August 2013 (2) Candygrams

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Saturday, August 24, 2013---Salute to Troy

Trojan Candy arrived at the Salute to Troy an hour and a half early. There were no check-in lines that early. Wonder why? The waiting time passed quickly because I met new friends, and I talked with some old friends before the gates opened at 4:15.

While waiting on the concrete steps in front of the old P.E. building, Trojan Candy sat next to a large family. I casually asked the young lady closest to me if she was a relative or friend of a USC player. She said that she was related to Demetrius Wright. Then, I looked down the bench and saw a lady who obviously must be Demetrius' mother. Not being shy, I walked over to her, introduced myself, gave her my TrojanCandy card and struck up a conversation. Marlyn Curry told me that Demetrius is her son. We both agreed that Demetrius is quiet and reserved. Marlyn told me that her entire family is going to the Hawaii game for her birthday. What a nice gift! However, the best gift would be a USC victory over Hawaii! I told Marlyn that I would find her family inside and take a picture of them with Demetrius.

Soma Vainuku and Randall TelferEveryone rushed in when the gates opened. Programs with the names and numbers of the players, as well as pins commemorating 125 years of Trojan athletics, were passed out. Trojan Candy rushed in, put her items on the chair and went to take, what else?, pictures. The first two players I saw were Soma Vainuku and friend Randall Telfer. Then, I rushed to find one of my top priorities. Su'a CravensSu'a Cravens was standing all alone. Trojan Candy seized the opportunity! I got his autograph for my son Greg and took his picture. Why was Su'a a top priority? He was the only one of the seven new recruits who did not attend the Celebration on Football Signing Day last February. Now I have a picture of all seven Spring 2013 football enrollees. Su'a told me that he is a Business Administration major. Naturally, I told him that my Trojan daughter Steffany majored in Business also. She is now the Director of Marketing for Biscoff. Unfortunately, I forgot to tell Su'a that I interviewed his older sister Malia Cravens (9/20/2012) last year. FIGHT ON, Malia! FIGHT ON, Su'a! Another great Trojan family!

Then, Trojan Candy saw three more of the seven early spring enrollees standing near Su'a. I got autographs and pictures of

Leon McQuay
Leon McQuay,
Darreus Rogers
Darreus Rogers,
Max Browne
and Max Browne. Max told Trojan Candy that he remembered me from the Recruiting Celebration on February 6, 2013. What a compliment!

Michael Hutchings and friendsI also found fall freshman Michael Hutchings with new friends. FIGHT ON, Leon! FIGHT ON, Darreus! FIGHT ON, Max! FIGHT ON, Michael!

Demetrius Wright and familyThis year, the football players and their families were all seated together on the west side of the field and not among the donors. Trojan Candy roamed among all the tables...looking for players and families. Then I saw Marlyn. She gathered her family together and brought Demetrius from another table. Sorry that the picture was too bright...the sun was glaring on the lens of my camera. FIGHT ON, Demetrius!

John Auran and Morgan BreslinAnother top priority was to interview my football locker recipient, John Auran. I found him sitting with friend Morgan Breslin (2/9/2012). John, who likes to be called Jack, was nice enough to let me interview him. Jack is a Business Administration Major with an Entrepreneurship Concentration. He is a Redshirt Senior Safety. Jack is a member of the Sigma Chi Fraternity. He likes wrestling, lifting and practicing Jiu Jitsu. Jack's favorite music artist is Mumford and Sons, and his favorite movie is Gladiator. Like many other football players, Jack likes to play video games. His favorite is Gladiator. FIGHT ON, Jack! When Trojan Candy asked to take his picture, I also asked Morgan to join Jack. At first, Morgan, being himself, said, "No," then, he finally relented. As Trojan Candy walked by Morgan to take more pictures, I told Morgan, "When you become famous in the NFL, you are going to have to pose for pictures." Morgan smiled. FIGHT ON, Morgan!

Victor Blackwell and familyThe next friend that I saw was Victor Blackwell (9/8/2011), a fellow Cerritos resident. I was determined to meet his family. When I met Victor's mom Treva, we talked about how much we like living in Cerritos. Then, I took a picture of the entire family. FIGHT ON, Victor! (Mary O'Rielly, Treva, Victor Blackwell Sr., Vance, Victor)

Val, Max, and Greg TuerkAngela, Jabari, and Kevin RuffinTwo more families were sitting nearby. Trojan Candy was pleased to meet Val and Greg Tuerk and Angela and Kevin Ruffin. When I spoke with Jabari (7/13/2012), I asked him if he minds that I teasingly call him, "Denzel." He said, "No." Do you see a resemblance of Jabari or his dad Kevin to Denzel Washington? FIGHT ON, Max! FIGHT ON, Jabari!

Anthony BrownAs Trojan Candy walked back to her table because the program was starting, I saw another familiar face. Anthony Brown (9/23/2010) gave me a big hug and a "Hi, Miss Candy." FIGHT ON, Anthony!

