Trojan Guild of Los Angeles 2016 (2) Candygrams

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Thursday, May 5, 2016---Honoring Past and Installing New TGLA Boards

Trojan Candy asked all of the new 2016-2017 TGLA Board to come early for the picture. Everyone did!

new Board
Here is our new board. Thanks to Christin Moses for taking this picture for me.
new Executive Board
Then, I took this picture of the new 2016-2017 Executive Board that our new President Nikki Dana will work with.
Mo Bassity and Nikki Dana
There was time for me to take more pictures inside the Vineyard Room before I had to leave. Mo Bassity, who was in charge of the installation, posed with Nikki before the meeting started.
Patricia Dowling and Nikki Dana
I was able to take this picture of our outgoing President and our incoming President.
Sandi Hampar and Elsa Castaneda
This is Elsa Castaneda's second TGLA meeting, so she can become a new member in the fall. Here she is with Vice-President Membership Sandi Hampar.
Christin Moses, Barbara Hance, D'Arcy McLeod, Christine Ofiesh, Jane Bensussen, Lois Booth, and Joan Marason
Lois Booth invited her friend Joan Marason to our meeting. They sat with five TGLA friends. Back row: Christin Moses, Barbara Hance, and D'Arcy McLeod. Front row: Christine Ofiesh, Jane Bensussen, Lois Booth, and Joan Marason.
Erin Mascho, Danielle Harvey Stinson, Katie Hare, Linda Givvin, Virginia Naeve, Alice Klein, Joyce Ruygrok, and Christine Ofiesh
Several Town and Gown members came to our meeting. Maybe some of them will become TGLA members. Back row: Erin Mascho, Danielle Harvey Stinson, Katie Hare, and Linda Givvin. Front row: Virginia Naeve, Alice Klein, Joyce Ruygrok, and Christine Ofiesh.
Elizabeth O'Connell, Christine Ofiesh, Sandy Johnston, Cheryl Schwartz, Sherry De Friese, Maria Montez, Rosalie Stewart, Shirley Feenstra, Gayl Brinlee, and Sheila Derrig
More Town and Gown members sat at another table with our TGLA members and their relatives. Back row: T&G Elizabeth O'Connell, Christine Ofiesh, Sandy Johnston, Cheryl Schwartz, T&G Sherry De Friese, and Maria Montez. Front row: Sandy's mom Rosalie Stewart, Cheryl's mom Shirley Feenstra, Cheryl's sister Gayl Brinlee, and T&G Sheila Derrig.
Rita Dana, Nikki Dana, and Dorothy Conte
The last picture of TGLA guests that I was able to take before I had to leave for L.A. County Supervisor Don Knabe's Award Program was of Nikki Dana's sister-in-law Rita Dana, Nikki, and Dorothy Conte.

Jane Bensussen graciously took some more pictures for me. Thank you, Jane!

Christine Ofiesh, Renae Williams Niles, Patricia Dowling, and Jodie GatesJane's first picture is of Vice President Programs Christine Ofiesh with Director of Advancement Renae Williams Niles, TGLA President Patricia Dowling, and our speaker Jodie Gates, Vice Dean and Director of the USC Kaufman School of Dance.

New BoardHer last picture is of the 2016-2017 New Board after they were installed.

Many guests, informative speaker, new Board and delicious food made our last spring TGLA meeting a huge success.

Have a nice summer!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016---TGLA Ladies Work Hard at Town and Gown

Any walking into the Town and Gown member meeting was greeted by a member of the "Hospitality and Courtesy Committee." The majority of this committee are TGLA members. Chairwoman of this committee is our own Sandy Johnston. Trojan Candy took pictures of the TGLA volunteers.

Julie Pircher
Julie Pircher.
Kate Farlow and Kat Kremp
Kate Farlow and Kat Kremp.
Cheryl Schwartz, Barbara Hance, Nikki Dana, JoAnn Ridenour, and Marcia Montez
Back row: Cheryl Schwartz, Barbara Hance, and Nikki Dana. Front row: T&G JoAnn Ridenour and T&G Marcia Montez.
Judy Lieb
Judy Lieb.
Patricia Mar, Jackie Quon, Kari May, Mina Martinez, Sandy Johnston, Kate Farlow, Kat Kremp, and Liz Biggs
T&G Patricia Mar, T&G Jackie Quon, T&G Kari May, T&G Mina Martinez, Sandy Johnston, Kate Farlow, Kat Kremp, and T&G Liz Biggs.
Juel Collins and Patti Poon
Juel Collins and Patti Poon.
Juel Collins, Nancy Reed, Dudley Poon, Alnita Dunn,  Patricia Bumpas, Valerie Sampson, Patti Poon, Mary Indenbaum, and Marilyn O'Driscoll
Next, I took a picture of my fellow TGLA members at our table. Seated: Juel Collins, Nancy Reed, Dudley Poon, Alnita Dunn, and Patricia Bumpas. Standing: T&G Valerie Sampson, Patti Poon, Mary Indenbaum, and Marilyn O'Driscoll.
Carrie Foglesong and Jane Bensussen
My last picture is of Carrie Foglesong and our former 2008-2009 TGLA President Jane Bensussen, who just finished her two year term as Town and Gown President. Jane did a fantastic job!

