Trojan Guild of Los Angeles 2018 (5) Candygrams

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Thursday, October 4, 2018---Our First TGLA Meeting for 2018-2019

President Mary Hall called our first fall meeting to order and began the introduction of our guests. The first honored guests whom she invited to the podium were our 2018-2019 Senior Scholarship Recipients.

Erica WengerSenior Erica Wenger was introduced first. She majored in Business and will earn her Masters in Entrepreneurship. Erica has a twin sister who is attending UCLA and a cousin who is a Freshman at USC. In January 2019, Erica will again be Executive Director of the "USC Own It Women's Leadership" Conference that will be attended by a thousand students and have a hundred speakers. Erica is also the CEO and Founder of Mankana. What outstanding accomplishments! Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Erica!

Megan HenckelMegan Henckel has come to USC after overcoming a nerve disorder. She was born in Los Angeles but grew up in Dallas. Megan majored in Critical Studies and wants to pursue a career in television and film. She is working at Trojan Vision now. For hobbies, Megan likes to play golf, play the guitar and watch old movies. Her favorite classic movie is "Rear Window." Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Megan!

Sina KarachianiTrojan Candy sat next to our third Senior Scholar. Sina Karachiani is from Iran and lives in Irvine. He majored in Computer Science and Music Composition. Sina started playing the piano in the third grade. He also plays the harmonica. Sina likes to draw architecture style gifts for his friends. He draws planes, buildings and nature scenes and incorporates his friend's names in the art. What a nice gift! Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Sina!

Derek Pengkai HongThe fourth TGLA Senior Scholar whom I was able to interview this morning was Derek Pengkai Hong. Derek was born in Shantai, Guangdong. He is earning his B.S. in Accounting and Finance. He has been studying for nine years away from home. Derek does visit his parents and family as much as he can. At USC, Derek is President of a two hundred member Chinese Student's Organization. He also performs the male lead in theater shows. For one of his hobbies, Derek likes to fish in Newport Beach. He catches two lb. rubber lips fish there! Derek also loves to cook Chinese food and put his recipes on the internet. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Derek!

Henry AlgertOur fifth Senior Scholar is Henry Algert. Henry intended to be at our TGLA Meeting, but a job interview conflicted. Good luck with your interview, Henry! Trojan Candy sent Henry some interview questions which he answered, and he sent me his picture. Here are my interview questions with his reply.

Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Henry!

Mary Hall, Elizabeth O'Connell, Sina  Karachiani, Megan Henckel, Erica Wenger, Derek Hong and Lois BoothThe four Seniors posed for a group picture with President Mary Hall, Vice-President Scholarship Elizabeth O'Connell, Sina Karachiani, Megan Henckel, Erica Wenger, Derek Hong and Vice-President Scholarship Lois Booth.

Mary Hall, Cindy Wedegaertner, Betty Gross, Katherine Moore, Anna Liberovsky, Janyce Teasley, Patti Madden, Ann Palmer and Sandi HamperNext on the Business Agenda, Vice Presidents Membership Sandi Hamper and Ann Palmer introduced six of our new 2018 members. President Mary Hall joined the ladies in this picture. From left to right were Mary Hall, Cindy Wedegaertner, Betty Gross, Katherine Moore, Anna Liberovsky, Janyce Teasley, Patti Madden, Ann Palmer and Sandi Hamper. Welcome to all of our new TGLA members!

Dennis CornellAfter some TGLA Board members presented their reports, our speaker Mr. Dennis Cornell, who is the USC Presidential Chief of Staff, started his presentation. Mr. Cornell started working at USC in 1991 for President Steve Sample and his "Campaign for Excellence." He was the Chief of Protocol for President C.L. Nikias. He spoke about the thirteen year success of Visions and Voices, the 7 Billion Dollar mark that was surpassed and the 150 Academic Initiative Chairs that were created by President Nikias.

Then he spoke about the frantic schedule of our Interim USC President Wanda Austin. He told us that Dr. Austin is a real rocket scientist and is an active engineer. She is a "morning person" and arrives at her office at 7:15 a.m. sharp every morning. Mr. Cornell schedules her planning calendar and her public appearances. He showed us his planning calendar for President Austin. It was jam packed. How interesting it was to have a glance into Dr. Austin's busy calendar. Thank you, Mr. Cornell!

Lorna Reed, Carol Fox, Carol Thueson, Dennis Cornell and Mary HallSome of our TGLA members came to the podium to pose with Mr. Cornell. Namely, Lorna Reed, Carol Fox, Carol Thueson, and Mary Hall.

