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Friday, November 9, 2018---Class of 1968 Reunion---Day One Part 1

After much hard work being on the USC Fiftieth Reunion Committee, Trojan Candy could hardly believe that the day finally is here. It started with a continental breakfast in Alumni Park.

Dyrck and Gina Van Dusen
I met other USC Class of 1968 graduates. There was Dyrck Van Dusen and his wife Gina. Dyrck told me that he was a LAS graduate and after graduation he joined the Marines. FIGHT ON, Dyrck!
Gwen and Jerry Vieau
Next I saw fellow 50th Reunion Committee member Jerry Vieau and his wife Gwen. FIGHT ON, Jerry!
Patti Poon, Carol Akiyama, Dudley Poon, and Candy and Jim Yee
The official photographer for the day took this picture of Trojan Candy's table. My sister Patti, her husband Dudley Poon, my husband Jim, and my good friend Carol Akiyama, who is a fellow 1968 graduate, posed for the picture with me. Carol graduated from the USC Law School. FIGHT ON, Carol!
Mark Lindsey, Len Tauman and Charles Henry
Trojan Candy walked around the "Class of 1968" tables. At a nearby table were graduates Mark Lindsey, who was a Poli Sci major, and LAS majors Len Tauman and Charles Henry. FIGHT ON, Mark! FIGHT ON, Len! FIGHT ON, Charles!
Marilla Costa and Douglas and Roseli Bower
Nearby, Trojan Candy saw three people sitting together. I introduced myself to them. They were Marilla Costa and Douglas and Roseli Bower. Doug was a Business major, while his wife Roseli and Marilla are from Brazil. Tomorrow they will be off to Hawaii. FIGHT ON, Doug!
Basil Rallis, Eve and Terry Aladag, Jerry Vieau, and Laura and Robert Pallais
I saw Jerry visiting with friends at a table. They were Basil Rallis (Business), Eve and Terry Aladag (Liberal Arts), Laura and Robert Pallais (Chemistry). FIGHT ON, Basil! FIGHT ON, Terry! FIGHT On, Robert!
Gary and Grace Sawka
Gary Sawka and his wife Grace smiled for this picture. Gary, a Business major, is also a member of the 1968 Reunion Committee. FIGHT ON, Gary!

Now it was time to line up for the procession into the "Welcome Convocation" in Bovard Auditorium. Patti and Dudley walked on into Bovard, while Jim stayed outside to take videos. Carol and I waited with other 1968 graduates.

Patrick Auerbach
While we waited, I took this picture of Patrick Auerbach, the Associate Senior V.P. for Alumni Relations.
Doug Yarrow
Then I saw some other 1968 Reunion Committee members. Co-Chair Doug Yarrow, an LAS major, smiled for me. FIGHT ON, Doug!
Karen Hackett and Karen Davison
Reunion members Karen Hackett and Co-Chair Karen Davison, both LAS majors, posed together. FIGHT ON, both Karens!
Spirit of Troy
While we waited for the other classes to walk into Bovard, the Spirit of Troy Pep Band entertained us.
D'Arcy McLeod
Then, Trojan Candy saw a TGLA friend, D'Arcy McLeod. She is Co-chair of the 1978 Class Reunion Committee. FIGHT ON, D'Arcy!
Michael Felix
Walking by, Trojan Candy saw Michael Felix, the President of the Board of Governors.
Cynthia Wiese
As the Spirit of Troy marched off to lead the other classes into Bovard, we were given banners that read, "50th Reunion, Class of 1968, Still Fighting On!" Then I saw USC Band friend Cynthia Wiese smiling at me.
Kristine Mesplou and Bobbe Gilbert
Two more 1968 Reunion members posed for me. They were Kristine Mesplou, a fellow Education major, and LAS major Bobbe Gilbert, my fellow "Outreach" Co-Chair.
Bob and Alicia Schlinker
Trojan Candy met two more new friends. They were Bob Schlinker, a researcher, and his wife Alicia. FIGHT ON, Bob!
Here is the Reunion banner outside of Bovard.
We're ready
Now, our Class of 1968 was ready to march in.
Bill Tormey and Herbert Newman
But, before we moved, Trojan Candy took this picture of two more 1968 graduates. Fellow 1968 Reunion Committee member Bill Tormey (Business) and Herbert Newman (Also Business) let me take their picture. FIGHT ON, Bill! FIGHT ON, Herbert!
Frank Stirling and Norman Harmon
Trojan Candy saw a familiar face that I see at every Monday Morning Quarterback during the football season. Frank Stirling smiled at me as I took his picture. That's Norman Harmon next to him. FIGHT ON, Frank! FIGHT ON, Norman!
We're walking in
My husband Jim took this video of our 1968 Alumni walking into Bovard. Thanks, hubby!
Inside Bovard
Inside, Jim took another video as we walked into the Bovard lobby. How did Jim get inside so fast?
Anita Abascal
As we waited for the Spirit of Troy to play for our entrance, Trojan Candy met another 1968 graduate. She was Anita Abascal who majored in International Relations and History. FIGHT ON, Anita!
Spirit of Troy
Now it was time for our entrance. Carol and I held up our banners and marched into the theater. There was applause as the Spirit of Troy played and we walked down to the first four rows. Trojan Candy sat in the fourth row, right in the middle so that I could take pictures. Jim and Carol sat with me. Here is the Spirit of Troy on the stage.
Michael Felix
After Patrick Auerbach welcomed all of the graduates, the first speaker was Michael Felix.
Wanda M. Austin
The next speaker was our interim USC President Wanda M. Austin.

