Trojan Guild of Los Angeles 2017 (6) Candygrams

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Tuesday, December 5, 2017---TGLA at the Town and Gown Holiday meeting

When Trojan Candy arrived at the Holiday meeting of the Town and Gown, there was much excitement in the air. Everyone was scurrying around in the lobby, outside and in the dining room.

Valerie Sampson and Evelyn Wilson
I saw two friends in the lobby accepting any gifts that the members brought. Valerie Sampson and Evelyn Wilson greeted me with a smile.
Jerry Ensom, Elliott Schwartz, Phil Montez and Rex Johnston
Four "TGLA" men were sitting on the lobby couches. Jerry Ensom, Elliott Schwartz, Phil Montez and Rex Johnston looked comfortable.
Sharon Schmidt and Lois Booth
Now, I saw my TGLA friends who were busy decorating, volunteering and visiting. At the check-in table, Sharon Schmidt and Lois Booth posed for me.
Nikki Dana, Marilyn O'Driscoll and Jean Getchell
Nikki Dana, Marilyn O'Driscoll and Jean Getchell were also volunteering at the registration table.
Kate Farlow
Trojan Candy finally caught up with Kate Farlow, who is always on the move.
Terri Boyle, Sandy Johnston, Marcia Montez and Carol Fox
Inside the Town and Gown were Terri Boyle, Sandy Johnston, Marcia Montez and Carol Fox.
Ann Palmer, Katherine Moore and Barbara Hance
Ann Palmer, Katherine Moore and Barbara Hance smiled for my next picture.
Patti Poon, Valerie Sampson and Eiko Bates
I saw my sister Patti Poon with two friends, Valerie Sampson and Eiko Bates.
Terri Boyle
As I walked to Patti's table, I saw another TGLA member, Terri Boyle, at her beautifully decorated "Charles Dickens" table.
Cheryl Schwartz and Terri Boyle
Then Cheryl Schwartz joined Terri.
Kathy Duffy
Every year Trojan Candy takes a picture of Kathy Duffy's table.
Joan Bogaty, Pat Goldman, and Sandi Gilbert
Next, I found TGLA member Sandi Gilbert with her two friends Joan Bogaty and Pat Goldman.
Patricia Tucker, Mary Hall, Sandy Johnston, Jean Ann Holbrook and Marilyn O'Driscoll
At a nearby table were more TGLA friends. Posing for me were Patricia Tucker, Mary Hall, Sandy Johnston, Jean Ann Holbrook and Marilyn O'Driscoll.
Aarika Hughes and Mark Trakh
Trojan Candy walked out into the Town and Gown lobby looking for more TGLA members. Instead, I found two USC athletic friends. Women of Troy Basketball coaches Aarika Hughes (3/6/2010) and Mark Trakh had just walked into the lobby.
Jeanne Feybush and Carol Greenhalgh
Next, Trojan Candy walked outside looking for more TGLA members. I found Carol Greenhalgh and her friend Jeanne Feybush.
Carol Mollette and Dorothy Conte
Two Town and Gown members, Carol Mollette and Dorothy Conte, posed for me next.
JoAnne Polite, Patricia Betts, and Juel Collins
Seeing no more TGLA members outside, Trojan Candy walked back inside. I found JoAnne Polite and Juel Collins. They posed with Juel's sister Patricia Betts for this picture.
Jeanne Feybush, Christine Ofiesh, and Carol Greenhalgh
Next, I found Christine Ofiesh with friends Jeanne Feybush and Carol Greenhalgh.
Nancy Reed, Patti Poon and Marilyn O'Driscoll
TGLA members Nancy Reed, Patti Poon and Marilyn O'Driscoll posed for me near Nancy's table.
Ann Palmer and Barbara Hance
Trojan Candy caught Ann Palmer and Barbara Hance together.
Bob Leach, Sherry DeFriese, Janet Eddy and Carol Thueson
Bob Leach, Sherry DeFriese, Janet Eddy and Carol Thueson posed near their table.
Carol Thueson, Julie Pircher, Bree Moseley, and Anne Peplow
Carol Thueson seems to talk to everyone. She joined her daughter Julie Pircher, Bree Moseley and Anne Peplow in my next picture.
Rosalee Pechersky, Carrol Irwin, and Patti Poon
My sister Patti Poon seems to talk to TGLA members also. She joined Rosalee Pechersky and Carrol Irwin in this picture.
Tara Quarrie, Christine Ofiesh, Sharon Wood, and Julie Pircher
USC Trojan Athletic Fund friend Tara Quarrie (11/29/2015) joined my TGLA friends Christine Ofiesh, Sharon Wood and Julie Pircher near the staircase.
Ann Palmer, Janet Eddy, and D'Arcy McLeod
TGLA friends Ann Palmer and Janet Eddy surely get around. They posed with D'Arcy McLeod.
Lorraine Adler, Cathy Anderson, Nancy Sommers, Carrol Irwin, Terri Boyle, Christina Dowling, Lisa Sheedy, Patricia Dowling, and Jolene Irwin
Trojan Candy walked back to a TGLA table decorated by Terri Boyle. I took this picture of all the ladies at the table. Back row: Lorraine Adler, Cathy Anderson, Nancy Sommers, and Carrol Irwin. Front row: Terri Boyle, Christina Dowling, Lisa Sheedy, Patricia Dowling, and Jolene Irwin.
Candy Duncan, Nikki Dana, and Laurie Molina
Next to the TGLA table, I saw TGLA past President Nikki Dana. She was standing between Candy Duncan and Laurie Molina.