After the presentation, Trojan Candy took pictures of every TGLA member and her invited guest(s).

Patricia Dowling, Christine Ofiesh and Cynthia Simmons
Patricia Dowling's and Christine Ofiesh's guest was Cynthia Simmons.
Marian Fukuda and Peggy Hentschke
Potential TGLA members Marian Fukuda and Peggy Hentschke smiled for me.
Ann Palmer and Mary Hall
New TGLA member Cindy Wedegaertner invited Andrea Maxie.
Christine Ofiesh, Derek Hong and Sandy Johnston
Senior Scholar Derek Hong, who drew the winning ticket, posed with his two scholarship donors, Christine Ofiesh and Sandy Johnston.
Oksana Giebeler and Barbara Hance
Barbara Hance stood by her guest Oksana Giebeler.
Elliott Schwartz and Rex Johnston
Two guests of their wives, Elliott Schwartz and Rex Johnston, smiled for Trojan Candy.
Sally Edwards, Najwa Hanel, Christine Ofiesh, Linda Givvin, and Carol Mollett
I finally persauded Christine Ofiesh to pose with her guests Sally Edwards, Najwa Hanel, Linda Givvin, and Carol Mollett.
Janet and Jim Eddy
TGLA Associate member Janet Eddy invited her husband Jim to the meeting.
Julie Pircher, Christine Ofiesh, Carol Thueson and Lorna Reed
Julie Pircher and Christine Ofiesh stood behind Carol Thueson and her guest TGLA Associate member Lorna Reed.

What an action packed first TGLA meeting.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018---TGLA at Town and Gown Meeting

Cheryl Schwartz, Ann Palmer, and Judy Lieb
Cheryl Schwartz, Ann Palmer, and Judy Lieb.
Patti Poon and Anna Liberovsky
Patti Poon and Anna Liberovsky.
Barbara Hance and Linda Givvin
Barbara Hance and Linda Givvin.
Elizabeth O'Connell, Sandy Johnston, and Linda Swick
Elizabeth O'Connell, Sandy Johnston, and Linda Swick.
Nancy Reed
Nancy Reed.
Jerry Ensom and Lois Booth
Jerry Ensom and Lois Booth.
Christine Ofiesh, Sharon Wood, Janyce Teasley, and Mary Hall
Christine Ofiesh, Sharon Wood, Janyce Teasley, and Mary Hall.
Carol Wright, Katherine Moore, and Janet Eddy
Carol Wright, Katherine Moore, and Janet Eddy.
Juel Collins
Juel Collins.
Carrol Irwin and Sherry DeFriese
Carrol Irwin and Sherry DeFriese.
Carol and Chris Fox and Patti Poon
Carol and Chris Fox and Patti Poon.
Carrol Irwin, Mary Hall, amd Jolene Irwin
Carrol Irwin, Mary Hall, amd Jolene Irwin.
Carol Thueson
Carol Thueson.
Carol Greenhalgh and Rosalee Pechersky
Carol Greenhalgh and Rosalee Pechersky.
Kathy Lingle, D'Arcy McLeod, and Virginia Naeve
Kathy Lingle, D'Arcy McLeod, and Virginia Naeve.
Judith Harris
Judith Harris.

Thursday, August 30, 2018---TGLA Winners at USC Volunteer Recognition Awards

TGLA membersTGLA membersCongratulations to our two USC Alumni Association Volunteer Recognition Award winners for 2018. They are D'Arcy McLeod and Sharon Wood. TGLA members Nikki Dana, Karen Schiffman, Cheryl Schwartz, Kate Farlow, Sheila Derrig, Sharon Schmidt, Jean Getchell, and Sandy Johnston came to the Awards Ceremony to support D'Arcy and Sharon.

Cheryl Schwartz's husband Elliott emailed me the two group pictures.

Congratulations, D'Arcy!

Congratulations, Sharon!

Sunday, August 26, 2018---Town and Gown Scholarship Luncheon

The Trojan Guild is always at the Town and Gown (T&G) Scholarship Luncheon to volunteer. The ladies handled the registration for the Town and Gown scholars and guests. Trojan Candy came to take pictures of our Trojan Guild Scholars who are also Town and Gown scholars. I looked for TGLA scholars Megan Henckel, Sina Karachiani, Henry Algert, Erica Wenger and Derek Hong.

