USC TGLA 2022 (2) Candygrams

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Saturday, August 20, 2022---Meet USC TGLA Scholar Matthew Alonzo

Matthew AlonzoMatthew Alonzo is the final USC TGLA Scholarship student to respond to my request for an interview. Of the interview questions I sent to Matthew, he chose these questions.

Matthew’s first four questions were all related directly to USC. Question one was “Why did he choose USC?" Matthew wrote, “Both my parents, my aunt, and my older sister went to USC so I really had no other choices! On a serious note I have always felt a strong pull towards USC, and the realization that I could attend a university in the city and the community I hope to one day serve was too good an opportunity to pass up.”

Question two was, “Do you have any family members that also attended USC?” Trojan Candy always likes to read the answer to this question. Matthew’s answer was, “Yes! Mom and dad (undergrad and medical school), aunt on my dad's side (undergrad and masters), and my older sister. My dad had to ruin the streak by getting his MBA at UCLA unfortunately!”

Name of USC organizations that you are member or and what position you hold. Matthew had an extensive list:
USC Keck School of Medicine Department of Neurology - Research Assistant
USC Global Research, Implementation, and Training (GRIT) Lab - Research Assistant
USC Science Outreach - Student Tutor
USC Joint Education Project (JEP) - Student Tutor
USC Alpha Epsilon Delta Pre-Medical Honors Society - Member
USC Alpha Lambda Delta First Year Honors Society – Member

Matthew is such a dedicated USC student!

His fourth question was, “Do you have a job on campus? What profession are you entering after graduation? “No, I do not have an official job on campus disregarding research obligations. I hope to pursue a career in medicine in the future, specifically as either an emergency medicine or primary care physician.”

On a more personal level, Matthew answered nine more interview questions.

His favorite foods are “Anything spicy or deep fried, preferably both!”

As for “Favorite movie? Book? Television show? Actor? “The original Star Wars (Episode 4) is Matthew’s favorite. His book is “Whatever I don’t have to read for class.” Matthew’s favorite television show is “How I Met Your Mother or Community." Robin Williams is his favorite actor.

Answering about music style, Matthew likes “Older Rock.” As for his favorite music artist, Matthew wrote a unique answer: “Currently the Rolling Stones but it changes too often. Or my friend Daniel.”

Matthew’s two favorite hobbies are “sleeping and cooking.”

These two questions end the more personal questions. “Where have you traveled? What was your favorite location?” “Not many places, Hawaii, Las Vegas, Florida, England and China when I was quite young and just wanted to eat cheeseburgers despite having new and interesting foods available. Favorite was probably Big Bear for one of my friend's birthday.”

Matthew’s last two interview questions pertained to USC again. “Do you like to go to USC athletic events? If so, which sports? Matthew answered, “Football! Hopefully the team is good this year!”

Do you like to attend USC cultural events? If so, which events? Have you attended Visions and Voices events on campus? If so, what was a favorite Visions and Voices event?” Matthew wrote, “I haven't unfortunately! Too busy with other obligations like classes and research but I hope to go to some this year!”

Now, my fellow USC TGLA members, you have met our sixth USC TGLA Scholar Matthew Alonzo. Thank you for the interview, Matthew. We all look forward to meeting you in person at our October meeting!

FIGHT ON, Matthew!

Tuesday, August 16, 2022---Meet USC TGLA Scholar Kyana Huang

Kyana HuangUSC TGLA Scholar Kyana Huang was the fifth student to respond to my request to answer interview questions. Here are the questions that Kyana chose to answer.

The first three questions that Kyana chose were about USC. The first question was Why did she choose USC? Kyana wrote, “I chose to attend USC for their missions in providing interdisciplinary curriculum, as I have been able to explore the breadth of my Health Promotion and Disease Prevention major in the contexts of healthcare and social advocacy. The resources provided at USC, such as the professors, alumni network, organizations, and scholarships, have allowed me to bridge my empirical thinking with my creative humanitarianism. I love how supportive the Trojan community is, and I was excited to engage in the research labs and clubs that were purposefully integrated within the greater Los Angeles communities – these reasons are ultimately why I chose USC!”

