May (1) 2021 Candygrams

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Sunday, May 2, 2021---The Golden Legacy

212Welcome to The Golden Legacy, the Spirit of Troy's celebration of Dr. Arthur C. Bartner's 50 years as the Band Director of the Trojan Marching Band (TMB). The host for the zoom program is ABC's Rob McMillan. Rob is a Spirit of Troy alumnus.

Our story begins with Art's childhood in Maplewood, New Jersey.

JERSEY BOY was a short biography of Art.
Art, who was a good athlete, played football when he was young.
He (#4) also played basketball at Columbia High School.

Art excelled in basketball, but he also was immersed in music. Art earned All-State honors in both trumpet and basketball.

He attended the University of Michigan and was oftentimes the leader of ensembles.

Art (on left) organized a jazz quartet at Michigan .

Art graduated in 1962, earned a Master of Music degree in 1963 at Michigan, and a Doctor of Education in 1971. Thus he became Dr. Art Bartner.

USC hired Dr. Bartner in 1970. Thus began A NEW LEGACY.
Here is a picture of Art when he joined USC.

230In 1971 Tony Fox joined Art as the Associate Band Director and Arranger for the Trojan Marching Band. Tony said it was tough at first for Art to instill the discipline in the band. Tony said that everyone was behind Art.

Trojan Candy met Tony Fox in 1994. Tony agreed to give weekly composition lessons to my ten year old son Gregory at his campus band office. Tony became a "second father" to my son. Gregory still composes music for his performance duo, The Complements.

231 Before coming to USC, every marching band that Art worked with was coed. So in 1971 Art invited women to join the Trojan Marching Band.

232In 1973 there was a major impetus to the Trojan Marching Band. At the halftime of the 1973 Rose Bowl, Diana Ross performed with the TMB on the field.

235The next change is BECOMING THE SPIRIT OF TROY. The strongest influence on Art's finding the band's "true identity" was USC Football Defensive Coach Marv Goux. Coach Goux described when about thirty members of the band joined the team in the basement locker room in 1995. The ceiling was low, so a tuba player broke about four lightbulbs. Coach Goux said that it was the best pep rally ever! Then he showed his fist and said, "The team and the band became Power!"


In this section, there were coaches, administrators and USC athletics who, in their own way, paid tribute to Dr. Bartner. Here are the snips I took of them along with their comments.

Barbara Hedges: "Art began support of women's athletics."
Mike Bohn: "Art inspires an esprit de corps that is invaluable for the entire university."
Clay Helton: "The Trojan Marching Band and our team go hand in hand. It's the greatest tradition of excellence there is in college football."
Rodney Peete: "Congratulations on your fifty years."
Matt Leinart: "You've been a Trojan and will always be a Trojan forever."
Paul McDonald: "I see decision and mastery, but mostly I feel the fun."
John Robinson: "I always expected you to fall off that ladder, but you never did. So you're a much better athlete than I thought you were."
Pete Carroll: "I'm not stopping. You're not stopping. It's a thrill of a lifetime to have done what we did together."
Mark Sanchez: "What an incredible run."
Ronnie Lott: "I salute you for not only Fighting On, for being one of the best ever."
Sam Cunningham: "Your desire, your tenacity, your creativity and your stick-to-itness."
John Baxter: "Fifty years and looking forward to the rest."
and John Papadakis: "Old band leaders never die, they just dance away. I'll be there right with you, Art."

357HOLLYWOOD'S BAND is next. Super Star Mark Hamill spoke next in the tribute. He spoke about one of Art's most influential friends who was a mentor to Art. 360 Hank Ehrlich was a Promotions GURU at Paramount Studios. He was a "Champion of the Band." Hank extended the Spirit of Troy's scope in the world of show business, in particular, Hollywood.

Trojan Candy was privileged to have met Hank at a USC Men's Basketball game. My son Greg was a ball boy for the team when Henry Bibby was the coach. One day, when Greg was courtside handling the basketballs, Hank introduced himself to Greg. He told my son to call him "Uncle Hank." During the USC football season, Uncle Hank would provide double header movie showings at Paramount Studios. The first movie was for the entire USC football team and a few special guests. Uncle Hank invited Greg and his family to attend the first movie. Then when we left, the entire USC band was waiting outside the theater to view the second showing that Uncle Hank provided. Thank you, Uncle Hank, for your generosity!

