Trojan Guild of Los Angeles 2019 (2) Candygrams

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Sunday, April 28, 2019---Dr. Bartner's Spring Concert, "Final Curtain," Reception

TGLA members attended the annual Spirit of Troy's spring concert, "Final Curtain," in Bovard Auditorium on Sunday. The concert was superb, with many famous guest artists performing. The artists were Tenors Dennis McNeil, Eduardo Villa (a USC alumnus) and Marco Labastida; Jazz and Blues Artist Barbara Morrison; Opera Tenor Felipe Prado: USC School of Dramatic Arts performers Lucy Grebin, Austin Karkowsky, Tristan McIntyre and Cole Slater, who performed "The Room Where It Happens" from "Hamilton;" Trumpeteer David Washburn; and Saxophonist Sal Lozano. The concert ended with the USC Concert Band and the Spirit of Troy performing Dr. Bartner's favorite pieces from each one of his decades as the Director of the Spirit of Troy. FIGHT ON, Spirit of Troy!

Christine Ofiesh, Lois Booth, D'Arcy McLeod, Carol Wright, Ann Palmer, Sandy Johnston, Sharon Dolezal Wood, Betty Gross, Patti Poon, Alli Solum, Carol Fox, Carol Thueson, and Barbara HanceAfter the concert there was a reception for the donors. Trojan Candy gathered all of the TGLA members at Carol Fox's table for this group picture. Standing were Christine Ofiesh, Lois Booth, D'Arcy McLeod, Carol Wright, Ann Palmer, Sandy Johnston, Sharon Dolezal Wood, and Betty Gross. Sitting were Patti Poon, Alli Solum, Carol Fox, Carol Thueson, and Barbara Hance.

What a memorable concert and reception!

Sunday, April 7, 2019---USC Associates Reception for "Sunday in the Park with George"

Mahima Varanasi and Jim YeeMy husband Jim and I were invited to the "Sunday in the Park with George" musical by the Rossier School of Education. Thank you Dean Karen Gallagher! Before my husband and I went into the theater, we saw Associate Scholar Mahima Varanasi. Mahima and Jim smiled for my picture.

Jim and I really enjoyed the production. Such talented Trojans!

Now it was time to go to the reception in Associates Park. Trojan Candy was looking for any other Trojan Guild of Los Angeles members at the reception.

Armando Brown
However, Trojan Candy saw good friend, and official USC Associate's photographer Armando Brown first. Here is his "silly" pose.
Mark Hamill and cast
Next, Armando and I took a picture of host Mark Hamill with the cast of "Sunday in the Park with George."
Dudley and Patti Poon and Jim Yee
Trojan Candy took this picture of Dudley and Patti Poon and my husband Jim. Patti is a TGLA member.
Lai Tan and Genaro Carapia, Matt DeGrushe, Charlene Shimada and Stephen Lucasi
Also at my table were Lai Tan and Genaro Carapia, Matt DeGrushe, Charlene Shimada and Stephen Lucasi
Carol Fox, ?, Debbie and Tedd Katsogianes, Rachel Beal, Chris Fox, Mia Arechiga, Candy Yee and Walt Greene
Trojan Candy asked Armando to use my camera to take this picture of friends at the next table. Carol Fox and Yours Truly are TGLA members. The guests standing are ?, Debbie and Tedd Katsogianes, Chris Fox and Yours Truly. Sitting were Carol Fox, Rachel Beal, Mia Arechiga and Walt Greene.
?, Laurie Molina and Judith Harris
Trojan Candy found one more TGLA member. Judith Harris posed with Town and Gown friend Laurie Molina and another friend.

I also saw TGLA member Linda Waxman and her husband Bob at the reception. I mistakenly thought that I had included the two of them in one of the pictures I took of Half Century Trojans (HCT) for my HCT blog, but I hadn't. Sorry, Linda, I'll make sure to take your picture next year.

Adam Bart and Matt DegrusheOn our way out, Trojan Candy took a picture of Senior Executive Director of the USC Associates Adam Bart and Matt Degrushe.

What a memorable performance and a scrumptious dinner.

Sunday, March 31, 2019---TGLA at "Sunday in the Park with George"

It was a hot Sunday, but, when Trojan Candy arrived to take pictures of TGLA members attending our theater event "Sunday in the Park with George," our members were busy socializing.

Theater Event Chair Juel Collins was busy checking in the members, and TGLA President Elect Sandy Johnston was busy giving everyone a scrumptious Sprinkles cupcake. Thank you for your generosity, Sandy!

