June 2012 Candygrams

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012---Trojan Football 101 for Ladies with Layla Kiffin

Dion Bailey, Pat Poon, and Robert WoodsTrojan Football 101Excitement filled the air when Trojan Candy walked into the Founder's Room in the Galen Center to attend "Trojan Football 101 for Ladies with Layla Kiffin." There was a line of ladies waiting to take their picture with two friends. Dion Bailey and Robert Woods (8/19/2010) posed for pictures with each participant. Friend Pierson Clair, the official photographer for the event, let me take a picture of my sister Pat with Dion and Robert. Thanks, Pierson! Check out his website at www.PC4Photo.com

Trojan Candy saw some coaching friends and some new football coaches in the audience.

Justin Mesa and Marvin Sanders
Coaches Justin Mesa and Marvin Sanders
Scottie Hazelton and Kennedy Polamalu
Coaches Scottie Hazelton and Kennedy Polamalu

After breakfast, the program began. Layla Kiffin, who planned the entire event, introduced the football coaches' wives.

Layla Kiffin with some coaches' wives
Layla Kiffin introducing some coaches' wives

Then, each coach presented a workshop. Some workshop topics were "Recruiting," "Basic Personnel Groups," "Basic Plays," "Defensive Positions," "Signal Play Calling," and "Special Team Units." Some ladies were chosen to demonstrate offensive and defensive plays.

Coach Ed Orgeron
Coach Ed Orgeron presented a "Recruiting" workshop.
Coaches Justin Mesa and Lane Kiffin
Coaches Justin Mesa and Lane Kiffin during a "Signal Play Calling" workshop

All of the ladies, including myself, learned so much! Coach John Baxter, in his workshop, told us of a new rule change this year. When there is a touchback after a ball is punted or kicked, the receiving team gets the ball on the 25 yard line, not the 20.

Haley Anderson, Coach Dave Salo, and Katinka HosszuCoach Andrea Gaston and Lizette SalasAfter lunch, there were six more speakers. Women of Troy Golf Coach Andrea Gaston addressed the ladies first. Her special guest, who spoke next, was alumna and current LPGA member Lizette Salas. Then, Swimming Coach Dave Salo introduced two Women of Troy swimmers who will be competing in the 2012 London Olympics. Katinka Hosszu and Haley Anderson related their personal experiences to the ladies. FIGHT ON, Lizette in the LPGA! FIGHT ON, Katinka and Haley in the London Olympics! Lastly, Senior Associate Athletic Director Donna Heinel spoke about the Women of Troy.

Every participant picked up her picture in the Galen Lobby, then we all boarded buses to the Coliseum. All of us gathered at the peristyle end beneath the giant scoreboard at the top of the stairs. Coach Orgeron told us when to descend to the field. We descended and stopped in the middle of the Coliseum field and recited a prayer, just like our football team does before every game. Then, en masse we walked toward the tunnel into the locker room. I saw several friends there.

We walked down the steps to the Coliseum field
We walked down the steps to the Coliseum field
Eiko Bates, Pat Poon, and Dudley Poon
Eiko Bates, Pat Poon, and Dudley Poon
Coach John Baxter
Coach John Baxter gave me the Victory sign.
Ann Palmer, Christine Ofiesh, and D'Arcy McLeod
I saw Trojan Guild Friends Ann Palmer, Christine Ofiesh, and D'Arcy McLeod.
Tim Caron, Jawanza Starling, and Jennifer Noriega
Tim Caron, Jawanza Starling, and Jennifer Noriega posed for a picture.
Sam Tulin and Teresa Verbeck
I saw Sam Tulin and Teresa Verbeck.

Friend Jawanza Starling, Football Equipment Coordinator Tino Dominguez and Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach Tim Caron demonstrated stretching exercises and dressing procedures.

Three ladies were chosen to put in pads on Jawanza's uniform. There was a lot of oooohing and aaaahing! Jawanza was a Good Sport!

