October 2016 (2) Candygrams

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Wednesday, October 19, 2016---USC Men's Basketball Scrimmage

Basketball Coach Andy Enfield invited Galen Founders to come to a men's scrimmage at Galen Center. The upstairs practice gym was noisy when my husband Jim and I arrived. The men's team was running its scrimmage, and the gym was full of spectators.

Men's Basketball teamTrojan Candy took a picture of the team playing. Our new players are tall, quick and athletic. Trojan Candy can't wait for the season to start!

During the scrimmage, yummy appetizers were served. I especially liked the deep fried coconut shrimp the best.

After the scrimmage ended, Coach Enfield had the players sit at the north end of the gym. They were introduced by Jordan Moore. Each player spoke a little about himself.

Here is our 2016-2017 USC Men's Basketball Team:

Derryck Thornton
Sophomore Guard Derryck Thornton
Jordan McLaughlin
Junior Guard Jordan McLaughlin (5/26/2015)
De'Anthony Melton
Freshman Guard De'Anthony Melton
Samer Dhillon
Senior Forward Samer Dhillon (3/26/2014)
Nick Rakocevic
Freshman Forward Nick Rakocevic (5/26/2016)
Chimezie Metu
Sophomore Forward Chimezie Metu (8/28/2015)
Kurt Karis
Junior Guard Kurt Karis
Jonah Mathews
Freshman Guard Jonah Mathews
Harrison Henderson and Bennie Boatwright
My picture of Freshman Forward Harrison Henderson was blurry. So I used this later one with friend Bennie Boatwright (8/28/2015).
Devin Fleming
Sophomore Guard Devin Fleming
Bennie Boatwright
Sophomore Forward Bennie Boatwright
Shaqquan Aaron
Sophomore Guard Shaqquan Aaron (4/12/2016)
Elijah Stewart
Junior Guard Elijah Stewart (3/30/2015)
Charles Buggs
Senior Forward Charles Buggs

FIGHT ON, 2016-2017 USC Men's Basketball!

Andy Enfield
After all of the introductions, Coach Enfield addressed the audience.

When the program ended, Trojan Candy was able to talk with players that I know and meet some of our new players.

Jonah Mathews and Bob Holbrook
The former Mayor of Santa Monica Bob Holbrook, whose wife Jean Ann is a fellow TGLA member, posed with local high school player Jonah Mathews.
Jonah Mathews and Bennie Boatwright
Jonah Mathews joined Bennie.
Jordan McLaughlin, Harrison Henderson, and Shaqquan Aaron
Friend Jordan McLaughlin smiled with Harrison and friend Shaqquan Aaron.
Elijah Stewart
Trojan Candy asked friend Elijah Stewart to pose next.
Jordan McLaughlin and Jacque Hill
USC Basketball alumnus Jacque Hill asked me to take a picture of him with Jordan McLaughlin.
Patti Poon, De'Anthony Melton, Dudley Poon and Trojan Candy
USC photographer and good friend Pierson Clair took this picture of Patti Poon, De'Anthony Melton, Dudley Poon and yours truly.

Thank you, Coach Enfield for such a fantastic basketball kick-off!