Our TGLA ladies are an integral part of Town and Gown.

Saturday, April 3, 2016---"A Little Night Music" Theater Event

The ladies of the Trojan Guild came to the USC Bing Theater for our annual theater event. Stephen Songheim's "A Little Night Music" was the USC School of Dramatic Arts production this year.

Trojan Candy walked around the patio outside of the Bing Theater for an hour before the curtain call. I took pictures everywhere of arriving TGLA members and their guests.

Patricia Dowling and Peter and Joan Kaplanis
My first picture was of our President Patricia Dowling with Peter and Joan Kaplanis.
Gloria Phillips and Beverly Rodgers
Gloria Phillips sat by her sister-in-law Beverly Rodgers.
Sandi Gilbert and Mo Bassity
Sandi Gilbert posed with Mo Bassity.
Patti and Dudley Poon
I caught Patti and Dudley Poon at the Bing Theater steps.
Kate Farlow and Jim and Janet Eddy
Kate Farlow and Jim and Janet Eddy arrived.
Sharon Wood, Phyllis Dolezal, Carol Thueson, Marsha Jackson, Diane Barber, and Julie Pircher
Trojan Candy got members to pose with their guests. New member Sharon Wood, her mom Phyllis Dolezal, Carol Thueson, Marsha Jackson, Diane Barber, and Julie Pircher.

My next picture was of two families.

The back row was of Cheryl Schwartz's dad Joe Feenstra, mom Shirley Feenstra, and Sandy Johnston's dad Dr. Bill Stewart, Jr.

In the front row were Cheryl and Elliott Schwatz, Sandy's mom Rosalie Stewart and Sandy Johnston.

Joe and Shirley Feenstra, Dr. Bill Stewart Jr., Cheryl and Elliott Schwatz, Rosalie Stewart and Sandy Johnston
Schwartz and Johnston families.
Nikki and Cecil Dana and Terri Boyle
Our President-elect Nikki Dana posed with her husband Cecil and Terri Boyle.
Joan Kaplanis and Gloria Phillips
Co-Chairs of our TGLA Theater Event are Joan Kaplanis and Gloria Phillips.
Rosalee and Gary Pechersky
Trojan Candy walked some more around the patio. I found Rosalee and Gary Pechersky.
Lori Koh and Elsa Castaneda
There were two ladies who read about our theater event and decided to come. Welcome, Lori Koh and Elsa Castaneda. Elsa told Trojan Candy that she is a Trojan and might be interested in joining the TGLA. FIGHT ON, Elsa!
Sharon Wood, Julie Pircher, Sandi Hampar, Nikki Dana, Barbara Hance, D'Arcy McLeod and Christine Ofiesh
A group of members posed for this next picture. Sharon Wood, Julie Pircher, Sandi Hampar, Nikki Dana, Barbara Hance, D'Arcy McLeod and Christine Ofiesh.
Charles and Ruth Vorbach and Bruce and Leslie Lilly
Sitting at the theater patio with Leslie Lilly and her husband Bruce were her dad Charles and mother Ruth Vorbach.
Rosalie Stewart, Rex and Sandy Johnston, and Gloria Phillips
Back in the downstairs patio, Trojan Candy was able to find Sandy's husband Rex Johnston. With Rex and Sandy were Sandy's mom Rosalie Stewart and Gloria Phillips.
Sandy Johnston, Cheryl and Elliott Schwartz, and Phil and Marcia Montez
Sandy directed me to the fountain patio where a car drove up to drop off another TGLA member, who is recovering from surgery. Marcia Montez's friends Sandy Johnston, Cheryl and Elliott Schwartz, and Phil Montez posed with her. Get well soon, Marcia!

Now, it was almost time for the performance to start. My sister Pat, her husband Dudley, my husband Jim and I were actually guests of the Dean of the Rossier School of Education Karen Gallagher because we are members of The Academy. Thank you, Dean Karen!

Dudley and Patti Poon, Pat and Karen Gallagher, Rachel Beal, and Candy and Jim Yee
Rosalee took this picture of Dudley, Patti, Pat and Karen Gallagher, Rachel Beal, yours truly and Jim just in time. Thank you, Rosalee!

Bing stageOnce inside, Trojan Candy took this picture of the stage.

What an enjoyable production of "A Little Night Music." Our USC students were magnificient!

FIGHT ON, USC School of Dramatic Arts!