Trojan Guild of Los Angeles 2019 (5) Candygrams

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Thursday, October 3, 2019---First TGLA Meeting for Fall 2019

For the first TGLA general meeting of the 2019-2020 school year, Trojan Candy came early to interview any of our Senior Scholars who might be attending the meeting.

6006TGLA Scholar Jed Kim arrived first. Jed majored in Biochemistry and wants to earn a graduate degree in Organic Chemistry. He has lived all over Los Angeles. Jed has lived in Los Angeles, Hacienda Heights, Fontana, back to Los Angeles and then back to Hacienda Heights! As for his favorite food, Jed instead told me what food he hates...that is onions. For his favorite music, Jed likes to sing and play the cello. Finally, Trojan Candy asked him if he has any hobbies. Jed has many! He likes to run the marathon, scuba dive and, like Trojan Candy, take pictures. However, Jed is a professional photographer! He took prom photos during his high school years. Trojan Candy didn't even own a camera in high school. So nice to meet you, Jed, and FIGHT ON!

6009Just as I finished interviewing Jed, two more TGLA scholars arrived at the same time. I took two pictures of the scholars. The first picture was of the three scholars with our two 3rd VP Scholarship Lois Booth and Patti Madden. TGLA Scholar Celeste Goodwin, Lois Booth, Jed Kim, Patti Madden and TGLA Scholar Isabella Hauptman posed for me.

6011My second picture was of two scholars with their two donors. TGLA President Sandy Johnston and Christine Ofiesh posed with Jed Kim and Isabella Hauptman.

6014Trojan Candy interviewed scholar Isabella Hauptman next. Isabella majored in Cognitive Science and Public Health. She is already starting her Masters at USC. Her mom earned her Master's degree at USC. Isabella's favorite food is Mediterranean food. As for reading, her favorite book is "Death of Ivan Ilyich." Isabella has been active in several organizations. At San Diego State she served on the Executive Board of a Summer Camp. She was Vice President of Neuro Scientists Abroad. Isabella is a research assistant at Children's Hospital and at clinical trials at Keck. Such a busy young lady! FIGHT ON, Isabella!

6031Then, I was able to interview scholar Celeste Goodwin. Celeste majored in Mechanical Engineering. She is a Viterbi Student advisor. Celeste's favorite food is Thai food. Alternative Rock is her favorite music type. Celeste is very active with work, like Isabella, and with hobbies. She interned in Seattle with Microsoft Corporation. Her hobbies are snowboarding in Mammoth and scuba diving in San Pedro. What a water sports lover! FIGHT ON, Celeste!

My last picture in the patio was of sorority sisters and TGLA members Sharon Schmidt, Julie Pircher, Carol Thueson, Jean Getchell and Carol Fox.
Now it was time to take pictures of guests and potential new TGLA members before, during and after the meeting. This is the second meeting for Tanie Tran.
Linda Waxman invited Tammi Furness.
Diana Wong and Diane Grohulski were guests of Ann Palmer. In the picture are Diana, Ann, Diane and Tanie Tran.
During a break, Trojan Candy took two pictures of Sandy Johnston's guests. Here are Maureen Cocchi (a USC Associate friend of Trojan Candy's also), Wilma Pinder, Sandy, Hilary Crahan, Sue McKeever, and TGLA member Christine Ofiesh.
The next picture of Sandy's guests was of Jacqueline Hom, Sandy, Sue McKeever and TGLA member Anna Liberovsky.
TGLA members Dr. Jeanne Ruderman, Linda Waxman and Cindy Wedegaertner posed with Cindy's guest Judy Campea and Linda's guest Tammi Furness.
My next picture was of TGLA Associate member Shirley Farris.
My last picture was of Oksana Giebeler.

Barbara Orechoff and TGLA Associate member Nancy Hoffman attended our meeting, but, unfortunately, Trojan Candy somehow missed them. I will definitely take Barbara's and Nancy's pictures at another meeting.

Now about the meeting. At the beginning of the meeting, 3rd VP Scholarship board members Lois Booth and Patti Madden introduced our three scholars.

They gave each of them a Halloween goodie bag.
Then, all of our former Presidents who were in attendance posed for a picture.
Our 4th VP Membership board members Sandi Hampar and Ann Palmer introduced two new TGLA members. Nancy Sommers came to the podium first.
She was followed by Diane Morgan. Biographies about Nancy and Diane can be found in our October 2019 TGLA Newsletter.
Then both new members posed with Sandi and Ann. Welcome, ladies!
President Sandy Johnston stood next to our speaker Mark Manley.

