April 2016 (4) Candygrams

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Thursday, April 14, 2016---Women of Troy Beach Volleyball Senior Salute

Trojan Candy arrived at the Meryl Norman Stadium in time to take pictures and videos of the Women of Troy Beach Volleyball Senior Salute. I ran out onto the sand and videorecorded the three Seniors entering the stadium flanked by their parents. Then I took pictures of each Senior at the net with her parents. Unfortunately, somehow, all the pictures and videos were lost. What an utter disaster!

Luckily, I was able to take pictures of some USC athletes who attended the match and of the three Seniors with Head Coach Anna Collier after our Trojans beat Pepperdine 4-1.

Seen at the SCene:

Thibault Forget, Tanner Smith, and Jens Sweaney
Men's Tennis: Thibault Forget (2/28/2015), Tanner Smith, and Jens Sweaney.
Bennie Boatwright and Kurt Karis
Men's Basketball: Bennie Boatwright (8/28/2015) and Kurt Karis.
Bennie Boatwright, Elijah Stewart, Alexa Strange, and Kurt Karis
Bennie Boatwright, Elijah Stewart (3/30/2015), Senior Alexa Strange (3/3/2016) and Kurt Karis.
Christopher Orenic and Vinnie Rios
Men's Volleyball: Christopher Orenic and Vinnie Rios.
Emily Young, Anna Collier, Zoe Nightingale, and Alexa Strange
The three Seniors---Emily Young, Zoe Nightingale (3/3/2016), and Alexa Strange--- posed with Coach Anna at the net.
Zoe Nightingale, Alexa Strange, Anna Collier, and Emily Young
Then, they "acted up" with Coach Anna. FIGHT ON, Zoe! FIGHT ON, Alexa! FIGHT ON, Emily!

Samantha BricioOne last friend posed for my picture. Women of Troy Volleyball player Samantha (Sam) Bricio (11/29/2015) worked the match for the athletic department.

FIGHT ON, Women of Troy Beach Volleyball Seniors!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016---Men's Basketball Banquet

My husband Jim and I arrived right on time at the Galen Center lobby. I started taking pictures as soon as I could get my camera out of its bag.

Carl Reed, Jim Yee, ?, and Pierson Clair
Carl Reed, who manages the Galen Center, my husband Jim, ? and Pierson Clair (9/23/2010), the official USC photographer for tonight, all smiled for me.
Richard Flores and Annie Occhipinti
I saw good friend Richard Flores next. He introduced me to his friend Annie Occhipinti.

Some members of the men's basketball team started arriving.
Jim Yee and Bennie Boatwright
Jim stood next to Bennie Boatwright (8/28/2015).
 and Bennie Boatwright
? and Bennie Boatwright
Lisa, Jordan, and Thomas McLaughlin
Trojan Candy walked over to Jordan McLaughlin (5/26/2015). I was able to meet his mom Lisa and dad Thomas.
Jim Yee and Tony Fox
Good friend Tony Fox came to visit with Jim and me.
Tom and Carole Zide and Tony Fox
Then, I followed Tony when he went to visit with two mutual friends---Tom and Carole Zide.
Nikola Jovanovic and Janine and John Colich
I literally looked up and saw friend Nikola Jovanovic (3/26/2014). He was standing with his "American parents"---Janine and John Colich.
Florence, Chimezie, James, Chinesom, and Kamsi Metu
Next, Trojan Candy was able to meet another player's family. Chimezie Metu (8/28/2015) introduced his family, and they posed for this picture. Mother Florence, Chimezie, father James, brother Chinesom, and sister Kamsi Metu.
Darion Clark
Next, Trojan Candy visited with friend Darion Clark (3/30/2015).
Spirit of Troy
The Spirit of Troy marched in the door.
Becky Gramstrup and Pierson Clair
Friends Becky Gramstrup and Pierson Clair posed for this picture. Pierson, like I am, is everywhere!
Louis Wong, Darion Clark, and Mary Jo Wong
Friends Louis and Mary Jo Wong visited with Darion Clark.
Chimezie Metu, Kurt Karis, Shaqquan Aaron, and Elijah Stewart
Four basketball team members smiled for this picture. Chimezie Metu (8/29/2015), Kurt Karis, Shaqquan Aaron, and Elijah Stewart (3/30/2015).

Kurt Karis, Shaqquan Aaron, and Daniel MunozTrojan Candy was able to "catch up" a little with Daniel Munoz (3/30/2015). Daniel earned his M.S. in Communication Management and Marketing. He has been a Graduate Manager with the men's team this year. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Daniel! He posed with Kurt Karis and Shaqquan Aaron. Those two players are everywhere, just like Pierson and yours truly!

