May 2017 (5) Candygrams

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Saturday, May 13, 2017---USC Men's Tennis vs. Wisconsin

After Trojan Candy left the USC Men's Volleyball Awards Brunch in Town and Gown, I walked quickly over to the Marks Tennis Stadium. The men's NCAA match versus Wisconsin had already started.

Trojan Candy took pictures of USC Men's Tennis members who were cheering in the stands.

Henry Ji, Tanner Smith, Jens Sweaney, David Laser, Jake DeVine, and Rae Lan
Henry Ji (3/25/2016), Tanner Smith, Jens Sweaney (a couple rows up), David Laser (4/15/2017), Jake DeVine, and Rae Lan
Dylan Holt, Henry Ji, and Tanner Smith
I took this picture of Brandon Holt's older brother Dylan. Dylan is a student manager on the team. Also in the picture are Henry Ji and Tanner Smith.
Logan Smith and Thibault Forget
Waiting to play in the Singles matches were friends Logan Smith (2/16/2016) and Thibault Forget (2/28/2015).
Katie Ryan
New S.I.D. friend Katie Ryan posed for me. She was wearing a beautiful blue gown because she also attended the Men's Volleyball Awards Brunch at Town and Gown earlier.
Mark Young, Eve Ettinger, and Max DeVroome
As I continued walking above the stands, I saw a familiar face. Friend and former USC tennis alumnus Max DeVroome (2/16/2016) smiled and stopped to talk. With Max was his girlfriend volleyball alumna Eve Ettinger (8/30/2012) and friend Mark Young. Max told me that he is currently working in Santa Monica at the Guggenheim Partners. That's what a USC Degree will do for you!
Team and staff
Our USC Men beat Wisconsin 4-0. Here is the team, coaches and staff on the court after the victory.

Peter Smith, Deiton Baughman, Nick Crystal, Max DeVroome, Riley Smith, Tanner Smith, and Jack JaedeDownstairs, Trojan Candy took this last picture of some players with Head Coach Peter Smith. Accompanying Coach Smith were Volunteer Assistant Coach Deiton Baughman, Nick Crystal (3/31/2017), Max DeVroome, Riley Smith, Tanner Smith and Jack Jaede.

FIGHT ON, USC Men's Tennis!