6064Then 1st VP Programs board members Christine Ofiesh and Linda Waxman introduced our guest speaker Mark Manley who is the Director of Professionalism and Ethics at USC. Mark has an active role at USC supporting existing investigative offices on campus and implementing a university-wide complaint tracking software platform. He started his presentation with a few remarks about problems that have developed at USC.

6067Then he explained his "Investigations and Tracking Responsibilites." Mark said, "You have to start with the 'why.' We're here because the University didn't take care of its students and staff." Then, he said, "You have to centralize a mechanism to hear everyone's complaints and track them." Here is the graph of the organization that he has developed at USC.

Mark also told us that there is a 24 hour Help and Hotline that has been set up. Mark said that there are 20 to 30 new complaints phoned in every day. They are reported to Title IX, DPS-C, Office of Equality. What an informative presentation!

6070After Mark's presentation, Trojan Candy took a picture of him with our two 4th VP of Programs Christine Ofiesh and Linda Waxman posed for me.

What an informative, and busy TGLA meeting.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019---TGLA Members Meet Dr. Carol Folt at Town and Gown

Trojan Candy arrived at the first Town and Gown meeting of the 2019-2020 school year early in order to volunteer at the Sign In table on the patio of Town and Gown. Almost immediately, I started taking pictures of my TGLA friends.

Sheila Derrig was also volunteering at the Sign In table.
I walked further and saw more TGLA members volunteering. They were Kate Farlow and TGLA President Sandy Johnston.
Sandy's husband Rex smiled for me.
Near the sign in table were Town and Gown members Ayuko Siegel and Patti Poon.
Posing together were Carol Thueson and Ann Palmer.
Patti Poon and yours truly were volunteering at the sign in table.
Sheila Derrig and Nikki Dana both smiled for me.
Town and Gown members Linda Givvin and Christine Griffith were talking with one another.
More Town and Gown members posed by the products table. They were Edie Etmekjian, Ayuko Siegel, Sue Nakayama, Joyce Fadil and Denise Maspo. Aren't the plates beautiful?
Carol Fox was standing nearby.
Nearby was Barbara Hance.
Town and Gown scholar Arianna Wood posed with TGLA members Juel Collins, Christine Ofiesh, Barbara Hance, and JoAnne Polite and Town and Gown member Betty Walker.
Next, Trojan Candy took a picture of Arianna with her dad Robert and her mom Sharon Dolezal Wood.
Peggy Hentschke smiled for me next.
Then, I saw Anna Liberovsky walk up.
Other TGLA members were checking in. Janyce Teasley was next.
Carol Greenhalgh smiled for me.
Good friend Valerie Sampson checked in and then came down to see Patti and me.
Sorority sisters Sharon Schmidt and Jean Getchell walked in together.
Dr. Jeanne Ruderman checked in next.
Trojan Candy greeted sisters-in-law Jolene and Carrol Irwin next.
D'Arcy McLeod and Terri Boyle posed for me.
Alnita Dunn and Marian Fukuda arrived together.
TGLA Associate member Mary Lane came to registration next.
Not long after, Linda Waxman and Carol Wright signed in.
The last TGLA member to check in was Julie Pircher.

Now it was time for the volunteers to go inside Town and Gown because the meeting was starting soon. Inside, Trojan Candy saw a few more TGLA members seated nearby. How did I miss them? So, I walked over to their table to take their picture.

Janet Eddy was seated next to Alnita Dunn.
Also, at the same table, Lorraine Adler sat next to her sorority sisters Jean Getchell and Sharon Schmidt.
Town and gown scholar Arianna Wood addressed the Town and Gown audience.

Trojan Candy had someone take a picture of my table.

Standing were Walter and Elizabeth's son Michael Lemke, Kavita Munjal, new Town and Gown member Dana Allen (Raymond and Eiko's daughter), Eiko Sato and Raymond Bates, yours truly and Dudley Poon. Seated were Walter and Elizabeth Babchuck, Lai Tan and Genaro Carapia and Patti Poon.
Dr. Carol Folt spoke to all of us. It seemed that she made "eye contact" with everyone as she spoke.
After the meeting ended, Dr. Folt smiled and posed for me. Thank you and FIGHT ON, Dr. Folt!