour

My husband Jim and I were able to take a preview of Heritage Hall during its renovation. The remodeling was running on schedule.

Julian Bonse
Friend Julian Bonse was our tour guide. The tour began on the first floor where the old auditorium used to be.
The north doors are gone. We next looked at the lobby from the north. Trojan Candy could hardly recognize it!
East entrance
This is the new east entrance...
West entrance
and this is the new west entrance. We toured what will be the Sports Information Director (SID) offices on the south side. There will be individual offices for each SID and meeting rooms.
West side
The tour continued upstairs to the north wing. The administrative offices will be in the same vicinity as before. This is a view of the west side from one of the offices.
View of second floor
Construction hazards prevented us from crossing to the south wing, so we went downstairs. This is a view of the second floor as we passed through the lobby.
We went back upstairs to the south wing. Then, I walked right by it...turned around to see it...there was the elevator! Everyone who is associated with "Swim with Mike" will really appreciate this upgrade!
From second floor
This is looking east from the second floor. Next, we walked downstairs.

By now, it was getting dark? No, Trojan Candy forgot....We're in the basement!
It was more difficult to see the Women of Troy Rowing and Soccer Locker Room and offices. Thank goodness that my additional flash is really bright! This is a picture of the Women's Rowing locker room.

There will be an enormous room to store some rowing boats!
Putting green
Men's and Women's Golf offices and locker rooms will also be downstairs. There will be an indoor golf putting green!
Trojan Candy and Pat Poon
My sister Pat Poon and yours truly posed for a picture outside the future office of Women of Troy Head Golf Coach Andrea Gaston. The sign says "Sold," because Pat, Dudley, Jim and I donated her office.
Jim and Candy Yee and Dudley and Pat Poon
Julian Bonse took this picture of the four of us at the conclusion of the tour.

Jessica Herman, Scott Jacobson, and Samantha TurnerRon Orr, Gregg Millward, Jennifer Noriega and Julian BonseBefore Trojan Candy left, I took these pictures of some of our Heritage Hall friends---Ron Orr, Gregg Millward, Jennifer Noriega, Julian Bonse, Jessica Herman (3/24/2010), Scott Jacobson, and Samantha Turner.

Trojan Candy can't wait for the Heritage Hall renovation to be completed in February! It will be so much fun to volunteer in the modern, beautiful lobby!

Saturday, November 9, 2013---USC vs. Cal Men's Water Polo

Luke Stephens' friendsLuke StephensTrojan Candy woke up very early to catch BART to the Berkeley campus. My sister Pat Poon and brother-in-law Dudley Poon joined me. We drove from Belmont to the Millbrae station. Inside, we asked for help at the ticket booth. The employee inside the booth was trying to tell us how to operate the ticket machine when someone standing behind us said, "I can help you." I turned around to see who was offering to help us and recognized the young man. It was Luke Stephens (4/15/2010)! I met Luke in Heritage Hall when he worked for the football team. Luke helped us buy our tickets. Then we followed him and his friends to the train. Trojan Candy took this picture of Luke and his friends. If you email me your names, I'll add them to this webpage. FIGHT ON, Luke! FIGHT ON, fellow Trojan Friends!

Berkeley BART stationBerkeley BART stationlexThe train we transferred to at Nineteenth Street was jam packed with Trojans and Cal Bears. As we exited the train at the Berkeley BART station, there were a few Trojans who shouted, "Fight On!" We rushed to the USC men's water polo game versus Cal.

It was a long, uphill walk from the BART Station to the water polo stadium at the Spieker Aquatics Complex.

We were behind
By the time we arrived, our Trojans were behind 4-1.
Our men fought back!
Jovan Vavic
Coach Vavic directed our team during the comeback.

Our men tied the score 4-4 by the middle of the second quarter.

We got ahead
Then, our men went ahead 6-5 at the 3.39 minute mark of the second quarter.
Cal Bears
The Cal Bears huddled with their coach.

The score was tied 6-6 at half-time.

The third and fourth quarters were just as competitive as the first and second.

Our Trojans went ahead 8-7 on this goal!
And 9-8 on this one.
This shot put our team ahead 10-8.

We ran out the clockTrojan Candy went poolside to take this picture as our men ran the clock out. We won 11-9! FIGHT ON, for ol' SC! Our Men FIGHT ON, to VICTORY!

Mace RapseyAfter the match ended and we were leaving, I heard a voice call out, "Hi, Candy." The voice belonged to friend, Senior Utility Mace Rapsey (4/8/2011). He asked, "Where have you been?" I told him that we have not been able to volunteer at Heritage Hall since the renovation began. Mace smiled his usual big smile and posed for this picture. FIGHT ON, Mace!

FIGHT ON, USC Men's Water Polo!

By now it was 11:30 a.m. Pat, Dudley and I then rushed up the hill to the USC-Cal football game at noon.

Sunday, November 3, 2013---Women of Troy Soccer versus Oregon State

Soccer Seniors and familiesSoccer Seniors and familiesTrojan Candy made it to Soni McAlister Field just in time to get pictures of the Women of Troy Soccer Seniors before their final home match against Oregon State. The five Seniors are #6 Haley Boysen (10/28/2010), #7 Mia Bruno (9/2/2010), #8 Elizabeth Eddy (9/8/2011), #10 Jordan Marada and #11 Autumn Altamirano. Their families and then their coaches joined the five Seniors in the ceremony.

Heather Davis, Caroline Stanley, and Allie HarrisonRight after the Senior Salute, Trojan Candy was able to take this picture of three friends just before the team had their huddle. Heather Davis (9/29/2011), Caroline Stanley (3/23/2012), and Allie Harrison (12/9/2011).

Soccer team huddleThe stadium was packed! There were youth soccer teams seated all around the field in addition to USC Women of Troy Soccer families and fans.

After the starters were announced, the team huddled.

Elizabeth Eddy ties the score!The game started ominously. Oregon State scored a goal in less than a minute. But our women fought back. We tied the score on Elizabeth Eddy's penalty shot.

Our Women of Troy dominated the game. The ball stayed on the Oregon State end of the field for most of the game. But, the game was still tied 1-1 after the end of regulation.

Neither team scored in the first overtime.

In the second overtime, with only 17 seconds left, USC's Jamie Fink won the game when she scored on a penalty shot.

Jamie Fink wins it!
Trojan Candy got that shot too!
Our Women of Troy were happy!
Our women were elated with the 2-1 victory!
Elizabeth Eddy
Friend Elizabeth Eddy was interviewed after the match.

Autumn and Leilani AltamiranoThen Trojan Candy looked for friends to congratulate. Senior Autumn Altamirano posed with her sister Leilani. FIGHT ON, Autumn!

Jim, Elizabeth, and Janet EddyWhen her interviews ended, I was able to take a picture of Senior Elizabeth Eddy with her grandparents, Jim and Janet Eddy. Janet and Trojan Candy are friends and fellow members of the Trojan Guild of Los Angeles. FIGHT ON, Elizabeth!

As I walked around, I was able to take a picture of Katie Johnson, Mandy Freeman and game winner Jamie Fink (11/5/2012). Katie Johnson, Mandy Freeman and Jamie FinkFIGHT ON, Katie! FIGHT ON, Mandy! Congrats and FIGHT ON, Jamie!

Finally, I looked for two more Senior friends, Haley Boysen and Mia Bruno, but both of them had already left. Hopefully, Trojan Candy will see them at the Athletic Graduation Ceremony in May 2014. FIGHT ON, Haley! FIGHT ON, Mia!

It was so nice to see our Women of Troy Soccer Team win its last home game of the season! FIGHT ON, Women of Troy Soccer!