Half Century Trojans (5) Candygrams

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Sunday, December 15, 2019---Half Century Trojans at USC Men's Basketball

Trojan Candy attended the USC Men's basketball vs. Long Beach State game, but I arrived too late for the Half Century Trojan reception in the Founder's Room. My husband Jim and I had attended our neighbor's 80th birthday party earlier. Since I knew I would arrive late, I asked Bob Frinier and Sally Edwards to take pictures for me. Thank you Bob and Sally!

Bob sent me these eleven pictures of HCT members at the event.


Then, Sally sent me pictures with the guests names on cards.

HCT members sitting at this table were Jay Berger and his wife Meta. Standing were Miller Fong and his wife Jetty.
Sitting at the next table were Janet and Paul Tonkovich, along with James Smith and Stephen Tyler.
Sue Femino, Ron Orr and Dann Angeloff sat at this table.
Sue's husband Jim Femino was sitting at Table 3.
Standing at Table 6 were Terry Aladag, HCT President Bob Frinier and his wife Judy and Don Garner and his wife Margie Lee. Sitting were Terry's family.
Standing at the next table were Paul and Karen Hackett, Dudley Poon and ? Sitting was Patti Poon.
Abe Somer stood next to Phil Debriere. Phil's wife Sharon was sitting at the table.
Jim and Marty Childs came back to their table where Miller Fong was sitting.
The last picture that Sally sent me was of her and Patti Poon.

Our USC Men's Basketball team beat Long Beach State 87-76.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019---Half Century Trojans Hall of Fame

The Town and Gown patio was bustling with guests for the Half Century Trojans Hall of Fame luncheon when Trojan Candy checked in. Almost immediately, I saw some familiar faces.

I took a picture of Hugh Helm, Patti and Dudley Poon, Greg Gilbert and Bob Padgett.
Inside the Town and Gown lobby, Trojan Candy saw our HCT President Bob Frinier and his wife Judy.
The Honorees posed by the fireplace with Board of Governors President Corli Berg, HCT President Bob Frinier and ?. They were David C. Martin, Faith Zink Porter, Jim Childs, John House and Bryon "Red" Cavaney.

The doors to the dining area opened. After finding my table, Trojan Candy began taking pictures of each of our HCT scholars who were seated with an HCT Board Member.

Scholar Hannah Ritz was seated between Lorna Reed and Dan Cassidy. Hannah is majoring in Political Science. Her grandfather Leslie Novak graduated from USC in Engineering in 1963.
At the next table Abe Somer sat with Cailin Stroyke. Cailin is majoring in Business. Her great-grandfather Jack Brady and her grandparents Bob Stroyke and Vi Jameson were USC graduates.
The HCT Awards Committee Chair Trish Foley Vick awarded the "Distinguished Service Award" to HCT Past President Jim Childs. Jim is a member of the Associates and a donor to the Trojan Athletic Fund. He taught at the Gould Law Center.
Here is Jim with Trish and Bob Frinier. Congratulations, Jim!
Since there was a break for lunch, I decided to take a picture of the guests at my table. Standing were Dudley and Patti Poon, Mary Pallares, and Christina Denning. Sitting were Carol Thueson, Jim and Janet Eddy, and Janice Boswell.
Trojan Candy took more pictures of our scholars with HCT Board Members. Scholar Michael Lappen was with Neil Martin. Michael's grandmother, Elenor Lappen, and aunt Rhonda Lappen are USC alumnae.
At a nearby table, scholar Valerie Narumi smiled with Wilma Pinder. Valerie is a pre-Med majoring in Neuroscience. Her grandparents Beverly and Nammi are her Trojans.
Scholar Zach Ishimoto sat with Hugh Helm. Zach is majoring in Business and Accounting. His grandfather James Lim is his Trojan.
Scholar Grant Uberstine posed with Janet Tonkovich. Grant is majoring in Business and Real Estate. His great-grandmother Thelma Estes Brown and grandfather Sanders Brown attended USC.
Trojan Candy caught scholar Samantha Hardy just before she left for class. Samantha and Candy Duncan smiled for this cute photograph. Samantha is majoring in Psychology. Samantha's Trojans were her great-grandmother, grandparents and parents.
HCT scholar Amanda Cawley smiled as she posed with Sara Jane Bettge. Amanda is majoring in Health and Human Services. Amanda's Trojans are Warren "Rex" and Judy Cawley.
Sara Jane Bettge then moved over to her left to pose with scholar Nick Basch. Nick is majoring in Business and Economics. His three grandparents are Trojans.
There were four more Honorees presented after lunch. The first was Bryon "Red" Cavaney.
Next was John House.
Faith Zink Porter was third.
David C. Martin was last.
The program ended with a performance by the Spirit of Troy.
Trojan Candy rushed around trying to find any scholars whom I might have missed. That's when I saw another HCT scholar. Emily Hawkins arrived late because of a class. She posed with HCT Board member Miller Fong. Emily is majoring in Theater. Her grandpa Wilbur Hawkins majored in Education in 1965.
Now, I had a little time to look for more HCT scholars. Instead, I found some friends and TGLA members. They were USC Alumni Association HCT Contact Tanya Moran, Christine Ofiesh, Evelyn Wilson, TGLA President Sandy Johnston and Valerie Sampson.
The last picture of the day that Trojan Candy took was of our former HCT President Jim Childs. Here is Jim with his family from left to right: Bob, Amy and Beth Altman; Jim; John Giles Childs; and Katie Altman.