Name of USC organizations that you are a member of and what position you hold
USC Science Outreach - former Public Relations Coordinator (2020-2021), former Outreach Coordinator (2021-2022), current Session Leader (2022-2023),
Alpha Phi Omega (National Leadership and Service Organization) - Active member,
Everyday Responder Project - Design Lead, and
Tapestry College Ministry (USC branch) – Volunteer

What profession are you entering after graduation? Kyana answered, “I intend to go to Physician Assistant (PA) school after graduation. Being in the healthcare role of a PA provides me with the flexibility of working with various populations without being limited by a speciality or a location. As a future PA-C, I hope to learn the stories of each patient beyond their signs and symptoms. I hope to keep the future of healthcare human!”

Kyana’s next four interview questions were more personal. She wrote, “My favorite foods include beef noodle soup, my mom’s homemade spaghetti, and acai bowls!”

Her favorite movie answer was “My top 3 favorite movies include "Interstellar," "La La Land," and "The Imitation Game."”

As for her hobbies, Kyana wrote, “During my spare time, I enjoy partaking in outdoor activities such as hikes, runs, throwing around a football, peppering a volleyball, and going to the gym! I also enjoy visiting coffee shops and reading a good book.” What different hobbies!

Her last personal interview question was, Where have you traveled? What was your favorite location? Here is Kyana’s response, “Aside from traveling to a few different countries including Japan, Spain, Thailand, and Singapore, my favorite location has to be Taiwan. Whenever I am able to, I love visiting my grandparents in Taiwan and eating the delicious food!”

Kyana’s last interview question was, Do you like to go to USC athletic events? If so, which sports? A true Trojan, Kyana wrote, “I love USC athletic events because our teams are awesome, and my Trojan spirit is always brimming with pride at every game! I enjoy attending football, basketball, and volleyball games.”

So nice for everyone to get to know you better, Kyana!

Thank you for letting me interview you, Kyana. We look forward to meeting you in October!

FIGHT ON, Kyana!

Monday, August 15, 2022---Meet USC TGLA Scholar Jared Ellis

Jared EllisUSC TGLA Scholar Jared Ellis was the fourth to respond to my request for an interview. Here are the questions that Jared chose to answer.

These first four questions were all USC oriented. Why did you choose USC? Jared wrote: “From a very young age, I had been hearing about USC in my household. My mom was the 6th member in my family to go through the USC school system and I became number 9 when I began my Trojan career in 2020. Apart from my familial ties to the USC network, I wanted to attend a Business School that was relevant in Los Angeles that still enabled me to meet a student body with a diverse set of interests.”

We already have a hint to Jared’s answer to his second question: Do you have any family members that also attended USC? Jared answered, “Yes, I am the ninth family member to attend USC, and my brother, who will start in August of this year, will be number 10. Included in the ten are uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents, and my mom." What a REAL Trojan Family!

Name of USC organizations that you are a member of and what position you hold. Jared’s answer was: “I am a member of The TAMID Group and am the current president of the organization. It is a club that is Israel-centric that is focused on investment banking and providing pro-bono consulting.”

The fourth question that Jared chose was, Do you have a job on campus? What profession are you entering after graduation? Jared wrote: “After graduation, I plan to begin my career in investment banking in Los Angeles.”

Jared chose eight more personal questions to answer. They were as follows:

Jared’s favorite food is “bone marrow pasta.” What an unusual dish!

His favorite two movies are “Avatar" (the blue people not Airbender) or "The Shawshank Redemption.” Jared’s favorite television show is "The Office."

As for style of music and favorite music artist: Jared wrote, “R&B is my favorite style of music and my favorite artist is Khalid.”

His hobbies are “Learning about public stocks, cryptocurrency, lifting weights, and going to the beach.”

Questions seven and eight pertained to travel. They were, Where have you traveled? What was your favorite location? Jared answered: “My favorite place that I have been to was Israel, because I went to learn about the people and the culture, and it lived up to all of my expectations and more. I am eagerly awaiting the opportunity to go back at some point in the future.”

The last two questions that Jared chose were about USC: Do you like to go to USC athletic events? If so, which sports? Jared wrote: “I love going to USC football games and used to go when I was little. Since starting college, I have also gone to numerous basketball games.”

Jared answered this last question: Do you also like to attend USC cultural events? If so, which events? Jared’s last answer was, “I attend both Hillel and Chabad events when I have the time and love participating in Jewish community-related events.”

So nice for everyone to get to know you better, Jared!

Thank you for the interview, Jared. We all look forward to October when we can meet you in person!

FIGHT ON, Jared!

