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Monday, October 19, 2020---Half Century Trojans Zoom On! -- Claude Zachary

Half Century Trojans History Committee Chair Bob Padgett planned our Zoom Oh! Meeting with USC Archivist Claude Zachary. Bob served as the moderator also. The subject was Robert Mcclay Widney, who was a founder of USC.

Here are two snips of the HCT members who were in attendance.

Claude Zachary is the first particpant in this snip.
Here is the second snip of the HCT members.
Archivist Zachary started with this picture of Robert Maclay Widney circa 1865.

He said that Robert left home at age 16 with only a knapsack, an ax and a rifle. He was a real mountain man at first. Then he earned B.A. and M.A. degrees from the University of Pacific. At age 27 he taught nine classes at the University of Pacific. His classes were arithmetic, geology, chemistry, botany, mineralogy, astronomy, calculus, zoology and engineering. Then he studied law and was admitted to the California Bar in 1865. In 1868 Robert moved back to Los Angeles. In the 1860's the population of Los Angeles was 3,000 residents. Robert became the first attorney and real estate broker in Los Angeles.

This is Robert's younger brother Joseph P. Widney in 1876. Joseph earned an M.D. and was the second president of USC.
Robert became a judge next. Here is Judge Widney circa 1885.
This is the elder Widney in 1885.
Next, Archivist Zachary showed us what Main Street in downtown Los Angeles looked like in 1884.
This map shows the shaded lots donated for the University of Southern California.
This is our Widney Hall in the 1880s.
Archivist Zachary showed the College of Liberal Arts in the 1880s.
This is the final resting place of Robert Maclay Widney.

Robert Widney was born on December 23, 1838 and died on November 14, 1929. What an astounding ninety years!

20The final picture that Archivist Zachary showed us was the unveiling of "Portrait of a Founder" in 1956 when Widney Hall was named in his honor.

Big thanks to Half Century Trojan Chair Bob Padgett for all his hard work.

Thank you, Claude Zachary for such an informative Zoom presentation!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020---Half Century Trojan First 2020-2021 Board Meeting

Our first HCT Board Meeting was virtual because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Over fifty HCT members attended. Trojan Candy took two screen captures of the HCT Board Members in attendance. The remaining are pictures I took on previous occasions.

First Zoom screen capture.
Second Zoom screen capture.
Then, Tanya Moran sent me her beautiful screen shot of “smiling” HCT Board Members. Thank you so much, Tanya!
Our President Janet Tonkovich called her first meeting to order.

Janet thanked two "departing" Board Members for their eight years of service. They were Dee Dee Brewer and Sue Femino.

Here is Dee Dee with HCT scholar Samantha Hardy. FIGHT ON, Dee Dee!
Sue Femino and her husband Jim posed with Amanda and Andy Enfield. FIGHT ON, Sue!

Next, Janet introduced four new HCT Directors. They were Sue Bennett, Diana Geosano, Gary Iseminger and Diane Wallace. A BIG HCT Welcome to Sue, Diana, Gary and Diane!

Then, Janet introduced a replacement Director for last year. He was Bob Lutz.

Trojan Candy and Bob served on the Class of 1968 Reunion Committee. Here is a picture of that committee. Bob is the leftmost gentleman in the back row. Welcome, Bob!

9624Our guest speaker for today's meeting was Associate Senior Vice President for Alumni Relations Patrick Auerbach. Here is Patrick with our past President Bob Frinier. Patrick explained to us why the Alumni Association made changes to the USC Alumni Clubs. FIGHT ON, Patrick!

6570Our HCT Committee Chairs spoke next. History Chair Bob Padgett elaborated on his essay about USC President Rufus B. von KleinSmid. Bob told us that President von Kleinsmid hired legendary football coach Howard Jones in 1921. Then in 1925, President von Kleinsmid sent Gwynn Wilson to convince Knute Rockne to play our Trojans In football.

