May (4) 2023 Candygrams

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Sunday, May 14, 2023---2023 Pac- 12 Track and Field Championships

Jim and I volunteered for a second day at the Pac-12 Track and Field Championships. We were again assigned to the Discus Competition. At first there were only the two of us, then three more volunteers came to help.

Today, the competitors threw the discus further than the Decathlon competitors yesterday. We were very busy. The competition was quite exciting! Mykolas Alekna from Cal won the Men's discus throw with a collegiate record of 70.40 meters!

After our competition ended, Jim and I walked over to get our lunch. We were right near where the track races began.

Trojan Candy saw Johnny Brackins Jr who was going to run the first lap of the 4x100m Relay.
The men's 4x100m relay team of Johnny Brackins Jr, Ashton Allen, Chris Borzor and Johnnie Blockburger opened the running action by winning the title with a season-best time of 39.05 seconds. USC picked up 10 points in the team competition.
[video] I was able to take a video of Johnnie Blockburger finishing first.
Chris Borzor and Ashton Allen received the trophies on behalf of the team.
[video] This is the Award ceremony. Johnnie Blockburger joined his teammates on the winner's platform.
As Jim and I were leaving, I was able to take pictures of the Men’s 110m Hurdles. Here is the start.
This was the middle of the 110m hurdles. Trojans Tade Ojora and Johnny Brackins Jr were in the lead.

1887Here were the final times. Congratulations, Trojan Tade Ojora 13.48 and Trojan Johnny Brackins 13.75 for coming in 1-2!

KEEP FIGHTING ON, USC Track and Field!

Saturday, May 13, 2023---2023 Pac-12 Track and Field Championships

My husband Jim and I volunteered for the Pac-12 Track and Field Championships at Mt. San Antonio College.

The scoreboard was very nice. Behind it were the tents for the athletes.
The USC logo was shown on the scoreboard.
The school banners were displayed at the other end of the stadium. Here was USC's.
Mt.San Antonio College has a very nice track and field Stadium.

We were assigned to the Men’s Discus Competition on our first day.

Before the discus event started, Jim saw a familiar face. It was USATF official Stan Whitley. We had met Stan when we volunteered at the USC-UCLA Dual Track Meet at USC. I took this picture of Jim and Stan. So nice to see you again, Stan!
Today was the Men’s Decathlon Discus Competition. Our responsibility was to recover each thrown discus and place it in a remote controlled toy SUV which was sent back to the Discus Cage. Luckily, there were four of us volunteering at the event. The other two were younger P.E. teachers.

1847After our Discus event ended, I walked to the tent area where each Pac-12 team was located. Naturally, I walked to the USC tent. I met several Trojans at the tent, wrote their names in my notebook and interviewed two lady track competitors. Unfortunately, I have misplaced my notebook. So I am just posting the pictures now, and when I find my notebook, I will add the interviews. Here is the first picture I took of the Trojans in the tent. From left to right are Throws Assistant Coach Martin Maric, Jumps and Multi-events Assistant Coach Jeff Petersmeyer, ?, Director of Operations (Athletic Medicine) Russ Romano, and Heptathlon Graduate Allie Jones.

1849Here is the picture of Allie Jones that I took for her interview article. FIGHT ON, Allie!

1851Nearby in the tent Trojan Candy saw a familiar face. She was Summer Mosley (3/19/2022). It turns out that I interviewed Summer at a Trojan Track Invitational on March 19, 2022. KEEP FIGHTING ON, Summer!