Trojan Guild of Los Angeles 2018 (4) Candygrams

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Thursday, May 3, 2018---TGLA May General Meeting

As usual, when Trojan Candy walked down to the Davidson Center room for the May TGLA General Meeting, it was busy. TGLA members and guests were conversing, setting up tables and selling TGLA merchandise.

Barbara Hance and Patti Madden
I saw Barbara Hance first and took her picture with her guest and new member Patti Madden, who is also a Town and Gown member.
Patricia Dowling and Cynthia Simmons
Patricia Dowling posed with her guest and prospective TGLA member Cynthia Simmons.
Peggy Hentschke, Mary Hall and Marian Fukuda
Trojan Candy persuaded Mary Hall to step out on the patio and take a picture with two of her guests and prospective members---Peggy Hentschke and Marian Fukuda. Mary's third guest Caitlin Shier hadn't arrived yet.
Katherine Moore, Carol Wright, Barbara Hance and Jean Getchell
New members Katherine Moore and Carol Wright smiled for my picture of them with Barbara Hance and Jean Getchell.
Mary Hall and Jean Getchell
Now the meeting started. Out-going President Jean Getchell gave a gift to every one of her Board Members. Thanks, Jean!
Nikki Dana and Mary Hall
In-coming President Mary Hall installed her new Board Members and gave each of us a candy gift that had a significant description of our job. Nikki Dana really enjoyed her candy gift from Mary. Thanks, Mary!

With the Installation of the new Board over, Vice-President Programs Ann Palmer introduced our speaker, Dr. Douglas E. Noble. A Professor in the USC School of Architecture, he is also a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects (FAIA).

He began his presentation.
Douglas E. Noble
Dr. Noble was a very animated speaker as he showed us several USC School of Architecture creations.
He showed what the Coliseum looked like [in 2015] before the renovation started and now. The project used an acoustic expert [Elizabeth Valmont] trained in the USC School of Architecture.
Ultra-modern building
This ultra-modern building is a rendering of the George Lucas Museum of Narrative Arts which will be built in Exposition Park.
Gamble House
Here is a look at the entry of our famous Gamble House.
USC architecture students designed and built this structure for a competition.
Housing development
This is a housing development for an older population.
Ann Palmer, Daphne Areta and Douglas E. Noble
Ann Palmer, Daphne Areta and Dr. Douglas E. Noble smiled for me after his presentation was over.
Vickie Walker and Mary Anne Cogbill
A special TGLA member was introduced next. Mary Anne Cogbill was introduced by Corresponding Secretary Vickie Walker. This is the first TGLA meeting that Mary Anne has attended since her accident. Welcome back, Mary Anne!
Past TGLA Presidents
Our former TGLA Presidents were honored and photographed.
Mary Hall, Jean Getchell and Janet Eddy
Then, Mary Hall and Janet Eddy presented Jean Getchell with gifts to thank her for all her hard work.
2018-2019 Trojan Guild Board
Finally, Trojan Candy was able to gather the 2018-2019 Trojan Guild Board outside on the patio for a picture. Unfortunately, new board member JoAnne Polite did not hear me beckoning the board to come outside for a picture for our directory. Sorry, JoAnne.

After the Trojan Guild Board picture was taken, I went back inside to eat lunch and to take more pictures.

Cheryl Schwartz and Elizabeth Zimmer
Cheryl Schwartz and her guest and potential new member Elizabeth Zimmer posed for me.
Maria Rangel
Trojan Candy took pictures of two guests just in case they become new members. Maria Rangel and I walked out to the patio. She was invited by Christine Ofiesh.
Janyce Crittenden-Teasley
Janyce Crittenden-Teasley is another prospective TGLA member.
Ann Palmer and Maryanne Colvey
Back inside, Ann Palmer and her guest Maryanne Colvey were sitting at a front table.
Ann Palmer, Carol Wright and Chrisitne Ofiesh
Ann Palmer and Chrisitne Ofiesh are sponsors for new member Carol Wright.
Lois Booth and Joan Marason
My last picture of today was of Lois Booth and her guest Joan Marason.

Trojan Candy finished her lunch and was done for the day.