6570To describe further Bob's story, here is Director Janet Eddy's email to me about what else transpired during the 1925 train ride:

"Hi Candy,
Back in the Day, Jim’s father, Arnold Eddy, created train trips for alumni groups to travel to away games. Arnold and Clara (Jim’s mother) were the leaders of the group. They traveled on the same train as the team and it took 3 days to get to South Bend because the team had to schedule time for practice every day. Gwynn Wilson was Director of Athletics and Arnold was his right hand man. Gwynn's wife Marion and Clara were very good friends. When the idea of a cross-country game was mentioned, the ladies were very enthusiastic and, together with Mrs. Bonnie Rockne, they made sure the tradition came to be.

Thanks, Janet, for your AMAZING historical information.

What a historical, eventful first 2020-2021 HCT Board Meeting!

Sunday, August 16, 2020---Meet Half Century Trojan Scholar Marissa Anderson

Marissa AndersonHalf Century Trojan 2020 Scholar Marissa Anderson, who is from Los Angeles, is majoring in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. She is also working toward her M.S. in Global Medicine. She chose USC, "to live and learn and work in Los Angeles, my home which I love dearly; to involve myself in research and service in order to tackle health and social issues here in LA; and most importantly, to be a part of the Trojan Family." Trojan Candy knows that Marissa loves being a part of the Trojan Family. I love it too!

Marissa is studying to be both a physician and a Professor of Medicine. Best wishes in achieving both of your goals, Marissa!

In addition to her demanding class schedule, Marissa also volunteers. She is currently serving as Director of Resources for Trojan Shelter, a non-profit organization which provides housing to college students experiencing homelessness. What an admirable way to volunteer.

Now a more personal look at Marissa. Her hobby is photography. She must be a magnificent photographer because one of her photos was published in The Ear literary journal. Her favorite food is Tonkotsu Ramen.

As for entertainment, Marissa's favorite music is R&B, and she likes music artist Frank Ocean the most. Her favorite book is The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy. As for movies and television, her favorites are Interstellar and Avatar: The Last Airbender respectifully.

Four of Marissa's family are Trojan Family members. They are

FIGHT ON, Barbara! FIGHT ON, Arthur! FIGHT ON, Gary! FIGHT ON, Craig! FIGHT ON, Marissa!

Sunday, August 16, 2020---Meet Half Century Trojan Scholar Nicholas Basch

Nicholas BaschHalf Century Trojan 2020 Scholar Nicholas Basch, from Scottsdale, Arizona, is majoring in Business Administration and minoring in Economics. He chose USC "because of the legacy of my Maternal Grandfather, Edward "Ted" May, who graduated in 1955 with a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and again in 1967 with a Master's degree in Science and Engineering, and the scholarships the university generously awarded to me. I also loved the idea of the Trojan Family and felt that was something I wanted to be a part of for life." Another Trojan for life!

Nicholas wrote: "I hope to work in early stage Venture Capital in the future, ideally with companies in the green tech industry." Best of luck in reaching your dreams, Nicholas!

Like many other 2020 HCT Scholars, Nicholas has "previously volunteered at USC through the Scholars Leading Scholars (SLS) and Project 32 philanthropic organizations. For the former, I mentored two students from the nearby Foshay High School and helped them prepare college applications. For the latter, I tutored three high school students in mathematics at the USC Magnet School." Another Trojan mentoring young students!

More personally, Nicholas wrote: " My hobbies include watching sports (my favorite is soccer), working out, reading, and traveling." His favorite food is his Mom's homemade hamburgers. Trojan Candy bets they are yummy! His favorite television show is Suits.

FIGHT ON, Edward "Ted"! FIGHT ON, Nicholas!

Sunday, August 16, 2020---Meet Half Century Trojan Scholar Hannah Ritz

Hannah RitzHalf Century Trojan 2020 Scholar Hannah Ritz, who is from Oak Park, CA, is majoring in Political Science and is adding minors in Cinematic Arts and Culture, Media and Entertainment this fall. Hannah wrote: "I chose USC because I knew I would learn from professors who are the best in their fields. Being a part of the Trojan Family has also given me the opportunity to connect with so many accomplished alumni and have once-in-a-lifetime work experiences." As Trojan Candy has said many times, "You're a Bruin for four years and a Trojan for life." I know that Hannah must agree.

As for her future after graduation, Hannah said, "After I graduate, my current plan is to go to law school and eventually work in the federal government. I would love to work for the Department of Justice or the State Department." May you attain all of your aspirations, Hannah!

