September 2018 (3) Candygrams

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Friday, September 14, 2018---More Friends in Austin

Dudley and Patti Poon, Karen and Pat Gallagher, and Jim YeeRight after Patti, Dudley, Jim and I left the Capitol , we decided to walk downtown to the USC Headquarters. As we were walking, Trojan Candy saw two familiar faces. They were Rossier School of Education Dean Karen Gallagher and her husband Pat. They had just left their room for a walk downtown. They posed with Dudley, Patti and Jim.

Jerry Ensom and Elliott SchwartzIn the USC Headquarters lobby at the Westin Downtown Austin, I saw more friends. Jerry Ensom and Elliott Schwartz were sitting on a couch.

Patti, Dudley, Jim and I rode the elevator up to the USC Headquarters store on the second floor. It was pretty busy.

Cheryl and Elliott SchwartzThere Cheryl Schwartz smiled for this picture with her husband Elliott in front of a beautiful painting.

Patrick Auerbach, Clay Scheffey and Tatum MarshallTrojan Candy saw another friend inside and met two of his staff. Patrick Auerbach, Associate Senior Vice President for Alumni Relations, posed with two members of his staff, Clay Scheffey and Tatum Marshall.

After shopping and eating some snacks that were put out for Trojans, the four of us left to walk back to our car.

Adam, Barbara, Bill, and Jennie Delgado and Steve PastranoJust outside the lobby door, Trojan Candy saw two more familiar faces. We met them two years ago on our airplane ride to Dallas for the USC-Alabama game. Barbara and Bill Delgado introduced me to their three fellow travelers. With Barbara and Bill in the picture were Adam Delgado, Barbara, Bill, Jennie Delgado and Steve Pastrano.

It was so nice to visit with friends, especially Trojan friends!

Friday, September 14, 2018---USC Pep Rally at the Texas Capitol in Austin

My husband Jim, sister Patti, brother-in-law Dudley Poon and I arrived at the Capitol in downtown Austin, Texas, an hour early for the USC Pep Rally. We were one of the first Trojans to arrive.

Jim Yee and Patti and Dudley Poon
I took a picture of Jim, Patti and Dudley at the Capitol steps.
Dan and Frances Annarella
Friends started to arrive. Trojan Candy saw Dan and Frances Annarella, whom I see at every away game that Jim and I travel to.
Manuel and Yesenia Delarosa
Trojan Candy met two new friends. They were Manuel and Yesenia Delarosa. Every one wanted to pose at the Capitol steps.
Raymond and Eiko Bates and Katie, Juby and Walt
Good friends Raymond and Eiko Bates introduced Trojan Candy to their three friends---Katie, Juby and Walt.
Jerry Ensom
Good friend Jerry Ensom walked in with several band personnel. He told me that he was volunteering as a "Band Security Guard."
Patti and Dudley Poon and Eileen and Jim
Patti and Dudley spoke with two friends, Eileen and Jim.

Trojan Candy heard them coming. The Spirit of Troy, Silks, Song Girls and Yell Leaders marched in to the Capitol steps.

Art Bartner
Dr. Art Bartner addressed the audience first.
Song Girls
The USC Song Girls are featured in this video.
After finishing an interview with USC Song Girl Alumna Jacqueline Sarkissian, who is a sportscaster on Fox 7 Austin, Dr. Bartner had the Spirit of Troy play "Tusk."
The Spirit of Troy is featured in "Heartbreaker."
Drum Line
The Spirit of Troy Drum Line demonstrated their "showmanship" next.
William Tell Overture
All the fans loved the "William Tell Overture."
Spirit of Troy, Silks, Song Girls and Yell Leaders
At the end of the Pep Rally, the Spirit of Troy, Silks, Song Girls and Yell Leaders gathered for a group picture.
Spirit of Troy, Silks, Song Girls and Yell Leaders
Spirit of Troy, Silks, Song Girls and Yell Leaders
Dudley and Patti Poon, Dorothy Kim and Sunny Shepherd
Right after the group picture, it started to rain lightly. I was able to get this picture of Dudley and Patti with two good friends, Dorothy Kim and Sunny Shepherd.

Next, Jim, Patti, Dudley and Trojan Candy walked up the steps to get out of the rain and to tour the Capitol.

In the Rotunda on the first level there was a dance performance to celebrate Mexico's independence from Spain.
218 feet directly above the Rotunda is the Capitol Dome. The star measures eight feet from point to point.
Senate Chamber
We toured the Texas Senate Chamber next.
James Stephen Hogg
Trojan Candy took this picture of James Stephen Hogg who was the first native-born Texas governor from 1891-1895. My Junior High School in Houston was named James S. Hogg.
Sandy and Rex Johnston
Good friends Sandy and Rex Johnston, who were on a guided tour, smiled for Trojan Candy from the Senate floor.
Rebecca, Marciano and Richard Flores
Outside of the Senate Chamber, Trojan Candy saw three more good friends---Rebecca, Marciano and Richard Flores. I see them at every out of town USC football game.
House of Representatives Chamber
Next, we visited the House of Representatives Chamber which is the largest room in the building.
Jim Yee, Noelle and Tony Budrovich, and Patti and Dudley Poon
Then, we walked down to the rotunda of the Capitol. There we saw two more friends---Reid Budrovich's mom Noelle and dad Tony.
Entrance to Treasury
My last pictures inside the Texas Capitol were of the Texas Treasury.
Inside the Treasury.
Outside as we were leaving, Trojan Candy took this picture of the Capitol.
Texas star
Last, was this Texas star on the gate.

What an historic day in Austin!