September 2014 (2) Candygrams

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Friday, September 12, 2014---A New England Trojan Family Reception

Trojan Candy, Max Nikias, Niki Nikias, and Corinne CarusTrojan Candy and my cousin Corinne Carus arrived early at the Boston Marriott Copley Place for the New England Trojan Family Reception by the USC Alumni Association. It was worth the wait. When guests lined up to enter the Grand Ballroom, we were each photographed with USC President Dr. C. L. Max Nikias and his lovely wife Niki. What a photo to cherish!

Juanita Keeling and Kathie HeineApproximately four hundred fifty USC Alumni guests were expected. There were one hundred fifty from the Los Angeles area and three hundred from the Boston/New York area. Pat, Dudley, Corinne and Trojan Candy were among the first ten guests to enter. We picked good seats for Dr. Nikias' presentation, then we went to get our hors d'oeuvres. I recognized a familiar face from the Women of Troy basketball games. Juanita Keeling introduced me to her friend Kathie Heine.

Michelle Dobrzynski, Maria Wang, Dr. Bartner, Andy Dobrzynski, Corinne Carus, and Pat PoonDr. Bartner walked in the ballroom and as I waved to him; he immediately walked over, on cue, to pose for another picture by yours truly. He posed with Michelle Dobrzynski, Maria Wang, Andy Dobrzynski, Corinne Carus, and Pat Poon.

Cynthia Wiese and Ben ChuaThen I saw two Spirit of Troy friends---Cynthia Wiese and Ben Chua (8/30/2013)

Trojan Candy walked around looking for more friends. I found four of them at one table. They were Steve Block, Sunny Franklin, and Elizabeth and Walter Babchuk.Steve Block, Sunny Franklin, and Elizabeth  and Walter Babchuk

Now it was time for the program to begin. Dr. Max Nikias asked the audience, "What is uncertainty?" He then answered his own question with, "Isn't it just the beginning of a great adventure?" Max NikiasThen Dr. Nikias described the great adventure that USC is undertaking now. There are the construction and remodeling of campus facilities and the Coliseum and the massive influx of doctors and researchers to our USC Medical Center in which he said, "We literally took UCLA's brains out," when 110 of their medical researchers left UCLA and moved to the USC Medical School. Dr. Nikias described the outstanding USC students of today, and how we have already raised $3.7 billion of our $6 billion fundraising challenge. Indeed, Dr. Nikias impressed the audience!

To our surprise, Dr. Nikias invited the Spirit of Troy into the ballroom.

Spirit of Troy
The band, Pep Squad and Song Girls marched in to everyone's delight! Let the Pep Rally begin!
CLICK the picture to view a video of the Pep Rally.
Max Nikias
Dr. Nikias enjoyed the music and dancing, too!
Chris Fox and Amy Ross
After the band marched out, Trojan Candy took a picture of friend Chris Fox and the GAA President Amy Ross.
Pat Poon, Carol Fox, and Trojan Candy
Corinne took a picture of Pat, Carol Fox and yours truly.
Yummy red velvet pushup
As we left the ballroom, there was one more surprise. Coffee and dessert! The USC Alumni Association knows how to party!

Friday, September 12, 2014---The USC Pep Rally

Dan and Frances AnnarellaPat, Dudley, and I arrived at Faneuil Hall at 10:30 a.m. for the USC Pep Rally. It was supposed to start at noon. Trojan Candy wanted to be early so that I could get a good location to take pictures.

Walking through Faneuil Hall, I heard someone say, "There's Trojan Candy." Turning around, I saw Dan and Frances Annarella. Dan graduated from USC in 1983 with an EE major. He is a Bio-medical engineer. His wife Frances graduated from USC in 1981 with a degree in Language and Culture. FIGHT ON, Dan! FIGHT ON, Frances!

Andy and Rose Marie Dobrzynski
Walking outside, I saw two more friends, Andy and Rose Marie Dobrzynski.
By now there were Trojans milling around the Faneuil Hall and the Quincy Market area. We were all looking for the location of the pep rally.
Cynthia Wiese
It didn't take long for Trojan Candy to find out the location. I saw friend Cynthia Wiese, who works in the band office.
Art Bartner
Then, Dr. Bartner appeared. He was scouting out the best location for the band to perform. It was decided to be on the Quincy Market steps.
Lois and Mike Valerio
By then, I had found the perfect location to stand for the best pictures. There was a concrete block that my sister Pat sat on to save my place. Then, friends Lois and Mike Valerio saved the spot for me when Pat went to join Dudley.
Michael and Debbie
Now was the time to take pictures of the band as they warmed up. On the way, I saw friends Michael and Debbie.
After crossing the street, there they were!
Trojan Candy sprung into action, boldly walked up to each Senior instrument group and told them to pose for a picture...and they did! Here are the tubas,
the trumpets,
the saxophones,
Alto Saxophones
the alto saxophones,
Flutes and piccolo
the flutes, the piccolo,
the clarinets,
Trombones and flugelhorn
the trombones, the flugelhorn,
the one flag,
the drums,
Drum Major
and the Drum Major
Pep Squad
Next, Trojan Candy saw the Pep Squad arrive.
Song Girls
They were followed by the Song Girls.

FIGHT ON, Spirit of Troy! FIGHT ON Pep Squad! FIGHT ON, Song Girls!

Trojan Candy, Adam Bart, and Pat PoonRay and Suzanne NagamiTrojan Candy walked back to the Quincy Market area to find a good location to video record the band when they marched in. The crowd was getting very large by now.

I saw three more friends. Adam Bart posed with Pat and me.

I saw fellow Monday Morning Quarterback table mates, Ray and Suzanne Nagami.

Band performingBand coming inFinally, it was noon and time for the band to march in. Trojan Candy had the perfect place to video record (CLICK the two pictures at the right) their arrival. Then I pushed my way through fellow Trojans back to the concrete block where Lois and Mike Valerio were sitting. Mike helped me stand up on the block for more pictures. Thank you, Lois and Mike!

The plaza was completely full of Trojans. The Pep Rally lasted for about thirty minutes. By then, every Trojan in the plaza was hyped up for the game against Boston College tomorrow night.

Pat Poon, Karen Bowman, and Dudley Poon
After the Spirit of Troy marched out, Trojan Candy saw more friends. Athletic Department friends Karen Bowman
Gregg Millward
and Gregg Millward.
Dudley Poon, Elizabeth Babchuk, and Pat Poon
Elizabeth Babchuk posed with Dudley and Pat.
Carol Fox and Barbara and Tom Halvorsen
Then, I found fellow TGLA friend Carol Fox visiting with Barbara and Tom Halvorsen.
Wandy Jung, Dudley and Pat Poon, and Larry Jung
The last two friends, Wandy and Larry Jung, posed with Dudley and Pat.

What an invigorating pep rally!