March 2017 (2) Candygrams

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Friday, March 10, 2017---Meet USC Men's Tennis Senior Nick Crystal

Nick CrystalThe day after our men's tennis team beat the Bruins 4-1, Trojan Candy was able to interview Men's Tennis Senior Nick Crystal during the break after the Women's doubles vs. Cal. I took his picture first. Normally, I would write about Nick's interview now, but I misplaced my notebook in which I wrote his information. So, after the men's next tennis match versus Oregon on Friday, March 31st, I will hopefully interview Nick again.

Thursday, March 9, 2017---USC Men's Tennis vs. UCLA

Trojan Candy and my husband Jim arrived at the Marks Stadium two hours before the start of our match against UCLA. We were able to sit in our Center Court section.

Warming up for doubles
Our men warmed up for the Doubles.
Spirit of Troy
The Spirit of Troy was there.
Before the match started, our Men's Tennis Team huddled in this video.
Doubles Lineup
Here was the Doubles Lineup.
Riley Smith and Brandon Holt
On Court 1 were Riley Smith and Brandon Holt.
Laurens Verboven and Nick Crystal
Laurens Verboven and Nick Crystal paired on Court 2.

Jack Jaede and Rob BellamyOn Court 3 Jack Jaede paired with Rob Bellamy for our third Doubles team.

Our Trojans won the Doubles matches against the Bruins on Courts 2 and 3 to earn the Doubles point. We were ahead 1-0.

Now it was time for the Singles to begin.

Brandon Holt
Freshman Brandon Holt competed on Court 1.
Nick Crystal
Senior Nick Crystal played number 2 singles.
Logan Smith
Sophomore Logan Smith (2/16/2016) was on Court 3.
Jack Jaede
Our number 4 singles was Sophomore Jack Jaede.
Thibault Forget
Friend Thibault Forget (2/28/2015) competed on Court 5.
Riley Smith
Freshman Riley Smith played on court 6.

Our men won the Singles in this order. Thibault Forget won in two sets at Court 5. Brandon Holt won in two sets at Court 1. Then, Logan Smith won in two sets at Court 3.

Logan Smith
Trojan Candy took this video of Logan's win.

We beat the Bruins 4-1!

Our USC Men's Tennis Team celebrated their victory over the Bruins in this video.

FIGHT ON, USC Men's Tennis!

Saturday, March 4, 2017---USC Men's Basketball Senior Salute

Today is the USC Men's Basketball Senior Salute. Our opponent is the University of Washington Huskies. Trojan Candy took videos of the Salute while my good friend Dan Avila (1/16/2009), who is the official USC photographer for this game, took pictures on the court.

The Trojans entered the Galen Center Court to warm up for the game.
Senior Salute
The Senior Salute was the next event. This shows the entire ceremony.

Dan Avila took beautiful pictures of the three honorees and sent them to me. Thank you so much, Dan!

Four year Manager Silas Gaines was honored first. Silas was joined on the court by his father Harry, his mother Stephanie and his brother Harris. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Silas!

Next to be honored were our two basketball Seniors.

Charles Buggs, adoptive USC parents, and Andy EnfieldIn the pre-game Men's Basketball Chalk Talk, head Coach Andy Enfield had told us that Senior Charles Buggs didn't have a Senior Salute Ceremony at Minnesota, where he had transferred from. Tonight USC honored #1. Charles is seeking a Master's of Communication Management. He was accompanied by his adoptive USC parents. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Charles!

Andy Enfield and Harjit, Samer, Surjit, and Raveet DhillonOur second basketball Senior #13 Samer Dhillon (3/26/2014) embodies what being a true student-athlete is all about. Samer was honored at the 2016 Final Four as one of the nation's "Five Good Works Honorees" for his work to make his community better. One of his good works was to co-found the first USC Mobile Clinic to provide health care for those less fortunate. Samer was accompanied by his parents Harjit and Surjit and his sister Raveet. Congratulations and FIGHT ON, Samer!

Honorees with families and Andy Enfield
Here are all three honorees with their families.
Charles Buggs, Samer Dhillon, Silas Gaines, and Andy Enfield
Honorees Charles Buggs, Samer Dhillon, and Silas Gaines posed with Coach Enfield.
Starting lineup
The USC starting line-up was introduced in this video.

Now it was time for the game to start.

Samer Dhillon's 3 pointerOur team got off to a slow start and got ahead in the second half.

In the video, Senior Samer Dhillon made a fantastic three-point shot near the end of the game. In an interview after the game, Samir said that he had practiced that shot for four years!Celebration

I videorecorded our team celebrating its last home game victory of the season. FIGHT ON, USC Men's Basketball!