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Friday, September 20, 2019---Dr. Carol Folt's Inauguration

My blog about the Presidential Inauguration for Dr. Carol Folt is posted at my main "athletic blog" not here at the HCT blog. It includes several HCT members. CLICK OR TAP HERE to go to that article.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019---Half Century Trojans Board Meeting

Trojan Candy arrived early at the first HCT Board Meeting of the 2019-2020 school year. The clearer freeways and a later 10:30 a.m. meeting start time allowed me to get to USC earlier than expected.

Our HCT History Chair, Bob Padgett, had asked the Board Members to bring in USC memorabilia to share at the Board Meetings. Dan Cassidy was the first. Inside Widney House, he had already set up his USC Memorabilia at two tables.

Here is Dan posing with his autographed picture of Matt Leinart.
Here is a close up view of Dan's mementos.
Then Dan described his USC Band and football memorabilia that he displayed on the meeting table.

The Board Meeting ran smoothly and finished on time. Then, HCT Scholarship Chair Sara Jane Bettge escorted twelve HCT scholarship recipients in to meet our Board.

My video introduces you to these scholarship recipients.
Trojan Candy had our twelve HCT scholarship recipients step outside to the Widney House steps. They posed for this picture.

Front Row: Marissa Anderson, Jordan Evans, Kathryn Dullerud, and Emily Vaughan. Middle Row: Elizabeth Fedde, Samantha Hardy, and Elizabeth Moeser. Top Row: Nick Basch, Grant Uberstine, Hannah Ritz, Caitlin Kreditor, and Zach Ishimoto. Such bright and intelligent young Trojans!

5216After Trojan Candy went back inside Widney House I saw another student. I asked him if he were one of our HCT Scholars. He said that he was and had to miss the meeting because he had a class. So I told him that I wanted to take his picture in the lobby and asked Sara Jane Bettge to join him. Meet HCT Scholar Michael Lappen.

What an exciting first HCT Board Meeting for the 2019-2020 school year!

Sunday, April 7, 2019---The HCT at the USC Associate's Theater Reception

Trojan Candy was invited by the Rossier School of Education to the USC School of Dramatic Arts production of "Sunday in the Park with George." The Half-Century Trojans (HCT) also attended the musical and the Associates reception afterwards.

Dan Cassidy, Judy Frinier, Sharon DeBriere, Daryl Underwood, Bob Frinier, Marilyn Thomas, Vicky Martin, Patti Poon, and Neil MartinWith the help of my sister Patti Poon, who is an HCT Board Member, Trojan Candy took pictures of HCT Members and Board Members before the musical and later at the Associates reception. Here are Dan Cassidy, Judy Frinier, Sharon DeBriere, Daryl Underwood, Bob Frinier, Marilyn Thomas, Vicky Martin, Patti Poon, and Neil Martin before "Sunday in the Park with George" in this picture.

At the post performance Associates reception in Associates Park, Trojan Candy walked among all of the HCT tables meeting members and taking their pictures. Here are my pictures of HCT Members enjoying the reception. Some of them I know and other names were gleaned from their name badges. If you know those unnamed people, let me know. Thank you.

