October 2015 (4) Candygrams

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Saturday, October 17, 2015---USC-Notre Dame Game Day

Game day is finally here! My husband Jim and I arrived at the Notre Dame campus early. We wanted to tour the campus.

Herman Joln and Teresa DrakeAs we were walking to the Guglielmino Athletics Complex, we met two fellow Trojan fans. They had just moved to South Bend. Teresa Drake told Trojan Candy that she graduated from USC in 1987 in Chemical Engineering. Herman Joln attended the Naval Academy at Annapolis and had been stationed at Notre Dame before. They were meeting other Trojans for a tailgate, but let me take their picture. FIGHT ON, Teresa! FIGHT ON, Herman!

We found the Guglielmino Athletics Complex, but it was closed. However, I spoke with a guard and asked him if he would take some pictures for me. Ron, the guard, must have felt sorry for me and my sad face....he took my camera and went inside. In a few minutes, he came back and told me that he took a few pictures for me. Sadness turned to elation! Thank you, Ron! He is a great photographer.

Three Heisman Trophy winners
Three Heisman Trophy winners.
Four Heisman Trophy winners
Four more Heisman Trophy winners.
Four Horsemen statue
Statue of Four Horsemen.
National Championship trophy
The 1988 Notre Dame National Championship trophy.
Touchdown Jesus
Jim and I walked over to "Touchdown Jesus" next.
Mia Becker and Eloy Lopez
We met up with friend Eloy Lopez (4/9/2015) and his girlfriend Mia Becker. Mia worked for SID Tim Tessalone in 2011-2012. Mia and Eloy were off to meet one of Eloy's professors. FIGHT ON, Mia! FIGHT ON, Eloy!
Golden Dome
Next on our campus tour was the "Golden Dome." The outside of the Main Building (administration headquarters) is unbelievably beautiful and the inside is equally beautiful.
The Dome
Here are four pictures of the "Golden Dome" interior. This is the inside of the dome.
Offices on two floors
Offices on two floors.
An interior balcony.
Laetare Medal
The Laetare Medal (Notre Dame's highest honor) display downstairs.

BagpipesAs we stepped out the front door of the "Golden Dome," we saw that a crowd had already gathered outside to await the Bagpipe Concert. Unfortunately, there was no space for Jim and me facing the building, so we stood on the steps. I was able to take this video of the Bagpipe Troupe walking to their location at the bottom of the steps.

Pete and Jenny ArbogastDuring the concert, Trojan Candy spotted a familiar face in the crowd. After the concert Jim and I walked over to find him. It was USC football announcer Pete Arbogast (8/4/2011). Luckily, we found him and his wife Jenny. They posed for this picture. Trojan Candy told Pete that he was lucky to be able to sit in the warm Press Box. FIGHT ON, Pete!

Dan WeberJust after we said good-by to Pete and Jenny, we saw another familiar face walking towards us. Dan Weber (3/24/2010) greeted us with a big smile. Dan writes for USCfootball.com and will cover the game.

FlowersWe talked about the cardinal and gold flowers that were recently planted throughout the campus. Nice touch by Notre Dame. Dan gets to sit in the Press Box too. Trojan Candy was so envious!

Dorothy Kim and Sunny ShepherdOur campus touring was over. It was getting colder and colder. Fortunately, it was time for Jim and me to walk over to the Edmund P. Joyce Field House for the Associates picnic dinner. On the way we saw two more friends. Dorothy Kim and Sunny Sheperd smiled for this picture.

Purcell Pavilion
The Edmond P. Joyce Field House houses the Notre Dame basketball arena.
Jerry Gibson, Shawna Foster and Adam Bart
We were greeted at the Associates picnic entrance by the USC Associate's staff Jerry Gibson, Shawna Foster and Adam Bart.
Dominick, Alexandra, Rebecca, Richard, Teresa, and Marciano Flores
There were so many friends at the event. Good friend Richard Flores sat at a nearby table with his family. Standing: Dominck, Alexandra, Rebecca, and Richard Flores. Seated: Teresa and Marciano Flores.
Larry Jung, Steve Chock and Wandy Jung
Larry Jung, Steve Chock and Wandy Jung.
Louie, Mary Jo, and Jennifer Wong, Juliet Precissi, Chris McFoy, and Matt and Maryam Pasos
Standing: Louie and Mary Jo Wong, their daughter Jennifer. Seated: Juliet Precissi, Chris McFoy, and Matt and Maryam Pasos. Thanks!
Sarah, Sue, Jim Yee, Perry, Dan, Rod, Denise, and Allen
Our table: Back Row: Sarah, Sue, and Jim Yee. Front Row: Perry, Dan, Rod, Denise, and Allen.
Scott Jacobson, Julian Bonse, and Cuyapi
Heritage Hall friends Scott Jacobson, Julian Bonse, and Scott's girlfriend Cuyapi.
Georgiana and Max Nikias
President C.L. Max Nikias and his daughter Georgiana.
Jared Murayama and Ron Orr
Jared Murayama and Ron Orr.
Richard and Susan Yee and Rod and Emily Nakamoto
New friends Richard and Susan Yee and Rod Nakamoto and his daughter Emily.
Karen Trust and Anita Ybarra
Now it was time to go to the game. We sat with Trojan friends Karen Trust and Anita Ybarra. I just realized that Anita was wearing a blue Notre Dame jacket.
Notre Dame Stadium
Before the game, Trojan Candy walked throughout the stadium. There is construction on the west, south, and east sides of the stadium. Here is a picture of the construction behind the press box on the west side.
Warming up
Here is a video of both teams warming up.
My Trojans entered the stadium and joined the Spirit of Troy in Conquest.
Here is a video of the kickoff.
USC scores first!
Cody Kessler (9/8/2011) scored the first touchdown.
Spirit of Troy
Our Spirit of Troy at halftime.
Notre Dame Band
The Notre Dame Band at halftime.

Trojan Candy would have liked to somehow prevent the enormous Notre Dame Band from blaring and sometimes just making noise when our offense had the ball. Sometimes, they were still blasting away when we hiked the ball. What poor sportsmanship!

That's all Trojan Candy is going to write about the game. Notre Dame won the 1st and 4th quarters. We won the 2nd and 3rd quarters.

Spirit of Troy plays 'Conquest'Our Spirit of Troy plays Conquest after the game ends. FIGHT ON, my beloved Trojans!

Anthony NeyerTrojan Candy has to tell you about one more friend. On my stopover in Minneapolis on my plane trip back to L.A., a football friend came over to see me. It was USC football alumnus Anthony Neyer (10/28/2011). Anthony was a quarterback. He was on the same flight. It was so nice to see Anthony again! FIGHT ON, Anthony!