May 2013 (1) Candygrams

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Sunday, May 12, 2013---What a Mother's Day!

Baseball teamMy husband Jim and I arrived at Dedeaux Field very early for the 1:00 p.m. baseball game against Washington State. It was the rubber game of the series. Our team was warming up on the field already. We don't normally arrive three hours before a USC baseball game, but today was special---Mother's Day. There was a pancake breakfast before game time. Then, every mother received a rose, a T-shirt, a duffel bag and a picture frame clock. What lovely gifts for Mother's Day.

After the breakfast, Jim and I went to see the USC Women of Troy Tennis Team beat U.C. Irvine 4-0. Our women advanced to the round of 16 in the NCAA Tournament. What a nice Mother's Day Victory! FIGHT ON, USC Women of Troy Tennis!

With one victory, we walked back to Dedeaux Field to see our baseball team play against Washington State. Trojan Nigel Nootbaar was pitching magnificiently! FIGHT ON, Nigel! We seemed to score at will. Wish we could do that every game!

USC at bat
USC at bat
Kevin Swick
Kevin Swick went 4 for 4, drove in 2 runs and scored 3 runs. What a performance! FIGHT ON, Kevin!
We scored!
We scored!
USC at bat
Congrats to Friend Greg Zebrack (8/24/12)!
We scored again!
We scored again! We beat Washington State 11-0! What a nice Mother's Day Victory! FIGHT ON, USC Baseball!

During the tennis match, Jim and I were watching on our iPad a live feed of the USC Women of Troy Water Polo Team match against Stanford in the National Championship game in Boston. We were behind when the internet connection stopped.

When we went to the baseball game, we hoped that we could re-connect there, but we still couldn't. The iPad showed that the connection was overwhelmed by the demand. All we could get were occasional tweets on the scoring. How can we come back? What is happening?

Todd DavisAfter the baseball game, we were preparing to leave Dedeaux Field when I heard two people yelling in the Press Box. I ran over to ask if they were watching the women's water polo match. They said they were, and I asked can I stand outside the Press Box to possibly hear the coverage. To my amazement, the young man invited us to come into the Press Box and view the match on his PC computer! We were inside the Press Box quickly!

Our Women of Troy scored the go-ahead goal in the fourth period, but Stanford scored the tying goal with 12 seconds left. Trojan Candy took a picture of the young man who let us enter the Press Box. His name is Todd Davis. We surrounded the computer screen and watched two three-minute overtimes and two three-minute sudden deaths. As you can imagine, tension was high in the Press Box!. Finally, Trojan Anni Espar scored the winning goal for USC! WE WON THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP! Thank you, Todd Davis, for inviting us in to see the match! FIGHT ON, Todd!

FIGHT ON, Women of Troy Water Polo National Champs!

What a fantastic Mother's Day! Nice gifts and three USC victories!

Saturday, May 11, 2013---Women of Troy Rowing Banquet

In this article, there are a few rowers whom I could not recognize. If you recognize any of them, it would be greatly appreciated if you would email me at Also, if I misnamed anyone, please let me know. Thank you.

My husband Jim, sister Pat, brother-in-law Dudley and I were on campus all day today. We attended the Women of Troy first-round tennis victory over Sacramento and the Men's second-round tennis victory over San Diego. Then, in the evening, the four of us went to the Galen Center for the Women of Troy Rowing banquet.

All of the young rowers were dressed up. There were a few rowing parents and boosters in attendance. Oh, yes...Trojan Candy was in the house! I put my purse and USC bag down, grabbed my camera, and immediately started taking pictures.

Not being shy, I walked up to various groups of rowers and asked to take their pictures. All of the young ladies smiled and posed for yours truly.

