USC TGLA 2022 (4) Candygrams

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Tuesday, November 1, 2022---USC TGLA Ways and Means Committee Hard at Work

Our USC TGLA Ways and Means Committee was hard at work before the Town and Gown meeting at Town and Gown started on November 1st.

We had a perfect spot for our items on the Town and Gown patio. Trojan Candy took two pictures of the committee.

5605Committee Members Terri Boyle, Judy Lieb and Jean Getchell smiled for me because everything was set up.

5606Then they posed in front of our table to show all of the merchandise we set up to sale.

Our sale was very successful!

Many thanks to our Ways and Means Committee!

Saturday, October 29, 2022---USC TGLA at “Into the Woods” Play

Trojan Candy arrived at the Bing Theater an hour before the “Into the Woods” performance was to begin. There were already several USC TGLA members gathered outside on the theater plaza. Trojan Candy immediately started taking pictures.

My first picture was of ?, Laury DeSanctis, ?, Judith Harris, Sherry De Friese, and ?
Our new member Dorothy Conte posed with her guest James Konantz.
Our president Sandy Johnston and Jeanne Niotta smiled for me in front of the theater.
Sandy and Jeanne were joined by ? and ?.
Sherry De Friese, Sandy Johnston, new member Cathy Creasia and her daughter C.C. Creasia smiled for Trojan Candy next.
Sharon Wood and her daughter Arianna gave me their “Fight On!” for this picture.
The next group picture “Carried On” with their two fingers!
Everyone posed for this group picture.

Soon, everyone entered the theater for the play.

Thursday, October 6, 2022---USC TGLA Meeting at the Taix French Restaurant

Trojan Candy arrived early at the Taix French Restaurant for our first meeting of the 2022-2023 year.

I checked in with Janyce Teasley and Ann Proctor. It was so nice to see Jane Bensussen back at our meetings.
I was able to sit at a table that was excellent for me to take pictures. Sitting there already were Cheryl Schwartz’s husband Elliott and his sister Gayl Brinlee. Elliott told me that Cheryl was sick. Get better soon, Cheryl. Standing behind them was Rosalee Perchersky.
Nearby were Sandy Johnston and Oksana Giebeler.
Sitting next to our table were Carol Thueson and her daughter Julie Pircher.
Out in the hall, Trojan Candy took this picture of Associate member Shirley Farris.
Sandy and Oksana posed with new USC TGLA member Rose Sapia.
Trojan Candy saw several members together at a table. What a nice picture it will be. Standing were Kathie Austin, Jean Getchell, Oksana Giebeler, and Andrea Maxie. Sitting were Nikki Dana, Mary Hall, and Dorothy Conte.
Selling raffle tickets to Lulu Louie-Wong were new TGLA member Kathie Austin and Jean Getchell.
Now, Trojan Candy saw more TGLA members and guests. I snapped this picture of Sandy’s guest Richard Vargus.
Carol Fox brought her son Chris as her guest.
Scholar Sara Jo (8/15/2022), Lulu Louie-Wong, Patti Poon, and Leslie Lilly posed for me.
Two of our new members, Edie Etmekjian and Cathy Creasia, posed with Leslie Lilly.
Sherry De Friese brought her brother Bob Leach as her guest.

49354936Julie Pircher introduced her guest Caren Walley Edler who said a few words.

4942Next to the podium were Third VP Scholarship Andrea Maxie and Scholarship Committee member Janyce Teasley. Two more Scholarship Committee members Patti Poon and Candy Yee were introduced. Then pictures were taken with the three USC TGLA Scholars who attended our meeting. Left to right were Patti Poon; Andrea Maxie; scholars Joe Suh (8/14/2022), Sara Jo, and Matthew Alonzo; Janyce Teasley; and Candy Yee.

Then Trojan Candy took a picture of the three scholars with their donors Sandy Johnston and Jean Getchell.
Jane Bensussen and Sandy Johnston posed with new USC TGLA prospective member Sandy Farris.
Wilma Pinder posed with Patti Poon.
Seated together were Suzanne Stillman, Andrea Maxie, and Shirley Farris.

4958Right before our speaker was to start, I took this picture of Bob Leach and Scott Porter. Then, 1st VP Programs Oksana Giebler introduced Scott, who is a Partner in EY Consulting. Scott spends time in advising companies in Business Transformation, Process Improvement and Risk Management. In his presentation, Scott spoke about Web 3.0 and how it is an enabler to the metaverse. About the metaverse, Scott said that it raises questions and implications that must be addressed. In Tech: there is Structure and Accessibility; in Social: there is Health and Identity; in Political: there is Regulation and Government; and in Economic: there is Commerce and Employment. He left us with this question: “What is your right to privacy, anonymity, and representation within and across the metaverse?

What a look into the future! Thank you, Scott!

Oksana and Sandy posed with Scott.
Then, they gave him thank you gifts.
Then, Scott posed with his friend Oksana.
Next, Trojan Candy still took more pictures of members and guests. Patti Poon introduced her husband Dudley.

4975Then, our four new members were presented. 4th VP Membership Ann Proctor presented our new members. First was Rose Sapia who is a teacher. At USC she was a member of Helenes and volunteered at Joint Educational Project (JEP). She plays golf and tennis and owns her own horse. Welcome, Rose!

4977Our second new member was Edie Etmekjian. She was sponsored by Carol Fox. Edie majored in International Relations at USC. She is also a member of Town and Gown. Welcome, Edie!

4978Cathy Creasia was our third new member. Cathy currently works at Rossier School of Education. She has earned both a Masters degree and a Ph.D. at USC. She is also a USC SCion. Her father was USC football player C.R. Roberts. Welcome, Cathy!

4980The last new member to be introduced was Dorothy Conte. Dorothy is also a member of Town and Gown. She has volunteered with the Boy Scouts and the “Pay it Forward” Program. Dorothy loves to travel abroad. Welcome, Dorothy!

4982Finally, four 2021 new members, who were not acknowledged last year because of COVID-19 campus meeting restrictions, were honored. They are Ann Proctor, Oksana Giebler, Andrea Maxie, and Wilma Pinder. Welcome Ann, Oksana, Andrea, and Wilma!

49884912Our last agenda event was the door prize drawing. Jean Getchell awarded the door prize to the winner Leslie Lilly! Leslie has won the coveted TGLA door prize before. She won the beautiful necklace at our TGLA meeting on May 2, 2019. Trojan Candy wishes that she could be so lucky!

What a busy, jam-packed first USC TGLA meeting!