March 2013 (1) Candygrams

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Thursday, March 7, 2013---The Opening of the Women of Troy Sand Volleyball Stadium

Trojan Candy arrived an hour before the official opening of the new Women of Troy Sand Volleyball Stadium. The parking lot adjacent to the stadium was already full. There were cars and people everywhere.

Entering the stadium, I could feel the excitement building.
The banner behind Court 1
Sand Volleyball sign

The Women of Troy Sand Volleyball Team was warming up on the three courts. Eventually, there will be five courts in the stadium.

Trojan Candy was able to visit with a few friends before the official ceremonies started.

Jen Kessy
It was so nice to speak with 2012 London Olympics Silver Medalists in Sand Volleyball Jen Kessy...
April Ross
and April Ross (1/12/2013).
Stevi Robinson and Katie Fuller
I met Katie Fuller's new partner and new Trojan, Stevi Robinson.
Natasa Siljkovic, Kirby Burnham, and Sam Hirschmann
Friend Natasa Siljkovic posed with teammates Kirby Burnham and Sam Hirschmann.
Team with Jen and April
Trojan Candy rushed onto the court where two friends and official USC photographers, Dan Avila and Pierson Clair, were taking pictures of the team with Olympians Jen and April.
Team and coaches with Jen and April
Team and coaches with Jen and April
2013 Women of Troy Sand Volleyball Team
2013 Women of Troy Sand Volleyball Team
Team with Donors
After the team pictures, I was able to catch the stadium donors with our current team.
Spirit of Troy
Then, the Spirit of Troy marched into the stadium to start the ceremonies.
Jack and Helen Nethercutt
Athletic Director Pat Haden introduced the dignitaries on the podium. USC Alumnus Jack Nethercutt II and his wife and USC alumna Helen sat...
Kirby Burnham and Anna Collier
with Team Captain Kirby Burnham and Sand Volleyball Head Coach Anna Collier.

The Merle Norman Stadium is named after Jack Nethercutt's aunt, Merle Nethercutt Norman, who was the founder of Merle Norman Cosmetics. FIGHT ON, Jack! FIGHT ON, Helen! THANK YOU for your generosity!

Ribbon cutting
Next came the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony.
After Jack and Helen Nethercutt cut the ribbon, there was a burst of streamers.
Let the games begin!
Alicia Ogoms and Emily Young
As Trojan Candy walked to the reception area to get the delicious "Pie N' Burger" food, I saw two Women of Troy Indoor Volleyball friends, Alicia Ogoms and Emily Young. FIGHT ON, Alicia! FIGHT ON, Emily!
The scrimmage matches were exciting and enjoyable to watch.
That's Jen Kessy on the right.
Now Jen's in the backcourt.
Final huddle
Before Trojan Candy left the stadium, I went to the second floor of the adjacent garage to take a picture of the final huddle. FIGHT ON, Jen! FIGHT ON, April! FIGHT ON Women of Troy Sand Volleyball Team!
Anniya Louis
To avoid the traffic, I went to shop at the USC Bookstore. When I left, I saw Woman of Troy Track friend Senior Anniya Louis coming my way. It was so nice to visit with her for a while. Trojan Candy misses seeing all of my USC Track and Field friends at Heritage Hall. FIGHT ON, Anniya!
Von KleinSmid
On my walk to the Galen Center parking garage, Trojan Candy just had to take this picture of the Von KleinSmid Center. It was such a clear, event-filled night!

March 2, 2013---Senior Salute for our Men's Basketball!

ScoreboardThere was a lot of excitement at the Galen Center. Our men had just beaten Arizona on Wednesday, February 27th. Today, we faced the Arizona State Sun Devils. Can our momentum carry over and CARRY ON?

Before the game, our six Seniors and their families were introduced. Each Senior was given a framed jersey. My friend and official USC photographer, Pierson Clair, gave me permission to use his photos in my blog. Check out Pierson's outstanding website at PC4Photo - Pierson Clair - Sports Photography - Los Angeles & Southern California. Thank you, Pierson!

