Trojan Guild of Los Angeles 2013 Candygrams

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December 12, 2013---The Trojan Guild of Los Angeles at LACMA

Reetika Rastogi, Jean Getchell, and Zoey SmithAt the Trojan Guild of Los Angeles (TGLA) board meeting on November 7, 2013, two scholarship recipients spoke to the board. The recipients were Reetika Rastogi and Zoey Smith. Reetika will earn her degree in Computer Engineering and Computer Science. Zoey is a double major in History and Psychology. Third Vice-President of Scholarships, Jean Getchell presented gifts to the two young ladies. FIGHT ON, Reetika! FIGHT ON, Zoey!

Carolee Snyder, Christine Ofiesh, and Nikki DanaOur December 12th TGLA meeting was a docent tour of the Marjorie and Leonard Vernon Photography Collection at Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA). The ladies started arriving at the museum at 9:30 a.m. Trojan Candy took this picture of TGLA Beverly Hills residents Carolee Snyder and Nikki Dana with our President Christine Ofiesh. Trojan Candy submitted this photograph to two Beverly Hills newspapers. The Beverly Hills Courier printed my article and picture in their paper on page 5 of the December 20 issue. Thank you, Carolee, for all your help in getting the picture in the Courier!

Group 1After every member and guest had arrived, the ladies were divided into three tour groups. Each group was assigned to an excellent docent. Trojan Candy entered the museum with one tour group. I was able to take this picture of my group inside the museum.

Then, I inconspicuously moved from group to group trying to predict which group would finish first.

Success! I was able to take pictures of the remaining two groups after they finished their tour.

Group 2
Second group
Group 3
Third group

I also took two more pictures of some TGLA stragglers.

Mary Anne Cogbill and Rita Evans
Mary Anne Cogbill and Rita Evans
Christine Ofiesh, Nancy Reed, and Sandy Johnston
Christine Ofiesh, Nancy Reed, and Sandy Johnston

The ladies then drove to the nearby Wilshire Country Club for lunch.

As Trojan Candy left LACMA, I took two pictures outside the museum.

Urban Light
Urban Light
Resnick Pavilion
Resnick Pavilion
Wilshire Country Club
The Wilshire Country Club was beautifully decorated for the holidays.
Patricia Dowling, Sandi Hampar, Valerie Kiley, and Ann Palmer
Members and guests were checked in at the desk outside of the Windsor Room by Patricia Dowling, Sandi Hampar, Valerie Kiley, and Ann Palmer.
Ann Palmer and D'Arcy McLeod
Trojan Candy took a picture of the two First Vice Presidents Programs who planned the entire event. What an outstanding job! FIGHT ON, Ann Palmer! FIGHT ON, D'Arcy McLeod!

After our lavish lunch, President Christine Ofiesh conducted a short meeting.

To see more pictures of the TGLA members and guests who enjoyed the delicious lunch, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

Thursday, October 3, 2013---Trojan Guild of Los Angeles

Trojan Candy is now both the Photographer and Publicist for the Trojan Guild of Los Angeles (TGLA). The Trojan Guild is a philanthropic organization composed of USC alumnae. We award USC scholarships yearly.

Town and Gown guestsTown and Gown HonoreesOur first meeting of the year was a busy one. President Christine Ofiesh invited an entire table of Town and Gown officers to attend our meeting. Trojan Candy is also a Town and Gown member. On Tuesday the Town and Gown had a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the renovation of the Town and Gown patio. Town and Gown and Trojan Guild member, Michele Dedeaux Engemann was one of ten ladies honored for their philanthrophy. These Town and Gown honorees have donated more than 650 million dollars to USC.

Richelle Gribble and Jean GetchellChristine's meeting was fast-paced. We honored six TGLA scholarship recipients. Each young lady addressed the members. Richelle Gribble, a Senior Fine Arts major, invited our members to see her exhibit in the Fine Arts Gallery on October 28 through November 7. Fight On, Richelle! Christine O'fiesh, Juliet Schwartz, Sarah Chang, Marie Danellian, Jennifer Schultz, and Jean GetchellSenior Jennifer Schutz majored in Public Relations and minored in Psychology. She has been an R.A, studied in London, and is a USC Helene. (Trojan Candy was a Helene too!) FIGHT ON, Jennifer! The next scholarship winner was Juliet Schwartz. She is a Biomedical major who studied at Cambridge last summer. Juliet participated in the "Dance Marathon" last year. FIGHT ON, Juliet! Sarah Chang, Jennifer Schultz, Juliet Schwartz, Elaine Roh, and Jean GetchellThe fourth scholarship recipient was Elaine Roh. She wants to be a Geriotrician and is interested in music therapy. Elaine is the President of the Golden Key Honor Society and volunteers at a senior home. FIGHT ON, Elaine! Sarah Chang is a Music Major . An accomplished pianist, she performed a Bach piece for us. Sarah, who is minoring in Occupational Science, is a Town and Gown Scholar also. FIGHT ON, Sarah. Our sixth scholarship recipient was Senior Marie Danellian. She plans to attend Pharmacy School after graduating with a Gerontology degree. Marie, like Juliet, participated in the "Dance Marathon." She is in Alpha Gamma Alpha and volunteers at the Children's Hospital. FIGHT ON, Marie!

Terri Boyle and Sharon Schmidt
We recognized two new TGLA members (Terri Boyle and Sharon Schmidt) and three guests
Carol Thueson and daughter and guest Julie Lynn Pircher
Carol Thueson brought her daughter and guest Julie Lynn Pircher
Guest Roselyn Martov and Patricia Barnett
Guest Roselyn Martov came with Patricia Barnett

Guest Diane Weingarten and sister Jean RudermanGuest Diane Weingarten was introduced by her sister Jean Ruderman.

Then, Marshall School of Business Dean James Ellis was introduced as our guest speaker. He told us about the many innovative changes USC has made to the School. Three programs Dean Ellis described to us were the Marshall International Case Competition, the World Bachelors in Business, and the M.S. in Business for Veterans.

The Marshall International Case Competition includes 30 countries. My Trojan daughter Steffany participated in the 1st Case Competition. Steffany is currently the Marketing Director of Lotus Bakeries which makes Biscoff and Anna's cookies.

Christine Ofiesh, James Ellis and Ann PalmerThe second innovative program is the creation of the World Bachelor's in Business. A student takes Freshman classes at USC. Then the Sophomore year is spent at Hong Kong University. Junior classes are at Milan's Marconi Institute. Finally the Senior can choose to take classes at any of these three universities. When the student graduates, he/she will graduate with a degree from each of the three universities. Amazing!

The last new program provides veterans the opportunity to earn a Master's Degree after serving in the military. There are forty veterans currently enrolled in this program, and they have been awarded free tuition for this one year program. Fund-raising has provided the funds. FIGHT ON, Marshall School of Business!

Danielle Stinson, Christine  Ofiesh,  Charlene Fravien, and Dale Harbour DayAfter Dean Ellis finished, three more speakers addressed our members. Danielle Stinson, who represented the Alumni Affinity Programs, thanked TGLA for signing the charter. Charlene Fravien and Dale Harbour Day both represented the Alumni Student Outreach. Dale is the Chair of the Alumni Coordinating Council. Thanks to all three ladies.

Lunch was then served.

FIGHT ON, Trojan Guild of Los Angeles! For more pictures, CLICK HERE TO SEE MY GOOGLE PLUS ALBUM.

In closing, Dean Ellis told us his life is made of one story after another. Trojan Candy enjoyed listening to all of his stories. Fight On, Dean Ellis!