Trojan Guild of Los Angeles 2018 (3) Candygrams

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Sunday, April 8, 2018---TGLA Sees West Side Story

Trojan Candy walked over from Heritage Hall, where I had just finished taking pictures at the Women of Troy Basketball Banquet, to the Bing Theater for the USC Associates performance of "West Side Story." I was the first TGLA member to arrive. Being the TGLA Photographer, I came early to take pictures of TGLA members and guests.

My husband Jim and I were Rossier Academy guests of this USC Associates event.

Elyssa Romo, Shawna Foster and Leah Levine
I went to check in at the Associate's table. Sitting there were Elyssa Romo, Shawna Foster and Leah Levine.
Lois Booth and Jerry Ensom
I saw TGLA members arriving, so it was time to get to work. Lois Booth and Jerry Ensom smiled for me first.
Sharon Schmidt and Carol Thueson
Then other TGLA members and guests started arriving quickly. Vice-Presidents Theater Event Sharon Schmidt and Carol Thueson posed together before they had to get to work.
Jean Getchell and Sharon Wood
President Jean Getchell waited in the shade with Sharon Wood.
Elyssa Romo, Shawna Foster, Kylie Mace and Adam Bart
As Trojan Candy was walking around, I saw that Kylie Mace and Senior Executive Associate's Director Adam Bart had joined Elyssa and Shawna at the Associates check-in table.
Joan and Peter Kaplanis
Joan and Peter Kaplanis came together.
Dudley and Patti Poon and Lai Tan and Genaro Carapia
Rossier Academy guests and TGLA members Dudley and Patti Poon stood on the steps with friends Lai Tan and Genaro Carapia.
Missy and Jeff Troy, Sharon Wood, Sandy Johnston, Carol Thueson, Rosalee Stewart, Edith Stransky, Lois Booth, Dr. Debra Bradley, Bill Stewart and Faith C. Palermo
Sandy Johnston and Carol Thueson stood in this group photo with their guests and friends. In front were Missy and Jeff Troy, Sharon Wood, Sandy Johnston, Carol Thueson, Rosalee Stewart and Edith Stransky. Behind were Lois Booth, Dr. Debra Bradley, Bill Stewart and Faith C. Palermo.
Gloria Phillips and Beverly Rodgers
Gloria Phillips sat with her guest Beverly Rodgers.
Mary Lane and Joan Kaplanis
Nearby were Mary Lane and Joan Kaplanis.
Rex and Sandy Johnston and Jerry Ensom
Rex Johnston arrived, so I took a picture of him with Sandy and Jerry Ensom.
Cathy Anderson and Patricia Dowling
Cathy Anderson and Patricia Dowling posed for me next.
Cathy Anderson, Sharon Schmidt and Jean Getchell
Then Cathy posed with Sharon Schmidt and Jean Getchell.
Cynthia Carli and Dana Brooks
More TGLA members were rushing in quickly, since it was close to curtain time. Cynthia Carli invited her daughter Dana Brooks.
Sharon Wood and Christine Ofiesh
Sharon Wood and Christine Ofiesh showed us "Fight On!"
Suzanne Stillman, Dean Carlston, Michelle, Craig, and Pamela and Jody Jaffy
Suzanne Stillman invited Dr. Dean Carlston, Michelle, Craig, and Pamela and Jody Jaffy.
Sandy Johnston, Louis Byrd and Betty Gross, and Peter Kaplanis
Sandy Johnston greeted her guests Louis Byrd and Betty Gross, as Peter Kaplanis joined them.
Marsha Jackson, Diane Barber, Irma Robles, Bridget Matusiak, Carol Thueson, Heather Matusiak, Missy and Jeff Troy and Sharon Wood
Carol Thueson posed with guests and friends. From left to right were Marsha Jackson, Diane Barber, Irma Robles, Bridget Matusiak, Carol Thueson, Heather Matusiak, Missy Troy, nephew Jeff Troy and Sharon Wood.
Richard and Terri Boyle and Virginia
Richard and Terri Boyle brought Terri's mother Virginia.
Sherry DeFriese, Bob Leach and Juanita Rice
Sherry DeFriese smiled with her guests Bob Leach and his friend Juanita Rice.
Debra Bradley, Sharon Wood, Barbara Hance, Sandy Johnston and Sherry DeFriese
Prospective new TGLA member Dr. Debra Bradley joined Sharon Wood, Barbara Hance, Sandy Johnston and Sherry DeFriese.
Patricia, Tom, Brendon and Nina Dowling
Patricia Dowling's family arrived just in time. Patricia smiled with Tom, Brendon and Nina.
Now, it was time for Trojan Candy to go inside the lobby of the Bing Theater. Once inside I took a picture of the "West Side Story" display.
Stage setting
Then, inside the theater, this was the stage setting.
Chris and Carol Fox
As I turned around, there were Chris and Carol Fox behind us.
Milton and Mary Hall
Then, Trojan Candy found Milton and Mary Hall sitting with the TGLA group.
Craig and Liz Matheny
Sandy Johnston told me about a TGLA prospective member sitting on the other aisle. I rushed over to take her picture, since it was almost time for the curtain to rise. Luckily, Trojan Candy was able to take the picture of Craig and Liz Matheny.

Curtain up!

The production was amazing!

Now, my job as TGLA photographer was done. My husband Jim and I went to the Associate's reception in Associates Park behind Bovard Auditorium.

Rachel Beal and Matt DeGrushe
Greeting us were Rossier School of Education staff members Rachel Beal and Matt DeGrushe.
Karen and Pat Gallagher
As Trojan Candy was going to get a drink, I saw Rossier School of Education Dean Karen Gallagher and her husband Pat.
Armando Brown
I took this picture of the official USC Associates photographer and my friend, Armando Brown.

The USC West Side Story cast came to the reception.

West Side Story cast and Mark Hamill
They asked veteran actor Mark Hamill questions and then posed with him.
Matt DeGrushe, Adam Bart and Rachel Beal
Matt DeGrushe, Adam Bart and Rachel Beal smiled for Trojan Candy.
Mark and Marilou Hamill
There was one last photo before Trojan Candy left. Mark and Marilou Hamill posed for me.

Thank you to the Rossier School of Education and the Associates. What a unique day!