Trojan Guild of Los Angeles 2015 (1) Candygrams

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Wednesday, March 18, 2015---Skirball Cultural Center

TGLA eventSkirball Cultural CenterThe TGLA Special Event for 2014-2015 was a tour of the Skirball Cultural Center. Chairs Lee Harnish and Rosalee Pechersky scheduled lunch before the tours.

There was time for members to mingle before the buffet was served. Rosalee gave each one of us a gift...a small laminated "Traveler's Prayer" that was also written in Hebrew. Thank you, Rosalee!

Trojan Candy took pictures of three members who brought guests.

Rosalee Pechersky and Michele Reppucci
Rosalee invited Michele Reppucci. Michelle recently donated to the Penne Ferrell Delta Kappa Gamma Scholarship Fund. Penne was president of TGLA in 2005-2006.
Rita Dana, Nikki Dana, and Christine Bruner
Nikki Dana brought two guests. Her sister-in-law Rita Dana has come to several TGLA events. Nikki's other guest was Christine Bruner who taught at Harvard-Westlake for forty-five years.
Sandi Hampar and Valerie Kiley
Sandi Hampar invited Valerie Kiley. Valerie, a member of the Women of Troy, has also come to other TGLA events.

Welcome to all four ladies!

As the members sat at their tables to eat lunch, Trojan Candy walked around to take their pictures. There were five tables.

Table 1
Table 1
Table 2
Table 2
Table 3
Table 3
Table 4
Table 4
Table 5
Table 5
D'Arcy McLeod came a little late so I took her picture with Julie Pircher, Christine Moses and Barbara Hance at the table that she chose.

Sue and SheilaAfter lunch, two tour guides came in to separate us into two groups. Sheila was my tour guide and Sue took the other group.

Sheila told our group as we toured the museum to look for "Visions and Values...the threads that have made the Jewish people survive."

MenorahThere was a Torah case in Kaifeng, China, and Sheila told us that the first Jewish synagogue in China was built in 1163.

This beautiful Menorah was a Rothschild Hanukkah Lamp.

WimpelIn this case was a Wimpel. It was made from the swaddling cloth of a baby. It is a hand sewn "cloth of lives."

The Wimpel could bind the torah and could be used for a wedding canopy. It chronicled a person's entire life. Isn't it a beautiful "thread!"

Dottie EckerDottie Ecker arrived very late to the museum. Trojan Candy took her picture by this Menorah display.

Ben Franklin quoteSheila told our group that one-third of the total Jewish world-wide population came to the United States. She said that the greatest gift that America offered immigrants was a free education. At the end of the tour, I was touched by this Benjamin Franklin quote that was shown on this screen. What a lesson for us all.

What a marvelous TGLA Special Event!

Saturday, March 14, 2015---USC Day of Service

Trojan Candy arrived at Town and Gown at 9:30 a.m. I came early to check-in volunteers who had signed up for the USC Day of Service.

Sandy Johnston assembled several of her fellow TGLA members at tables outside of Town and Gown to check in the arrivals.

Patti Poon
Patti Poon was working at the table. My space was next to hers.
Rita Dana, Nikki Dana, Christine Ofiesh, and Judy Lieb
Nikki Dana, Christine Ofiesh, and Judy Lieb posed behind Rita Dana.
Jane Bensussen
Town and Gown President and TGLA member Jane Bensussen was quite busy welcoming all of the volunteers.

Trojan Candy took a few pictures of TGLA members inside Town and Gown as they were assembling necklaces or distributing the materials.

Sharon Schmidt, Jean Getchell and Patricia Dowling
Sharon Schmidt, Jean Getchell and Patricia Dowling were assembling necklaces.
Barbara Hance and Kathy Duffy
Barbara Hance and Kathy Duffy.

Christine Ofiesh, at my request, took the microphone and asked for all TGLA members to step outside to the patio to take a group picture. Barbara Hance and Kathy Duffy had to stay at the distribution table, but all of the other ladies came outside.

TGLA membersI took the picture of everyone else on the steps.

Then D'Arcy McLeod arrived. A few seconds later, friend Patrick Auerbach, Associate Senior Vice President for Alumni Relations, arrived with three of his friends and a professional photographer. Patrick's friends were Donald Dean, Danielle Harvey Stinson, and Amy Ross (former GAA President). The photographer was Steve Blaha.

Steve immediately ran over to take a group picture of our TGLA members and special guests with his camera ...

TGLA members... and, bless his heart, with my camera. For once, Trojan Candy was also in the picture! Thank you, Steve!