Nikola Jovanovic, Wandy Jung, Julian Jacobs, and Larry JungJust when everyone else was seated inside the donor room, Trojan Candy was still in the lobby looking for more players. That's when friends Larry and Wandy Jung walked towards me. I snapped their picture with Nikola Jovanovic and Julian Jacobs (3/30/2015).

Now, it was finally time to go inside the Founder's Room for dinner.

Shaqquan AaronOnce inside, I saw Shaqquan Aaron sitting with teammate Kurt Karis at a nearby table. I wanted to interview both players. I was able to finish my interview with Shaqquan but ran out of time to interview Kurt. Next time, Kurt! As for Shaqquan, he is majoring in Marketing. He came to USC because he loved the coaches. Trojan Candy is sure glad that he's a Trojan now! On a more personal note, Shaqquan's hobby is playing video games. His favorite games are "Call of Duty" and "Smash Brothers." Shaqquan's favorite types of movies are Marvel and Disney movies. As for music, Shaqquan likes Rap, Hip Hop and R and B. His favorite artist is Drake. Shaqquan's favorite food is seafood. Perhaps we'll have seafood for dinner! Nah....chicken or beef. Sorry, Shaqquan. So nice to meet you, Shaqquan and FIGHT ON!

Sam Chow, John Austria, Angela Chang, and Jeff Mo
When I finally sat down at my table, Trojan Candy saw good friend Sam Chow sitting at the next table. Sam was with three friends. He is standing behind John Austria, Angela Chang, and Jeff Mo.
Russell and Ann Bigler
My husband Jim and I met two new friends at our table. They were Russell and Ann Bigler. They were both educators in Fruitvale, CA, and Russell was the Superintendent of Schools. We had interesting conversation during dinner.
Kent Hollenbeck and Jim Yee
Sitting by Jim at our table was friend Kent Hollenbeck.

Samer and Harjit DhillonTrojan Candy saw a familiar face at another table adjoining ours. I just had to go take a picture of Samer Dhillon (3/26/2014) and his mother Harjit.

After dinner the program began. The team awards were announced:

Team Captain Jordan McLaughlin addressed the audience. Jordan said, "Our team is proud to represent USC on and off the court. We are excited for the future."

Andy Enfield, Darion Clark, and Cale SmithAfter Jordan spoke on behalf of the team, Coach Enfield had Darion Clark come on the stage with his special friend, ten year old Cale Smith. Darion gave Cale a special #10 jersey, which is Darion's number, to congratulate Cale in his overcoming cancer. FIGHT ON, Cale! [Thank you, Pierson Clair, for letting me use your picture.]

Andy Enfield and Tony FoxNext, totally unexpectedly, Coach Enfield honored Tony Fox for his forty-five years of service directing the Spirit of Troy at all of the men's basketball games. Tony, who is retiring, was awarded a commemorative Tommy Trojan trophy from the team. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Tony!

Samer Dhillon, Jordan McLaughlin, Cale Smith, Darion Clark, Chimezie Metu, Kurt Karis, Bennie Boatwright, Julian Jacobs, Shaqquan Aaron, Elijah Stewart, and Nikola JovanovicAt the end of the program, the entire team came onto the stage. When Trojan Candy was taking pictures, I had camera trouble. Here is my "artsy" picture of the team.

Samer Dhillon, Jordan McLaughlin, Cale Smith, Darion Clark, Chimezie Metu, Kurt Karis, Bennie Boatwright, Julian Jacobs, Shaqquan Aaron, Elijah Stewart, and Nikola JovanovicNow, here is the team picture taken by my good friend, Pierson Clair. Pierson lets me put his pictures in my blog. You can see all of Pierson's pictures at www.pc4photo.com. Thank you, Pierson!

Trojan Candy then walked around taking pictures of as many guests and players that I could.

Tony Fox
Here is a picture of good friend Tony Fox holding his trophy.
Lorraine, Elijah, Maudie Roberts and Rosie Smith
I was able to take this picture of Elijah Stewart and his family. Cousin Lorraine, Elijah, Aunt Maudie Roberts and Mother Rosie Smith.
Julian Jacobs
Then, I actually carried Julian Jacobs' trophy to him to hold while I took this picture of him.
Darion Clark and ? and Cale Smith
Darion Clark posed with Cale and his brother.
Andy and Amanda Enfield
As Jim and I were walking toward the parking garage, we caught up with Coach Enfield and his wife Amanda. What a perfect picture to end such an exciting night!

With that, Trojan Candy says, "Good Night....and FIGHT ON, USC Men's Basketball!"