May (4) 2020 Candygrams

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Thursday, May 14, 2020---2020 USC Student-Athlete Graduation Celebration Part 4

The galleries are from screen captures of the Student-Athlete Graduation Celebration.

Men's and Women's Volleyball

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Michael Chang and Matthew Faraimo
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Jenna Adams, Emily Baptista, Jasmine Gross, Khalia Lanier, and Raegan LeGrand

9182On Saturday, May 13, 2017, Trojan Candy took a picture of 2020 Men's Volleyball Seniors Michael Chang (with the blue shirt) and Matt Faraimo (behind Michael on the right) at the Volleyball Awards Brunch. They were freshmen then. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Michael! Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Matt!

My husband Jim and I like to go to as many Women of Troy Volleyball matches as we can. Trojan Candy attended the 2020 Women's Volleyball Brunch on January 12, 2020, when all five Seniors were honored.

Jenna Adams, with her Master's degree in Finance, was the first Woman Senior to be announced. Jenna had actually participated in the 2019 USC Student-Athlete Graduation Celebration (5/9/2019). Jenna smiled for Trojan Candy who stood at the bottom of the ramp to take her picture.
Then, Jenna posed with Rai Benjamin (4/28/19) and Michael Norman (4/28/19) who also graduated in 2019.
At the 2020 Volleyball Brunch, Jenna gave her farewell speech. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Jenna!
The second 2020 Woman Senior to be honored this year was Emily Baptista. She posed with her family at her last match on Friday, November 29, 2019.
At the 2020 Brunch, Emily was the third Senior to speak. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Emily!
Jasmine Gross was the next 2020 Senior honored today. Here is Jasmine posing with her family when the 2020 Seniors were honored before their last match on Friday, November 29, 2019.
At the 2020 Volleyball Brunch, Jasmine delivered her farewell speech after Jenna Adams. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Jasmine!
The fourth 2020 Volleyball Senior to be honored was Khalia Lanier. Trojan Candy was able to interview Khalia Lanier when she was a Junior. It was at the Women of Troy Volleyball Awards brunch on Sunday, January 6, 2019.
At the last match on November 29, 2019, Khalia joined her family on the Galen Center Court.
Then, last but not least, at the 2020 Brunch Khalia gave her "good bye" speech to her family, friends and teammates . Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Khalia!
Raegan LeGrand was the last 2020 Senior to be announced today. Here is Raegan posing with her family on the Galen Center Court as the five Women of Troy Volleyball Seniors were honored at their last match.
Raegan was the fourth speaker at the 2020 Volleyball Awards Brunch. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Raegan!

Men's and Women's Water Polo

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Marin Dasic, Troy Furniss, Luka Karaman, and Matthew Maier
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Kaylee Brownsberger, Alaina Cousineau, Denise Mammolito, Kelsey McIntosh, Hollis Parker, and Elise Stein

Trojan Candy met the USC Men's Water Polo Seniors at their Senior Day Celebration on Saturday, November 2, 2019. It happened before our men played against Stanford. All of these pictures were taken on Senior Day.

Marin Dasic was introduced first today.
Then Marin joined his parents Branimir and Anita at his poster. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Marin!
Troy Furniss was next. He posed at his poster with his parents and family. In the picture were brothers Kyle and Quinn, his sister Brooke, Troy, mom Sharon and dad Bruce Furniss. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Troy!
Luka Karaman was the third Senior to be honored.
Luka posed with his family at his poster. Here were brother Marko, sister Kona, mom Suzana, Luka and dad Tony. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Luka!
The fourth 2020 Senior to be announced was Matt Maier.
Trojan Candy took a picture of Matt with his family at his poster. They were dad Kurt, mom Lisa, Matt and brother Cory. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Matt!
Senior Sam Slobodien was not announced.
Sam's family joined him by his poster. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Sam!

7085Here are all five 2020 Men's Water Polo Seniors. Wearing beautiful leis were Marin Dasic, Troy Furniss, Sam Slobodien, Luka Karaman and Matt Maier.

The Women of Troy Water Polo Team had six 2020 Seniors.

2140Trojan Candy interviewed Senior Kaylee Brownsberger at, of all places, a USC football game. On Friday, September 21, 2018, when Trojan Candy was sitting in her Coliseum seat watching USC play WSU in a football game, Kaylee and her mother were sitting right next to me. It took a while before I learned that Kaylee was who she was. Naturally, Trojan Candy interviewed Kaylee during the halftime. By the way, USC beat WSU 39-36. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Kaylee!

0689The other five, including Kaylee, 2020 Women of Troy Water Polo Seniors were introduced in Trojan Candy's video of their introduction before their match vs. San Jose State on Saturday, March 25, 2017. Meet 2020 Seniors Holly Parker, Denise Mammolito, Kelsey McIntosh, Elise Stein, Kaylee Brownsberger and Alaina Cousineau. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Holly, Denise, Kelsey, Elise and Alaina!

2728Trojan Candy was able to record Senior Denise Mammolito's hat trick in the match vs. Stanford on Sunday, May 13, 2018. Her last goal in the final 1:07 of the match was the winning goal! Our Women of Troy beat Stanford to win their Sixth NCAA Women's Water Polo National Championship! See Denise's winning shot here.

8167Then, in Coach Jovan Vavic's final water polo match as the USC head coach on March 8, 2019, Trojan Candy was able to take a picture and a video of Elise Stein's two goals against San Jose State University. Here is my picture of her first goal.

Elise SteinThis is my video of Elise's second goal. Our Women of Troy beat San Jose State 22-8. Trojan Candy knows that Coach Vavic was very proud of Elise and the entire team. FIGHT ON FOREVER, Coach Vavic!

Senior Awards

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Gimbel Award for Most Cooperative Athlete to Kyra Constantine and Damon Johnson (2/1/2017).
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Trojaneer Diamond Award for Most Fame and Distinction to the University to Brandon Holt and Louise Hansson
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Willis O. Hunter Award for the Highest GPA to Rae Lan
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TAPA Community Service Award to Frank Martin II
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Pac-12 Post-Graduate Scholarship to Rae Lan and Katarzyna Pilch
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Renaissance Scholar Distinction and Prize Winner Katarzyna Pilch
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Global Scholar Distinction and Prize Winner Rae Lan
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Discovery Scholar Distinction to Rae Lan

from videoWe end this with FIGHT ON, Class of 2020 Student-Athletes!