August 2019 (2) Candygrams

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Saturday, August 17, 2019---USC Football Fall Showcase

My husband Jim dropped our daughter Kelly, our grandson Zane and me off at the Coliseum a little early for the USC Football Fall Showcase. He then drove to park on campus. There were lines outside the entrance gate already. We were able to enter the gate fairly quickly and ran over to the Peristyle area where the USC football players would be signing autographs at 2:15 p.m. There were six groups of players. We decided to stand in line for Group 4 first.

Kelly and Zane smiled for me as we waited in line.

By now Jim had joined us in the line.

Group 4 had the longest line because T.J. Daniels was in this line. As we walked in, Trojan Candy was able to take some pictures of USC players in Group 5.

Waiting in Group 5 to sign autographs were Jordan Iosefa, Juliano Falaniko and Abdul-Malik McClain.
Also in Group 5 were Stanley Ta'ufo'ou, Jayden Williams and Scott Harris.
Now, it was time for our line to start. Zane posed with T.J. Daniels.
Next, Devon Williams and Munir McClain posed for me after they signed my poster.
Erik Krommenhoek (12/12/2018) and Brandon Pili gave a "Fight On!"
Gino Quinones and Chris Caulk also gave a "Fight On!"
Next were Andrew Vorhees and Brandon Perdue.
It's a "hook em" and "thumbs up" from Bryce Matthews and Ben Easington.
Friends Liam Jimmons (2/3/2016) and Chase McGrath gave me another "Fight On!"
Another "Fight On!" from friend John Houston, Jr. (8/17/2018) and Jalen McKenzie.
The last two players in Line 4 were Talanoa Hufanga (2/7/2018) and Grant Jones.

Jim and Trojan Candy walked out quickly to find Kelly and Zane. Zane just barely got in Line 1 before the cutoff, while Kelly made it in Line 2 just before the cutoff. Jim joined Kelly in Line 2, while I joined Zane in Line 1.

While waiting in line, I took two pictures of friends.

They were Lois Booth and Cheryl and Elliott Schwartz.
Then, Dorothy Kim and Sunny Shepherd smiled for me.

Our Line 1 seemed to move so slowly, especially when eight adults cut in line in front of us. We finally made it to the front.

Austin Jackson (12/12/2018) was first in line. He signed for Zane.
Then, Austin posed with Liam Douglass.
Kedon Slovis and Quincy Jountti signed next.
Damon Johnson (2/1/2017) and Scott Voigt gave Trojan Candy a "Fight On!"
Zane posed with friend John Jackson III next.
Trojan Candy got a smile and then a "Fight On" from Mark Zuvich and Briton Allen.
Then another "Fight On" from John Jackson III and friend Tyler Vaughns (6/6/2018).
Olaijah Griffin and Tuasivi Nomura posed for me next.
Both Kana'i Mauga (2/7/2018) and Kaulana Makaula smiled for their picture.
A big "Fight On" from Matt Bayle and Jacob Lichtenstein was next.
Zane posed with Jay Tufele.

4111Then, Trojan Candy barely got this picture of Ralen Goforth, Clayton Bradley and Jay Tufele since the horn sounded to end the autograph session.

Thanks for all of the autographs and pictures, my Trojans!

Jim, Kelly, Zane and Trojan Candy walked over to the white tent where the Classes of 1969, 1994 and 2009 were eating. Then I saw Mark Sanchez walk by us and enter the tent area. Luckily, a friend leaving the tent, gave me her wristband so that Zane and I could go inside to possibly get some autographs.

Zane and Mark SanchezTrojan Candy wanted to talk with Mark Sanchez. He is one of the first USC football players in my blog. Here is the picture I took of him in Heritage Hall on September 26, 2008, holding my two year old grandson Zane.

4126Then we saw him. Trojan Candy went over to Mark and asked if he remembered me from Heritage Hall and if he remembered picking up my grandson. Mark answered "Yes" to both questions. Then I told him that here is my thirteen year old grandson Zane now.

I took this picture of the two of them. So nice to see you again, Mark (4/4/2008), and FIGHT ON!

There were a few other guests who remembered me when I volunteered in Heritage Hall.

USC Women of Troy Soccer alumna Dominique Randle said, "Hello," and posed with football alumnus Da'John Harris (4/17/2009).
Then, Trojan Candy saw two more football alumni whom I met in Heritage Hall. Dominique Wise and Kyle Moore posed with Da'John.

Now it was time for the Classes of 1969, 1994 and 2009 to walk out to the Coliseum field to be introduced. As they left, Trojan Candy took a video of them. While I was taking this video, two Class of 2009 alumni gave me a hug. It was so nice to see Kris O'Dowd and Khalid Holmes again. This is why my video was shaky in the middle.

Classes of 1969, 1994 and 2009 walked to the Coliseum field.
In the Coliseum, Trojan Candy was able to take a video of each of the classes to be introduced. Here is the 1969 Fifty Year Reunion Class.
This is the 1994 Twenty-Fifth Reunion Class.
Here is my video of the 2009 Ten Year Reunion class.
Trojan Candy took a picture of all three teams together.
Now, the team started to warm up.
As the scrimmage was being played, Trojan Candy walked around looking to take candid pictures. I found friends Dr. Ken and Linda Hayashida and their children first.

Then, my sister Patti and I went over to where the football alumni were seated. We looked for and found our friend and 2009 USC Football alumnus Abe Markovitz. Abe had been assigned to Patti and Dudley's football locker. It was so nice to see him again.

Patti and Abe (8/14/2009) posed for my picture.
As I walked up the stairs toward my seat, I spotted friends Kris O'Dowd (9/3/2009) and Khalid Holmes (4/14/2011) again.

Trojan Candy barely took this picture of the USC Song Girls. They left the field almost as soon as I took it.

Then, Trojan Candy walked to the end zone where Zane and Kelly were watching the scrimmage. Zane was still hoping to get more autographs. I took two videos of the team leaving the field.

The players ran off the Coliseum turf. Some of the players stopped to talk to USC Football alumnus Willie McGinest.
The remaining players ran off to the tunnel.
My last picture of the day was of Zane and Kelly.

What a memorable Football Fall Showcase.

FIGHT ON, USC Football!