Trojan Guild of Los Angeles 2014 (1) Candygrams

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Sunday, April 6, 2014---The Grand Hotel

Trojan Candy got caught in really bad traffic on the northbound 110, so I arrived at the Bing Theater much later than I had planned. That meant that I had to snap pictures of fellow TGLA members and their guests ASAP!

Helen Tuppan, Sharon DeBriere, and Shirley Mitchell
The first ladies I photographed were Helen Tuppan, who was TGLA president in 1971-1972, Sharon DeBriere and Shirley Mitchell.
Lee and Patricia Barrett, Lee Harnish, and Nancy Hodgson
Patricia Barrett brought her husband Lee. They posed for a picture with Lee Harnish (one of the Chairs of the theater event) and guest Nancy Hodgson.
Bill Bau and Nancy Hodgson
Nancy then posed with friend Bill Bau.
Lee and Don Harnish
Even though she was so busy passing out the theater tickets and cookie boxes, Lee was able to pose for this picture with her husband Don.
Missie McClure, LuLu Louie-Wong, Julie Pircher and Carol Thueson
Four TGLA members walked up next to get their tickets from Lee. They were Missie McClure, LuLu Louie-Wong, Julie Pircher and Carol Thueson.
Bent and Margaret Davies
Margaret Davies brought her husband Bent.
Jolene Irwin and Marsha Wolansky
Jolene Irwin posed with guest Marsha Wolansky.
Marsha Jackson, Diane Barber, Julie Pircher, Carol Thueson, and Tom Barber
Trojan Candy was moving as quickly as she could because it was almost curtain time. Guests Marsha Jackson, Diane Barber and Tom Barber posed with Julie Pircher and her mom Carol Thueson.
Don and Lee Harnish, Jeffrey Wade, and Amelia White
Two more guests posed with Don and Lee. They were Jeffrey Wade and Amelia White.
Joe and Mary Indenbaum
Next, Mary Indenbaum walked up with her husband Joe.
Sam Stanford and Jim and Janet Eddy
More familiar faces...Sam Stanford, co-chair with Lee, posed with Janet Eddy and her husband Jim.
Gary and Rosalee Pechersky
Trojan Candy walked across the patio to take a picture of Rosalee Pechersky and her husband Gary.
Ruth and Chuck Vorbach and Leslie Lilly
Then I saw two "old" friends that my husband and I used to sit near in the Sports Arena when the USC men still played basketball there. To my surprise, I found out that they were Leslie Lilly's parents Ruth and Chuck Vorbach. What a small world!
Tom and Perta Santley and Mary and Bill Payne
Time was getting short, so I hurried around even faster. Perta Santley posed with her husband Tom and guests Mary and Bill Payne.
Bill and Ruth Scheppers and Nancy Reed
TGLA members, Bill and Ruth Scheppers and Nancy Reed posed for me before they walked inside.
Sam Stanford, Kate Farlow, and Lee Harnish
I got a picture of Kate Farlow with co-chairs Sam and Lee just in the nick of time.
Steve Phillips, Lisa Martin, Gloria Phillips and Beverly Rodgers
Trojan Candy had to go inside the theater, because it was almost curtain time. I was still searching for TGLA members. I was able to take a picture of Gloria Phillips and her guests---Lisa Martin and Beverly Rodgers.
Grand Hotel
Grand Hotel

Jean Getchell and Cathy BeyerThe performance of Grand Hotel was "grand." The acting was outstanding and the sets and costumes were of Oscar quality. The story was sad, though.

During intermission, Trojan Candy rushed out the theater door to get to the lobby, then I literally "ran" into two more "early bird" TGLA friends. I asked Jean Getchell and Cathy Beyer to pose in front of the Grand Hotel mini set in the lobby. This picture will be quite memorable for Jean and Cathy.

Steve Phillips, Cassidy, Garrett, and Gloria PhillipsThen I rushed to the other side of the lobby to take a picture of Gloria and her grand children---Cassidy and Garrett.

