January 2015 Candygrams

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Monday, January 19, 2015-Sunday, January 25, 2015---Some Old Friends! Some New Friends!

Sevana Dvorak, Paige Hines, Sara Hughes, Marielle Bagnard, Lorna Brandt (in back), Jenna Belton, and Nicolette MartinDuring the Men's Volleyball victory over Stanford on Monday night, Trojan Candy saw some familiar faces in the stands. I walked over to say, "Hello," and take their picture. They were Women of Troy Sand Volleyball teammates Sevana Dvorak, Paige Hines (1/31/2014), Sara Hughes (1/31/2014), Marielle Bagnard, Lorna Brandt (in back), Jenna Belton, and Nicolette Martin. FIGHT ON, Women of Troy Sand Volleyball!

Jackie Owens and Abe MarkowitzAfter the Women of Troy Tennis Team beat Denver on Saturday, an old friend walked into the stands with his girlfriend Jackie Owens (2/23/2012). It was Abe Markowitz (8/14/2009)! He told me that he is working part-time at Apple and is training the rest of the time. Hopefully, an opportunity will present itself in the Canadian Football League. Good Luck, Abe! Jackie is a Women of Troy tennis alumna. FIGHT ON, Abe! FIGHT ON, Jackie!

Then on Sunday at the Women's Championship of the ITA Kick-Off Weekend, Trojan Candy was sitting near some of the USC Men's Tennis Team who came to root for our Women of Troy Tennis Team versus Pepperdine. Our men had won the Men's Championship the day before when they defeated Santa Clara 4-0. FIGHT ON, USC Men's Tennis!

Yannick HanfmannI decided that it was now or never to interview the Seniors on the Men's Team. Senior Yannick Hanfmann was the player closest to me. So, Trojan Candy tapped him on the shoulder, introduced myself, told him that I have numerous pictures of him in my blog already and would like to interview him. With a big smile, he let me ask him some questions. Yannick is majoring in International Relations. He came to USC all the way from Karlsruhe, Germany. Yannick said that his family and USC Women of Troy Golf alumna Sophia Popov's family are good friends in Germany. So Sophia convinced Yannick to come to USC. How's that for the Trojan Family! Yannick said that it was difficult at first to speak English. He started studying English in the 7th grade and spoke some English at tournaments. Now his English is great. As for hobbies...Yannick said that he likes to play any sports that use a ball...basketball, soccer, volleyball, and, of course, tennis! His favorite music is Spanish music, Deephouse, and pop music. Yannick said that he likes any food...Asian, German and Italian are a few favorites. He seems to be so easy going! His two favorite movies are Interstellar and The Shawshank Redemption. Thank you for your interview and FIGHT ON, Yannick!

Jonny WangThe Women's match ended almost simultaneously with my interview with Yannick, so Trojan Candy thought that I had missed two other Seniors, Jonny Wang and Eric Johnson. However, as my husband Jim and I walked out of the Marks Stadium, there was Jonny standing there with his friend Sophomore Women of Troy golfer Gabriella Then (8/24/2013) and Yannick. As Yannick and Gabriella waited patiently, Trojan Candy interviewed Jonny as quickly as possible. Jonny was very gracious and answered all my questions with a big smile. He is majoring in Business Real Estate. His favorite food is Chinese food, especially his mom's cooking! Jonny told me that he started playing tennis when he was five years old. Initially, he played just for fun with his older brother and older sister. Jonny is from San Marino, CA. I teased him and asked him if he is an uncle yet since he has an older brother. Smiling, Jonny said that his brother is getting married this summer. Then, I asked him if he had a favorite book. With some thought, he said that he likes "The Giver" the best. My final question was, "What do you think about being named one of the 32, TOBEHONEST Crew Hottest College Athlete last year?" Jonny smiled shyly and said that it was flattering! After my interview with Jonny, Trojan Candy can see why he won! Thanks for your interview and FIGHT ON, Jonny!

It was so nice to see "old" friends and to interview "new" friends.

Friday, January 16, 2015---Men's Volleyball vs. Pepperdine

Tonight was the home opener for the 2015 USC's Men's Volleyball Team.

Number 2 ranked Pepperdine was the opponent.
Men of Troy
Our men warmed up on the court.
Spirit of Troy
The Spirit of Troy was ready.
Star Spangled Banner
Click the thumbnail to view a video of the team lined up for the Star Spangled Banner.
Men of Troy
Now, click the thumbnail to see the starting line-up being announced.
Let the match begin!

Micah ChristensonWe won the first set 25-23, lost the second 20-25, and won the third set easily by 25-14. Then came the exciting fourth set. Our team had eleven serving aces during the match, with Senior Micah Christenson accounting for five of them.

We won the fourth set 26-24 and the match 3-1! Our men upset Pepperdine!

Mariana Duran, Lorenzo Chen, Janae Headly, Xavier Aldana, and Rebecca GalindoAs I left the court, Trojan Candy took this picture of USC Pep Squad friend Rebecca Galindo with four new pep squad members---Mariana Duran, Lorenzo Chen, Janae Headly, Xavier Aldana, and Rebecca.

What an excellent "home opener VICTORY" for our 2015 Men's Volleyball Team!

FIGHT ON, USC Men's Volleyball Team!