FIGHT ON, Jio! FIGHT ON, Eric! FIGHT ON, Aaron! FIGHT ON, James! FIGHT ON, Renaldo! FIGHT ON, Tyler!

Coach Bob Cantu started five of our Seniors.

Tyler Sugiyama
Tyler Sugiyama
James Blasczyk
James Blasczyk
Aaron Fuller
Aaron Fuller
Eric Wise
Eric Wise
Jio Fontan
Jio Fontan
Team Huddle
The team huddled together before the game.
The opening tipoff.
The Seniors on defense.
We played tremendously most of the first half.
At one time, we led ASU by19 points!
Dean and Justyn Wilson
Trojan Candy took a picture of my friend who sits across the aisle from me. Fellow alumnus Justyn Wilson brought his son Dean to the game. Another future Trojan!

It was a hard fought second half. Our team held on to win the game by 1 point, 57-56. What a way for our Seniors to go out in their last game in the Galen Center!

Jio Fontan
Jio Fontan
Aaron Fuller
Aaron Fuller
James Blasczyk
James Blasczyk

We did CARRY ON! Carry on, Mighty Men of another VICTORY!

March 2, 2013---Women of Troy Rowing vs. San Diego State

Trojan Candy and Jim arrived at the USC Boathouse in San Pedro at 8:15 a.m. for the Women of Troy Rowing scrimmage with San Diego State. The gate was locked! Did we come on the wrong day? Was the competition cancelled? Luckily, we learned from one of the parents who also came early that the meet was scheduled to start at 9:30 a.m.

USC Boathouse
Before the team arrived, I took a picture of the Boathouse.
Coaches' boats
The coaches' boats.
Getting the boats ready
Here we're getting the boats ready.
Zenon Babraj
Once the team bus arrived, there was activity everywhere! Trojan Candy was able to get a picture of Coach Zenon Babraj.
Novice Team
A picture of the Novice Team was next.

Then, I asked friend Kajsa Olsson to get some friends together so that I could take a picture. Kajsa shouted to the team that she was going outside to have a picture taken.

Rowing Team
"If you want to be in the picture, COME NOW!" The entire boathouse cleared out! The entire team came outside for yours truly! They posed themselves, also. Thank you, ladies!

Outside I met some new friends. My first new friend was Pete Jordan. His daughter Emily is a Novice this year. We talked about Emily's previous rowing experiences and competitions before she came to USC. Thank goodness that she became a Trojan! FIGHT ON, Emily!

Pete Jordan and Lori Guerrero-Azbill
Pete Jordan and Lori Guerrero-Azbill.

My next new friend was Lori Guerrero-Azbill. Lori is a Women of Troy Rowing alumna who graduated in 1997. She currently works as a Physical Therapist and still follows our team. FIGHT ON, Lori!

Caroline Sederowsky
Trojan Candy was able to meet new friend and rower Caroline Sederowsky.
Erica Christianson
It was nice to visit with friend Erica Christianson.
Erica Christianson
Caroline and Erica were warming up for the next race. FIGHT ON, Caroline! FIGHT ON, Erica!

Alford J. Clayton and Milly
Two smiling new friends were trusted team bus driver Alford J. Clayton and Rowing Athletic Trainer Milly. FIGHT ON, Alford! FIGHT On, Milly!

Trojan Candy enjoyed visiting with "old" friends who are currently on the team or who are recent alumnae. I miss seeing all of you at Heritage Hall!

Jennah Blau and Jelena Zelenovic
FIGHT ON, Jennah! FIGHT ON, Jelena!
Anna and Magda Janicka
FIGHT On, Anna! FIGHT ON, Magda!
Eglit Vosu, Jelena Miladinovic, and Iskra Angelova
FIGHT On, Eglit! FIGHT ON, Jelena! FIGHT ON, Iskra!

The races were exciting!

I took pictures from the shore and my husband took pictures from a pier. Please CLICK HERE FOR MORE PICTURES of this Women of Troy Rowing scrimmage!

FIGHT ON, Women of Troy Rowers!