Tina, Jim, and Shirley MitchellOne last picture now. I found Shirley Mitchell with her guests Tina and Jim Mitchell. We walked outside for a better background.

Trojan Candy wanted to include a picture of Patricia Dowling and her family, but they declined.

The second half of Grand Hotel was intriguing. The best part of the play is that all the actors are Trojans!

Co-chairs Lee and Sam did a magnificent job! Many kudos to them!

Thursday, March 20, 2014---TGLA at the Paley Center for Media

Trojan Guild of Los Angeles members and guests gathered outside of the Paley Center for Media to wait until the Center opened at 10:00 a.m. Trojan Candy had arrived thirty minutes earlier in order to take pictures of everyone. I am including pictures of the guests that were invited by TGLA members. All the pictures of the members will be included in my Google Plus album. Click here to view the album

Jane Bensussen, Judy Lieb, and Christine Ofiesh
The first guest, who was invited by Jane Bensussen and President Christine Ofiesh, was Judy Lieb.
L'Cena Rice, Terri Boyle, Irene Rogers, Linda Babcock, and Mary Hall
Trojan Candy took this picture of two more guests. They are USC Trustee L'Cena Rice and Irene Rogers. TGLA Vice-President Special Events Mary Hall invited Irene. Pictured with Licena and Irene are members Terri Boyle, Linda Babcock, and Mary Hall.
Ruth Smith, Carolee Snyder, Patricia Dowling, Lee Harnish and Juel Collins
Guest Ruth Smith has attended TGLA special events before. She is with members Carolee Snyder, Patricia Dowling, Lee Harnish and Juel Collins.
Jane Bensussen, Sheila Derrig, Christine Ofiesh, and Margaret Davies
TGLA members Jane, Christine and Margaret Davies posed with guest Sheila Derrig.
Jean Getchell, Sharon Schmidt, Christin Moses and ?
Our sixth TGLA guest has been to a previous meeting. Christin Moses met members Jean Getchell, Sharon Schmidt and ?.
Rita Evans, Vicki Ho, and Leslie Lilly
TGLA member Leslie Lilly invited her friend Vicki Ho to join us. Vicki posed with Rita Evans and Leslie.
Nikki Dana, Shelley Berke, and Shirley Mitchell
Co-Chair and First Vice President Special Event Nikki Dana invited three guests. One of her guests, Shelley Berke, is pictured with Nikki and Shirley Mitchell.
Christine Ofiesh, Nikki Dana, and Carolee Snyder
President Christine Ofiesh posed with Beverly Hills residents Nikki Dana and Carolee Snyder. These three members were featured in the December 20, 2013 Beverly Hills Courier at our Los Angeles County Museum of Art's Resnick Pavillion meeting (12/12/2013). Perhaps, these three ladies will be featured again in the Courier.
Rita Dana and Patrice Christman
Nikki Dana's other two guests were her sister-in-law Rita Dana and Patrice Christman.

Nikki Dana and Mary HallTrojan Candy was finally able to photograph our two Co-Chairs of this event. Although they were very busy, Nikki Dana and Mary Hall smiled for this picture just before the Paley Center for Media opened up for our TGLA tour.

Paley CenterEven though it was a picture-perfect morning outside, all of the TGLA members and their guests quickly lined up to enter the center for our tour. We were not disappointed.

We were divided into two groups. My group saw the thirty minute documentary, "Great Women of Television Comedy" first. Famous women comedians such as Lucille Ball, Mary Tyler Moore, Carol Burnett and Valerie Harper were interviewed. It was so nice to meet these ladies "up close and personal."

Next, our tour group went upstairs to the museum area. On display were wardrobes, artifacts and props from famous television shows and movies.

