Trojan Guild of Los Angeles 2019 (3) Candygrams

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Tuesday, August 20, 2019---TGLA Board Retreat

4345Our Trojan Guild of Los Angeles Board met on the second floor of the Doheny Library for our "Board Retreat."

The meeting started a little late because members were late from the bad freeway traffic. All of the Los Angeles Unified School District Schools started classes today as well as it was the first day that USC students could move into the dorm.

However, once all the Board Members arrived, the Retreat was so well planned and ran so smoothly, that the lost time was made up.

During lunch, there were Break Out Sessions discussing Objective and Subjective subjects.

Trojan Candy took pictures of each of the Break Out Sessions presentations.

Sandi Hampar, Sharon Wood, Terri Boyle, and Jolene Irwin were on Nikki's team singing their "signature song." It was "If You're Happy and You Know It."
Cheryl Schwartz, Anna Liberovsky, Candy Yee, and Lois Booth were in Christine Ofiesh's team. Our signature song was "Getting to Know You."
Carol Thueson and her teammates Linda Waxman, Barbara Hance, and Patti Madden had everyone sing "Fight On."
Judy Lieb, Alnita Dunn, Carol Wright, and Ann Palmer were on Mary Hall's committee. They sang, "Make New Friends."
Our President Sandy Johnston awarded us prizes for all of our efforts.

Indeed, our USC Trojan Guild of Los Angeles Board Retreat was not just all work.... There was some play!

Friday, August 16, 2019---TGLA Board Members are always at Work!

Mary Hall, Carol Thueson, Christine Ofiesh, Nikki Dana, Mary Indenbaum, Rosalee Pechersky and Sandy JohnstonOn August 16th, Mary Hall sent me this picture. Sitting were Mary Hall, Carol Thueson and Christine Ofiesh. Standing were Nikki Dana, Mary Indenbaum, Rosalee Pechersky and Sandy Johnston.

Our TGLA Ladies are always volunteering and working!


Tuesday, May 7, 2019---TGLA at Town and Gown Life Membership Lunch

Trojan Candy arrived a little early at the last Town and Gown meeting of the 2018-2019 year. Town and Gown Life Members were being honored today, and TGLA members, who are also Town and Gown members, played a big part in the ceremony.

TGLA members were assigned to pass out bouquets to the Town and Gown Life Members. Trojan Candy took pictures of every TGLA member whom I saw.

Barbara Hance
In the Town and Gown patio, I saw Barbara Hance holding some Life Member bouquets.
Sandy Johnston and Barbara Hance
Sandy Johnston joined Barbara with more bouquets.
D'Arcy McLeod and Christine Ofiesh
D'Arcy McLeod and Christine Ofiesh posed for me inside.
Marcia Montez
Marcia Montez smiled for me.
Anna Liberovsky
Holding more flowers was Anna Liberovsky.
Ann Palmer and Janyce Teasley
Two TGLA members will be on the Town and Gown Board next year. They are Ann Palmer, third from the left, and Janyce Teasley, second from the right.
Patti Poon, Judith Harris and Evelyn Wilson
At my table were two T&G Life Members. Patti Poon and Evelyn Wilson were handed bouquets by Judith Harris.
Omar Garcia, James Bennett and Jong Su Kim
Also seated at my table were three Town and Gown Scholars. They were Omar Garcia, James Bennett and Jong Su Kim.
Israel Del Toro
The Town and Gown speaker for today was Israel Del Toro. Israel is the first 100% combat-disabled Air Force technician to re-enlist in the military. He was an exceptionally motivating speaker.

TGLA members are exceptional volunteers!

Thursday, May 2, 2019---TGLA General Meeting

Today's meeting was "jam-packed" with activity. In summary, new TGLA members were initiated into our organization. TGLA members introduced their guests. The outgoing and incoming TGLA Presidents, Mary Hall and Sandy Johnston, thanked and welcomed their respective Boards. Then TGLA members heard Professor Nick Strimple speak. Through all this activity, Trojan Candy took pictures! Let's get started.

When Trojan Candy first arrived at 9:00 a.m., I took pictures of TGLA members and their guests.

Rosalee Pechersky and Susie Katz
Rosalee Pechersky posed with her guest Susie Katz.
Jerry Ensom and Rex Johnston
Then I saw Jerry Ensom and Rex Johnston.
Larry Moline and Bonnie Moore
Trojan Candy saw two new faces. Naturally, I walked over to meet them and take their picture. Professional TGLA member since 1999, Bonnie Moore introduced me to her husband Larry Moline. So nice to meet both of you, and please come to more TGLA events next year, Bonnie and Larry!

0563After a short TGLA board pre-meeting, some of the 2018-2019 board members posed for this picture on the patio. Back Row: Cheryl Schwartz, Sandi Hampar, Patricia Dowling, Mary Hall, Cathy Beyer, JoAnne Polite, Lois Booth, Judy Lieb, Elizabeth O'Connell, Ann Palmer, Sharon Schmidt and Mo Bassity. Front Row: Rosalee Perchersky, Kate Farlow, Carol Thueson, Vickie Walker, Terri Boyle, Barbara Hance, Christine Ofiesh and Sandy Johnston.

