November 2019 (4) Candygrams

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Friday, November 29, 2019---Women of Troy Volleyball Senior Salute

Trojan Candy made it to the Galen Center from Northern California just in time to take pictures and videos of the Women of Troy Volleyball Senior Salute.

I first took pictures of the Women Volleyball Seniors' families as they waited in the tunnel for the ceremony to start.

The first family in the tunnel was Senior Jenna Adams' family. They were Jenna's parents Jeff and Lori, her brother James, Aunt Victoria and grandmother Judy.
Trojan Candy took Senior Raegan LeGrand's family picture next.
Next was Senior Emily Baptista's family. Her grandmother Pat is holding the bouquet of flowers.
Then Senior Jasmine Gross's family posed next for Trojan Candy. At the left is her dad Aaron and at the far right is her mother Susie.
The last family waiting in the tunnel was Khalia Lanier's family.
Now it was time for the Senior Salute to start. The rest of the team watched highlights of plays by each Senior on the Galen Center big screen.
The rest of the video showed the introduction of each Senior and her family. My husband Jim took this video from the upper level.
Meanwhile Trojan Candy was on the court taking pictures. The first Senior honored was Jenna Adams. She hugged head coach Brent Crouch.
Then Jenna posed with head coach Brent Crouch.
Here is Jenna with her family.
Senior Emily Baptista was honored next. Here is Emily with Coach Crouch.
Here's Emily with her family.
Coach Crouch met Senior Jasmine Gross on the court.
Then, Jasmine posed with her family.
Senior Raegan LeGrand and her parents met Coach Crouch on the court.
Then they joined their family for this picture.
The last Senior who was honored was Khalia Lanier (1/6/2019). First Khalia posed with Coach Crouch.
Next she joined her family in this picture.
Here are our five 2020 Seniors with Coach Crouch.
Trojan Candy caught this picture of Khalia putting her lei around her mother Rose's neck as her father Bob (right) watched.
Now back in the stands, Trojan Candy took a video of the Spirit of Troy playing the Star Spangled Banner.
Now, came the starting lineups.
The action started. Our Women of Troy always seemed to be playing "catch-up" throughout the entire match. Here is one action shot of four Seniors who played in the first set.

Unfortunately, we lost 0-3 to our cross town rivals.

There is always next season.

FIGHT ON, Women of Troy Volleyball!

Saturday, November 23, 2019---USC vs UCLA Football game

My husband Jim and I parked our car in the Galen Center lot because our Men's Basketball Team would have a game vs Temple after the USC-UCLA football game.

As we were walking through campus, Trojan Candy took this picture of Tommy Trojan. Good job of protection, Trojan Knights!
This is whom we are going to play today.
It's hard to read the UCLA band's script though.
The Spirit of Troy took the field next.
During the Spirit of Troy's Star Spangled Banner, four planes flew over the Coliseum.

Today was Football Senior's Day. Each Senior was introduced on the Coliseum Big Screen. I am afraid that I didn't react fast enough with my camera, and I missed the first Senior, Matt Bayle. You can see Matt's picture in my blog, just click here (8/17/2019). So sorry, Matt!

Here are the rest of the 2019 USC Seniors.
Now, it was time for the rest of our Trojans to run out of the tunnel. The Captains met at the 50 yard line.
During the first quarter, the Coliseum big screen featured our "Projans."
At 6:13, Chase McGrath's field goal was good.
Then, I took this picture of Troy Polamalu on the big screen.
Troy was honored for being inducted into the College Hall of Fame.
Here is Michael Pittman's (2/3/2016) touchdown at 9:39 of the second quarter.
Then here is Michael Pittman's second touchdown at 2:06 of the second quarter.
Here are the Spirit of Troy and the Song Girls at halftime.
Later, Dr. Art Bartner was honored on the Coliseum big screen for his 50 years as Director of the Spirit of Troy.
Some of the USC students tried to do card stunts...unsuccessfully. This card stunt was the best effort.
This effort was one of the worst.
At 13:26 in the third quarter, Drake London's touchdown and the PAT that was shown on the big screen, made the score UCLA 14 – USC 30.
Then, at 8:20 Vavae Malepeai (1/29/2017) scored a touchdown with his 8 yard run to make the score UCLA 14 – USC 38.
Chase McGrath kicked the PAT to make the score UCLA 35 – USC 52.
Trojan Candy was able to record our last touchdown in the fourth quarter at 8:39. Stephen Carr (12/13/2017) scored on a 2 yard run to make the score UCLA 35 – USC 51.
Then Chase McGrath kicked the PAT to make the final score UCLA 35 – USC 52.

4353While the players from both teams shook hands near the 50 yard line, Michael Pittman and a few other players ran over near the UCLA cheer leaders looking for the Victory Bell. After they didn't find it, Michael and the other players joined the rest of the team.

Kedon Slovis with 515 passing yards led the Spirit of Troy first.

4356My last video of the victory shows Seniors Michael Pittman and John Houston leading the band in "Conquest."

FIGHT ON, USC Football!