September 2014 (1) Candygrams

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Thursday, September 11, 2014---M.I.T., Harvard and the Mei Mei Restaurant

Most of today was spent visiting MIT and Harvard. Here's MIT.
The Coop at MIT.

Laura and Mike CapoTrojan Candy purchased several items from the Coop (bookstore) at both universities for my children and grandchildren. My son-in-law Zac graduated from M.I.T., and my daughter Kelly and son-in-law Gen graduated from Harvard. While in the Harvard Coop, we saw several Trojans shopping also. USC Director of Reunions Laura Capo and her husband Mike came by to say "Hello."

For dinner, Pat, Dudley and Trojan Candy made our way to a new restaurant near Boston University. We were meeting our first cousin Corinne Chan Carus there. Corinne works at the Belmont Library in Boston.

Margaret LiCorinne knows Margaret Li, who is the owner of the Mei Mei Restaurant which specializes in "creative Chinese American" food.

Corinne Carus, Pat and Dudley Poon, and Trojan Candy
Margaret took this picture of the four of us.
Corinne Carus
Corinne Carus

Corinne was born in Honolulu and for several years was the cello back-up for singer Don Ho. She still performs in the Boston area. Corinne has also traced the genealogy of our Chan Family. Thank you, Corinne, for such a precious gift!

Dish 2Dish 1Here are pictures of two of our delicious dishes. Mmmm!

What a good shopping day with a delectable dinner!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014---Boston's Freedom Trail

Being a history buff, Trojan Candy started to walk the Boston Freedom Trail today. My sister Pat and brother-in-law Dudley joined me. We rode the train into the station at Boston Commons.

State House
Our first stop was the Massachusetts State House, the oldest building on Beacon Hill.
State House
Gateway to State House
Dome from inside
We went on a self-guided tour. This is the golden dome viewed inside from the lobby area. The dome is the official location of Boston to mapmakers.
The main lobby.
Hall of Flags
The Hall of Flags was quite colorful. The flags were returned by Massachusetts soldiers from every war.
Grand Stairs
Next, we walked up these "Grand Stairs" to the House of Representatives.

Raymond Amaru and Michael IzzoUnfortunately, the chamber of the House of Representatives was closed today because they were preparing for the 9/11 ceremony tomorrow. I did meet two new friends. Raymond Amaru has been the House Sergeant of Arms for 56 years! He gave us some sightseeing tips. Michael Izzo, who is an administrative assistant and Boston College fan, posed with Raymond. Michael is a member of the Pike's Peak Club and is also a hockey fan. An honorary FIGHT ON to Michael and Raymond!

Senate Chamber
Luckily, the Senate Chamber was open. There's a bust of Lincoln on the left and Washington on the right.
Sacred Cod
Notice the "Sacred Cod" above the Senate Chamber chandelier.
Old South Meeting House
After we left the Massachusetts State House, we walked to the Old South Meeting House. On December 16, 1773, the Boston Tea Party started here.
Faneuil Hall
Faneuil Hall was next on the tour. It has a marketplace on the first floor and meeting hall on the second floor.
Faneuil Hall painting
This painting inside Faneuil Hall depicts Daniel Webster making his famous "Liberty and Union, Now and Forever" speech on January 26, 1830.
John Hancock
Our last stop was the Granary Burying Ground. Buried here are John Hancock,
Paul Revere
Paul Revere,
Samuel Adams
and Samuel Adams.

What an impressive history lesson today!

September 6, 2014---USC vs. Stanford

Trojan Candy went to the USC-Stanford football game with my sister Pat, brother-in-law Dudley and my eight year old grandson Zane.
Zane, Pat and Dudley Poon, and Gary and Rosalee Pechersky
We met friends Gary and Rosalee Pechersky along the way.
Mary Pashley, Margee Harris and Mike Pashley
As we walked further around the stadium, we saw three more friends---Mary Pashley, Margee Harris, and Mike Pashley.
We finally made it to the Fan Fest. Zane loved the Geico football toss game at the Fan Fest.
Then he played the Geico Stanford trivia game.
Championship Trophy
There it was...the new 2014 Football Championship Trophy. Wouldn't that trophy look nice in Heritage Hall!
Spirit of Troy
From the Fan Fest, we went to our seats in the stadium. Our Spirit of Troy serenaded our team as they warmed up.
Spirit of Troy
Then, they performed on the field.
Stanford Band
The theme of the Stanford Band was "Conserving Water."

Let the game begin!

Our first touchdown!
We would lead 7-0!
Blocked field goal attempt
In the second half, our defense blocked a Stanford field goal attempt. The score remained Stanford 10 and USC 7.
Tying field goal
Now it was our turn. Andre Heidari (9/8/2011) made the tying field goal. FIGHT ON, Andre!
Go ahead field goal
At the 2:30 mark, Andre kicked a 53 yard field goal!
It put us ahead and we beat Stanford! FIGHT ON, USC Football Team!
Hanchera family
Trojan Candy met even more friends as Pat, Dudley, Zane and I walked around the stadium to our car. We visited with the Hanchera family (front row: Candy, Georgia Hanchera, Zane; back row: Lauren Hanchera Duff, Brandyn Duff, Doyle Hanchera, Dudley and Pat)
Spirit of Troy
The Spirit of Troy was entertaining the happy USC fans.
Flores Family
Finally we saw our friends, the Flores Family.

What a fantastic finish!