Trojan Guild of Los Angeles 2017 (5) Candygrams

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Saturday, November 4, 2017---USC Homecoming, USC vs. Arizona

Trojan Candy arrived at the Trojan Guild of Los Angeles (TGLA) Homecoming Booth at 2:00 p.m. The booth was all set up with our merchandise to sale. We use our profits for our scholarships.

Jean Getchell and Lorna BrandtNow it was time to take, you know what, pictures! The first one was of our President, Jean Getchell and one of our scholarship recipients, Lorna Brandt.

The next pictures were all of TGLA volunteers and their family and friends.

Peter and Joan Kaplanis
Peter and Joan Kaplanis
Hector and Greg and Judy Lieb
Hector and Greg and Judy Lieb
Jean Getchell, Patti Poon, Kate Farlow, Barbara Hance, and Terri Boyle
Jean Getchell, Patti Poon, Kate Farlow, Barbara Hance, and Terri Boyle
Alnita Dunn
Alnita Dunn
Barbara Hance
Barbara Hance and her jewelry
Jean Getchell, Kate Farlow, Patti Poon, and Alnita Dunn
Four more volunteers: Jean Getchell, Kate Farlow, Patti Poon, and Alnita Dunn
Joan Kaplanis, Christin Moses, and Jean Getchell
Joan Kaplanis, Christin Moses, and Jean Getchell
Art Bartner and grandson
Trojan Candy left the TGLA Booth and took pictures at other booths. I walked to the Spirit of Troy Booth, bought two necklaces, and took this picture of Dr. Art Bartner and his grandson.

Then, near Tommy Trojan I took three pictures of the Women of Troy Basketball Team.

Minyon Moore, Jordan Adams, Sadie Edwards, and Asiah Jones
Minyon Moore, Jordan Adams (3/24/2017), Sadie Edwards (3/25/2016), and Asiah Jones
Kristen Simon and Minyon Moore
Kristen Simon and Minyon Moore
Marguerite Effa, Ja'Tavia Tapley, Kailey Tooke,  Candela Abejon, Dani Milisic, and Asiah Jones
Back Row: Marguerite Effa, Ja'Tavia Tapley, Kailey Tooke, and Candela Abejon (3/25/2016). Front Row: Dani Milisic (3/25/2016) and Asiah Jones

After my sister Pat and I finished our shift at the TGLA Booth, we met our husbands and friends at the Rossier School of Education Tailgate.

Christine NguyenAfter eating dinner at the Rossier Tailgate, Trojan Candy returned to the TGLA Booth to interview a TGLA Scholar Christine Nguyen. Christine, who is from Arcadia, is majoring in Business. She wants to learn more about the film business when she completes her internship at Paramount Pictures. Eventually, Christine wants to help corporations "give back." More personally, Christine loves to bake, especially chocolate chip cookies, to volunteer, and to spend time with her family. Christine has an older brother who went to Stanford. She has three favorite movies... "Up," "Star Wars" and "Father of the Bride." As for television, Christine likes "Full House," "Fresh Prince of Bel Air," "Scrubs," and "Buffy the Vampire." She likes musical artists "Fall Out Boy" and "One Direction." Additionally, Christine, her mom, and her brother play the piano. What a talented TGLA Scholar! FIGHT ON, Christine!

Christine Nguyen, Leslie Lilly, and Alnita DunnAfter Christine's interview I took pictures of three volunteers in the TGLA Booth: Christin Nguyen, Leslie Lilly, and Alnita Dunn.

After saying good-by to my TGLA friends, it was time to rush to the Coliseum for the USC-Arizona game.

Thursday, October 5, 2017---TGLA Meeting Honoring our Scholars

Trojan Candy arrived at the Davidson Center for the first meeting of the year for TGLA. The room was bustling with activity. I saw three of our five 2017 Scholars.