Craig and Liz Matheny, Sandy Johnston, Phil and Bonnie Suffridge and Jerry Ensom
Sandy then posed with Craig and Liz Matheny, Phil and Bonnie Suffridge and Jerry Ensom.
Milton Hall, Charlene Mundy and Mary Hall
Milton Hall, Charlene Mundy and Mary Hall were sitting together under a shady tree.
Carol Thueson and Barbara Hance
Nearby were Carol Thueson and Barbara Hance.
Juel Collins, Milton and Mary Hall, Louis Byrd and Betty Gross
The Theater Event Chair Juel Collins walked around and posed with Milton and Mary Hall, Louis Byrd and Betty Gross.
Juel Collins, Louis Byrd, Betty Gross and Sandy Johnston
Sandy Johnston then joined Juel, Louis and Betty.
Sharon Schmidt and Milton Hall
Back at the shady tree, Sharon Schmidt posed with Milton.
Suzanne Stillman and Dean Carlston
Suzanne Stillman arrived with her friend Dr. Dean Carlston.
Faith Palermo, Jerry Ensom, Juel Collins, Sandy Johnston and Jean Getchell
Juel was all over the plaza. Here she is with Faith Palermo, Jerry Ensom, Sandy and Jean Getchell.
Andrea Maxie and Belinda Holland
New TGLA member Andrea Maxie brought her sister Belinda Holland.
Janet Eddy, Carol Thueson and Bree Moseley
Janet Eddy arrived and posed with Carol Thueson and her guest Bree Moseley.
Terri Boyle and Barbara Hance
In the hot sun, Vice Presidents Ways and Means Terri Boyle and Barbara Hance were busy selling products. Such devoted ladies!
Missy and Jeff Troy and Carol Thueson
Carol Thueson's niece Missy Troy posed with her husband Jeff Troy and Carol.
JoAnne Polite, Mary Hall, Christine Ofiesh and Juel Collins
I found Juel next with JoAnne Polite, Mary Hall, and Christine Ofiesh.
Richard and Terri Boyle
Richard Boyle joined his wife Terri.
Viri Perez, Carona Carmona, Christopher Smith, Mary Hall, Johanna Smith and Milton Hall
Trojan Candy waited for Mary Hall's family to arrive. When they did, I had them pose together at the stairs. They were Viri Perez, Carona Carmona, Christopher Smith, Mary, Johanna Smith and Milton.

Now it was nearly time for the performance to start.

Sherry DeFriese and Jim and Janet EddyMy last picture of the afternoon was of Theater Chair Sherry DeFriese, who posed with Jim and Janet Eddy before they entered the theater.

Enjoy, TGLA ladies!

Thursday, March 21, 2019---TGLA visits the Tournament of Roses House

Trojan Candy arrived a little early at the El Portal Restaurant in Pasadena for our TGLA lunch before our Tournament of Roses House tour.

There were a few ladies sitting at a table already. Naturally, Trojan Candy got to work taking pictures.

Kate Farlow and Lily Cripps
Kate Farlow and her guest Lily Cripps smiled for my first picture.
Judy Lieb, Sheila Derrig and Mary Hall
Next, our Treasurer Judy Lieb, Chairwoman of our Special Event Sheila Derrig and our President Mary Hall posed for me.
Dudley and Patti Poon, Rosalee Pechersky and Candy Yee
Then, Kate took this picture of Dudley and Patti Poon, Rosalee Pechersky and Yours truly. Thanks, Kate.
Sandi Hamper, Tanie Tran and Ann Palmer
Vice-Presidents Membership Sandi Hamper and Ann Palmer met guest Tanie T. Tran.
Carol Thueson, Jean Getchell, Cathy Anderson, Sharon Schmidt, Sheila Derrig, and Sharon Dolezal Wood
Trojan Candy saw six TGLA members together. Sitting were Carol Thueson, Jean Getchell and Cathy Anderson. Standing were Sharon Schmidt, Sheila Derrig and Sharon Dolezal Wood.
Cheryl Schwartz, Ann Proctor, Ann Palmer and Anna Liberovsky
Another guest Ann Proctor was with Cheryl Schwartz, Ann Palmer and Anna Liberovsky.
Sherry DeFriese and Tracey Kugel
Sherry DeFriese invited Tracey Kugel.
Mary Indenbaum and Alnita Dunn
Mary Indenbaum sat by Alnita Dunn.
Juel Collins, JoAnne Polite and Nikki Dana
Juel Collins sat by JoAnne Polite and Nikki Dana.
Sheila Derrig and Alnita Dunn
Trojan Candy finally took a picture of the two Special Event Chairwomen together. Sheila Derrig and Alnita Dunn did a great job!
Patti Madden and Dorothy Conte
Patti Madden and Dorothy Conte smiled for me.
Rosalee Pechersky and Cynthia Carli
Rosalee Pechersky, who really moves around the room, sat next to Cynthia Carli for this picture.
D'Arcy McLeod and Sharon Dolezal Wood
At a front table, D'Arcy McLeod and Sharon Dolezal Wood sat together.
Patti Poon and Suzanne Stillman
Patti Poon sat by Suzanne Stillman for this picture.
Sandi Hamper and Diane Morgan
Guest Diane Morgan came a little late and Sandi Hamper greeted her at the front of the room.
Servers and food
Trojan Candy loved the delicious food. Here are our servers.
USC Bracelet
Tanie Tran modeled the "USC Bracelet" that she designed. Lovely!
Ann Palmer, Ann Proctor, Diane Morgan, Tanie Tran and Sandi Hampar
Trojan Candy's last picture at the El Portal was of our two Vice Presidents Membership Ann Palmer and Sandi Hampar. They bookended our three prospective new members Ann Proctor, Diane Morgan and Tanie T. Tran.

Now, all of us left the El Portal Restaurant to drive to the nearby Tournament of Roses House.

First group
Trojan Candy took this group picture from the main staircase.
Mary Hall, Judy Lieb, Lily Cripps and Kate Farlow
Two other TGLA groups arrived later. I took this picture of Mary Hall, Judy Lieb, Lily Cripps and Kate Farlow in the entry hall.
Sharon Schmidt, Cathy Anderson and Jean Getchell
Trojan Candy had to search for the last TGLA members and sorority sisters who were Sharon Schmidt, Cathy Anderson and Jean Getchell.

Now I could take a few pictures of the Tournament of Roses House.

Here is the entrance.
Living room
The living room is ornate.
Dining room
Here is the dining room.
The staircase is decorated with pictures and trophies.
Upstairs room
My last picture for today is of an upstairs room.

What an informative tour for our TGLA Special Event.