Trojan Guild of Los Angeles 2015 (2) Candygrams

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Saturday, April 12, 2015---TGLA Theatrical Event...Grease

It was a bright, sunny day. Just perfect for taking pictures! Trojan Candy was busy upon arriving an hour before the performance until the patrons were seated inside the Bing Theater.

Christine Ofiesh, Carol Thueson and Sandy Johnston
The first TGLA ladies I saw were Christine Ofiesh, Carol Thueson and Sandy Johnston.
Sandi Gilbert, Nikki Dana, Juel Collins, Jolene Irwin, Carrol Irwin and JoAnne Polite
Six TGLA members posed next. They were Sandi Gilbert, Nikki Dana, Juel Collins, Jolene Irwin, Carrol Irwin and JoAnne Polite in the back.
Nikki Dana and Juel Collins
I was fortunate to get Nikki Dana and Juel Collins, the Vice-Presidents of the Theater Event, at a quiet moment. Great job, Nikki and Juel!
Dorothy Conte, Marsha Jackson, Diane Barber, and Julie Pircher
TGLA members and their guests were coming quickly to Nikki and Juel to pick up their tickets. Guests Dorothy Conte, Marsha Jackson, Diane Barber, and TGLA member Julie Pircher smiled for this picture.
Tom and Patricia Dowling, Kate Farlow, and Margaret and Bent Davies
Husbands do come to our theater event. Here were two of them. Tom Dowling, Patricia Dowling, Kate Farlow, Margaret Davies and Bent Davies.
Kate Farlow, Sandi Gilbert, Suzie Wheeler, Carol Fox, and Lois Booth
Kate is just as busy as I am, and she is not taking pictures! Here she is with Sandi Gilbert, guest Suzie Wheeler, Carol Fox and newest TGLA member Lois Booth.
Ruth and Chuck Vorbach and Leslie Lilly
Trojan Candy was able to take this picture of Leslie Lilly with her parents Ruth and Chuck Vorbach.
Rosalee and Gary Pechersky
The next couple to arrive was Rosalee and Gary Pechersky.
Patricia and John Dowling, Nina Lange, and Tom Dowling
This year Trojan Candy was able to include Patricia Dowling's family on my blog. Here is Patricia with her son John, Nina Lange and husband Tom.

Perta and Tom Santley, Mary and Bill Payne, and Joan and Peter KaplanisMore TGLA members and guests arrived. Perta Santley and Tom Santley, Mary and Bill Payne, and Joan and Peter Kaplanis.

Carmela Berry, Louis Byrd, and Juel CollinsSandy Johnston's guests, Carmela Berry and Louis Byrd, smiled for this picture with Juel Collins. When Trojan Candy found out that Lou is a former USC football player, I had to interview him. Louis graduated from USC in 1959. He was an Education major. Lou was the Mayor of Lynwood for sixteen years. Related to Louis are Gill Byrd and Jairus Byrd. Gill played for the San Diego Chargers and is currently the Cornerback's Coach for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Gill's son Jairus is a free safety on the New Orlean's Saints. Football runs in the Byrd Family. FIGHT ON, Louis!

Luis, Jason, Dominic, Madeleine, and Dorothy Conte and Gavin and Kayla MacIntyreFinally, all of Dorothy Conte's family arrived. Hopefully, Trojan Candy has listed their names correctly. In back are Luis, Jason, Dominic and Dorothy Conte. Then in front, Gavin MacIntyre, Madeleine Conte, and Kayla MacIntyre. Thank you for joining our TGLA theater event.

Mary Indenbaum and Carrol and Jolene Irwin
Our TGLA President Mary Indenbaum posed with Carrol and Jolene Irwin.
Barbara Hance, Sandy Johnston, Jerry Ensom, Rosalee Perchersky and Lois Booth
Guest Jerry Ensom is flanked by TGLA members Barbara Hance, Sandy Johnston, Rosalee Perchersky and Lois Booth.
Dudley and Patti Poon and Rosalee and Gary Pechersky
Rosalee is everywhere like Kate and yours truly. She and husband Gary posed with Dudley and Patti Poon.
Dana Brooks, Cynthia Carli, and Greg Brooks
TGLA member Cynthia Carli is flanked by her daughter Dana Brooks and son-in-law Greg Brooks.
Janet Eddy, Mo Bassity, Jim Eddy, Nikki Dana and Carina Jacob
Trojan Candy saw more friends who smiled for this picture. Janet Eddy, Mo Bassity, Jim Eddy, Nikki Dana and Carina Jacob.
Sandy Johnston, Milton Hall, Mary Hall, JoAnne Polite, Nikki Dana, and Juel Collins
Nikki Dana is everywhere like Kate, Rosalee and yours truly. She is in this picture with Sandy Johnston, Milton Hall, Mary Hall, JoAnne Polite, and Juel Collins.
Alnita Dunn, Barbara Hance and D'Arcy McLeod
Three more TGLA ladies posed for Trojan Candy. Alnita Dunn, Barbara Hance and D'Arcy McLeod.
Bing Theater Lobby
Now, it was time to go inside for the performance. The Bing Theater Lobby was decorated for Grease.
Fire truck
The performance was just about to begin when a loud alarm went off. All patrons were told to exit the theater. Fire trucks came to check the theater.
Bruce and Leslie Lilly
There was a silver lining to this delay. Trojan Candy was able to take more pictures of TGLA members. I found Leslie Lilly with her husband Bruce.
Judy Lieb and Lois Booth
Trojan Candy saw Judy Lieb and Lois Booth waiting together.
Candy Yee and Sandi Hampar
Then, I was finally able to get a picture of Sandi Hampar. Actually, Kate Farlow (who is everywhere!) took this picture of Sandi and me. Thanks, Kate!

FiremenIt was discovered that a "fog" machine had triggered the fire alarm. These two firemen removed the fog machine and reset the fire alarm.

After forty-five minutes, we were allowed back into the theater. The wait was worth it! The production of Grease was fantastic!