Dr. Austin told us that we Trojans must have "strength" and "resilience" during these times. She said that USC admits only 13% of its applicants. Then, she bragged that in the last Top 25 Universities in the U.S. News there were only three California universities. They were Stanford, Cal Tech and at #17, USC!

Alumni Spotlight
The Alumni Spotlight was next. On the stage were Michael Nyeholt '78, Cindy Panuco '03, Curtis Kin'93, and Patrick Auerbach who moderated. They brought back many fond USC memories.

Emmy Award-winning Broadcast journalist, Elex Michaelson, Class of 2008, was unable to be the moderator because his home was in the the fire area. Trojan Candy had met Elex at the February 7, 2017, Town and Gown meeting. CLICK HERE to see his picture.

Now, it was time for a special performance by USC's premier co-ed UnderScore, an a cappella group.
Listen to UnderScore's performance!
Closing Remarks
The closing remarks were given by Vanessa Botshekan, Director of Development and Reunion Programs.
Card stunt
As the audience was exiting Bovard to attend the lunch outside, the screen showed a picture of one of our football card stunts. Yes, we performed card stunts at every home game and at the Rose Bowl too!

FIGHT ON, Class of 1968!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018---Class of 1968 Reunion Committee September Meeting

Trojan Candy met with my fellow members of the Class of 1968 Reunion Committee at the new Dr. Art Bartner Band Pavilion in the Lyon Center. It was for our second Board meeting.

Art Bartner

Before the meeting started, Dr. Bartner came into to greet us.

Before and after the meeting, I took individual pictures of the Class of 1968 Board. Unfortunately, three committee members could not attend the meeting.

Here are my fellow Class of 1968 Reunion Committee Members who did attend:

Bill Tormey
Bill Tormey
R.C. Allen
R.C. Allen
Jerry Vieau
Jerry Vieau
Karen Davison
Karen Davison
Doug Yarrow
Doug Yarrow
Bobbe Gilbert
Bobbe Gilbert
Kristine Mesplou
Kristine Mesplou
Karen Hackett
Karen Hackett
After the meeting Dr. Bartner joined us for this picture taken by our USC Alumni Association Facilitator Vanessa Botshekan.

Then, Dr. Bartner took everyone on a tour of his new USC Band facility. Trojan Candy missed his tour, because I had to catch a flight to Austin, Texas, for the Texas game.

Thank you, Dr. Bartner, for your hospitality!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018---Class of 1968 Reunion Committee First Meeting

Trojan Candy attended the first meeting of the 1968 Class Reunion Committee in Widney Alumni House. As I walked into the meeting room, I heard a gentleman say, "We all look pretty good." To his statement I will add, "Even though we graduated from USC fifty years ago, we are all still SHARP!"

Bobbe Gilbert, Karen Davison, and Doug YarrowOur USC Alumni Association Facilitator Vanessa Botshekan opened our first meeting. Then she turned the proceedings over to our co-chairs Karen Davison and Doug Yarrow.

There were thirteen of us in attendance, and each one of us introduced ourselves. What interesting lives we led while we attended USC in 1964 to 1968. In the fifty years since 1968, what fascinating, wondrous, productive lives we have lived, with much more to come!

After the introductions, we covered the Reunion Manual, Outreach/Attendance Goals, Class Giving Initiative Goals, and Action Items. Phew...all in one hour!

Karen Davison, Karen Hackett, Bobbe Gilbert, Kristine Mesplou, Frank Kwan, Candy Yee, Bob Lutz, Ken Kasamatsu, Doug Yarrow, Bill Tormey, and Bill KrantzAfter adjournment, Trojan Candy ushered my twelve fellow committee members outside to take a picture. I took a sample picture first, then Vanessa took this picture of our board. Front row: Karen Davison, Karen Hackett, Bobbe Gilbert, Kristine Mesplou, Frank Kwan, and Candy Yee. Back row: Bob Lutz, Ken Kasamatsu, Doug Yarrow, Bill Tormey, and Bill Krantz

Then, it was lunch time.

FIGHT ON, USC 1968 Class Reunion Committee!

Friday, April 6, 2018---Invitation to Join Class of 1968 Reunion Committee

Vanessa Botshekan and Rachel BealVanessa Botshekan, Director of Development and Reunion Programs in the USC Alumni Association, and Rachel Beal, Director of Major Gifts, USC Rossier School of Education, greeted Trojan Candy as a member of the USC 1968 Class Reunion Committee.