Jawanza Starling
All that training was worth it for Jawanza Starling!
Pads for Jawanza Starling
Lucky lady padding Jawanza Starling
Coach Orgeron with Defense
Coach Orgeron divided us into offensive and defensive units. Coach "O" handled the defensive unit.
Coach Clay Helton with Offense
Coach Clay Helton handled the offensive unit.
Lane Kiffin
Coach Lane Kiffin gave us a rousing pep talk.
Lock In
Then we filed out of the locker room. As we exited the locker room, each of us reached up to tap the "LOCK IN" sign.
Marcus Allen, Anthony Munoz, and Ronnie Lott
There were several larger than life size murals of Trojan Football greats along the tunnel. Marcus Allen, Anthony Munoz, and Ronnie Lott are on this.
Mark Sanchez and Troy Polamalu
Mark Sanchez and Troy Polamalu
Junior Seau, Jack Del Rio, and Carson Palmer
Junior Seau, Jack Del Rio, and Carson Palmer
Frank Gifford, Lynn Swann, and Keyshawn Johnson
Frank Gifford, Lynn Swann, and Keyshawn Johnson
Clay and Bruce Matthews
Clay and Bruce Matthews
James Cregg
Coach James Cregg

At the end of the tunnel we joined arms and swayed as we yelled out, "It's Wartime!" Just like the team does!

On the field, the coaches taught skills, ran drills and then ran plays. This year, Trojan Candy roamed the field, just like official photographer Pierson. So many pictures to take of friends and all the activities.

Skills were taught
Skills were taught.
Scottie Hazelton
Coach Scottie Hazelton
Marvin Sanders
Coach Marvin Sanders
Shawn Howe
Coach Shawn Howe
Ross Cumming
Assistant Coach Ross Cumming
Scott Jacobson
Scott Jacobson
James Cregg and Lane Kiffin
Coaches James Cregg and Lane Kiffin
Lane Kiffin
Coach Lane Kiffin hikes the ball.
A play
A play
Pierson Clair
Photographer Pierson Clair (9/23/2010) also photographed the event.
Justin Mesa
Coach Justin Mesa
Go SC!

What an eventful, enjoyable day! Trojan Candy will definitely attend next year's "Trojan Football 101 for Ladies!"

June 8, 2012---A Jokester! A Daughter! A Future Oympian!

It was a beautiful day on campus. So nice to be back!

As my husband Jim climbed up to the top of the Loker Track Stadum to take pictures of the John McKay Center progress, I walked into the stadium to find out what the commotion was on the track. Then Trojan Candy heard a familiar voice. It was Coach Ed Orgeron. Next, I saw every football coach walk by me and continue on to Howard Jones Field. Why are they all walking to the field? Trojan Candy would find out later.

West wing of McKay Center and lawn
Astro Turf was being installed in front of the West Wing of McKay Center
Center and East wing of McKay Center and lawn
Astro Turf was being installed in front of the Center and East Wing of McKay Center
West wing of McKay Center
West Wing of McKay Center
Center of McKay Center
Center of McKay Center
East wing of McKay Center
East Wing of McKay Center

Robert MojicaBefore we could even set up, friend Khaled Holmes brought a new friend to the desk. Trojan Candy sprang into action. I began to interview my new friend. As Robert Mojica wrote in my notebook, Khaled told me that Robert and he played football at the same high school and that Robert just joined the football team. He is a running back! Robert just graduated from S.M.U (Southern Methodist University) with a degree in Business Management. He will enter his first year in USC's M.B.A. Program in August. Robert, who is from Dana Point, likes other outdoor sports. He likes to play golf, and he likes to fish in rivers and the ocean. FIGHT ON, Robert!

As Trojan Candy took Robert's picture, Khaled walked out the south door of Heritage Hall. Naturally, I walked toward the door and told Robert to pick up his belongings. We both headed out the door after Khaled Holmes (4/14/2011).

Khaled Holmes, Matt Barkley, and Robert MojicaKhaled Holmes, Matt Barkley, and Robert MojicaWho did we see outside? A former high school teammate of Robert's and Khaled Holmes's. Friend Matt Barkley saw us and smiled. Khaled jumped on his bike, Matt unlocked his bike, and Robert noticed that the front tire of his bike was missing. Trojan Candy said, "Sorry, Robert." Khaled and Matt grinned at one another. Then, Matt walked over to a planter where he had hidden Robert's tire. What a jokester! I took pictures of Matt helping Robert reattach the tire, and, then, of the three good friends.