Lorna BrandtI immediately walked over to one of the scholars. Her face looked so familiar. She was Lorna Brandt! Trojan Candy met her when she was a Freshman on the Women of Troy Sand Volleyball Team. Lorna is majoring in Business Administration and, after her graduation in May 2018, she already has a job waiting at Capital Group in Investment Operations. What a bright future! Lorna was on the Women of Troy Beach Volleyball Team for two and a half years and now competes on the Triathlon Team. She started playing indoor volleyball in high school. For hobbies, Lorna likes to go to the beach, go to USC football games, hang out with her family, and cook and bake for her family. She likes Country Music and her favorite artists are Thomas Rhett and Old Dominion. "Gilmore Girls" and "Friday Night Lights" are her favorite television shows. Lorna likes to read historical fiction, and her favorite book is "All the Light We Cannot See." She volunteers at the Junior Blind. Another "giving" Trojan. FIGHT ON, Lorna!

Caitlin TranThe second TGLA Scholar I interviewed was Caitlin Tran. She was an inaugural member of the Iovine Young Academy and is majoring in Art, Technology Business Administration. Caitlin is from Fullerton and played water polo and swam competitively in the Cerritos indoor pool when she was younger. Now, she swims in the Lyon Center for recreation. Caitlin is a very active undergrad. She is an Editor of the Daily Trojan, volunteers on the National Youth Board, and serves in Undergraduate Student Government. Caitlin is also very innovative. She has formed a $2,000,000 Start-Up Company that produces an Augmented Reality Headset. Impressive! On a personal note, Caitlin's favorite food is sushi. She likes Romantic Comedy movies. Her favorite movie is "Love Actually" starring Emma Thompson. Caitlin also loves Broadway musicals. She has seen "Hamilton" and is trying daily to win tickets to see it again. Good Luck and FIGHT ON, Caitlin!

Jorge CastelloMy third TGLA Scholar was Jorge Castello. Jorge, who is from Eagle Rock, is majoring in Finance and minoring in East Asian Language Cultures. Yes, he is becoming fluent in Mandarin. Jorge is active in the Trojan Investment Society. He is passionate about his hobbies. Jorge enjoys art appreciation and likes to create his own art. He likes to photoshop a picture and overlay other images over it. Jorge also loves all types of music and likes to interact with music. His favorite genres of music are hip hop, electronic dance, and classical music. He also attends L.A. Philharmonic concerts at the Walt Disney Hall. More personally, Jorge's favorite food, like Caitlin's, is sushi. His two favorite books are "The Count of Monte Cristo" and "The Scarlet Pimpernel." Lastly, Jorge told Trojan Candy that he is a third generation Trojan! His grandfather earned an M.S. in Electrical Engineering and his dad received his law degree at USC. Then, unbelievably, after I gave Jorge my business card, he told me that his cousin is football alumnus Mark Sanchez! I told Jorge that I have several pictures of Mark in my blog. Another remarkable USC Family! FIGHT ON, Jorge!

Lois Booth, Jorge Castello, Lorna Brandt, Sandy Johnston, and Caitlin TranTrojan Candy was able to take this group picture of the three TGLA Scholars with our two Vice-Presidents Scholarship, Lois Booth and Sandy Johnston.

I do plan to interview and take pictures of our other two TGLA scholarship recipients, Christine Nguyen and Elyssia Wadjaja, at the Alumnae Coordinating Council Scholarship luncheon at Town and Gown on November 17th.

Now, it was time for the TGLA meeting to start. Trojan Candy will write about our renowned speaker and his presentation first. Vice President Programs Carol Fox introduced Dr. Erroll Southers and his Program Manager Juan Noguera.

As Carol Fox wrote in our TGLA Newsletter, "Dr. Southers is Professor of the Practice of Governance, Director of the Safe Communities Institute, and Director of Homegrown Violent Extremism Studies at the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy." Dr. Southers is a "former FBI Special Agent who served in counterterrorism and public safety positions at every level of government."

Trojan Candy presents a synopsis of his presentation. At the beginning of his presentation, Dr. Southers told the audience that the Las Vegas sniper is not a terrorist because he is not affiliated with any extremist or terrorist organization. He is a murderer.

Here are pictures of the slides that Dr. Southers detailed to us.

