May 2014 (1) Candygrams

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Saturday, May 3, 2014---Women of Troy Rowing vs UCLA

There are additional pictures in this Google Plus album.

My husband Jim and I arrived at the USC Boathouse in San Pedro at 8:00 a.m. for the Women of Troy Rowing match against UCLA. Four Women of Troy rowers were already out on the water. About half of the team was getting ready for the races, while the other half of the team would come later on a bus.

The Bruins were already ready for the match.

Magda Janicka
We saw a familiar face as soon as we walked to the dock. Rowing Alumna Magda Janicka (4/29/2010) greeted us with her usual big smile.
Eloy Lopez
Then, another friend walked up to me. Eloy Lopez had come to the competition to root for our Trojans.
It's tough to get to the dock!
Jim went out to the dock, while Trojan Candy stayed near the boathouse. This is where all the action is.
Liz Turner and Jelena Miladinovic
In the boathouse the team was getting ready. I saw two friends, Liz Turner and Jelena Miladinovic (12/3/2010), who posed for this picture.
Rebecca Shaffer and Janna Yang
Trojan Candy met new trainer Janna Yang. She posed with friend Rebecca Shaffer (2/4/2011).
Ligita Kaviere
Assistant Coach Ligita Kaviere (11/20/2009) looks like a model in this picture.
First Varsity 4
Let the competition begin!
First Varsity 4
First Varsity 4 is off for its race. Fight On 1V4!
Dan Avila and Alford Clayton
Trojan Candy saw two friends, USC photographer Dan Avila (1/16/2009) and team bus driver Alford Clayton.
Zenon Babraj and Ligita Kaviere
It was time for the coaches to monitor the races. Head Coach Zenon Babraj and Assistant Coach Ligita Kaviere boarded their boat. Fight On, Coaches!
Second Varsity 8
Trojan Candy walked back into the boat house where the Second Varsity 8 was preparing for their race. 2V8 is a Team!
Cheering Trojans
Other rowing teammates on the dock root for the Second Varsity 8.
Second Varsity 8
Good Luck 2V8!
First Varsity 4
UCLA is nowhere in sight as USC 1Varsity 4 wins their race!
Stephanie Griep and Alyssa Scharpf
As Trojan Candy walked around the boat house area, I met two new friends. They were Novice Rowers Stephanie Griep and Alyssa Scharpf. Unfortunately, Stephanie was injured. FIGHT ON, Stephanie! FIGHT ON, Alyssa!

Erika Blumberga, Erica Christianson, Michelle Popelka, Elaine Krebs, and Shelby PenfieldAfter the USC 2V4 cleaned up their boat, Trojan Candy was able to take their picture. Erika Blumberga, Erica Christianson (4/14/2011), Michelle Popelka, Elaine Krebs (9/20/2012), and Shelby Penfield. FIGHT ON, Erika! FIGHT ON, Erica! FIGHT ON, Michelle! FIGHT ON, Elaine! FIGHT ON, Shelby!

Elaine Krebs and Mike HargroveTrojan Candy met Elaine's uncle, Mike Hargrove, who came to root for his niece.