Hannah has been an avid volunteer for several years now. She wrote: "During my time at USC, I’ve volunteered with several organizations. During my freshman year, I was a mentor-tutor for the USC Joint Educational Project. For a semester, I worked with a teacher at a local high school, assisting with lessons during class. I'm also a coach for the Trojan Youth Soccer League. It’s so rewarding to see the players grow at every practice and game!" Thank you, Hannah, for donating so much of your time to J.E.P. and to young people.

Now, more personally, let's find out more about Hannah. Hannah wrote: "I love to be outside, whether I’m playing sports, running, or hiking. I also enjoy baking and watching films with my friends. My favorite food is Thai food. I love cooking different Thai dishes at home for my family to try, like yellow curry and pad see ew (Thai stir fried noodles). My favorite book since I was in high school is Pride and Prejudice. I love so many genres of music, but recently my favorite artists to listen to have been Billie Eilish, The Growlers, and Brockhampton. My favorite movie is Almost Famous. My favorite TV show changes often, but I’m currently loving the Irish drama series Normal People on Hulu."

Back to our Trojan Family. Hannah wrote: "My family members who are Trojans are my mother Laurie Ritz and my grandfather Leslie Novak. My mother received her Master's from USC in Computer Science in 2001 and my grandfather received his Master's from USC in Electrical Engineering in 1963."

FIGHT ON, Laurie! FIGHT ON, Leslie! FIGHT ON, Hannah!

Sunday, August 16, 2020---Meet Half Century Trojan Scholar Bryson Rogers

Bryson RogersHalf Century Trojan 2020 Scholar Bryson Rogers, who is from Pleasanton in the Bay Area, is majoring in Mechanical Engineering. On why he chose USC, Bryson said, "I chose USC because the Engineering program here is led by excellent professors and exposes its students to an abundance of resources and opportunities to explore interests and develop practical expertise. Also, I expected that Trojan Family connections would be a great source of academic and professional advice and opportunities (which they have been!)." Indeed, Bryson, other USC Students and Alumni enjoy being members of the "Trojan Family!"

Thinking about his job after graduation, Bryson wrote: "I’m not sure yet! I’m trying to explore multiple fields while at USC to discern what I want to do after graduating. I am interested in doing technical work that positively impacts the lives it is relevant to." Good luck in your future endeavors and relevant impacts, Bryson!

Now here is Bryson's more personal side. For hobbies, he enjoys biking, playing board and video games, reading and cooking. About his favorite food, Bryson said, "It’s tough to pick a favorite food; I’ve had the privilege of enjoying many delicious foods in my life. Spicy braised eggplant with tofu has been one of my favorites lately." Trojan Candy wonders if he made the spicy braised eggplant? His other hobby being reading, Bryson's favorite book is Siddhartha by Herman Hesse.

About entertainment, Bryson enjoys "many genres of music" and "tends to be partial to individual songs and artists than entire genres." He wrote: "My favorite music artists change periodically. Lately I’ve been enjoying Vulfpeck, Frank Ocean, and Hippo Campus." His favorite movie is 5 Centimeters per Second, and his favorite television show is the animation series Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Let's go back to the "Trojan Family." Bryson's great-grandmother Laura Adelung Caldwell graduated cum laude from USC in 1926. She majored in Zoology.

FIGHT ON, Laura! FIGHT ON, Bryson!

Sunday, August 16, 2020---Meet Half Century Trojans Scholar Caitlin Kreditor

Caitlin KreditorHalf Century Trojan 2020 Scholar Caitlin Kreditor, who is from Laguna Beach, is majoring in Business Administration and minoring in Dance. In explaining her diverse major and minor, Caitlin wrote: "I love to incorporate the artistic and creative aspects of dance into the business world." She chose to attend USC because of her lifelong tie to the Trojan Family. Also, Caitlin wrote: "In deciding that I wanted to go to a business school in California, I knew that I could grow my tie to the Trojan family even greater through attending the Marshall School of Business." Trojan Candy and Caitlin both know the power of the Trojan Family.

Thinking what will happen after she graduates, Caitlin wrote: "In the future I would love to work on the business side of the cosmetic industry in either marketing or merchandising." Good Luck in attaining your dreams, Caitlin.