Now, back to HOLLYWOOD'S BAND. Trojan Candy took snips of all the movies, television shows and appearances that the Spirit of Troy has appeared in. Here are just a few of them:

They started with Elizabeth Taylor at the Academy Awards.
and ended with the movie Carpool Karaoke with Will Smith in 2017.
The 48th Academy Awards in 1976.
The Naked Gun in 1988.
Forrest Gump
American Idol in 2008.
The Tonight Show in 2016.
and America's Got Talent.
TROJAN ROCK STARS is the next category. Here are a few snips:
We have to start with Fleetwood Mac. Guitarist Lindsey Buckingham spoke first. He said, "There is perfect synergy between our own work and your sensibilities. Art, you will hold a special place in our heart."
Then drummer Mick Fleetwood said, "We had a fantastic musical connection. We are one."
Dodger Stadium is where it all began.
The TMB marched in and "Tusk" was recorded for posterity.
Tower of Power "So Very Hard to Go" (1974)
Kansas "Can't Cry Anymore" (1986)
System of a Down "Toxicity" (2006)
One of USC's own is Dexter Holland.
Dexter joined the Spirit of Troy to perform some of the Band's popular songs.

The next ON THE WORLD STAGE had an extensive list of performances. Disneyland's Director of Entertainment Bob Yanny helped Art hone his skills as a maestro of mass bands. Art directed at least twenty two bands. Bob invited Art to direct 400 musicians in the Disney All-American College Band at the opening of Disney Epcot Center in 1982. Here are two snips from the Epcot Center Opening:

Epcot Center Opening (1982)
Epcot Center Opening
Art was at the 1984 Summer Olympics in the Coliseum. Recognize this formation?
Dr. Bartner directed the 800 member All-American College Marching Band at the 1984 Summer Olympics.
The TMB was at the 1987 Super Bowl XXI.
They appeared at the 1988 Super Bowl XXII
Also 1990 Super Bowl XXIV
Dr. Bartner directed the TMB at the 1992 Euro Disney Grand Opening.

423In BANDED TOGETHER, Stephen Johnson, the major donor of the Dr. Art C. Bartner Band Pavillion, spoke to all of the viewers. Steve, who graduated from USC in 1980, told us that he was a 15 year old first chair clarinet in an All-City band. Dr. Bartner was volunteering his time to conduct the band. He told Steve to apply and audition for a USC music scholarship. Steve said that he hadn't even thought about attending college at all. But, when he was awarded a USC scholarship, he became the first person in his family to attend college. Steve's brother followed his accomplishment and also attended college. Steve said, "Dr. Bartner created the heartbeat of this university!"

424426Next, we were introduced to TMB alumna Jessica Vogel. In turn, she introduced her husband Jacob Vogel, who was selected as the successor director of the Spirit of Troy. Jacob addressed Dr. Bartner. He passionately spoke these words, "Thank you Dr. Bartner for being a wonderful teacher, a wonderful mentor. I will do my absolute best to carry on this legacy and really be true to what you taught me."

Then, Jake showed a picture taken at the original taping of "Tusk" at Dodger Stadium.
More Spirit of Troy members at the 6/6/1979 taping of "Tusk."
Next, Director Jacob introduced the Fleetwood Mac bass guitarist John McVie.
John joined the TMB in performing "Tusk." Here are the Silks and John.
Here is the rest of the Spirit of Troy with John.
President Carol Folt succinctly said, "The Spirit of Troy IS Art Bartner! Then, she introduced the "Guiding Spirit" behind the Spirit of Troy...Dr. Arthur C. Bartner.

435Dr. Bartner made his appearance. He said, "I hope you enjoyed my 50 year journey as much as I did." He thanked his staff, students, the core group, his mentors, all the athletic contributors, entertainers, friends of the Trojan Marching Band and live performers. Then, Dr. Bartner said, "The most important people to be recognized are the Band Alumni and our current students. It was their hard work, talent, determination, spirit, and energy that made this band GREAT. They put their heart and soul into this Spirit of Troy!" Dr. Bartner then said, "Now, the single most important person in my life is my wife Barbara. She has been my partner for nearly six decades. We met in junior high school. It was love at first sight. She is my confidant, she's my critic and she supported me every step of the way. Finally, I want to thank the University of Southern California for giving me the opportunity, support and freedom to build the greatest marching band in the history of the universe!

Next, Dr. Bartner introduced Felipe Prado who sang our Alma Mater.
Felipe was accompanied by the Spirit of Troy.
Dr. Barter first thanked Felipe and then he thanked Jake and his wonderful staff for putting on this spectacular show!

Then Jake said it is his honor to end this show like we end every single thing we do with the Trojan Marching Band and ... that is, with the SoCal spell out!

440Then Drum Major Jake Mequet led "FIGHT ON!"

440Finally Conquest ensued.

Good night and FIGHT ON!