Eglit Vosu, Kate Gleadow, Madara Strautmane, rower 1, Melanie Grindle, and Kajsa Olsson
Eglit Vosu (4/6/12), Kate Gleadow (10/25/12), Madara Strautmane, rower 1, Melanie Grindle (1/14/11), and Kajsa Olsson (10/18/10).
Jelena Miladinovic, Krisztina Gyimes, Iskra Angelova, rower 2, Marlena Adamska, Madelyn Waters and rower 3
Jelena Miladinovic (12/3/10), Krisztina Gyimes, Iskra Angelova (4/15/10), rower 2, Marlena Adamska, Madelyn Waters and rower 3.
rower 4, Abigail Becker, Bryn Olason, Katherine Griffith, Nikki Kloss, and Sara Bilimoria
rower 4, Abigail Becker, Bryn Olason, Katherine Griffith, Nikki Kloss, and Sara Bilimoria.
rower 5, Marlena Adamska, Rebecca Shaffer, Deirdre Fitzpatrick, Darian DiCianno and Emily Jordan
rower 5, Marlena Adamska, Rebecca Shaffer (2/4/11), Deirdre Fitzpatrick, Darian DiCianno and Emily Jordan.
Christina Yang and Victoria Dea
Novice Rowers: Christina Yang and Victoria Dea.
Abigail Becker, Katherine Griffith, Tatjana Perrin, Nikki Kloss, Miya Okado, Sara Bilimoria, Bryn Olason, rower 4, and Emily Jordan
Abigail Becker, Katherine Griffith, Tatjana Perrin, Nikki Kloss, Miya Okado, Sara Bilimoria, Bryn Olason, rower 4, and Emily Jordan.
Jennah Blau, Caroline Sederowsky, Jelena Zelenovic, Kate Gleadow, Ivana Filipovic and Krisztina Gyimes
Jennah Blau (1/14/11), Caroline Sederowsky, Jelena Zelenovic (9/23/10), Kate Gleadow, Ivana Filipovic and Krisztina Gyimes.
Zenon Babraj and Ligita Kaviere
After taking pictures of the team members, Trojan Candy was able to take a picture of Head Coach Zenon Babraj and Assistant Coach Ligita Kaviere. Both of them were very busy getting ready for the program.
Iskra Angelova and Marlena Adamska
Two friends posed for my next picture. Iskra Angelova and Marlena Adamska. Trojan Candy sure misses seeing all my rowing friends at the Heritage Hall desk. January 2014 can't come soon enough.
Melanie Grindle, Ivana Filipovic, Iskra Angelova, Jelena Zelenovic and Marlena Adamska
In the program, Coach Zenon Babraj introduced all of the Seniors on the team. Melanie Grindle, Ivana Filipovic, Iskra Angelova, Jelena Zelenovic and Marlena Adamska. FIGHT ON, Melanie! FIGHT ON, Ivana! FIGHT ON, Iskra! FIGHT ON, Jelena! FIGHT ON, Marlena!
Jennah Blau, Vanessa Tyson, Caroline Sederowsky and Hannah Bowen
Jennah Blau, Vanessa Tyson, Caroline Sederowsky and Hannah Bowen (1/26/12). FIGHT ON, Jennah! FIGHT ON, Vanessa, FIGHT ON, Caroline! FIGHT ON, Hannah! Congratulations, Seniors!
Melanie Grindle and Elizabeth Turner
After the Team Captains spoke, I was able to take their picture. Melanie Grindle and Elizabeth Turner. FIGHT ON again, Melanie! FIGHT On, Liz!

Sharon and Alford ClaytonIn closing, Coach Babraj thanked the person who keeps the program moving...their trusted bus driver, Alford Clayton. I took this picture of Alford and his wife Sharon. FIGHT ON, Alford!

The dinner ended early because all the ladies had an early morning practice scheduled. Good Luck in the NCAA's!

FIGHT ON, Women of Troy Rowing!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013---Town and Gown Ground-Breaking Ceremony

Trojan Candy and Armando BrownTrojan Candy walked into Town and Gown for the Installation Meeting and Ground Breaking Ceremony. The room was buzzing with conversation and activity. Right after I sat down at my table, I saw a familiar face. Armando Brown walked up to our table to take a picture of us for the USC Alumni Association. Trojan Candy first met Armando on January 23, 2009 when he came to Heritage Hall to take pictures of Freshman Matt Barkley for the Orange County Register. Naturally, I interviewed Armando. Since then, we see one another at USC events like Salute to Troy and Swim with Mike. Armando is a REAL professional photographer! FIGHT ON, Armando!

Our lunch was high-lighted with a scrumptious chocolate lava cake for dessert. Then, we heard the USC Alumni Association CEO Scott Mory present an overview of all the construction projects on the main campus and the medical campus. Amazing!

Christine OfieshMy organization, Town and Gown, has already pledged a one million dollar contribution for the structural renovation of Town and Gown. An award was presented to friend Christine Ofiesh, 9/2/2010, for her generous contribution to the Town and Gown patio renovation. Thanks and FIGHT ON, Christine!

Spirit of TroyTo end our meeting, the Spirit of Troy marched in and played "Conquest."

Then, all the Town and Gown members followed the band outside to the courtyard for the Ground Breaking Ceremony. Several former Town and Gown Presidents joined in the ceremony. GroundbreakingFIGHT ON, Town and Gown!

No excuses for my recent tardiness in my blog articles. Yes, an excuse! My Trojan daughter Steffany, who lives in Northern California, just gave my husband Jim and me our #4 Grandson. However, Bowman was almost eight weeks early! We have been traveling a lot to see him and help Steffany. Maybe Bowman will be a Trojan just like his mom! FIGHT ON, Steffany!

Monday, May 6, 2013---The Women of Troy Sand Volleyball Team Banquet

BlanketTrophiesAs soon as Trojan Candy entered the Galen Center Donor Room for the Women of Troy Sand Volleyball banquet, I looked for any Team members that I had met at the Heritage Hall desk. There were very few athletes in the Donor Room yet, so I took pictures of the trophies. There were trophies with their name plates covered. Everyone will find out the winners later, Trojan Candy included. Then something different caught my eye. Four USC blankets. Each was embroidered with a name on it. The names were Sydney, Cinnamon, Christine and Erica. Trojan Candy took pictures of them, but, at the time, I did not know why these four Trojans were being honored.