More personally, Caitlin's main hobbies include dancing both through classes and outside clubs as well as cooking and spending time with friends and family outside being active! Her favorite food is sushi. Caitlin wrote that she loves country music. As for books she enjoys, Caitlin wrote: "I just finished reading The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah and it was incredible!" As for her favorite television show, Caitlin said, "I am not a huge television person, but when I get the chance to watch, my brother and I love to watch American Horror Story together."

Now back to her Trojan Family. There are THIRTEEN of her relatives who have graduated from USC. Here is Caitlin's list. Amazing!

FIGHT ON, Maurice! FIGHT ON, Beatrice! FIGHT ON, Bonnie! FIGHT ON, Darrell! FIGHT ON, Eoin! FIGHT ON, Garrett! FIGHT ON, Tina! FIGHT ON, Erin! FIGHT ON, Claudia! FIGHT ON, Juliet! FIGHT ON, Tyler! FIGHT ON, Brendan! FIGHT ON, Colin! FIGHT ON, Caitlin!

Saturday, August 15, 2020---Meet Half Century Trojan Scholar Elizabeth Fedde

Elizabeth FeddeHalf Century Trojan 2020 Scholar Elizabeth Fedde, whose hometown is Ventura, CA, is majoring in Business Administration and minoring in Environmental Studies. Elizabeth "chose USC over all of the other universities I got into, because from the moment I visited campus, I knew USC would take care of me. They made it clear that they would work with me to uncover and pursue my passions and help me find opportunities to develop and hone my skills. I also am so impressed with the diversity of students, backgrounds, and viewpoints I have been exposed to since coming to USC, and solidified my love for the school. Also, I just love the school pride and spirit, and I knew from experience with my family that the Trojan Family is no joke." Trojan Candy totally agrees with you, Elizabeth. As I have written before: "You're a Bruin for four years and a Trojan for life!"

In answering my question, "What will be your future job?," Elizabeth wrote: "My future job will be as an Environmental Social Governance (ESG) analyst and investor in the financial industry. My future job will be as a water rights or patent lawyer (haven’t decided yet, let’s get into and through law school first)." Such high aspirations that Trojan Candy knows Elizabeth will attain them!

Elizabeth's hobbies and volunteer activities blend together. First, Elizabeth wrote: "My hobbies include analogue film photography (which I first got into with my Great-Grandfather’s Pentax K1000); collaging and writing letters; all outdoor activities such as running, hiking, backpacking, camping, biking, diving, skiing, and open-water swimming; and baking. I dove even deeper into my hobby of scuba diving and got certified as a Scientific Diver through USC’s Scientific Diving Course last spring. We got to do our certification dives at the Wrigley Marine Institute at Catalina Island." Then, Elizabeth's volunteer activities encompass many of her hobbies. She wrote: "I volunteer at USC through Science Outreach where we get together in teams to teach 2nd and 3rd grade classes science experiments every week at the elementary schools surrounding USC. Additionally, I am an outdoors guide for SC Outfitters, USC’s oldest student-run outdoors club. This is a volunteer position where guides plan, advertise, and lead various trips such as hiking, backpacking, kayaking, surfing, spearfishing, and many more! I am proud to say that I am the president of SC Outfitters this year." Congratulations on your presidency, Elizabeth!

Even more personally, Elizabeth has two favorite foods. She said, "My favorite food is Thai food! I spent all of summer 2019 in Thailand doing an internship in Bangkok, and my time there really solidified my love for the food. Honorable mention goes to my mom’s gluten-free oatmeal peanut/almond butter chocolate chip and walnut cookies!!!" Boy, Elizabeth's mom's cookies even sound delicious.

Next, Elizabeth told Trojan Candy what music/music artists, books, movies and television shows she likes the most. As for music, Elizabeth said, "I like a lot of indie, folk, classic rock, and alternative rock music. Some of my favorite artists include Father John Misty, Tyler Childers, John Denver, the Vampire Weekend band, the Lake Street Dive group, and Elton John to name a few." She wrote: "I have three favorite books. East of Eden by John Steinbeck, Into the Wild by Jon Krakaur, and Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. I love books that tell a story that crosses over multiple generations." Her favorite movies are Good Will Hunting and Interstellar. Because Elizabeth likes all of the characters, her favorite TV Series is Parks and Recreation.