Cheyenne jacket
Trojan Candy especially enjoyed this "Cheyenne" buckskin jacket that was worn by one of my favorite actors Clint Walker.
Many ladies spent lots of time looking at the 1995-1996 Emmy for "Outstanding Drama Series" won by "E.R."
E.R. script
They also enjoyed viewing the autographed title page of the script of the final episode of "E.R." that was entitled "And in the End."
Trojan Candy was enthralled by this cartoon rendering from "The Flintstones."
Christin Moses and Elizabeth Berl
By now, all the ladies were famished! We drove to Morton's the Steakhouse for lunch. Trojan Candy was still looking for any members who had invited guests. Christin Moses sat with her guest Elizabeth Berl.
Jeanne and Philippe Ruderman
Then I saw Dr. Jeanne Ruderman walk into Morton's with her husband Philippe.
Irene Rogers, Mary Hall, and JoAnne Polite
The last two guests were invited by Mary Hall. Irene Rogers and JoAnne Polite flanked Mary in this picture.
Nikki Dana, Christine Ofiesh, and Mary Hall
The food was delicious! What an outstanding TGLA Special Event! Christine said, "Well done, Nikki and Mary!"

FIGHT ON, all TGLA members!

February 6, 2014---Trojan Guild of Los Angeles Meeting

The meeting was called to order by our president Christine Ofiesh. The theme of our meeting was "Saluting the Past and Embracing the Future of USC."

Carol Mollett and Christine OfieshOur meeting agenda went very quickly. Special guest Carol Mollett, President of Town and Gown of USC, spoke about the Third Annual Alumni Day of SCervice. She told our members that Town and Gown is partnering with Trojan Guild for the event. Carol brought sample necklaces that the volunteers will assemble and donate to lady patients at the USC Norris Hospital. Come and join us!

First Vice Presidents Special Event, Nikki Dana and Mary Hall, invited all members to attend the tour of the Paley Center for Media on Thursday, March 20th. Lunch after the event will be at McCormick & Schmicks in Beverly Hills.

First Vice President Theatre Event, Lee Harnish, invited all members to attend "Grand Hotel" at the Bing Theatre on Sunday, April 6th.

The last order of business was the Presentation of our 2014 Slate of Officers by former president Rosalee Pechersky. The slate was approved by the attending members.

D'Arcy McLeod, Donal T. Manahan and Ann PalmerThen, First Vice Presidents D'Arcy McLeod and Ann Palmer introduced our speaker for the day, Dr. Donal T. Manahan. He is the Vice Dean for Students of the Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. Dean Manahan, who was born in Ireland, has been a professor at USC for thirty-one years.

His presentation began with a look back into USC's past. We saw the 1875 Old Plaza District when Los Angeles was the "Mecca" of the world. Then Dr. Manahan showed us an 1880 picture of our Widney Hall. Letters, Arts and Sciences was founded then. He proudly told us that USC is on the rise. Forty thousand high school seniors applied to USC and twenty-six thousand were in LAS.

After "Saluting the Past," Dr. Manahan "Embraced the Future of USC." In the future, Dr. Manahan believes that there will be no majors or minors. Universities will educate to solve these, water, population and food. Students must be aware of the world and be able to exist in it. Finding "facts" is no longer the need, the need is "how to use the facts." We must move from STEM: science, technology, engineering, math to STEAM: the "A" being arts, humanities and social science.

Asking the question, "What is a good education?" Dr. Manahan's answer was as follows:

  1. Make sense of the world
  2. Act within it in creative ways

Dr. Manahan said that Dornsife is prepared for the future. One example that he gave was that forty languages are currently being taught at USC. Why? Dr. Manahan stated that the hottest job skill today is fluency in a foreign language. USC is already preparing our Trojans for the future!

What an impressive, thought provoking presentation. Dr. Manahan stayed the entire meeting and answered any questions that were asked of him.

West side TGLA members with Dr. Manahan
He graciously posed with TGLA members who live on the West side, as he does.
Marina del Rey TGLA members with Dr. Manahan
He also posed with TGLA members who live in the Marina del Rey area.
Roselyn Martov, Christine Ofiesh, and Julie Pircher
TGLA welcomed our two newest members, Roselyn Martov and Julie Pircher, flanking our president Christine Ofiesh.

Trojan Candy was able to take pictures of TGLA members and guests. Check out this ARRAY OF PICTURES IN A GOOGLE PLUS ALBUM.