Sam Hirschmann and Stevi RobinsonWhile still wondering, I saw two familiar faces. Sam Hirschmann and Stevi Robinson were nice enough to pose for a picture. Trojan Candy congratulated Stevi on winning the AVCA National Pairs Championship on May 5th. She thanked me with another big smile!

Kirby BurnhamThen, I saw Stevi's partner, Team Captain Kirby Burnham. Kirby remembered that I first took a picture of her sitting with her boyfriend (Trojan Candy's friend, too) Peter Kurzeka at the Women of Troy Volleyball Awards Brunch last year. She said that she saw the picture in Looking back, I found that it was on January 7, 2012. Meanwhile Peter won four NCAA Water Polo Championships at USC. I interviewed Peter on January 29, 2010! Kirby told me that Peter is working in Real Estate in Newport Beach. FIGHT ON, Peter! Then I asked Kirby if I could interview her. Even though I have several pictures of her in my blog, I was never able to interview her at the Heritage Hall desk. When she said that I could, I whipped out my yellow notebook. Kirby, who is from Newport Beach, is a Junior. She has played indoor volleyball for ten years and sand volleyball for three years. Kirby is majoring in Communications and minoring in Entrepreneurship. This fall, her picture will be put in the mural in the John McKay Center Lobby. What an honor! Kirby's hobby is traveling! She has been in Aruba, Canada, France, Italy and throughout the USA. Kirby played on the Under-23 USA Team at the World University Games in Russia! Wow! Kirby gets to travel and play her passion, volleyball, too! Congratulations on winning the AVCA National Pairs Championship and FIGHT ON, Kirby!

Natasa Siljkovic, Stevi Robinson, Katie Fuller, Alexa Stonish, Erin Kaupp, Sydney Seau, and Kirby Burnham
Next, I saw several more team members. The ladies posed for this picture. They are Natasa Siljkovic (9/2/2010), Stevi Robinson, Katie Fuller, Alexa Stonish, Erin Kaupp, Sydney Seau (9/27/2012), and Kirby Burnham
Bria Russ and Alexa Stonish
Other team members were Bria Russ (3/23/2012)and Alexa Stonish.
Stevi Robinson, Jeff Carlson and Eve Ettinger
Stevi Robinson, volunteer Coach Jeff Carlson and Eve Ettinger (8/30/2012).
Erica Muller and Christine Irvin
... Erica Muller and Christine Irvin were selling raffle tickets.

When Trojan Candy finally sat down at our table, I saw more familiar faces. Sitting with my sister Pat, brother-in-law Dudley and me were Bria Russ, her mom Yvette, Alexa Stonish and Women of Troy Sand Volleyball announcer Leland Waters. Needless to say, we had lively conversation at our table!

Sydney and Hunter Seau
Friend Sydney Seau was with her brother Hunter.

The program started after our delicious dinner. Head Coach Anna Collier thanked her team, her coaches, her support staff, the parents and the fans IN THIS VIDEO I RECORDED. Then, each partner introduced themselves. THIS NEXT VIDEO is about a dance that Brooke Fournier and Kati Duddridge created.

Oh, yes. About the blankets. They were awarded to the Freshmen class. The four ladies are Sydney Seau, Cinnamon Sary, Christine Irvin and Erica Muller. FIGHT ON, Sydney! FIGHT ON, Cinnamon! FIGHT ON, Christine! FIGHT ON, Erica!

Banners celebrated the four Women of Troy Sand Volleyball Seniors.

Natasa Siljkovic
Natasa Siljkovic.
Katie Fuller
Katie Fuller.
Erin Kaupp
Erin Kaupp.
Stevi Robinson
Stevi Robinson.

Coach Collier then announced that Natasa was granted one more year of eligibility. She will compete next year as a graduate student. Congrats and FIGHT ON, Natasa!

FIGHT ON, Katie! FIGHT ON, Erin! FIGHT ON, Stevi!

Stevi RobinsonNow, at last, the trophies were awarded. The winners were as follows:

Women Sand Volleyball Team
Trojan Candy was able to take a picture of the team and coaches on the stage.
Alexa Stonish and Erin Kaupp
The banquet was officially over, but Trojan Candy still took pictures. Here are Alexa Stonish and Erin Kaupp.
Erin Kaupp and Sydney Seau
Erin Kaupp and Sydney Seau.
Yvette and Bria Russ
Bria Russ and her mother Yvette.
Anna Collier, Stevi and Vicki Robinson, and grandmother Gaye Kinder
Anna Collier, Stevi Robinson, mother Vicki and grandmother Gaye Kinder.
Alice Hoffmann and Natasa Silkovic
Student Manager Alice Hoffmann and Natasa Silkovic.
Mel and Doris Hughes
Friends and raffle winners Mel and Doris Hughes.
Tim Tessalone and Anna Collier
SID Tim Tessalone and Head Coach Anna Collier.
Katie Fuller
Senior Katie Fuller who told Trojan Candy that the team is more like a sorority. Everyone loves one another!

FIGHT ON, Women of Troy Sand Volleyball!