Elizabeth has four family members who are Trojans. They are her father William Fedde, her uncle Mark Fedde, her grandfather Don Fedde and her great-grandfather Arnold Fedde.

FIGHT ON, William! FIGHT ON, Mark! FIGHT ON, Don! FIGHT ON, Arnold! FIGHT ON, Elizabeth!

Friday, August 14, 1010---Meet Half Century Trojan Scholar Carolyn Scott

Carolyn ScottHalf Century Trojan 2020 Senior Scholar Carolyn Scott, who is from San Francisco, is majoring in Physical Sciences and minoring in Spanish. She chose USC because she "was really excited by the prospect of USC's General Education (GE) classes. I'm the kind of person who likes to study everything, so having the opportunity to take classes about music, the Bible, and Middle Eastern women in addition to my STEM classes really appealed to me." Another happy Trojan for life!

Trojan Candy, who taught in the Los Angeles Unified School District for thirty-seven years, is so honored to meet another Trojan who aspires to become a high school science teacher. Teaching is a lot of work, but it is so fulfilling! Good luck in reaching your dreams, Carolyn.

More personally, Carolyn's favorite books are John Steinbeck's East of Eden, The Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis and The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers.

Carolyn wasn't the first in her family to attend USC. She wrote: "My great grandmother Ida Scott received her Master's degree in Education from USC in 1949, a fact I did not find out about until after my first year as a student here. I discovered this part of my family history just as I was realizing that I, too, wanted to become a teacher. It's fun to know I'm not the first in my family to attend USC with this goal!"

FIGHT ON, Ida! FIGHT ON, Carolyn!

Monday, August 10, 2020---Meet Half Century Trojan Scholar Grant Uberstine

Grant UberstineHalf Century Trojan 2020 Scholar Grant Uberstine, who grew up in Calabasas but lives in Manhattan Beach now, is majoring in Business Administration with focuses in Finance and Real Estate. Grant wrote: "I chose USC because of the Trojan family and connections that I knew would last a lifetime. Other schools felt limited to just those four years. However, at USC, I felt a bond that was both lasting and real. I also wanted to stay in LA and do business, so this is the perfect school to achieve those goals." Trojan Candy and Grant both know that "You are a Bruin for four years and a Trojan for life!"

Thinking in the future, after graduation Grant plans to work in investment banking or in private equity. Good luck in attaining your goals, Grant.

Right now, Grant has another goal in mind...a charitable one. Grant wrote: "My mom suffers from lupus, so I volunteer at Lupus LA to raise funds for lupus research and to promote awareness for this silent disease." What an admirable goal, Grant!

Let's get more personal now. Grant has several hobbies. He wrote: "I enjoy playing guitar, hanging out with my friends, traveling, and pushing my comfort zones, doing crazy things like skydiving." Grant's favorite food is Italian food, but he adds that: "nothing beats a great steak in my opinion."

As for entertainment, Grant listens to all kinds of music, although recently he has gotten into older music, like 80's Classical Rock and Alternative Music. About a favorite music artist, Grant wrote: "Ever since the movie Bohemian Rhapsody came out, I've listened to a lot more Queen. I have a really diverse taste in music though; I can listen to Kanye, then electric, then Ed Sheeran; it really varies." As he grew up, Grant loved to read a book series called Cherub, which is about this group of teenage secret agents. Now, as a college student, Grant wrote this about his favorite movie: "Not to sound cliché, but The Dark Knight is definitely up there with the best. I also really liked Hacksaw Ridge and American Sniper." As for television, Grant wrote: "I binged Entourage this quarantine, and it was definitely a 10/10."

Back to "Trojans for life," Grant has two relatives who are members of the Trojan Family. His grandfather Sanders Brown and his great-grandmother Thelma Estes Brown both attended USC.

FIGHT ON, Sanders! FIGHT ON, Thelma! FIGHT ON, Grant!

