April 2015 (4) Candygrams

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Thursday, April 30, 2015---Women of Troy SCelebration

My husband Jim and I were invited to the "SCelebration" for USC Senior Women of Troy athletes. The event was held in the Bashor Lounge in Heritage Hall.

Elaine KrebsAs we walked into the reception, Trojan Candy saw friend Elaine Krebs (9/20/2012) in a tour group. We'll see her again later.

Sabrina Santamaria, Casey Reede, Karen Bowman, and Aneesa and Zoe ScandalisAfter we checked in, I saw some more friends sitting at a table in the lounge. They were Senior Women of Troy Tennis players and two friends. Sabrina Santamaria (4/11/2014), Casey Reede (11/12/2014), Karen Bowman, and Aneesa and Zoe Scandalis.

All around the room were Women of Troy Senior athletes!

Hayley Crone  and Mick HaleyNext, new friend Hayley Crone (4/16/2015) and Women of Troy Volleyball Head Coach Mick Haley (4/23/2010) said Hello.

Zoe ScandalisJust as I turned around, Zoe Scandalis was walking toward me. I have seen Zoe compete on the tennis court for four years, but was never able to interview her. I asked if I could interview her, and she said, "Yes!" Elated, Trojan Candy asked her questions about herself as quickly as I could. Zoe said that she started playing tennis when she was three years old. She played with a foam racket in her home. At five years old, she loved to swim and to play tennis. Zoe was an Honor Student in high school and is also now at USC. She majored in Political Economy and likes to keep informed about global issues. Zoe likes to listen to pop music on the radio, and her favorite artist is John Mayer. She has four favorite movies: "A Knight's Tale, West Side Story, Hitch and Remember the Titans." Zoe told me about two idiosyncrasies that she has. First, she likes to wear high socks. The second one is that the night before a tennis match, she always eats pepperoni pizza. Zoe told me that the pizza makes her happy and makes her play better! Play well, she has at USC! Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Zoe!

Kellyn Freire, Ligita Kaviere, and Liz TurnerNext, Trojan Candy saw some Women of Troy Rowing friends. I met new friend Kellyn Freire. It was so nice to see Assistant Coach Ligita Kaviere (11/20/2009) and Senior Liz Turner again. I used to see them weekly at Heritage Hall when we volunteered at the desk.

Kellyn FreireNaturally, I interviewed Kellyn next. Kellyn, who is from Long Beach, majored in Business Administration. Kellyn is a second generation Trojan. Her mom Mary majored in Accounting and her dad Joe earned his M.B.A. at SC. Another Trojan Family! Kellyn has been rowing for six years and is currently a Coxswain on the team. She likes hiking, running and hanging out with her teammates. Kellyn told me that she is taking an Improv Class now and that she likes Romantic Comedies. As for music, her favorite artists are Jack Johnson and John Mayer. Kellyn's favorite foods are pizza and Mexican food. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Kellyn!

Akawkaw (CoCo) Ndipagbor, Shelby Adair, Liz Turner, Kellyn Freiere, Elaine Krebs, and Kate GleadowJust after I finished interviewing Kellyn, Senior Associate Athletic Director Donna Heinel took the podium and introduced all the Women of Troy Seniors who were in attendance. At left are the Seniors on the left side of the podium. They are (left to right): Track and Field: Akawkaw (CoCo) Ndipagbor (7/14/2011); Rowing: Shelby Adair, Liz Turner, Kellyn Freiere, Elaine Krebs, and Kate Gleadow (10/25/2012).

Casey Reede, Sabrina Santamaria, Zoe Scandalis, Hannah Schraer, Melia Cox, Hayley Crone, and Julia TsengAt right are the Seniors on the right side of the podium. They are (left to right): Tennis: Casey Reede, Sabrina Santamaria, and Zoe Scandalis; Volleyball: Hannah Schraer; Track: Melia Cox (9/8/2011); Volleyball: Hayley Crone; Track and Field: Julia Tseng. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Senior Women of Troy Athletes!

Next, Barbara Hedges, the Co-Chair of the USC Heritage Foundation, gave a brief history of women's athletics at USC since Title IX. She said that 3,500 athletic scholarships have been awarded thus far to Women of Troy athletes.

Cynthia Cooper and Aneesa ScandalisWomen of Troy Head Coach Cynthia Cooper announced several new members of the Women of Troy support group. New member Aneesa Scandalis, Zoe's mother, received a cap and posed with Coach Cooper.

Hannah Schraer and Cookie StevensImmediately after the program, Trojan Candy went to take more pictures and do more interviews. I saw Volleyball Senior Hannah Schraer and Assistant Coach Cookie Stevens. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Hannah!

Julia TsengNext, I rushed over to interview the two Track and Field Seniors. Senior Julia Tseng majored in Communication and Film. She is from West Covina. Julia competes in the javelin. Her hobbies are producing "shorts," staying fit and doing makeup. "Five Hundred Days of Summer" is her favorite movie. Julia likes Mexican food the most. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Julia!

Jenny OzoraiThe second Track and Field Senior was Jenny Ozorai. Jenny is from Szombathely, Hungary. She majored in Economics and minored in Psychology. Jenny competes in the hammer throw. Her hobby is doing her nails. Jenny enjoys listening to music and her favorite artists are Bruno Mars and Maroon 5. Her favorite food is pizza and anything with barbecue sauce on it. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Jenny!

CoCo NdipagborAfter interviewing two new "Field" Seniors I saw a familiar "Track" face. She used to come by the Heritage Hall desk every week to visit. CoCo Ndipagbor smiled for this picture. It was so nice to visit with her again.

Unfortunately another "Field" friend Melia Cox left before Trojan Candy could visit with her. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, CoCo! Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Melia!

Elaine Krebs and Mike HargroveAs I said earlier, we would see rower Elaine Krebs again. Here is Elaine with her uncle Mike Hargrove. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Elaine!

Trojan Candy was able to do a quick interview with the fifth Senior rower. Shelby Adair, who is from Manhattan Beach and majored in Critical Studies and Cinematic Arts. She loves country music and alternative rock. Shelby has been rowing for six years. In addition to rowing, Shelby likes to play soccer, basketball, volleyball and surf. Kellyn Freiere, Elaine Krebs, Shelby Adair, Kate Gleadow and Liz TurnerWhat an all-around athlete! Shelby is a second generation Trojan, just like Kellyn. Her grandfather, who earned his Ph.D at USC, threw the javelin and was a runner-up for the Olympic team. Her grandmother was a top-ten national player in tennis while she was at USC. Another very athletic Trojan Family! Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Shelby!

Shelby is the middle of the five rowing friends in the picture at left. They are Kellyn Freiere, Elaine Krebs, Shelby Adair, Kate Gleadow and Liz Turner. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, my Senior Rowing Friends!

CoCo Ndipagbor and familyKaren Bowman, Barbara Hedges and Mara Hunter ReddenAs Jim and I left, I took two more pictures. Karen Bowman, Barbara Hedges and Mara Hunter Redden are at right.

Then in the lobby, we said, "Good night," to CoCo's Family at far right.

What a fantastic SCelebration!