Bob Frinier, Jinny Pan, Judy Frinier, Patti Poon, ? and Nadine and Harold Davidson
Bob Frinier, Jinny Pan, Judy Frinier, Patti Poon, ? and Nadine and Harold Davidson.
Daryl Underwood, Sharon DeBriere, ? and Beverly Mitchell
Daryl Underwood, Sharon DeBriere, ? and Beverly Mitchell.
Miller Fong and ?
Miller Fong and ?
Jinny Pan and Bill Bau
Jinny Pan and Bill Bau
Dan Cassidy and Me?
Dan Cassidy and Me?
Alan and Candy Duncan
Alan and Candy Duncan.
Jack Conley, ?, Urs? Czoik and Peter and Barbara Stone
Jack Conley, ?, Urs? Czoik and Peter and Barbara Stone.
Nancy and Hugh Helm, Sally and Tom Edwards, Jim and Sue Femino, Patti Poon and Willa Olsen
Nancy and Hugh Helm, Sally and Tom Edwards, Jim and Sue Femino, Patti Poon and Willa Olsen.
Mark Hamill and Cast
Mark Hamill posed with the Cast.
Jack and Lindy Groban
Jack and Lindy Groban.
Chase Kroeshe and Elaine Rosen
Chase Kroeshe and Elaine Rosen.
Liz and Al Shonk, Tracy Dupont, ? and Virginia Wilson
Liz and Al Shonk, Tracy Dupont, ? and Virginia Wilson.
Dudley and Patti Poon and Jim Yee
Dudley and Patti Poon and Jim Yee.
Carol Fox, ?, Debbie Katsoglanes?, Rachel Beal, ?, Chris Fox, Mia Arechiga, Candy Yee and Walt Greene
Carol Fox, ?, Debbie Katsoglanes?, Rachel Beal, ?, Chris Fox, Mia Arechiga, Candy Yee and Walt Greene.

What a marvelous Sunday afternoon in the park for our Half-Century Trojans!

Saturday, March 9, 2019---USC Day of SCervice at the Keck Hospital

Trojan Candy arrived at 9:30 am at the Keck Hospital to help set up the USC Day of SCervice at the Keck Hospital. HCT Board member Patti Poon was already there to set up. Other HCT Board members arrived to help make birthday boxes for Hospital patients.

I walked around the room taking pictures of all of the volunteers.

Bob, Chris and Judy Frinier
Bob (incoming HCT President), Chris and Judy Frinier were folding the birthday boxes.
Volunteer and Karina
Volunteer and Karina were loading two pom poms in every box.
Decorating boxes
These volunteers were using glue guns to decorate the boxes.
Steve, Dudley Poon and ?
Steve, Dudley Poon and another volunteer cut signs so that they would fit in the box.
Patti Poon, Jim Childs, Sharon DeBriere, Bob Frinier, and Miller Fong
HCT Board Members showed up for the USC Day of SCervice at the Keck Hospital. They were Patti Poon, Jim Childs (immediate past HCT President), Sharon DeBriere, Bob Frinier, and Miller Fong.
Sharon DeBrier and Patti Poon
Sharon DeBrier posed with Patti.
Miller Fong and Volunteer
Chairman Miller Fong posed with a volunteer.
This is the layout of the workstations.
Judy and Bob Frinier
Another view of Judy and Bob Frinier folding boxes.
Decorating boxes
Another view of the younger volunteers gluing decorations on the birthday boxes.
Maria Chavez, Kaitlin Alderete and Diana Mekel
Three Keck Hospital ladies were working hard, too. They were Maria Chavez (sitting), Kaitlin Alderete and Diana Mekel.
Jim Childs
Jim Childs held up the box that he had just finished in order to show me the contents.

What lovely "Birthday Boxes" were made for the patients at Keck Hospital during the USC Day of SCervice.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019---Going Back to College Day

Going Back to College
Trojan Candy arrived at Town and Gown for the 11th annual Half Century Trojans (HCT) "Going Back to College Day" reception.
Patrick Auerbach and Alli Solum
Associate Senior Vice President for Alumni Relations Patrick Auerbach welcomed everyone. He teased us about going to class and said that we were, "Dismissed." When Patrick stopped to talk to our HCT President Alli Solum, Trojan Candy asked to take their picture.
Judy Cintron
Trojan Candy met Judy (Berg) Cintron, a long-time friend of my sister Patti Poon.

Judy and I went to our first class together. That class was "USC Then and Now. A Glimpse into History." Featuring Jerry Papazian, Class of 1977. Jerry was a former President of the Board of Governors and a former USC Trustee. We saw several slides of historic USC.