Monday, August 15, 2022---Meet USC TGLA Scholar Ariella Rabbani

Ariella RabbaniAriella Rabbani is the third USC TGLA Scholarship student to respond to my request for an interview.

Why did you choose USC? Everyone always says that you end up at the right school for you and that saying couldn’t be more true for me. The first time I stepped foot on campus was to tour the school for my older cousin who was accepted, and I immediately had a gut feeling that I would go to school here. I felt right at home, and I hadn’t even been accepted at the time. The more I researched USC, the more I fell in love with it. I loved the majors, the school spirit, and how close to home I would be. When college acceptances rolled around, I was devastated to find out I didn’t get in. I let myself wallow for a few days before I realized I wouldn’t take "No" for an answer. I wrote an appeal letter and emailed the Dean, their assistant, and whomever else I could find. The day I got my appeal decision was one of the best days and there was no chance I’d go to any other school. I didn’t just choose USC, I fought for it.

Do you have any family members that also attended USC? Yes, both my mom and grandpa attended USC for their graduate programs. Also, a majority of my extended family attended USC or UCLA so there’s always a healthy rivalry at larger family gatherings.

Name of USC organizations that you are member of and what position you hold. I love to be an active member of the USC community and I believe campus organizations are a large part of that. I am the Executive Director of Women and Youth Supporting Each Other (WYSE), the Vice President of the Persian Student Organization, and the Assistant Sisterhood Chair of Gamma Phi Beta sorority. I am now on the Panhellenic Judicial Board.

Favorite food? 100% penne pasta with pink sauce.

Favorite television show? I think I’ve watched about every show on Netflix at this point, but a feel-good favorite would have to be "Gilmore Girls."

Where have you traveled? What was your favorite location? I was fortunate enough to spend a summer in Europe the summer before my freshman year, and it was truly the best summer of my life. We went to about 10 different countries, but I’d have to say one of my favorite stops was Interlaken, Switzerland, where I got to feed cows on top of the Swiss Alps.

Do you also like to attend USC cultural events? If so, which events? I attended my first USC cultural event this past spring and it was actually an event my club, Persian Student Organization, helped coordinate. The Iranian Student Graduate Organization at USC put together a lovely Nowruz dinner for Persian New Year. It was beautiful to see so many people celebrating our culture with food, dancing, and laughter.

Ariella, thank you for letting me interview you. Our members look forward to meeting you at our October meeting!

FIGHT ON, Ariella!

Monday, August 15, 2022---Meet USC TGLA Scholar Sara Jo

Sara JoSara Jo is the second USC TGLA Scholarship student to respond to my request for an interview. Of the interview questions I sent to Sara, she chose these to answer.

Why did you choose USC? Sara responded, "I'm an LA native and have dreamed about being a Trojan from the time I attended my first USC homecoming football game back in 2015. I had the opportunity to transfer into Marshall in 2020 and have been studying business and tech entrepreneurship ever since! The Trojan network and the opportunities made available to USC students are what drew me to USC. As I enter my last year at USC, I can say without a doubt that USC has opened several doors for personal and professional development that are unlike any other. From professors to career advisors to upperclassmen, I have met so many mentors who have championed me to reach past my limits."

What USC organizations are you a member of and what position have you held? Sara was Vice-President of the Korean Career Oriented Student Organization in 2021-2022 as well as a Senior Advisor in 2022-2023. She is also a member of Christian Challenge.

Do you have a job on campus? Sara was a Residential Education Resident Advisor Parkside Arts & Humanities 2021-2022 and Webb Tower 2022-2023.

What profession are you entering after graduation? Hopefully Marketing in the tech or beauty industry.

Now, more personal interview questions:

Sara’s favorite foods are watermelon, Thai, and Korean food.

As for entertainment, Sara’s favorite television show is ”Seasons 1-8 of Grey’s Anatomy.”

As for music, she likes Indie Pop, and her favorite music artists are Korean artists including IU and JUNN.

For hobbies, Sara enjoys exploring creative outlets including painting, making beaded jewelry, and bullet journaling.

When asked where she has traveled and what was her favorite location, Sara wrote, “I’ve traveled to a few Western European countries including France, Amsterdam, Germany, Belgium, and Switzerland. I also spent about 2 months in Ukraine and 2 months in South Korea. Domestically, the furthest east I’ve gone is to Florida. I lived in Hawaii for about 3 months on the Big Island too! By far, my favorite places have been Switzerland, Ukraine, and the Big Island!”