Kim Santiago, Victoria Morgan, Annie Park, and Doris ChenThen, on the way to my table again, I saw my brother Charles and my sister Pat standing at another table. Seated at the table were the NCAA Women of Troy Golf Champions---Kim Santiago, Victoria Morgan, Annie Park, and Doris Chen. Naturally, Trojan Candy started taking pictures of the ladies. I was able to get friend Doris Chen (2/3/2012) before J.K. McKay (him again!) summoned the entire team to the stage.

Kim Santiago, Victoria Morgan, Kyung Kim, Andrea Gaston, Max Nikias, Rachel Morris, Sophia Popov, Pat Haden, Annie Park, Ellie Chai, Doris Chen, and Justin SilversteinCharles and I followed the team to the stage area. President C. Max Nikas and Pat Haden joined the team at the staging area. On stage, the team was awarded their championship rings. FIGHT ON, NCAA Women of Troy Golf Champions! Kim Santiago, Victoria Morgan, Kyung Kim, Andrea Gaston, Max Nikias, Rachel Morris, Sophia Popov, Pat Haden, Annie Park, Ellie Chai, Doris Chen, and Justin Silverstein

Gabriella Then and Karen ChungAs I walked back to my table, I saw two young ladies sitting at the Women of Troy Golf table and asked them if they are new recruits. When they said, "Yes," Trojan Candy whipped out her camera to take their picture. Gabriella Then and Karen Chung will be incoming Freshmen this fall. After the shot, I told them that they will be on that same stage next year receiving their championship rings. That elicited big smiles on their faces again! FIGHT ON, Women of Troy Golf!

Silas Redd, Dion Bailey, and Marqise LeeAfter the ring ceremony, Trojan Candy finally went to get her food. In the food serving area, I saw more friends. Silas Redd (8/9/2012), Dion Bailey (9/23/2010), and Marqise Lee (9/22/2011). Lamar Dawson, Leonard Williams, and George UkoThen Lamar Dawson (7/14/2011), Leonard Williams and George Uko (10/1/2010). Thank goodness there was some food left for all of us!

When Trojan Candy returned to my table, finally with some food, A.D. Pat Haden announced that the Exercise Room in the John McKay Center would be named in honor of our first Heisman Trophy winner, Mike Garrett (10/31/08). What an honor for our former Athletic Director. FIGHT ON, Mike!

David GarnessAnother honor was bestowed on Senior Offensive Lineman David Garness. David was awarded the $10,000 John Wayne Scholarship for the highest G.P.A. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, David!

1988 Football team membersThen the 25th Anniversary Team was announced. Rodney Peete spoke for the team. Rodney told us that, yes, he really did have the measles before the UCLA game at the Rose Bowl in 1988. Then, he related a story about the birth of his son. His wife went into labor and was taken to the UCLA hospital. Rodney asked the doctors how long it would be before his son was born. When told, "Several hours," Rodney checked his wife out of the UCLA hospital and drove her to Cedars Sinai! There was no way that his son was going to be born at UCLA! The audience erupted in laughter! FIGHT ON, 25th Anniversary USC Team!

Trojan Candy took some pictures of the team as they waited off stage to be introduced by position (See below for a link to them). I didn't take many on stage pictures, because I went back to my table to finally eat dinner. Even, Trojan Candy needs to eat! The food was yummy!

I returned to the stage area just as Marqise Lee addressed the audience. I saw Marqise everywhere today! He pretended to be Coach Tee Martin. Marqise got us all pumped up for the coming season!

Trojan Candy took a few more team position pictures at the stage area.

CLICK HERE FOR MANY MORE Salute to Troy pictures!

George Katrib, Cody Skene, Victor Blackwell, Christian Guzman, Nelson Agholor, De'Von Flournoy, Brennan Cassone, Robby Kolanz, Marqise Lee, Steven Mitchell, Aaron Minor, Darreus Rogers, and Tee Martin
Receivers George Katrib, Cody Skene, Victor Blackwell, Christian Guzman, Nelson Agholor, De'Von Flournoy, Brennan Cassone, Robby Kolanz, Marqise Lee, Steven Mitchell, Aaron Minor, and Darreus Rogers with Tee Martin
Tommie Robinson, Javorius Allen, Justin Davis, Ty Isaac, John Akiba, Pat Hart, Silas Redd, Tre Madden, D.J. Morgan, Jahleel Pinner, Taylor Ross, James Toland, and Soma Vainuku
Tommie Robinson with running backs Javorius Allen, Justin Davis, Ty Isaac, John Akiba, Pat Hart, Silas Redd, Tre Madden, D.J. Morgan, Jahleel Pinner, Taylor Ross, James Toland, and Soma Vainuku
Clay Helton, Max Browne, Cody Kessler, Anthony Neyer, and Max Wittek
Clay Helton with quarterbacks Max Browne, Cody Kessler, Anthony Neyer, and Max Wittek

The evening ended with Conquest and fireworks!