Stained glass Windows
This slide is of the "Missing Stained glass Windows from Old College." These windows were donated by the Class of 1911 or 1913 and lost for many years. They were found in 1949 in the Bocelli Restaurant. USC bought them back.
Student Union Ballroom
The next slide is of the Student Union Ballroom located in the Gwynn Wilson Student Union that was built in 1926-1927. If you look up at the third story on the north side of the Student Union, you will see the four windows of the ballroom.
Jennifer Ailshire
Judy and I went to a "Life Expectancy Workshop." Jennifer Ailshire, an Assistant Professor of Gerontology and Sociology at USC, presented "Is There a Ceiling on Life Expectancy?"
Projected Population
Here is her "Projected Population Age 90+"
Life to Years
Trojan Candy was impressed by her quote from Dr. Edward J. Stieglitz.
Now, it was time for lunch. Judy and I were seated at Table 6 with my sister Patti and brother-in-law Dudley Poon.
Michele G. Turner, Nick Reader and Wilma Pinder
Also at our table were Michele G. Turner, Executive Director of the Black Alumni Association; HCT Scholar Nick Reader, a Junior majoring in Economics and a USC Men's Basketball Manager; and Wilma Pinder, HCT Board.
Shannon Hennessy and Dan Cassidy
Now, Trojan Candy walked around the room looking for friends and TGLA members. At the very next table I saw friend Dan Cassidy. I took his picture with HCT Scholar Shannon Hennessy.
Jim and Janet Eddy
Nearby, were TGLA friends Jim and Janet Eddy.
Niya Esperanza and Dann Angeloff
Friend Dann Angeloff was sitting with HCT Scholar Niya Esperanza, who is the Class of 2020 and is majoring in Occupational Therapy.
Katherine Moore and Mary Duncan Ashley
Trojan Candy saw two tables of TGLA members next. Katherine Moore was sitting at Table 18 with her friend Mary Duncan Ashley.
Kate Farlow, Marie Kontos and Arlene Cartozian
At Table 16, Kate Farlow was sitting with two Trojan Guild of Orange County members, Marie Kontos and Arlene Cartozian.
Lorna Reed, Michael Felix, Patrick Auerbach and Alli Solum
Next, I walked up to the front row of tables and took this picture of Lorna Reed, Michael Felix, Patrick Auerbach and Alli Solum.
Spirit of Troy
I walked outside the banquet room and saw the Spirit of Troy. I guess we will be entertained by them very soon.
Jovan Vavic
Now it was time for our Keynote Speaker USC Water Polo Coach Jovan Vavic to speak.

Coach Vavic spoke about his three championship tenets. They were Struggle, Grit, and Belief. As for Struggle, Coach Vavic spoke about a butterfly caught in a web. The butterfly needs to struggle to develop its muscle in order to fly. When you cut the web to free it, you kill his will to live. The next tenet Grit, have stamina. Think of future day in every day. You can make your future. Life is like a marathon, not a sprint. His last tenet is Belief. Kids persevere if they don't believe that the future is permanent. These three tenets have won Coach Vavic 10 USC Men's NCAA Water Polo titles and 6 Women's NCAA Water Polo Titles. FIGHT ON, Coach Vavic!

As Coach Vavic left the podium, The Spirit of Troy marched into the ballroom. Trojan Candy took pictures in the hallway.

Michael Felix, Jovan Vavic and Patrick Auerbach
Michael Felix and Patrick Auerbach posed with Jovan Vavic.
Janet Tonkovich and Jovan Vavic
Janet Tonkovich posed with Coach Vavic.
Abe Somer and Jovan Vavic
Friend Abe Somer posed with Coach Vavic next.

Grace Shiba, Trojan Candy, Patti Poon, Nick Reader, Judy Cintron and Dudley PoonThe last picture was taken by the HCT photographer with my camera. Meet Grace Shiba, Trojan Candy, Patti Poon, HCT Scholar Nick Reader, Judy Cintron and Dudley Poon.

What an educational day with the Half Century Trojans!