I did take pictures of lots of Town and Gown scholars and volunteers in my search.

Lori Ward Jackson, Sandy Johnston, Jeff Jackson, Debra Bradley, and Linda Givvin
My first picture was of Town and Gown members Lori Ward Jackson, Sandy Johnston, Jeff Jackson, Debra Bradley, and Linda Givvin.
Elizabeth O'Connell, Antonio Escobar and Marcia Kreditor
Town and Gown members Elizabeth O'Connell and Marcia Kreditor posed with a T&G scholar Antonio Escobar.
Ann Palmer and Mary Hall
Ann Palmer and current TGLA President Mary Hall smiled for me.
Jerry Ensom and Elizabeth O'Connell
Jerry Ensom and Elizabeth O'Connell posed together.
Kari May, Joyce Ruygrok, Joyce Fadil, Kate Farlow, Elliott Schwartz, Sandy Johnston, Elizabeth O'Connell, Mary Hall, Jerry Ensom, Denise Magro, Cheryl Schwartz, Barbara Hance, Sue Entin, Ann Palmer, and Marcia Kreditor
Trojan Candy gathered all of the TGLA volunteers, who are also Town and Gown members and Town and Gown volunteers for this picture.
Back row: Kari May, Joyce Ruygrok, Joyce Fadil, Kate Farlow, Elliott Schwartz, Sandy Johnston, Elizabeth O'Connell, Mary Hall, Jerry Ensom, and Denise Magro. Front row: Cheryl Schwartz, Barbara Hance, Sue Entin, Ann Palmer, and Marcia Kreditor.
Rex Johnston
I caught Rex Johnston with a big smile.
Traveler, Sandy Johnston, Joanne Asman, Christine Ofiesh and Hector Aguilar
The next three pictures are of Town and Gown members with Traveler. Sandy Johnston, Joanne Asman, Christine Ofiesh and Traveler's rider Hector Aguilar.
Traveler, Christine Ofiesh, Joanne Asman, and Kate Farlow
Christine Ofiesh posed again with Joanne Asman and Kate Farlow.
Louis Byrd, Betty Gross, Hector Aquilar, and Traveler
Louis Byrd, Betty Gross, and Hector Aquilar smiled for Trojan Candy.
Kate Farlow and Darcy McLeod
Darcy McLeod posed with Kate Farlow. Kate is everywhere!
Now, Trojan Candy walked to the patio to look for our TGLA Scholars.
Justin Lee, Katlyn Lee, Anna Sanchez, and Kayla Gann
I found four Town and Gown Scholars first. They were Justin Lee, Katlyn Lee, Anna Sanchez, and Kayla Gann. No TGLA/Town and Gown Scholars.
Andy Tzeng, Leo Magallon, Johnny Flores Jr, Ryun Cenicola, Kyle Kim, Camden Ball, and Andrez Muniz
Then, I found seven young men scholars at a table. They were Andy Tzeng, Leo Magallon, Johnny Flores Jr, Ryun Cenicola, Kyle Kim, Camden Ball and Andrez Muniz.
Kasra Behized, Adriana Mellor, Jolie Cooperman, Taylor Seamans, and Amanda Tran
Back by the fountain were five more Town and Gown scholars. From left to right were Kasra Behized, Adriana Mellor, Jolie Cooperman, Taylor Seamans, and Amanda Tran.
Morgan Monahan, Molly McClary, Alexandra Chamberlain, and Juliana Hrovat
Standing nearby were four more scholars. Morgan Monahan, Molly McClary, Alexandra Chamberlain, and Juliana Hrovat smiled for me.
Gabrielle Straton, Megan Reilly, Carol Thueson, and Elizabeth Goodman
As I turned to my right, Trojan Candy saw friend Carol Thueson. She posed with three Town and Gown scholars who compete on the Women of Troy Soccer Team. They were Gabrielle Straton, Megan Reilly, and Elizabeth Goodman. FIGHT ON, USC Women's Soccer!
Shaliz Aflatoon, Giuliana Petrocelli, Sama Shah, Isabelle Lau, and Isabella Shary
My last picture was of five scholars who were standing in line to take a picture with Traveler. They were Shaliz Aflatoon, Giuliana Petrocelli, Sama Shah, Isabelle Lau, and Isabella Shary.

Trojan Candy met many Town and Gown Scholars today, but I never did find our TGLA/Town and Gown Scholars. I will have to wait to meet them at our first TGLA meeting on Thursday, October 4th.