August 2022 Candygrams

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Friday, August 26, 2022---Women of Troy Volleyball vs Colgate

My husband Jim and I arrived at Galen Center early enough for the first match of the 2022 Women of Troy Volleyball Team season to each get a USC “Fight On” t-shirt. Thank you! Our team was playing Colgate at about 7:30 p.m. The stands were very full. The previous match of the Cardinal and Gold Classic between University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) and Villanova was nearing the end.

As Trojan Candy walked to my seat, I saw three friends who are avid USC Women’s Basketball fans. They are Pat, Tim Seno and Evan Wang.
After UMBC beat Villanova 3-1, our team warmed up.
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Here are two videos of them warming up.
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Now, it was time to introduce the teams. Colgate was introduced first, then our Women of Troy.
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Our team huddled before the start of the match.
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USC Sophomore Setter Mia Tuaniga served the ball well tonight.

We won the first set by the score of 25-13.

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In the break before Set 2, our Spirit of Troy Band and the Song Girls performed.
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Our Women of Troy won Set 2.
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During the intermission, our Song Girls performed to “Tusk.”
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In Set 3, Mia Tuaniga served and set to win a point.
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Our team won Set 3 by the score of 25-12 and the match by 3-0. The celebration followed.
After the match was over, Trojan Candy took this picture of friend Keith Williams Jr who works at the Galen Center. He also sings the Star Spangled Banner at the Galen Center and other sporting venues.

Our Women of Troy Volleyball started the 2022 Season 1-0!


Thursday, August 25, 2022---Irving R. Melbo Chair in Education Administration

My husband Jim and I were invited to attend the inaugural Lecture of the Irving R. and Virginia A. Melbo Chair of the Rossier School of Education, because Trojan Candy graduated from the (Rossier) School of Education. I had taught in the Los Angeles Unified School District for thirty-seven years.

4442After putting my things in a seat on the second row, I went to take pictures. My first picture was of a Women of Troy volleyball/beach volleyball player Emily Young. It was so nice to see Emily again. She was having a conversation with USC Ed.D student Victoria Shepp. Victoria works with the Girl Scouts of Orange County. Now back to Emily. She played four years at USC in Volleyball, and then two more years at USC in Beach Volleyball. Trojan Candy interviewed Emily on May 11, 2016. CLICK/TAP HERE to read Emily’s interview. Emily graduated in Business Administration in 2014 and earned her Master’s Degree in Communication Management. She told me that she still plays beach volleyball. Emily is now an Education Partnerships Associate at the non-profit MIND Research Institute. Keep Fighting On, Emily!

4444Nearby, I saw a good friend, Rachel Beal, who is Executive Director of Advancement in Rossier. After just one minute, the Director of Alumni Engagement, Tom Arteaga, came up to speak with us. Tom told me that he had just started working with the Rossier School three weeks ago. He also told me that he likes to read my blog. Thanks, Tom. You are now in my blog! Rachel and Tom posed for me.

Now it was time for the lecture to begin. Trojan Candy rushed up to my seat.

Here is the title of the new Chair.
Picture of a younger Irving R. Melbo.
Three speakers spoke from the podium. The first was Professor Maria Ott. She is the first appointee to the Irving R. Melbo Chair.
Rossier Dean Pedro A. Noguera was the second speaker.
The next speaker was Daniel A. Domenech, Executive Director of AASA, the School Superintendents Association.

4452Then, there was an interesting panel discussion. Here are the panelists. Edgar Zazueta (Executive Director of Association of California School Administrators), Paul Gothold (Superintendent of Schools for San Diego County), Zandra Jo Galvan (Superintendent of Greenfield Union School District), Ben Drati (Superintendent of Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District), Daniel Domenech, and Pedro Noguera.

After the audience questions were finished, there was a nice reception.

4454Trojan Candy took this picture of Dr. Vivian Ekchian and my sister Patti Poon who had worked together. Vivian, who was then Director of Instruction in the LAUSD West Valley District, did math and science workshops with Patti, a LAUSD Math Coach. Currently, Patti is retired and Vivian is the Superintendent of the Glendale Unified School District. What accomplished teachers!

4457Jim took the last picture of our friends. From left to right are Dudley and Patti Poon, Lai Tan and Genaro Carapia, Matt DeGrushe (who used to work at Rossier), and Yours Truly, Trojan Candy.

Sunday, August 21, 2022---So Nice to See Joey Again!

4422My husband Jim and I were on the USC University campus and were walking back to our car in the USC parking garage, when we heard someone call out, “Candy!” We both stopped and looked to see who he was. He said his name, “Joey Hughes.” Jim remembered right away that I had taken a lot of pictures of Joey when we were volunteering at Heritage Hall. We both met Joey on December 3, 2009. I took his picture that day and interviewed him. CLICK HERE to read Joey’s interview. In track, Joey ran the 200m, the 400m, and the 4x400 meter relay. Ironically, the three of were standing across the street from the new Colich Track and Field Center. I took Joey’s picture with the Center in the background. Joey told us that he came to see his cousin play in a baseball tournament at Dedeaux Field. Just then, two young lady friends called out to Joey, and we said, “Good-by” as the three of them walked off to Dedeaux Field.

It was so nice to see Joey again. We last saw him on November 2, 2012. KEEP FIGHTING ON, Joey!

Thursday, August 6, 2022---Trojan Coaches Club 2022 Football Season Preview

My husband Jim and I attended the Trojan Coaches Club's (TCC) Football Season Preview Show held at the Common Space Brewery in Hawthorne, CA. I walked up to the table to check in. Mike Donovan III was there.

Trojan Candy took this picture of Bobby Robinson, Nina Hoffmann, and Mike Donovan III. We found out later that today was Nina's birthday. Happy Birthday, Nina!
I turned around and saw my good friend John Jackson Jr. He smiled for my picture of him, my husband and Michelle.
Then a familiar face came over to talk with John. Shaun Cody posed with John.
Then Bobby Robinson joined Shaun and John in the next picture.
TCC President Mike Donovan III started the meeting.
Vice President George Sheth introduced the first speaker Ryan Abraham of
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Ryan talked about his perspective of the transition from the Clay Helton to the Lincoln Riley era in this video. Ryan, thank you for letting me post these videos.
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Ryan described the optimism of USC fans and players.
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Joining the Big 10 was the next topic.
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Ryan analyzed USC's offense and defense.
After Ryan finished, there was a break. Friends Mel and Doris Hughes talked about their summer.
A past President of TCC, Mike Gin, came over to say, “Hello.” It was Mike’s idea to pose in front of the TCC banner. Great idea, Mike!
Next, Trojan Candy walked to the front corner to take this picture of David Mendoza, whom I met at a Ralph’s Tailgate for the September 4, 2021, football game vs. San Jose State. David posed with Mike Donovan III and Doug Solorzano. I met Doug at the Inauguration of Dr. Carol Folt on 9/20/2019.
After the break, John Jackson Jr and Shaun Cody took the stage.
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Shaun Cody talked about how he got into podcasting.
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John Jackson: "Daddy needs a new pair of shoes."
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More stories about John Jackson's children.
After the presentation, I took a picture of Mike Gin with John Jackson Jr.

This was a really informative and fun meeting!