USC TGLA 2022 (1) Candygrams

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Sunday, May 1, 2022---Dr. Art Bartner’s Celebration

Our USC TGLA ladies enjoyed the “Inspirations” Concert by the 2022 USC Concert Band first, before the dinner honoring Dr. Art Bartner. After the concert ended, Trojan Candy found my table outside. I put my stuff down and then walked around looking for USC TGLA members.

The first USC TGLA member I found was Mary Hall with her husband Milton.
Ann Palmer was sitting fairly close to Mary.
Trojan Candy saw Ann Proctor next.
The next entire table posed for me. Standing from left to right were Elliott Schwartz, member Sherry DeFriese, her brother Bob Leach, Marcia Montez, member Sandy Johnston, Christine Conway, and a friend. Seated were member Cheryl Schwartz and Jim Herrera.
Trojan Candy followed Sandy Johnston to another table. Sandy posed with member Rosalee Pechersky and her husband Gary.
USC TGLA member Patti Madden posed for me next.
As introductions were being made, I walked up closer to the podium. Our USCTGLA President Christine Ofiesh, who was co-chair of the Dinner Committee, was at the podium with the other co-chair Sue McKeever.
Then Trojan Candy took this picture of the “Man of Honor” Dr. Art Bartner.
Dr. Bartner walked to our table and chatted with USC TGLA member Patti Poon, her husband Dudley, and prospective new member Dr. Cathy Creasia.
Rosalee Pechersky and Patti Poon visited and then posed for me.
Nearby were Janet Eddy and her husband Jim.
It was now evening. Trojan Candy took this picture of Carol Fox.
President Christine Ofiesh posed for Trojan Candy.
My last picture of the evening was of USC TGLA member D’Arcy McLeod and her husband David.

video 2588video 2589I took these two videos of Dr. Bartner’s closing remarks.


Sunday, April 3, 2022---USC TGLA at A Chorus Line

Trojan Candy expected to see many USC TGLA friends in the patio of the Bing Theater for the performance of A Chorus Line. I wasn’t disappointed!

Four friends were setting up the complimentary gifts. Terri Boyle, Sandy Johnston, Mary Hall and Jean Getchell smiled for my picture.
Then, Jean posed with Thomas and Nancy Sommers.
Milton and Mary Hall came with their neighbors. From left to right are Albert and Rosana Whittlesey, Milton and Mary Hall, and Julie and Peter Parker.
My next picture was of Sandy Johnston and all of her guests. From left to right are Marcia Montez, Dr. Cathy Creasia, C.C. Creasia, Dr. Judith M. Harris, Dr. Alicia Buford, Lori Babajian, Sandy Johnston, Jim Herrera, and Jeanne Niotta.
Trojan Candy took smaller group pictures of Sandy with her guests. Here is Sandy with Dr. Alicia Buford and Lori Babajian.
Here are C.C. and Cathy Creasia with Sandy.
Sandy posed with Marcia Montez, Jeanne Niotta, and Dr. Judith M. Harris.
Jeanne Niotta, Christine Ofiesh, Terri Boyle and Cheryl Schwartz posed in front of the Bing Theater.
Here are Dr. Alicia Buford, Andrea Maxie, Mary Hall, Lorna Reed, Sandy Johnston, Diane Nicholson, and Christine Ofiesh.
From left to right, USC TGLA volunteer workers were Terri Boyle, Jean Getchell, Mary Hall, Sandy Johnston, Lorna Reed, and Christine Ofiesh.
Sandy Johnston invited her friend Jim Herrera to the performance.
Mary Pallares and Jeanne Niotta posed before they entered the Bing Theater.
Lorna Reed and Diane Nicholson posed for me before they entered the Bing Theater.
Dr. Judith M. Harris and Sandy were glad to see their friend Liz Matheny.
My sister Patti was with her husband Dudley Poon.
Sherry DeFriese joined her friends and brother for this picture. Left to right were Sherry, Jana Gonzalez, Mary Pallares, and Bob Leach.

1587The last picture that Trojan Candy took before entering the Bing Theater was of Cheryl and Elliott Schwartz.

1591Once inside, Trojan Candy took this picture of the stage.

Let A Chorus Line begin.

Saturday, March 12, 2022---Day of SCervice

1426For this year's Day of SCervice, Trojan Candy and my husband Jim reported at the Joint Educational Project (JEP) House at 10:00 am. The USC Associates worked with the JEP House. We packed bags full of teaching materials for nearby students for the ReadersPLUS program. Then we wrote encouraging notes for each student. As a retired teacher, I really enjoyed filling the bags for needy students. Here is my picture of the volunteers.

1429Then, Trojan Candy walked over to Town and Gown to take pictures of my fellow USC TGLA volunteers at work. Volunteers were making beautiful "Fight On" necklaces for USC Hospital women patients. At first I started taking individual pictures. Here is Carol Fox.

1431At the next table, were Cheryl and Elliott Schwartz and Jerry Ensom.

1434Sandy Johnston started gathering all of our USC TGLA volunteers for a group shot. I took the first group picture that included Carol Fox’s son Chris and Cheryl Schwartz’s husband Elliott. In front were Sandy Johnston, Carol Fox, Christine Ofiesh, and Cheryl Schwartz. In the middle row were D’Arcy McLeod, Sharon Schmidt, Jean Getchell, Janyce Teasley, and Mary Hall. In the top Row were Chris Fox and Elliott Schwartz.

1435Chris Fox took this next picture that included Trojan Candy at the right end of the front row.

1437Chris also took this last picture which included Associate Senior Vice-President for Alumni Relations Patrick Auerbach, who just happened to visit our site at the right time. Thanks, Chris.

Our USC TGLA members volunteer throughout the year!

Tuesday, February 1, 2022---In Memoriam: Mary Anne Cogbill

1177Born April 6, 1943. Died January 12, 2022.