Slide 1
Domestic Extremist-Related Killings in 2015 by Perpetrator Affiliation
Slide 2
In 2016 there was a dramatic increase in killings by Domestic Islamic Extremists
Dr. Southers empathized that the Top 3 Terrorist Groups now in America are Sovereign Citizen, Muslim Extremists and Anti-Government: Armed Militia.
Slide 3
Dr. Southers talked about Las Vegas police officers who were killed by two Armed Militia members in a restaurant in 2014.
Slide 4
White Nationalist and self-identified Nazi organizations are growing fast in America.
Slide 5
Dr. Southers listed the methods of detecting Jihadist Terrorists since 9/11.
Slide 6
Dr. Southers ended his presentation with this picture of Americans of Japanese descent who were put in internment camps during WWII. His simple statement was, "Don't let this happen again."
Thank you, Dr. Southers, for such a riveting, current presentation.
Ann Palmer, Carol Fox, Dr. Southers, and Jean Getchell
After the presentation, Vice-Presidents Programs Ann Palmer and Carol Fox and President Jean Getchell posed with Dr. Southers.

Before the presentation, TGLA President Jean Getchell introduced all of the guests who were in attendance. Trojan Candy didn't have time before the meeting or during their introductions to take pictures of our members with their guest(s), so I took the pictures sporadically during lunch.

Meet our TGLA members and their guests:

Carol and Chris Fox, Najwa Hanel, and Linda Givvin
Carol and Chris Fox are standing behind Carol's guests Najwa Hanel and Linda Givvin.
Carol Wright and Ann Palmer
Ann Palmer is standing next to her guest Carol Wright.
Dudley and Patti Poon
Patti Poon invited her husband Dudley.
Rosalie Stewart, Sandy Johnston, Jerry Ensom, Katherine Moore, Marcia Montez, Bill Stewart, Rex Johnston, and Jeanne Niotta
Standing: Rosalie Stewart, Sandy Johnston, Jerry Ensom, Katherine Moore, and Marcia Montez. Sitting: Bill Stewart, Rex Johnston, and Jeanne Niotta.
Missie McClure and Sally Margotta
Missie McClure brought Sally Margotta.
Norma Cantrell and Jean Getchell
Norma Cantrell was Jean Getchell's guest.
Joan Marason and Lois Booth
Lois Booth stood by her guest Joan Marason.
Roma Lance and Sheila Derrig
Roma Lance was invited by Sheila Derrig.
Elliott and Cheryl Schwartz
Cheryl Schwartz brought her husband Elliott.
Vickie Walker and Diana Ginsburg
Vickie Walker and her guest Diana Ginsburg.
Barbara Hance and Cindy Wedegaertner
Barbara Hance with her guest Cindy Wedegaertner.
Christine Ofiesh, Marcia Kreditor, Kathy Windsor, Kimberly Doder, Jeanne Feybush, Carol Mollett, Sue Phelps, and Marilyn Kezirian
Christine Ofiesh's guests were (standing) Marcia Kreditor, Kathy Windsor, and Kimberly Doder and (sitting) Jeanne Feybush, Carol Mollett, and Sue Phelps. TGLA Member Marilyn Kezirian is sitting at the far right.

Thanks to all of our members who brought guests. It was so nice for Trojan Candy to meet every one of them. Please come back to future meetings!

Finally, Trojan Candy took a few pictures of TGLA members.

Jolene Irwin, Patti Poon, and Carrol Irwin
Jolene Irwin, Patti Poon, and Carrol Irwin
Sandy Johnston, Katherine Moore, and Christine Ofiesh
Sponsors Sandy Johnston and Christine Ofiesh with prospective TGLA member Katherine Moore.
Terri Boyle, Barbara Hance, Judy Lieb, and Kate Farlow
Hard working Vice-President Ways and Means Terri Boyle, Membership Barbara Hance, Treasurer Judy Lieb, and Ways and Means Kate Farlow could finally smile after the meeting was over.

What a tremendous first 2017 TGLA meeting!