The final three questions that Sara answered were about her experiences at USC. Trojan Candy asked Sara if she likes to go to USC athletic events, and if so, which sports? Sara wrote: “I already have my football student season pass so I’m very excited to attend the games this season. I would like to go to the girl's volleyball games this year because I have a few residents in my building who are on the team!”

Next, she was asked if she likes to attend USC cultural events, to which Sara replied, “Last year, there was an event that was put on by ResEd to share the cultures of the different countries the residents are from. It was a fun time of discussion and trying treats from many of the countries.”

Curiously, Trojan Candy’s last question was Have you attended Visions and Voices events on campus? If so, what was a favorite Visions and Voices event? Sara wrote, “I have not been to one yet but this year I plan on attending several events and bringing along my residents."

Now, my fellow USC TGLA members, you have met our USC TGLA Scholar Sara Jo.

Thank you for the interview, Sara. We all look forward to meeting you in person at our October meeting!


Sunday, August 14, 2022---Meet USC TGLA Scholar Joe Suh

Joe SuhSince I served on USC TGLA Scholarship Committee, Trojan Candy had the privilege to meet Joe Suh in his scholarship interview. Now, my USC TGLA friends, you also get to meet Joe. I emailed several interview questions to each of our six scholars. Here are Joe’s replies.

When asked why he chose USC, Joe wrote, “I chose USC for several reasons: amazing business program, great opportunity to expand my connections and relationships, my love for USC football, and the diversity of our university.” Another Trojan with the LOVE for USC football!

As for organizations that Joe has joined, he is a “Former Athletic Director and now active member of Trojan Knights (one of the oldest spirit organizations on Campus)." Joe is also a Member of Marshall Masters in Finance Association (MMFA).

Upon graduation, Joe plans “ pursue a career in financial/tech consulting.

Now, more personally, Joe’s favorite food is avocado toast that he eats every morning. As for entertainment, his favorite movie is The Godfather, and his favorite television show is either “The Sopranos” or “Breaking Bad.” As for actors, Joe likes James Gandolfini the most. Into This Air is Joe’s favorite book.

Joe has a lot of hobbies. They are playing golf, lifting, and hiking with friends and family.

His favorite travel location so far is Maui.

My last question that Joe replied to was Do you like to go to USC athletic events? If so, which sports? Joe replied, “I love to go to all the USC Football games. My favorite game in particular is the rivalry game against UCLA."

Trojan Candy agrees with you, Joe, especially when we beat the Bruins!

Thank you for letting me interview you, Joe. Our members look forward to meeting you in October!


Saturday, June 18, 2022---USC TGLA Members at Heritage Hall

Sandy Johnston hosted a reception at Heritage Hall for fellow USC TGLA members who were attending the Salute to Troy event at the Loker Stadium later. USC TGLA member Diane Morgan took pictures with her Canon EOS M camera and sent them to me to use for this blog. Nice pictures, Diane, and thank you.

2835There were two USC TGLA members in Diane’s first picture taken in the Hall of Champions of Heritage Hall. It showed Sandy Johnston and several of her friends. From left to right were USC Band parent Jim Herrera, Sandy Johnston, Karen Chima, Lance and Cindy Wedegaertner, Rose Sapia (a USC TGLA member candidate), Elliott and USC TGLA member Cheryl Schwartz, and Marcia Montez.

2837The second picture included another new USC TGLA member. From left to right were Sandy Johnston, Dr. Cathy Creasia (our newest member), Cathy’s daughter CC Creasia, her brother Craig Roberts, Cindy Wedegaertner, Rose Sapia, and Marcia Montez.

2838In this third picture, Trojan Candy saw two friends whom I have known for years. From left to right were my friends Raymond and Eiko (Sato) Bates, band parent Leslie Hunsaker, Gayl Brinlee, and Gayl's sister and USC TGLA member Cheryl Schwartz.

Diane Morgan is like, yours truly. She took the pictures but was not in any of the pictures.

Sandy’s reception sure looked enjoyable! Too bad that Trojan Candy wasn't there.

Thursday, May 19, 2022---USC TGLA Meeting

Trojan Candy arrived early for our last USC TGLA meeting of the 2021-2022 academic year. As usual, many Board members were already busy setting up. After finding an excellent seat for me to take pictures, Trojan Candy put down my items, saved two seats for my sister and brother-in-law Patti and Dudley Poon.

