Trojan Guild of Los Angeles 2016 (6) Candygrams

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Wednesday, November 30, 2016---TGLA at the Valley Hunt Club

The TGLA is back to the Valley Hunt Club for our annual meeting.

As soon as Trojan Candy walked upstairs I started taking pictures of guests and TGLA members.

Walter and Elizabeth Babchuck and Judy Lieb
At the merchandise table Judy Lieb was standing with two friends, Walter and Elizabeth Babchuck.
Jolene Irwin, Sam Stanford and Carrol Irwin
I put my things down at a back table. Jolene Irwin, Sam Stanford and Carrol Irwin were already seated. I visited them for a short while, took their picture and then was gone again to take pictures.
Cheryl Schwartz and Vickie Walker
Trojan Candy saw Cheryl Schwartz at the check-in table with her guest Vickie Walker. Vickie, who is sponsored by Cheryl, is one of our three new members who will be introduced later in our meeting.
Lily Cripps and Kate Farlow
Next I looked for more TGLA members and their guests. At a front table Kate Farlow was with her guest Lily Cripps.
Mary Hall with Walter and Elizabeth Babchuck
At another table, Mary Hall posed with her friends Walter and Elizabeth Babchuck.
Jean Ann Holbrook and Madeline Gorski
At my nearby table, Jean Ann Holbrook introduced me to her guest Madeline Gorski. Madeline is an avid USC sports fan like yours truly. So I gave her my "" card.
Cheryl Schwartz and Marcia Montez
Next I took a picture of Cheryl Schwartz with her second guest Marcia Montez at the check-in desk.
Juliana McComber, Ruth Smith, Phyllis Landon, Terri Boyle, and Terry Oetting
As I walked around the dining room, Trojan Candy saw several familiar faces. They were our fellow Orange County TGLA members. Front: Juliana McComber, Ruth Smith, and Phyllis Landon. Back: Terri Boyle and Terry Oetting.
Jean Getchell and Marjorie Layne
Jean Getchell sat with her cousin and guest Marjorie Layne.

Sharon Schmidt and Mary HallAt the podium were the two TGLA Vice-Presidents who organized the event. Sharon Schmidt and Mary Hall addressed the TGLA members and their guests.

Vickie Walker, Kat Kremp, Sherry DeFriese, and Linda WaxmanLuckily, the lunch wasn't served yet, so Trojan Candy gathered Vice-President Membership Kat Kremp with our three new members for a picture. Vickie Walker (who was sponsored by Cheryl Schwartz), Vice-President Kat Kremp, Sherry DeFriese (who was sponsored by Sandy Johnston), and Linda Waxman (who was sponsored by Kat Kremp and Sandy Johnston) posed for this picture.

Linda Waxman and Kat KrempTrojan Candy had already taken a picture of one of our new members, Vickie Walker with her sponsor Cheryl Schwartz, so I took a picture of our other two new members with their sponsor. New member Linda Waxman posed with her sponsor Kat Kremp.

Sherry DeFriese and Sandy JohnstonThen I walked outside to the dining room to take this picture of our third new member Sherry DeFriese who posed with her sponsor Sandy Johnston. Welcome all three ladies to TGLA!

Trojan Candy finally made it back to my table. Irene and Nora Sassounian Two ladies were sitting right next to me. I introduced myself and promptly took their picture. They read about TGLA and were interested in our organization. Nora Sassounian attended USC, and she brought her mother Irene Sassounian as her guest.

Mary and Milton HallI glanced up at Mary Hall's table and saw that her guest, her husband Milton, had arrived. They posed for this picture.

Just to be on the safe side and not miss a TGLA member or guest, Trojan Candy took a picture of each table. I will identify a member or guest if they have not been photographed before.

Here they are:

Terri Boyle, Sandi Hampar, D'Arcy McLeod, Claire Slaught, Linda Waxman, Terry Oetting, Juliana McComber, Ruth Smith, and Phyllis Landon
Standing: Terri Boyle, Sandi Hampar, D'Arcy McLeod, Claire Slaught, and Linda Waxman. Sitting: Terry Oetting, Juliana McComber, Ruth Smith, and Phyllis Landon.
Jerrilyn Wilson, Mary and Milton Hall, Elizabeth and Walter Babchuck, Grace Lee, Sherry DeFriese, Juel Collins, and JoAnne Polite
Seated: Grace Lee (mother of our scholarship recipient Ryan Lee), Sherry DeFriese, Juel Collins, and JoAnne Polite. Standing: Jerrilyn Wilson, Mary and Milton Hall, and Elizabeth and Walter Babchuck.
Jerrilyn and Michael Wilson
Guests Jerrilyn and Michael Wilson.
Dorothy Conte and Nikki and Rita Dana
President Nikki Dana stood behind her two guests Dorothy Conte and Rita Dana.
Sandy Johnston and Suzanne Stillman
Sandy Johnston posed with her guest Suzanne Stillman.
Suzanne Stillman, Missie McClure, Patricia Dowling, LuLu Louie-Wong, Lily Cripps, Nancy Hoffman, Kat Kremp, Alnita Dunn, Rosalee Pechersky, and Kate Farlow
Seated: Suzanne Stillman, Missie McClure, Patricia Dowling, LuLu Louie-Wong, and Lily Cripps. Standing: TGLA Associate Member Nancy Hoffman, Kat Kremp, Alnita Dunn, Rosalee Pechersky, and Kate Farlow.
Nikki Dana, Cheryl Schwartz, Marcia Montez, Elizabeth Babchuck, Sandy Johnston, Dorothy Conte, Rita Dana, Sheila Derrig, Jane Bensussen, and Vickie Walker
Seated: Dorothy Conte, Rita Dana, Sheila Derrig, Jane Bensussen, and Vickie Walker. Standing: Nikki Dana, Cheryl Schwartz, Marcia Montez, Elizabeth Babchuck, and Sandy Johnston.
Margaret Davies, Jean Getchell, Marjorie Layne, Sharon Schmidt, Gloria Phillips, Joan Kaplanis, Perta Santley, Cynthia Carli, Sharon Wood, and Carol Thueson
Seated: Margaret Davies, Jean Getchell, Marjorie Layne, Sharon Schmidt, and Gloria Phillips. Standing: Joan Kaplanis, Perta Santley, Cynthia Carli, Sharon Wood, and Carol Thueson.
Jean Ann Holbrook, Madeline Gorski, Irene and Nora Sassounian, Jolene and Carrol Irwin, Mary Indenbaum, Sam Stanford, and Marilyn O'Driscoll
Seated: Jolene and Carrol Irwin, Mary Indenbaum, Sam Stanford, and Marilyn O'Driscoll.

Joanne Polite, Sharon Wood, Rosalee Pechersky, Sandy Johnston, Walter Babchuck, Nikki Dana, and Patricia DowlingAfter a scrumptious dessert was served, it was time to sing! Joanne Polite, Sharon Wood, Rosalee Pechersky, Sandy Johnston, Walter Babchuck, Nikki Dana, and Patricia Dowling led us in joyous songs.

What a way to start the holiday season!