May 2014 (3) Candygrams

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Monday, May 5, 2014---Sand Volleyball Banquet

More pictures have been added to THIS Google+ ALBUM.

Trojan Candy arrived right at 5:30 p.m. for the reception in the Founder's Room in the Galen Center. There were several players already inside.

Anna Collier
I saw Head Coach Anna Collier first. She posed for this picture holding her award plaque.
Coach of the Year Award
Coach Collier was chosen as the "Collegiate Coach of the Year."
Kelly Claes and Sevana Dvorak
I walked around the room and saw Underclassmen players selling raffle tickets. Here are Kelly Claes and Sevana Dvorak.
Lauren Sieckmann and Alexx Murphy
Lauren Sieckmann and Alexx Murphy
Alexx Murphy and Nicolette Martin
Alexx Murphy and Nicolette Martin

Trojan Candy bought some raffle tickets from friends Paige Hines (1/31/2014) and Sara Hughes (1/31/2014).

More sand volleyball players arrived and I was able to take these pictures.

Sam Hirschmann and Kirby Burnham
Seniors Sam Hirschmann and Kirby Burnham (5/6/2013)
Paige Hines and Sara Hughes
Freshmen Paige Hines and Sara Hughes
Lauren Sieckmann and Bria Russ
Lauren Sieckmann and Senior Bria Russ (3/23/2012)

Natasa Siljkovic and Sam HirschmannSeniors Natasa Siljkovic (9/2/2010) and Sam Hirschmann

Natasa Siljkovic and Sam HirschmannAt this point, Trojan Candy decided to interview as many Seniors as I could. Sam Hirschmann agreed to let me interview her first.

Sam majored in Communication and minored in Occupational Therapy. Sam has played volleyball since she was nine years old. She started playing indoors first, then moved outdoors to the sand when she was a Sophomore at USC. Her favorite book is the Art of Racing in the Rain. She said that it was a story about a dog and a race car driver. Sam likes all kinds of music...especially country. Friends Paige and Sara also like country music. Is there a trend here with sand volleyball players? Sam Hirschmann with her mother LauraSam is especially interested in organic skin care and would like to start a skin care line. She would love to start a business with Kirby. Trojan Candy can see why....they both have beautiful young skin! Sam is from a Trojan Family. Her older brother Jimmy played on the USC Men's Volleyball Team in 2005 to 2007. FIGHT ON, Jimmy! Her family likes to travel. Sam has been to Mexico, Europe, Canada, Japan, Costa Rica and South America! Lastly, Sam said that her favorite food is ham. Trojan Candy loves ham, too. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Sam! At left is Sam with her mother Laura.

Brooke FournierAnother Senior was nearby. Brooke Fournier majored in Human Biology. She wants to be a Physician Assistant after she graduates. Brooke started playing volleyball when she was in the 4th grade and switched to sand volleyball in high school. Keith, Brooke, and Michelle FournierJack Johnson is her favorite music artist. Brooke said that she loves to read. Her favorite book is Hunger Games by Jody Picult. About food....her favorite food is pasta, and she loves to bake chocolate cookies. Her boyfriend is Micah Christianson, who is on the USC Men's Volleyball Team and is also on the USA Volleyball Team. FIGHT ON, Micah! FIGHT ON, Brooke! At left are Brooke with her dad Keith and mom Michelle.

Trojan Candy was able to take two more pictures of players before dinner was served.

Eve Ettinger, Kati Duddridge, and Alexa Strange
Eve Ettinger (8/30/2012), Kati Duddridge, and Alexa Strange
Bria Russ and Brooke Fournier
Bria Russ and Brooke Fournier

Master of Ceremonies Leland Waters started the program with a few introductions and some fond memories of the past season. Then Head Coach Anna Collier took the stage. She thanked all the coaches, staff and athletic department workers. Then, she recalled the journey of the 2014 season. Our team had a great run and started 22-1. We finished 3rd in the nation and our pairs team of Sara and Kirby (5/6/2013) won the National Pairs Title. Coach Anna said that "Each win was a thrill, and each loss was a lesson. The growth of this team has been amazing!"

Next, Coach had the players introduce one another by pairs.

2014 Sand Volleyball team
Here is our 2014 Sand Volleyball Team.
Sevana Dvorak, Alexx Murphy, Nicolette Martin, Allie Wheeler, Kelly Claes, Paige Hines, and Sarah Hughes
Our Freshman Class was introduced.

They are Sevana Dvorak, Alexx Murphy, Nicolette Martin, Allie Wheeler, Kelly Claes, Paige Hines, and Sarah Hughes. The coaches gave each of the seven Freshman a USC blanket "to keep you warm during your journey."

Mary Buckingham, Natasa Siljkovic, Brooke Fournier, Kirby Burnham, and Sam Hirschmann
Our Senior Class was then introduced. Mary Buckingham, Natasa Siljkovic, Brooke Fournier, Kirby Burnham, and Sam Hirschmann
Mary Buckingham, Natasa Siljkovic, and Brooke Fournier
Mary Buckingham, Natasa Siljkovic, and Brooke Fournier
Natasa Siljkovic, Kirby Burnham, and Sam Hirschmann
Natasa Siljkovic, Kirby Burnham, and Sam Hirschmann

Sara HughesThe awards were given next.

Peter Kurzeka and Kirby Burnham
After the program ended, I took this picture of friend Peter Kurzeka (1/29/2010) and Kirby Burnham.
Scott, Kirby, and Jody Burnham
Trojan Candy was able to get a picture of friend Kirby Burnham and her parents, Scott and Jody.
Kati Duddridge, Misty May-Treanor, and Brooke Fournier
Kati Duddridge and Brooke Fournier congratulated Misty May-Treanor.

Trojan Candy and Peter KurzekaPeter Kurzeka has come to every banquet since January, 2012. He is working in Orange County. We talked a little about our Women of Troy water polo team and the upcoming NCAA tournament. Peter won four NCAA Men's Water Polo Tournaments in a row! My brother-in-law Dudley took this picture of Peter and yours truly. FIGHT ON, Peter!

With that, Trojan Candy says, "Good Night!"

FIGHT ON, Women of Troy Sand Volleyball!