First Varsity 8
FIGHT ON to USC First Varsity 8 as they left the pier.
Alitta Boyd and Kamali Houston
Trojan Candy met up with two friends, Alitta Boyd (3/11/2010) and Kamali Houston. FIGHT ON, Alitta! FIGHT ON, Kamali!
Kamali Houston, Kate Gleadow, Sara Bilimoria, Shelby Adair and Kaelyn Ibold
The USC 1V4 beat the Bruins! Kamali Houston, Kate Gleadow (10/25/2012), Sara Bilimoria, Shelby Adair and Kaelyn Ibold. FIGHT ON, Kamali! FIGHT ON, Kate! FIGHT ON, Sara! FIGHT ON, Shelby! FIGHT On, Kaelyn!
Pat and Ron Brown
Erica Christianson's aunt and uncle, Pat and Ron Brown, smiled for this picture before they left.
Zenon Babraj
Trojan Candy was able to get this picture of a happy man, Head Coach Babraj. Why was he smiling? His team is beating the Bruins!
First Varsity 8
Another victory clinched the match. Our USC First Varsity 8 decisively beat the Lady Bruins. Do you see the UCLA boat barely in the picture?
First Varsity 8
The victorious 1V8 returned!
Stephanie Chan
New friend and former USC rower Stephanie Chan celebrates our victory! Stephanie was a Coxswain. She graduated in 1998. FIGHT ON, Stephanie!
Krisztina Gyimes, Vineta Moca, Madelyn Walters, Deirdre Fitzpatrick, Paige Fernandes, Keret Einaste, Madara Strautmane, Svenja Jonas, and Elizabeth Turner
The victorious USC Varsity Eight! Krisztina Gyimes, Vineta Moca (10/7/2010), Madelyn Walters (1/20/2012), Deirdre Fitzpatrick, Paige Fernandes, Keret Einaste, Madara Strautmane, Svenja Jonas, and Elizabeth Turner. FIGHT ON, Krisztina! FIGHT ON, Vineta! FIGHT ON, Madelyn! FIGHT ON, Deirdre! FIGHT ON, Paige! FIGHT ON, Keret! FIGHT ON, Madara! FIGHT ON, Svenja! FIGHT ON, Elizabeth!
Vineta Moca
Friend Vineta Moca!
Madelyn Walters, Rebecca Shaffer, Kajsa Olsson, Jelena Miladinovic, Erica Christianson, and Vineta Moca
The team celebrated their six Seniors! Madelyn Walters, Rebecca Shaffer, Kajsa Olsson (10/18/2010), Jelena Miladinovic, Erica Christianson, and Vineta Moca. Trojan Candy has had the privilege of interviewing all six of the young ladies. FIGHT ON, Madelyn! FIGHT ON, Rebecca! FIGHT ON, Kajsa! FIGHT ON, Jelena! FIGHT ON, Erica! FIGHT ON, Vineta!
First Varsity 8
Alumna Iskra Angelova (4/15/2010) came back to visit her former teammates, Jelena and Vineta.

USC Men's Crew and Lindsay GibsonTrojan Candy finally got them all together! The USC Men's Crew cheered for the ladies all day. They and fans posed for this picture with Lindsay Gibson. Murad Yasin, Adam Lieskovsky, Taylor Beach, Serge Liberovsky (9/1/2011), Lindsay Gibson, John Lutz, Manu Ganghu, William Benton, Giovanni Moujaes, Pok Tse, and James Mason.

Erika Blumberga, Marygail Dibuono, Karina Batek, Anu Rajendran, Aly Scharpf, Brianna Morris, Sophia Mitropoulos, Megan Linney and Lauren HananoThe Novice Eight was the last crew to finish. After putting up their boat, they posed for Trojan Candy. Erika Blumberga, Marygail Dibuono, Karina Batek, Anu Rajendran, Aly Scharpf, Brianna Morris, Sophia Mitropoulos, Megan Linney and Lauren Hanano. FIGHT ON, Erika! FIGHT ON, Marygail! FIGHT ON, Karina! FIGHT ON, Anu! FIGHT ON, Aly! FIGHT ON, Brianna! FIGHT ON, Sophia! FIGHT ON, Megan! FIGHT ON, Lauren!

John McGillenJohn McGillen took pictures all morning, just like yours truly, but he got to ride with the coaches on their boat. That is how he took close-up pictures of the team on the water. John is a "real" USC photographer, just like Dan. His pictures can be found on the Official Site of USC Trojan Athletics. He also works for USC Sports Information. John is an USC alumnus who majored in Marketing. He graduated five years ago. John loves to take pictures (like yours truly), and his favorite locations are Big Sur and Zion National Park. He has two brothers. One attends Boston College, and the other lives in their hometown of Chicago. For fun, John likes to exercise and travel. So nice to meet a fellow photographer! FIGHT ON, John!

Jim Yee and Bill Bau
Next, Trojan Candy took a picture of my husband Jim and friend Bill Bau. Bill has been a USC Rowing Booster for years.
Rowing Team
The ladies spontaneously posed for a team photograph. Dan, John and I sprung into action to get the shot.
Silly Rowing Team
Then, the ladies and coaches posed for a silly photograph. That's what happens when you beat the Bruins thirteen years in a row!

FIGHT ON, USC Women of Troy Rowing!