Monday, August 10, 2020---Meet Half Century Trojan Scholar Isabelle Lau

Isabelle LauHalf Century Trojan 2020 Scholar Isabelle (Izzy) Lau, who is from Manhattan Beach, is majoring in Computer Engineering and Computer Science and minoring in Entrepreneurship. When asked why she chose USC, Izzy wrote: "A better question is why NOT choose USC?! :) All jokes aside, I chose USC for so many reasons!! First, USC has an incredible engineering program. I was drawn to Viterbi because I wanted to immerse myself in a community of brilliant, like-minded students who also love engineering and want to make a positive impact on the world. Second, the people. The Trojans in my family always tell me how valued they felt at USC, and this could not be more true. The people at USC – students, professors, workers – they radiate Trojan Spirit and make the environment what it is: a family. Finally, the Trojan Network. Growing up, I first hand witnessed how powerful and strong the Trojan Network is because I have so many Trojans in my family. I saw how the alumni supported each other decades past graduation, and this truly set USC apart from all other universities in my mind." Trojan Candy so agrees with Izzy. The Trojan Family is alive and Fighting On!

What will be her future job? Izzy wrote: "I don't know what my future job will be, but I envision myself going into tech! My major is Computer Engineering and Computer Science, which essentially means I study half Computer Science and half Electrical Engineering. I love both aspects and could see myself going in both directions. Ever since the summer after my freshman year, I have interned at Microsoft. This summer, I was a Program Manager intern at Microsoft and worked on Microsoft Teams. Although I worked remotely, I had an amazing experience and learned so much. The amazing part was, I was still able to form close relationships with my coworkers and other interns, and I am so grateful for that."

In addition to interning at Microsoft for several summers, Izzy also volunteers year round. Izzy wrote: "Before COVID struck, I often volunteered through the Society of Women Engineers. I am on the leadership team of USC's chapter of the Society of Women Engineers, and I love being a part of this community. We strive to not only empower women on USC's campus but also young women who will be the engineers of the next generation. We regularly hold outreach and volunteering events, and I love sharing my passion for learning and engineering with them. Beyond the Society of Women Engineers, I also volunteer through other clubs at USC, at my church, and in my hometown."

On a more personal note, Izzy said about her hobbies: "I love to play tennis, bake/cook, and learn new things in general! I play on the competitive club tennis team at USC, where we have weekly practice and compete against other club tennis teams throughout the year. I started baking in middle school and actually had my own baking business in high school. It is a wonderful way for me to relax and express my creative side, and the best part is sharing what I make with others. I also love to try new things and pick up new skills! Whether it's how to install a hardwood floor, play the ukelele, or watercolor a scene of the beach in my hometown, I love pushing myself to try new things." Trojan Candy is so impressed that Izzy had her own baking business in high school! Now I know why she is minoring in Entrepreneurship. Perhaps I'll be able to sample some of her bakery items one day. Yummy!

What about other Izzy favorites? Her favorite food is "probably anything my grandparents – my Gong Gong (grandpa) and Po Po (grandma) – cook. I grew up with their delicious cooking, and it is something I missed a lot when I went to college. That's definitely one of the bright sides of being home due to quarantine – I can enjoy their amazing cooking again. They make everything from Chinese classics such as chow mein, chow fun, and char siu to American cuisine as well. Beyond this though, I love roasted broccoli and cauliflower, watermelon, and a good margherita pizza." Trojan Candy loves chow mein and chow fun too, Izzy....Yummy again!

Izzy's favorite books are numerous. She wrote: "I just finished reading Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate. It was a riveting, heartbreaking, and beautiful story. I'm currently reading Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg. I've been meaning to read it for a long time, and it is so good! I would highly recommend it to others, both men and women. Next in line, I want to read Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell – this was a book recommendation from my manager during my Microsoft internship this summer, and she actually received this book recommendation from her manager many years ago. Besides this, I also just love the stacks of baking and cook books on my shelves!"

Her favorite movie is "Kiki's Delivery Service! This has been my favorite movie since I was in elementary school. I know the story and the soundtrack like the back of my hand now, and you should definitely watch the Japanese version with subtitles instead of the English-dubbed one. I also love Studio Ghibli (they created Kiki's Delivery Service) films in general though. The animation and music always blows me away." Izzy's favorite television show is "probably Chuck, which is, relatively speaking, an older show now. I also love Chef's Table on Netflix, The Great British Baking Show, and Gilmore Girls. I just started watching The Umbrella Academy on Netflix, which I am enjoying a lot."