Back at the desk, when I told friend Jill Dennis about the episode, Jill said, "Don't leave your bicycle unattended!" Trojan Candy adds, "Especially around Matt Barkley!"

When Heritage Hall was quiet with no visitors or tours, Trojan Candy roamed around the trophy cases. That's when I saw it! The Men's Tennis 2012 NCAA Championship Team trophy. There was a picture of our team also. Looking up, I saw the banner congratulating our 4 in a row National Champions. FIGHT ON for a fifth, Men's Tennis!

Men's Tennis 2012 NCAA Championship Team trophy
Men's Tennis 2012 NCAA Championship Team trophy
Men's Tennis 2012 NCAA Championship Team
Picture of the Men's Tennis 2012 NCAA Championship Team
Men's Tennis Team NCAA Championship banner
Banner of Men's Tennis Team's 4 in a row National Champions

Erynn HillThe second new friend to come to the desk for the first time was soon-to-be Senior Erynn Hill. Erynn works in Equipment Operations downstairs with "Pops" (David Scott). She is working towards a B.M. in Music Industry. Erynn has played the violin since the third grade. She likes music (all kinds) and dancing (all kinds). Erynn wrote that her mom, dad and sister all attended USC. Her dad is Jacque Hill! Trojan Candy saw her dad play basketball for USC in 1980-1983! Another new friend from a truly TROJAN FAMILY! FIGHT ON, Erynn!

Camp KiffinWhat did all the USC football coaches do at the practice field? They were preparing for "Camp Kiffin 2012"! Nike set up on the west patio of Heritage Hall. Coach Lenny Vandermade told us that 60 punters, kickers, and long snappers would attend camp today. Then there would be 300 campers on Saturday and 500 more campers on Sunday! Looks like the coaches and support staff are going to be very busy this weekend. Perhaps, some of these players will be future Trojans! FIGHT ON, Football coaches and staff!

Seen at the SCene:

Heritage Hall Friends: Susie Cognetta, Teresa Verbeck, Donna Heinel, Irene Puentes (who is retiring after working 26 years at USC! Good Luck, Irene!), Fed-Ex Dave, Jill Dennis, Drew Morcos, Ryan Maier, Karen Bowman, Tim Tessalone, Darcy Couch, Paul Goldberg, Cody (who just started working in the football office upstairs), J.K. McKay

Coaches: Football: Every position coach, Monte Kiffin, Scott Thompson, Lenny Vandermade, Jeff Fucci; Men's Water Polo: Casey Moon; Rowing: Ligita Kaviere; Women's Golf: Trojan Candy gave Coach Andrea Gaston a big hug. Our women's team has lost two of the last three NCAA tournaments by ONE stroke! Coach Gaston said our women played over 1,700 strokes in the tournament. Next year we'll be NCAA Champions!

Women's Soccer: Mia Bruno, who is taking two summer school classes, Director of Operations Shayla Sabin

Tory IshimatsuWomen's Basketball: Dominique Scott, who is taking two summer school classes

Football: Kyle Negrete, Khaled Holmes, Matt Barkley, Curtis McNeal, Boomer Roepke, Ross Cumming, Nickell Robey, Dion Bailey

Women's Diving: Tory Ishimatsu told Trojan Candy that she trained for seven years as a gymnast until she hurt her elbow. Then, she has trained ten years as a diver. Tory said that she and her sister Haley will be at the Olympic trials in Seattle on June 17th to the 24th. Haley also started off in gymnastics and changed to diving when she also hurt her elbow. Proudly, Tory told me that Haley competed in the 2008 China Olympics when she was 14. Now, Haley will transfer from Duke to USC in the fall! Tory just graduated and will coach the USC Club Diving Team next year, as well as being a volunteer coach for the varsity divers. I wished Tory and Haley good luck in the trials. FIGHT ON, Tory and Haley in the 2012 London Olympics!