Trojan Guild of Los Angeles 2014 (3) Candygrams

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Monday, August 18, 2014---The Verna and Peter Dauterive Hall Associate's Preview

Dauterive Hall basement levelMy husband Jim and I were invited to the USC Associate's preview of the Verna and Peter Dauterive Hall, the new home of the Sol Price Center for Social Innovation. The opening program was downstairs.

Verna Dauterive and Carol FoxAt the lower level, Trojan Candy saw two USC Trustees, Verna Dauterive and Carol Fox (9/8/2011). Verna is a retired LAUSD teacher, like yours truly, and Carol is a fellow member of the Trojan Guild of Los Angeles. Verna committed a gift of $30 million to name the first interdisciplinary social sciences building on the USC campus. FIGHT ON, Verna!

Desserts galoreThe Associates know how to party! Look at all the desserts!

Patti Poon, Jane Bensussen, Carol Fox, Christine Ofiesh and Marilyn O'DriscollTrojan Candy saw five other TGLA/USC Associate members. Patti Poon, current Town and Gown President Jane Bensussen, Carol Fox, Christine Ofiesh and Marilyn O'Driscoll. FIGHT ON, Patti, Jane, Carol, Christine and Marilyn!

After Adam Bart, Senior Executive Director of the USC Associates, welcomed everyone, two speakers came to the podium. The first speaker was Michael Quick, Executive Vice Provost. Then Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Elizabeth Garrett, (2/21/2014) spoke next. She told the audience how Verna was very much involved in the design of Dauterive Hall. Elizabeth Garrett, Michael Quick, and Verna DauteriveUp the stairsWorkers came to know who she was, especially when she brought all of them delicious cupcakes! After the program ended, Trojan Candy had the two speakers pose with Verna.

Now, the tour began. We walked into the laboratories on the lower level where human studies, with no cross contamination, will be performed. Then, it was back up the stairs, to the elevator and up to the 5th Level.

Top of 'Ascending Thoughts'
From the 5th Level, this is looking up at the top of the "Ascending Thoughts" sculpture.
Ascending Thoughts
This is looking down at "Ascending Thoughts."

Ascending Thoughts
The colors of "Ascending Thoughts" change at each level. Utterly beautiful!

Turkish marble tileOn the 3rd Level patio, Trojan Candy took a close-up picture of this Turkish marble tile. These Turkish tiles adorn the exterior of the building.

classroomNext is a picture of an ultra-modern classroom on the 1st level. Notice the large white boards. Similar boards are located throughout the Hall in other classrooms, conference rooms and hallways. Their purpose, that Provost Garrett told the audience earlier, is "to promote collaborative interaction." With this interaction, social science scholars in this Verna and Peter Dauterive Hall will "Use BIG DATA to make the world better!"

Outside Dauterive Hall
Outside the north doors, I took this picture of the entrance. Do you see the Turkish tiles?
Continuing the tour inside, the building Directory caught my eye. This new facility will become an active resource for scholars in all social science fields.

Schwarzenegger Institute
The last stop of the tour was the Schwarzenegger Institute.
Arnold Schwarznegger
Trojan Candy saw this picture that will soon grace the office walls.
George H.W. Bush and Arnold Schwarznegger
Also took this picture of George H.W. Bush and Arnold Schwarznegger in a trolley car.

Jim Yee and Jordan Smighelski
Our tour guide was the Project Manager Jordan J. Smighelski. What a fantastic accomplishment. An honorary FIGHT ON, Jordan!

Adam Bart and Sandy JohnstonOfficial plaqueAs Jim and I were leaving, Trojan Candy saw one more TGLA member on the lower level. Sandy Johnston (7/13/2014) posed with friend Adam Bart (8/19/2012).

Outside the south door we saw the official plaque.

Thank you for the preview and FIGHT ON, TGLA and USC Associates!

Sunday, May 4, 2014---The President C.L. Max Nikias Tea

Tea foodTrojan Guild members, who are also Town and Gown members, were invited to the annual tea at the home of President C.L.Max Nikias and his wife Niki.

The President and First Lady greeted every guest at their front door. A large white tent was set up in their beautiful yard. The tea food was delicate and scrumptious.

Trojan Candy chose a table near the tent entrance so that I could see every Trojan Guild member who attended the tea.

Some fellow Trojan Guild members sat at the same table.

Marilyn O'Driscoll and Jean Ann Holbrook
Marilyn O'Driscoll and Jean Ann Holbrook
Rosalee Pechersky and Patti Poon
Rosalee Pechersky and Patti Poon
D'Arcy McLeod and Ann Palmer
Other TGLA members started to arrive. D'Arcy McLeod and Ann Palmer
Carol Thueson, Roberta Gundersen, and Julie Pircher
Carol Thueson, Town and Gown member Roberta Gundersen, and Julie Pircher
Rosalee Pechersky and Jane Bensussen
Rosalee posed with Jane Bensussen
Patti Poon and Eiko Sato Bates
Patti posed with friend and Town and Gown member Eiko Sato Bates
Mary Indenbaum and Janet Eddy
Mary Indenbaum, who also sat at my table, posed in two pictures. The first was with Janet Eddy.
Kay Fife and Mary Indenbaum
The second was with Town and Gown member and table mate Kay Fife.
Yvonne Bogdanovich and Carol Greenhalgh
Trojan Candy walked around the tables looking for more TGLA members. Town and Gown member Yvonne Bogdanovich posed with TGLA member Carol Greenhalgh.
Carol Fox
Carol Fox wore a fashionable hat.
Mo Bassity and Priscilla Patridge de Garcia
I found Mo Bassity with Town and Gown member Priscilla Patridge de Garcia.
Rita Evans and Alice K
On the far end of the tent, I found Rita Evans and Town and Gown member Alice K.

Nancy Hoffman and Melody NishidaTrojan Candy and Max NikiasThe last two TGLA members were both past TGLA presidents. Nancy Hoffman (1985-1986) and Melody Nishida (1992-1993) smiled for yours truly.

As I walked back to my table, Trojan Candy saw him standing alone. When I asked Dr. Nikias to pose for my picture, he insisted that I join him in the picture. It is hard to say no to him, especially when he smiles!