Izzy's real Trojan Family is EIGHT strong! Here is her list:

FIGHT ON, Steve! FIGHT ON, Ernest! FIGHT ON, Roger! FIGHT ON, Elaine! FIGHT ON, Milton! FIGHT ON, Ella! FIGHT ON, Donald! FIGHT ON, Timothy! and FIGHT ON, Izzy!

Saturday, August 8, 2020---Meet Half Century Trojan Scholar Kara McBurnett

Kara McBurnettHalf Century Trojan 2020 Scholar Kara McBurnett, whose home is San Francisco, is majoring in Health and Human Sciences and minoring in Statistics. On why she chose USC, Kara wrote, "I was looking for a school that had world-class research opportunities, a wide array of classes, and ample service opportunities. Of course, USC fits the bill. But what tipped the scale was the undeniable sense of kinship and camaraderie I first felt (and still feel) walking on campus."

Kara aspires to be a physician after graduation, and she is already volunteering in that field. She wrote that, "I am starting to volunteer with Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. I have also volunteered with Flying Samaritans and Global Medical Training, both of which are USC clubs that work with licensed physicians to set up free walk-in clinics to underserved populations internationally." This determined Trojan is already on the way to reach her dreams!

Now let's get to know Kara more personally. Her favorite music is Pop Rock, and she likes the AJR band the most. Kara's hobby is related to her music. She curates "playlists on Spotify according to mood and genre (from simple “pop” to “comedic alt-rock” to “Trousdale”---yes, I really do have a playlist for walking down Trousdale)"

Kara's favorite food is Halloumi cheese (!) and her favorite book is Say Good Night to Insomnia by Gregg Jacobs and Herbert Benson. As for movies and television, she likes My Cousin Vinny and the Psych television series.

Two of Kara's relatives are also Trojans. Her grandfather Harold Pfiffner majored in Electrical Engineering and her Great Aunt Virginia Pfiffner majored in Higher Education.

FIGHT ON, Harold! FIGHT ON, Virginia! FIGHT ON, Kara!

Monday, July 27, 2020---Meet Half Century Trojan Scholar Kathryn Dullerud

Kathryn DullerudHalf Century Trojan 2020 Junior Scholar Kathryn Dullerud, who is from Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, is majoring in Mathematics/Economics and minoring in French and Applied Analytics. Kathryn wrote, "I chose USC because I wanted to be surrounded by students who were passionate and motivated, and because USC has this amazing capacity to allow students to focus and excel in their area of study, while maintaining an interdisciplinary approach to education." After graduation in 2022, Kathryn plans to attend graduate school in either Economics, Applied Math or Data Science. Best of wishes for your future plans!

For extracurricular and volunteering activites, Kathryn wrote, "I play on the SC Women’s Club Soccer team and play clarinet in the campus's only student-run orchestra, the Concerto Chamber Orchestra. I am the current Director of Finance for the USC Helenes, a women's service and spirit organization." As Trojan Candy was writing Kathryn's blog interview, I stopped and sent an email to Kathryn to tell her that I was also a Helene in 1966-1968. What a small world!

More personally now, Kathryn's favorite food is the Central American pupusas that she gets from the farmer's market almost every Wednesday. As for music, Kathryn listens to a lot of different music, and a few of her favorite artists are rapper Noname and singers/songwriters Solange and Johnny Cash. One of Kathryn's favorite books is Interpreter of Maladies, which is a collection of short stories by Jhumpa Lahiri. For entertainment, Kathryn likes the Japanese animated war movie Princess Mononoke and the web television series BoJack Horseman.

Three of Kathryn's relatives are members of the Trojan Family. Her maternal grandmother, Jane Beck, graduated in 1950 and majored in Nursing. Her maternal grandfather, R. John Beck, graduated in 1952 and majored in Fine Arts. Kathryn's sister Natalie just graduated in May 2020 and also majored in Math.

FIGHT ON, Jane! FIGHT ON, R. John! FIGHT ON, Natalie! FIGHT ON, Kathryn!