What a memorable afternoon.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019---Half Century Trojans Board Meeting

Trojan Candy always brings her camera to all TGLA and Half Century Trojans (HCT) Board Meetings just in case there is a picture to be taken. This HCT Board Meeting was an exceptional meeting.

6916President–Elect Janet Tonkovich brought in several pieces of her memorabilia to share with the Board.

6921Bob Frinier listens intently to Janet giving her presentation to the HCT Board. Trojan Candy was especially enthralled with her "Queen for a Day" comments and her family USC history.

I asked Janet to send me some information about her "three generation" USC family and her USC undergraduate memories. Here is the history that Janet sent me:

"My history memorabilia report today was focused on my family’s first three generations of Trojans.

My grandmother Ruth Dallman Launer graduated in 1916 and bought her graduation gown which four generation of Trojans have worn. Her diploma was signed by USC President Bovard. We had pictures of her graduation; rowing club; and USC gym suit which I wore for a picture in 1975.

My parents Earl and Eunice Launer Harris graduated in 1939. We had pictures of my dad’s water polo team in 1937; and some programs from the late ‘30’s from the Varsity Club, Songfest and the USC Varsity Club’s second annual Big Game dance in 1936. Then a picture of my parent’s Super Trojans party on their 35th wedding anniversary. One of the guests was Herb Klein (HCT’s first Hall of Fame recipient), also in the photo was Mary Kay Lovell (Arbuthnot) who was a past president of HCT and passed away in June 2019. There were other notable Trojans in the photo but those two had HCT honors.

Then the third generation was represented by me (Janet Harris Tonkovich), Class of 1964, BS 1965. In February 1963 the television show “Queen for a Day” came to USC for a show selecting the Co-ed Queen of a Day. My wish was to send 20 deserving children to Troy Camp. I was co-chair of Troy Camp and we were just beginning our campaign raising funds for Troy Camp. I was lucky to win and not only did the TV program give a nice check to Troy Camp but I received a car and many other amazing gifts! [Look back at her first picture.]

What USC memories for Janet!

6925Later in the meeting, Scholarship Committee Chair Hugh Helm and Scholarship Committee member Sara Jane Bettge posed for this picture with "Special Guest" Laura Apisakkul, Dornsife Scholarship Staff Liaison.

6928After the meeting adjourned, Trojan Candy took a picture of President Bob Frinier and three HCT Ambassadors who attended the meeting. They were Nancy Hoffman, Dianne Kaub and Cliff Lightfoot.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019---International Day for Older Persons

Several Half-Century Trojans arrived at the McCarthy Quad around 2:30 p.m. for International Day for Older Persons. They came to help our USC Alumni Association Contact Tanya Moran-Adolph set up a booth where "older persons" could make a planter that they could take home.

5983Board members Patti Poon and yours truly, Candy Yee, posed for a picture with HCT President Bob Frinier. In the background, there were men dancing to "oldie" music.

5987I took this picture when Tanya Moran-Adolph brought the plants. Tanya posed with Patti Poon, Bob Frinier and Sally Edwards.

Bob sent me three pictures of our HCT members at work.


What a worthwhile project!