Trojan Guild of Los Angeles 2018 (2) Candygrams

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Thursday, March 15, 2018---TGLA at the Autry Museum

Sandi Hampar and Alnita DunnTrojan Candy arrived early at the Autry Museum so that I wouldn't miss any TGLA members and guests. The Chairwomen arrived within a few minutes. I took this picture inside the lobby of Sandi Hampar and Alnita Dunn.

Museum entranceThen, I got in trouble for taking the picture, because flash photography is not allowed in the museum. So I walked outside to take pictures. Here is the entrance door to the museum which is now called the Autry Museum of the American West.

When almost everyone had checked in, tour guides began to organize us into groups of ten. My group was the first to start the tour, but we had more than ten people. We were able to fit in the elevator. Not using my flash, I took pictures inside the museum of three displays.

Here is an impressive mural in the Community Gallery.
Poker set
Next I took a picture of a gaming case containing a deck of cards, a pair of dice, and chips for illegal gambling.
There was a life-size chuckwagon.

Now, the tours were ending, and TGLA members and their guests were leaving for the Tam O'Shanter Restaurant. Sandi Hampar asked Patti Poon to pass out maps to the restaurant inside. I waited outside to take pictures.

Vernon and Caren Edler, Bill and Rosalee Stewart, Rex Johnston, Barbara Hance and Rae Sharp
The first to leave were Vernon and Caren Edler, Bill and Rosalee Stewart, Rex Johnston, Barbara Hance and her sister Rae Sharp.
Carol Herrmann, Cynthia Carli, and Perta and Thomas Santley
Carol Herrmann, Cynthia Carli, and Perta and Thomas Santley left next.
In the front row of the next picture are Lily Cripps, Carol Thueson, Kate Farlow, Jolene Irwin, and Vickie Walker. Behind are Marjorie Layne, Jean Getchell, Sharon Schmidt, Barbara Hance, Rae Sharp, Cheryl Schwartz, Cathy Anderson, Carol Mollett, Valerie Kiley, Christine Ofiesh, Richard Boyle, and Terri Boyle.
Lily Cripps, Carol Thueson, Kate Farlow, Jolene Irwin, Vickie Walker, Marjorie Layne, Jean Getchell, Sharon Schmidt, Barbara Hance, Rae Sharp, Cheryl Schwartz, Cathy Anderson, Carol Mollett, Valerie Kiley, Christine Ofiesh, Richard Boyle, and Terri Boyle
Christine Ofiesh, Patti Madden, Leslie Lilly, Rosalee Perchersky, Mo Bassity, Nikki Dana, Cheryl Schwartz, and Lai Tan Carapia
Next were Christine Ofiesh, Patti Madden, Leslie Lilly, Rosalee Perchersky, Mo Bassity, Nikki Dana, Cheryl Schwartz, and Lai Tan Carapia.
Patti Poon and Candy Yee
My sister Patti and I were last to leave the museum.
Jean Getchell
After arriving at the Tam O'Shanter Restaurant, Trojan Candy immediately started taking pictures. President Jean Getchell made a few short comments.
Sharon Schmidt, Cathy Anderson, Jean Getchell, Marjorie Layne and Jolene Irwin
Sitting at the table by the door were Sharon Schmidt, Cathy Anderson, Jean Getchell, Marjorie Layne and Jolene Irwin. Cathy and Marjorie were Jean's guests.
Sharon Schmidt, Cathy Anderson and Jean Getchell
Sharon Schmidt and Jean Getchell are sponsoring Cathy Anderson into the TGLA.
Nikki Dana, Kate Farlow, Marjorie Layne, Rosalee Perchersky, Elizabeth O'Connell and Liz Methany
Sitting at the next table were Nikki Dana, Kate Farlow, Kate's guest Marjorie Layne, Rosalee Perchersky, Elizabeth O'Connell and her mother Liz Methany.
Carol Thueson, Vernon and Caren Edler, Mo Bassity and Christine Ofiesh
Standing behind Carol Thueson were her two guests, Vernon and Caren Edler. Also at the table were Mo Bassity and Christine Ofiesh.
Rae Sharp, Barbara Hance and Carol Mollett
Barbara Hance's sister Rae Sharp sat with Barbara and Carol Mollett.
Carol Mollett and Christine Ofiesh
Christine Ofiesh moved to take a picture with her guest Carol Mollett.
Carol Herrmann, Cynthia Carli, Perta and Thomas Santley and Terri and Richard Boyle
At the next table were Carol Herrmann, Carol's host Cynthia Carli, Perta and Thomas Santley and Terri and Richard Boyle.
Patti Poon, Genaro and Lai Tan Carapia and Dudley Poon
Patti Poon introduced her three guests---Genaro and Lai Tan Carapia and her husband Dudley.
Rex Johnston and Rosalee and Bill Stewart
In the booth, were Rex Johnston and Sandy's parents Rosalee and Bill Stewart.
Leslie Lilly and Vickie Walker
Leslie Lilly and Vickie Walker sat at the next table.
Valerie Kiley and Sandi Hampar
Sandi Hampar and her guest Valerie Kiley posed for me.
Patti Madden and Cheryl Schwartz
Cheryl Schwartz and her guest Patti Madden smiled for me.
Alnita Dunn and Sandi Hampar
Our two Vice Presidents of the Special Event, Alnita Dunn and Sandi Hampar, sat together. What a great job they did!

Another fabulous TGLA Special Event!