Trojan Guild of Los Angeles 2015 (4) Candygrams

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Thursday, October 1, 2015---TGLA First Meeting of 2015-2016

Our first meeting of the year was in a familiar location...the Davidson Center. All the members were visiting with one another, catching up with one another's summer activities.

Linda Waxman and Jeanne Ruderman
Trojan Candy was busy taking pictures of members who brought guests. Dr. Jeanne Ruderman brought Linda Waxman. Jeanne said that Linda, her husband and her son all attended USC. Linda's son graduated from the Marshall School of Business.
Sharon Wood and Carol Thueson
Carol Thueson told us later in the meeting that her friend Sharon Wood was the Valedictorian of her USC Class. Sharon's husband is a USC doctor.
Sandy Johnston, Marcia Montez, and Judy Lieb
Marcia Montez was introduced by Judy Lieb and Sandy Johnston. Marcia is also a member of Town and Gown, and she founded the Latin Alumni Association.
Gloria Phillips, Claire Slaught, and Joan Kaplanis
Gloria Phillips and Joan Kaplanis both invited their "pledge sister" Claire Slaught to the meeting. Claire's grandson, Alex Slaught (1/11/2014), is currently on the USC Men's Volleyball Team.
Rosalee Pechersky and Mary Juliano
Trojan Candy took this picture of Associate Member Mary Juliano with Rosalee Pechersky. Mary is recently retired and has rejoined us after a long time. Welcome back, Mary!

Now it was time for the Dean of the Libraries Catherine Quinlan to speak. Christine Ofiesh offered a few personal facts about Dean Quinlan. She attended Julliard in New York and once played a pink cello with Isaac Hayes. Dean Quinlan, who is from Newfoundland, Canada, performed on a synchronized swim team in high school. She also taught ballroom dancing. What a unique individual!

Saving Los Angeles
The topic of Dean Quinlan's presentation was "Saving Los Angeles."
What libraries do
She explained how the USC Libraries preserve, present and help make the history of Los Angeles. Then, the Libraries make history available to people to study. They make students and faculty critical consumers of information.
Lost Los Angeles
Further in her presentation Dean Quinlan told us that KCET is televising a pilot series in the spring of 2016 that is titled "Lost Los Angeles." It will feature USC Collections.
Trojan Family Archive
Dean Quinlan ended her presentation with this "Trojan Family Archive" and made a request of the audience. She asked if any of us have any USC artifacts that we would like to donate to the USC Library Archives!
Christine Ofiesh, Catherine Quinlan, and Patricia Dowling
Here is a picture of TGLA Vice President Christine Ofiesh, Dean Catherine Quinlan and President Patricia Dowling.
Ruberta Weaver
Next, President Dowling had everyone sing "Happy Birthday" to a special guest in the audience. Ruberta Weaver, a former Town and Gown President, was celebrating her 99th birthday. And many more, Ruberta!

Lorraine Adler and Patricia BarrettI took this picture of Associate TGLA member Lorraine Adler and Professional member Patricia Barrett to welcome them back to our meetings.

Now, it was time to interview our 2015-2016 TGLA Senior Scholarship recipients. There was at least one Senior seated at each table.

Nicole HamasakiTrojan Candy sat by Nicole Hamasaki at lunch. Nicole is from Torrance. She majored in English and Environmental Studies. Nicole is currently working at ITA. After graduation, she wants to work in Environmental Policy. When Nicole has some spare time, her hobby is baking. Lastly, Nicole told me that her mom is a Trojan! FIGHT ON, Nicole!

April BanayanThe next Senior scholarship recipient was April Banayan, who is from Los Angeles. April majored in Health Promotions and Disease Preventions and minored in Business Administration. She teaches for the Peer Health Exchange. She likes to swim for exercise. After graduation, April wants to attend medical school and attain another degree in Public Health. FIGHT ON, April!

Taylor PhillipsSenior Taylor Phillips, who is from Los Angeles, told me that "tons" of her relatives, aunts, uncles, cousins and parents attended USC. She majored in Finance and already has a job offer after she graduates. She will be an Investment Banking Analyst at Barclays in Century City. Another successful Trojan! On a more personal note, Taylor likes cycling, hiking and eating desserts. FIGHT ON, Taylor!

Caroline FriendOur fourth Senior Caroline Friend majored in Film Production and History. Caroline, who is from Colorado, is the first Trojan in her family. After graduation, Caroline wants to direct Features. She told me that she has been making movies since she was seven years old. What a passion! Her other passion is hiking. FIGHT ON, Caroline!

Joseph HooterTrojan Candy had to stand on her tippy-toes and point my camera up to take this next Senior scholarship recipient's picture. Joseph Hooter, who also sat at my table, majored in Film Production and Entrepreneurship. Joseph came to USC from Florida Beach, Florida. He will be the first one in his family to graduate from college. Joseph said that he likes to travel, surf, do any outdoor activity, and film. He has traveled to Bangkok and Thailand. After graduation, Joseph wants to work in entertainment and at a talent agency for a few years. Then he wants to start his own production company. FIGHT ON, Joseph!

Lydia EttersSenior Lydia Etters majored in Business Administration Psychology and Law and minored in Psychology. She is from San Diego and, just like Joseph, Lydia is the first one in her family to attend college. Lydia told me that in the 2016 Spring Break, she, as a Marshall School Ambassador, will lead ninety four Freshman on a trip to China. Surprisingly, she also told me that she competed on the Women of Troy Crew Team in 2012-2013. Trojan Candy was volunteering in Heritage Hall then. Too bad Lydia never stopped at the information desk, but I got her now. Lydia has interned at an aerospace industry in El Segundo and is currently working at a law firm downtown. After graduation, Lydia wants to attend law school. Lydia sent me this picture of herself since somehow I hadn't taken her picture at the meeting. Thanks for sending me your picture, Lydia, and FIGHT ON!

Scholars with Jean Getchell
Here is a picture of six of our scholars with Vice-President Scholarship Jean Getchell.
Denise Kalunian
Back inside, Denise Kalunian won this Trojan bobblehead in the raffle.

Sulekha RamayyaOne more Senior Scholarship recipient came to the meeting late because she had a class. After finishing her lunch, I was able to interview her. Sulekha Ramayya has a dual major of Business and Biomedical Engineering. Sulekha's mom is an Internal Medicine resident at USC's Keck Hospital and her family lives in Palos Verdes. Sulekha is teaching an Engineering 102 class, Freshman Introductory, this semester! Her passion is traveling. Sulekha has traveled to at least fifty countries in Asia, Europe and Africa. She also likes to ski, scuba dive and watch Bollywood movies. After graduation Sulekha will work at Goldman Sachs in New York City. Another successful Trojan! FIGHT ON, Sulekha!

Trojan Candy was privileged to interview our seven scholarship recipients!