Thursday, February 5, 2015--- TGLA Meeting and Tour of Annenberg

Today we would have our regular TGLA meeting followed by a tour of Annenberg Hall. Our Reflections Chair Carol Thueson started our meeting. Her final quote was, "For there is always tomorrow, and a chance to start anew." Carol always provides wonderful words of wisdom for our general and board meetings.

Cheryl Schwartz and Sandy JohnstonSandy Johnston and Lois BoothOur president Mary Indenbaum introduced the guests next. Sandy Johnston had two guests, Lois Booth and Cheryl Schwartz.

Then, Mary introduced Alnita Dunn. Alnita was invited by Mary Indenbaum, Rosalee Pechersky, Nancy Reed, Patti Poon and myself. The five of us had just met Alnita at the Town and Gown meeting two days earlier (see below). Rosalee Pechersky, Alnita Dunn, and Mary IndenbaumRosalee and Mary posed with our new friend.

Sandi Hampar, JoAnne Polite, Katharine Kremp, and Gloria PhillipsThen, Membership Chairs Sandi Hampar and Gloria Phillips introduced our two new members. JoAnne Polite and Katharine Kremp were presented roses and a TGLA Directory. A little bit about our two new members. JoAnne is a retired LAUSD administrator who was sponsored by Mary Hall. She is also a Town and Gown member. Katharine works in television as an "image maker." She is sponsored by Janet Eddy. Katharine, a Town and Gown member just like JoAnne, is writing a book about "creating new possibilities." Welcome to our two new TGLA members!

After the introductions, Nominating Chair Christine Ofiesh presented the slate of officers for 2015-2016. There was much discussion about the President-Elect/ACC Representative. The vote on the slate was tabled until after the tour of Annenberg Hall.

All of the members walked essentially around the corner to Annenberg Hall.

Annenberg Hall Lobby
The lobby was amazing. Trojan Candy took the lobby pictures on a previous Associates tour on 11/19/2014.
Annenberg Hall Lobby
Annenberg Hall Lobby
Willow Bay
Willow Bay, the Dean of the Annenberg School, met us in a large classroom.

Dr. Willow explained that the Annenberg School is composed of two schools---Journalism and Public Relations. About our tour, Dean Bay said that the Media Center we will be touring is actually a classroom. In the center, the students have to produce journalism on a deadline.

Serena Cha
The ladies were divided into tour groups. Serena Cha took Trojan Candy's tour group to Visual Studio A first.
Audio Studio B
The next studio we toured was Audio Studio B. They interview artists in this studio.

The most complex studio was our last stop. Studio C houses the 30 minute nightly news program Annenberg TV News (ATVN); the online-only, around the clock, Neon Tommy; and a newscast class. Professor Vince Gonzales told us that the two-year Masters degree has been changed to a one year program.

Dr. Vince Gonzales and Ken Mashinchi
Then student Ken Mashinchi described his ATVN work.
Working Studio
This is the working studio.

What an interesting tour!

Willow Bay and Carol FoxLunch was served back at the Tutor Center. After lunch, Dean Willow Bay answered all of our questions. Christin Moses took this picture of Carol Fox and Willow Bay for me since I was having intermittent camera trouble. Thank you, Christin!

The final order of business was choosing a President-Elect/ACC Representative for 2015-2016. Current Theater Event Chair Nikki Dana agreed to accept her nomination. The rest of the slate of officers was approved.

With that, the meeting was adjourned by our President Mary Indenhaum.

Trojan Candy will be writing next about our TGLA Special Event at the Skirball Cultural Center on Wednesday, March 18th.

FIGHT ON, until then!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015---Town and Gown Meeting

Anne and Kathleen Siswanto and Mary IndenbaumAll of the 2014-2015 Town and Gown Scholars were invited to the meeting today. It just so happened that two Town and Gown Scholars were sitting next to my table. They are also our own TGLA Scholars. I recognized Kathleen Siswanto first and walked over to say "Hello." She was sitting with her mother Anne Siswanto. I had forgotten to bring my camera. Luckily, Anne had a camera. I used it to take this picture of Kathleen and her with Mary Indenbaum.

Andrew and Laurie MolinaAs all the scholars were introduced at the podium, Trojan Candy noticed the second TGLA Scholar. He returned to his seat at Kathleen's table. Andrew Molina posed for this picture with his mom Laurie Molina. Anne Siswanto took this picture for me. Thank you Anne!

FIGHT ON, Kathleen! FIGHT ON, Andrew!