Valerie Sampson, Evelyn Wilson, Elizabeth Babchuck, Susan Babchuck, Rosalee Pechersky, Florence West, Maria Chavez, Patti Poon, Dudley Poon, Eiko Bates and Trojan CandyThe last picture was taken at Patti Poon's table by our table server. Our table was decorated by Valerie Sampson. Seated clockwise beginning at 6 o'clock were Valerie Sampson, Evelyn Wilson, Elizabeth Babchuck, Susan Babchuck, Rosalee Pechersky, Florence West, Maria Chavez, Patti Poon, Dudley Poon, Eiko Bates and Trojan Candy.

Our TGLA members enjoyed a wonderful Town and Gown afternoon!

Friday, November 17, 2017---ACC Scholarship Luncheon

Trojan Candy arrived early for the annual Alumnae Coordinating Council (ACC) Scholarship Luncheon at the Town and Gown, because I needed to interview one more TGLA 2017-2018 Scholar, Elyssia Widjaja. I took several pictures of TGLA members who volunteered for the lunch and who were ACC members.

Carol Thueson and Barbara Hance
Carol Thueson and Barbara Hance smiled for my first picture.
Chi and Caitlan Tran
Trojan Candy saw our TGLA scholar Caitlan Tran (10/5/2017) with her mom Chi.
Caitlan and Phuc Tran
Here's Caitlan with her proud father Phuc.
Christine Ofiesh, Barbara Hance, Terri Boyle, Kate Farlow and Judy Lieb
Christine Ofiesh, Barbara Hance, Terri Boyle, Kate Farlow and Judy Lieb were busy at the TGLA booth.
Jean Getchell and Mary Hall
Our President Jean Getchell and President-Elect Mary Hall stopped by the booth.
Sandy Johnston, Caitlan Tran, and Jean Getchell
Caitlan Tran held her certificate and posed with Vice-President Scholarship Sandy Johnston and Jean Getchell.
D'Arcy McLeod, Anne Peplow, Carol Thueson and Sharon Wood
TGLA members D'Arcy McLeod, Anne Peplow, Carol Thueson and Sharon Wood came to the booth area.
Lorna Reed, Lorna Brandt, and Sandy Johnston
Two Lornas were in my next picture. Lorna Reed, our TGLA scholar Lorna Brandt (10/5/2017), and Sandy Johnston posed for me.
Cayla Yasukochi, Alexa Huerta, and Mahima Dutt
Trojan Candy met three Helenes who were checking in the scholars. They are Cayla Yasukochi, Alexa Huerta, and Mahima Dutt. As an undergrad at USC, I was a member of the Helenes. My second daughter Steffany was also a Helene.
Karen Bowman
I finally walked inside Town and Gown and ran into an "old" friend. Karen Bowman, who works for USC, still commutes from San Diego.
Greg and Lorna Brandt, Chuck Leimbach and Gretchen Brandt
Now Trojan Candy stepped back outside. I saw Lorna Brandt with her family. They were her brother Greg, Lorna, her grandfather Chuck Leimbach and her mother Gretchen Brandt.
Sandy Johnston; George, Jorge, and Natalie Castello; and Mary Hall
Now, it was definitely time to go back inside. I saw our third TGLA Scholar Jorge Castello (10/5/2017). Posing with Jorge were Sandy Johnston, his dad George, his mom Natalie and Mary Hall.

Jean Getchell, Elyssia Widjaja, and Mary HallOur fourth TGLA Scholar was at the next table. Trojan Candy took Elyssia Widjaja's picture with Jean Getchell and Mary Hall.

Elyssia WadjajaThen I took a picture of Elyssia and interviewed her.

Elyssia chose USC "for the strong sense of internationality, opportunities to personalize my academic curriculum, the unmatched professors, and the unity of the Trojan Family." More personally, Elyssia's favorite food is Singaporean Hokkien Mee. She likes Hip Hop and Jazz music. Her favorite music artist is Alicia Keys. She enjoys the movie "The Pursuit of Happiness" the most. Elyssia has many hobbies. They are traveling, reading, eating, yoga, hiking, filming and writing. So many interesting hobbies! My final interview question was if she had any family members who attended USC. Elyssia told me that her mom, dad, older sister (who earned her Master's), brother-in-law (Med School), two cousins and uncle all attended USC. What a USC Family! FIGHT ON!

Our fifth TGLA Scholar could not attend the luncheon. Christine Nguyen (11/4/2017) had to work today.

Caitlan and Chi TranMy last picture at the luncheon was of our scholar Caitlan Tran, her certificate and her mom Chi.

Congratulations to all of our five 2017-2018 TGLA Scholars!