Mary Hall and Peggy Lu-Mundy
Trojan Candy found more TGLA members and guests inside. President Mary Hall introduced me to her guest Peggy Lu-Mundy.
Ann Proctor and Denice Kalunian
New TGLA member Ann Proctor posed with Denice Kalunian.
Larry Moline and Bonnie Moore
Patricia Dowling posed with her guest Gail Tabah Barber.
Mary Anne Cogbill and Rita Evans
Mary Anne Cogbill and Rita Evans smiled for me.
Andrea Maxie
Before the meeting started, Trojan Candy took pictures of new member Andrea Maxie, who was presented at our February 7th meeting.
Candy Yee, Patti Poon, Valerie Sampson, Sandi Hampar and Ann Palmer
Now, the meeting was called to order by Mary Hall. Then, Membership Vice-Presidents Sandi Hampar and Ann Palmer presented two new TGLA members. First was Valerie Sampson, whom my sister Patti Poon and I sponsored.
Sandi Hampar, Ann Proctor and Ann Palmer
The next new member was Ann Proctor who posed between Sandi Hampar and Ann Palmer.
Kate Farlow
The "Product's Ladies" took over the meeting next. Kate Farlow showed necklaces.
Barbara Hance
Barbara Hance modeled a hat, a necklace and gloves and held up earrings.
Terri Boyle
Terri Boyle modeled a hat, two necklaces and a Trojan pendant. You ladies did a tremendous job this year. Thank You!
Patricia Dowling, Sharon Wood, Carol Thueson, Cathy Beyer and JoAnne Polite
Now it was time for our Presidential installation. Our outgoing President, Mary Hall thanked her Board. Here is a picture of five of Mary's Board. Patricia Dowling, Sharon Wood, Carol Thueson, Cathy Beyer and JoAnne Polite.
Alnita Dunn, Nikki Dana, Juel Collins and Sharon Schmidt
Alnita Dunn, Nikki Dana, Juel Collins and Sharon Schmidt also served on Mary's Board.
Mary Hall
Mary posed with her "thank you" mementos.
Sandy Johnston, Nikki Dana and Christine Ofiesh
Now was the Installation of our 2019-2020 TGLA President Sandy Johnston. Nikki Dana and Christine Ofiesh helped with Sandy's installation.
Nikki Dana and Cathy Beyer
Cathy Beyer was sprinkled with "fairy dust" by Nikki Dana as she was installed.
Mo Bassity, Nikki Dana, Christine Ofiesh, Cathy Beyer, Candy Yee and Sandy Johnston
Thanks to Peggy Lu-Mundy for taking this picture of Sandy's installation of Mo Bassity, Nikki Dana, Christine Ofiesh, Cathy Beyer and Candy Yee.
Sandy Johnston and Mary Hall
Mary Hall handed over the gavel to new TGLA President Sandy Johnston.
Rosalee Perchersky
After the Installation was finished, Rosalee Perchersky introduced our guest speaker Dr. Nick Strimple, Professor of Choral Music in the USC Thornton School of Music.
An Advocacy of Life
The title of Dr. Strimple's presentation was "An Advocacy of Life." He spoke of how the "Power of music helped to make people feel human" when they were imprisoned during WWII in concentration camps.

He spoke of how the "Power of music helped to make people feel human" when they were imprisoned during WWII in concentration camps.

As an example, he chose to talk about the Austrian composer Viktor Uhlmann (1898-1944) who organized concerts, wrote critiques, and composed.

Viktor Ullmann band
Viktor Ullmann directed this band in a concentration camp.
Viktor Ullmann quote
Here is a quote from Viktor Ullmann.
Margaret Dryburgh
In a Japanese concentration camp, Missionary Margaret Dryburgh (1890-1945) wrote music and organized concerts.
Margaret Dryburgh composition
Here is one of Margaret's compositions.
Mo Bassity, Sandy Johnston, Rosalee Perchersky, Nick Strimple and Mary Hall
Dr. Strimple posed with Programs co-Vice-President Mo Bassity, President Sandy Johnston, Programs co-Vice-President Rosalee Perchersky and Past President Mary Hall. What an educational presentation!
Diane Morgan
New Member Diane Morgan also posed for me on the patio and will be presented at our October 2019 meeting.
Barbara Hance and Susan Hilton
I went back inside to take more candid pictures. I found Barbara Hance with her guest Susan Hilton.
2019-2020 TGLA Board
Trojan Candy had the 2019-2020 TGLA Board step outside for this picture.
Sharon Wood, Christine Ofiesh, Carol Thueson and Sharon Schmidt
Sharon Wood, Christine Ofiesh, Carol Thueson and Sharon Schmidt smiled for me.
Leslie Lilly
My last picture of this astonishingly busy TGLA day was of the winner of the $2,000 Faith Porter necklace. Lucky Leslie Lilly!

Whew! What a TGLA day!