Since Dudley and Patti were early, I took their pictures first.
Next, I caught Patricia Dowling and her daughter Christina with Mary Hall.
Outside in the patio at the sign-in table were Patti Madden and Rosalee Pechersky.
Back inside, Trojan Candy spotted Suzanne Stillman, President Christine Ofiesh, and Linda Waxman.
On the other side of the room, I saw Ann Palmer, Sharon Wood, and Cheryl Schwartz.
Trojan Candy got Mary Hall, Marian Fukuda and Juel Collins to pose for me.
Outside on the patio were Terri Boyle and Sandi Hampar (standing) and Patti Madden and Diane Morgan (sitting).
Inside again, Trojan Candy saw Elizabeth O’Connell sitting in front of Rosalee Pechersky.
There were big smiles from Sheila Derrig and Leslie Lilly.
Here is a table full of beautiful smiles. From left to right were Sharon Wood, Julie Pircher, German?, Carol Thueson, Christine Ofiesh and Lorna Reed.
Andrea Maxie sat with Christina and Patricia Dowling.
Juel Collins gave Terri Boyle a big hug.
Rosalee Pechersky went outside and inside before the meeting began. She was now inside with JoAnne Polite.
Trojan Candy found Lois Booth waiting for our meeting to start. So sorry about your injured thumb, Lois. Hope that you heal quickly.

2540Now it was time for our meeting to start. President Christine Ofiesh brought the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. After Reflections was read by Sharon Wood, each Past USC TGLA President said a few words about her term. Here is my picture of nine of our former Presidents. Standing were Mary Hall, Terri Boyle, Rosalee Pechersky, Patricia Dowling, and Jean Getchell. Seated were Sandy Johnston, Carol Thueson, Lorna Reed and Christine Ofiesh.

25422544Next, outgoing President Christine Ofiesh thanked her 2021-2022 Board. Out of character since I don't normally get in a picture, I decided to include myself in the second picture of the Board.

Now it was time for incoming 2022-2023 President Sandy Johnston to welcome her new Board. Unfortunately, my flash didn’t work well enough to illuminate all of the pictures I took of the skit. That’s too bad, because the hats and other props were so nice.

Here are two pictures that were bright enough.
Sandy Johnston was sworn into office by Christine Ofiesh.
Next, members introduced their guests. Mary Hall introduced Patti Johnson.
Jean Getchell introduced Norma Cantrell.
Christine Ofiesh had each one of her guests introduce themselves. The first was Patti Jamgotchian.
Next was Edie Etmekjian.
Christine's third guest was Ayuko Siegel.
Cathy Goldinger and Linda Givvin were guests of Christine.
Christine's sixth guest was Elizabeth Rollice.
Trojan Candy took a picture of Christina with her six guests.
Next, Sandy Johnston posed with each of her guests. Her guests were Christine Conway.
Cathy Creasia,
Evelyn Wilson,
and Rose Sapia. Welcome to all of the guests!

During a short break before our speaker, Trojan Candy didn’t want to miss any USC TGLA members.

2590I took this last picture of Betty Gross, Juel Collins who is everywhere, and JoAnne Polite.

2597Now, it was time for our speaker. Mary Hall introduced Dr. Cary Kreutzer. Then, Mary told us that Ed.D Cary Kreutzer has been a Registered Dietician since 1982. In 2014 she came to the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology. She is a State of California Review Teacher and has also earned a Master’s Degree in Nutrition, Health and Longevity.

Dr. Kreutzer started her lecture asking the audience to name some “Super Foods.” She immediately got our attention! The next topic was about “Trends and Topics.” Dr. Kreutzer mentioned “Keto, fasting, whole food plant base, Blue Zone, diet, religion, and life style.” Then she spoke a lot about the “Mediterranean diet.” That, along with the Mediterranean diet, you must exercise, reduce stress, eat less red meat and eat fruit and vegetables. Dr. Kreutzer then explained the “DASH Diet.” “D” stands for “Dietary," “A” is “Approach,” “S” stands for “Stop,” and “H” is “Hypertension.” Finally, Dr. Kreutzer mentioned two hot topics. They were “Nutrigenomics” and “Intuitive Eating.” She explained that “Intuitive Eating” is to savor the food that you eat, eat less, and eat when you ought to be eating. What valuable advice!

What a fantastically planned USC TGLA meeting and a superb speaker!